Master Class - Sustainability

Category: - Master Classes

Date: April 26th 2012 1:00pm until 5:00pm

Location: Severn Deanery


Master Classes for Senior Educators


An academic series of master classes mainly held at Deanery House on topical and emerging areas of medical education for the Deanery faculty. They will be open to the Deanery Educational Team and Educators in Schools and Trusts. Global and nationally important speakers will be invited.


Faculty development for senior educators in the Severn Deanery to assist in creating a consistent understanding about current developments and issues affecting medical education.

Reasons for offering this Master Class:

Sustainability is increasingly important in a world of limited resources and ageing populations. Future medical practice will therefore have to take into account the changing social determinants of illness and a likely reduction in the availability of technologically complex healthcare solutions. The predicted limits to available energy supplies globally and ecologically informed public policies mean that it is imperative to review how medicine will also need to change to respond to this developing agenda

Speakers details:

Dr Tim Ballard (RCGP Sustainability Lead), Dr Trevor Thompson & Dr Sally Aston (Sustainability Scholar)

Aim of this Master Class:

To consider how sustainability might influence healthcare organisation and clinical practice and review how we educate our medical trainees about this

Objectives of this Master Class:

by the end of the master class participants will be able to:

  • Received information about the concept of sustainability in medicine and its implications for healthcare organisation, delivery and training
  • Describe how and why social and technological factors in medicine and increasing expectations around the quality of clinical outcomes and the effects of heightened demands from the developing world require a rethinking of how health services are organised and provided
  • Outline ways that information and issues concerning sustainability can be integrated into postgraduate medical education