Category: - SWOT

Date: February 15th 2013

Location: The Avon Gorge Hotel, BS8 4LD

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Registration is now open for the SWOT AGM - the theme for the day is Health Reforms and their relevance to trainees, including an update on revalidation.  There will also be an afternoon session on chossing ATSMs as well as the deanery updates for both Severn and Peninsula trainees.  The guest speaker will be Professor Wendy Reid, the RCOG VP for Education.

Trainees are invited to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentation.  This is a great opportunity for a regional presentation on your CV.  Please see guidelines for submission.

There will be a dinner at the Avon Gorge with disco and dancing afterwards.  To reserve your place send the booking form with your payment to Debbie Sirett.