Creating an Effective Business Case
Category: SAS Doctors - Other
Date: March 6th 2014 9:30am until 4:30pm
Location: UH Bristol Education Centre, Upper Maudlin St, Bristol BS2 8HW
For SAS Doctors and Dentists
This workshop will provide you with the foundations to successfully create an effective business case to apply for
funds, for innovation to service delivery, for additional resources and people. This is a practical day and we will be
utilisation the knowledge of the group and the trainer to share examples of good practice.
The tools and techniques you can use to test the viability of a business idea
What preparation is required to put forward a clear business case
The importance of understanding who your audience is and how to tailor the
business case with this in mind
Structuring the business case and producing a checklist covering all the main
requirements of the plan
Presenting a business case. This will provide an opportunity for participants to
present themselves in a safe and structured environment.
To book a place…
Please email Kirsty Andrews via to book a place.
Each participant will need to complete a business outline of their idea / concept / resource required. Throughout
the day we will use these case studies as well as others to understand the commercial viability of your idea.
Thursday 6th March 2014 | 09:30-16:30 | UH Bristol Education Centre
This workshop will provide you with the foundations to successfully create an effective business case to apply for
funds, for innovation to service delivery, for additional resources and people. This is a practical day and we will be
utilisation the knowledge of the group and the trainer to share examples of good practice.