Emotional Intelligence for ES/CS/SAS

Category: Educational/Clinical Supervisors - Established Trainers Courses

Date: March 3rd 2025 9:30am until 12:00pm

Location: Zoom


Course ID: SW24-095


Associated Ladders of Learning:

  • 2 - Communication
  • 6 - Leadership
  • 8 - Personal development and Welfare
  • For more information please click here to find our Course Catalogue


This workshop focuses on the popularised concept of emotional intelligence (EQ) by Daniel Goleman in the 1990s. A business operating with an emotionally intelligent strategy and emotionally intelligent staff will have an edge over competitors. This workshop is designed to enable participants to understand and utilise emotional intelligence to maximise their effectiveness in the work environment.


  1. Emotional Intelligence—What it is and it’s impact on work and business relationships
  2. Self-Awareness and Self Management
  3. Social Awareness and Relationship Management
  4. Action Planning—Johari Window and Empathy Mapping


Associate Dean Secondary Care, Associate DME, College/Specialty Tutor, Deputy Dean, DME, Dental Educational/Clinical Supervisor, Educational/Clinical Supervisor Secondary Care, HoS, SAS Doctor (Associate Specialist, Specialist, Speciality Doctor, Staff Grade, Tutor), Public Health Supervisor or TPD Secondary Care

Course Length:

This is a half day course, starting at 09:30 and finishing at 12:00.


Online via Zoom

Booking for these courses will be taken on MaxCourse, our online booking system.

Information about how to use MaxCourse can be found on our website.

Please email england.facultydevelopment.sw@nhs.net with any questions, before and on the day.