Enhanced Communication Skills for Challenging Situations at Work for Doctors in Training
Category: Training - Other
Date: June 6th 2024 9:20am until 12:30pm
Location: Zoom
Course ID: DT24-009
Associated Ladders of Learning:
- 2 - Communication
- 6 - Leadership
- For more information please click here to find our Course Catalogue
This workshop has been designed to support both PG DiTs and supervisors in being able to communicate more effectively in challenging situations at work by developing leadership skills through reflecting on complex scenarios. Participants will learn useful tools and phrases and how to apply them in their own practice.
Communicate more effectively in challenging situations at work e.g. responding to conflict, giving constructive feedback, breaking bad news, handling a complaint or error etc.
Develop your leadership skills through reflecting on complex scenarios, learning useful tools and phrases and putting these into practice.
Demonstrate increased self-awareness and understanding, from learning and feedback received, which will enable you to communicate with greater clarity and assertiveness.
CT1, CT2, ST1, ST2, ST3, ST4, ST5, ST6+, IMT1, IMT2, IMT3, or Public Health Trainee
Course Length:
This is a half day course starting at 09:20 and finishing at 12:30
Online via Zoom
Booking for these courses will be taken on MaxCourse, our online booking system.
Information about how to use MaxCourse can be found on our website.
Please email england.facultydevelopment.sw@nhs.net with any questions, before and on the day.