NLP & Coaching Skills

Category: Training - Other

Date: June 1st 2022 6:00pm until 8:00pm

Location: Zoom


NLP & Coaching Skills



Delivered over Zoom – please ensure you have the latest version installed on your desktop or smartphone!


You are encouraged to attend all sessions, but may dip in and out when required; please let us know in advance if you cannot attend, as we may be able to offer your place to the waiting list.

Dates (2021): 7 July(2022):   5 January 

                     21 July            19 January 

                     4 August          2 February 

                     18 August        16 February 

                     1 September     2 March 

                     15 September   

                     13 October        6 April 

                     20 October       20 April 

                      3 November     4 May 

                     17 November    18 May 

                     15 December    1 June 

                                            22 June 

                                             6 July

13 July 

Time: 6 – 8pm
Provider: Alan Johnson, ChangeWorks

About the course
NLP is the study of the structure of excellence. This is particularly useful in helping people to beat their best more of the time. This helps with things such as:
• Stress Management
• Effective Leadership and motivating others
• Sickness/ absence Management
• Interpersonal/ Communication skills
• Understanding what makes others ‘tick’
• Understanding how individuals motivate themselves

Neuro Linguistic Programming is a very practical and effective form of psychology, based on study of the strategies of people who naturally do things well. NLP offers powerful practical approaches that can be useful to enhance communication, improve personal effectiveness, and change limiting patterns of thinking and behaving with relative ease.
The skills of NLP are useful both professionally and personally in assisting people to manage challenges, deal with negative emotions, enhance performance and communicate better. The training offers the opportunity to explore and experience the benefits of learning and using NLP, and provides insights and understanding as well as techniques and skills to help you work even more effectively in your field.


Please email with any questions, before and on the day.