Managing Stress in the Workplace

Category: Educational/Clinical Supervisors - Established Trainers Courses

Date: September 30th 2019 9:30am until 12:30pm

Location: Musgrove Park Academy, Taunton & Somerset NHS Trust (Conference Room) TA1 5DA

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Who is the course aimed at?

This session is for those that manage staff and/or projects. The course is an interactive and practical session that will explore key concepts, interventions and actions which will assist Managers to manage workplace stress both personally and within their respective Teams/Departments.


Having completed the course Managers will have a better understanding of:

  • The signs, symptoms, and causes of workplace stress.
  • The mind body connection in relation to stress.
  • The legal framework and rationale for managing workplace stress.
  • The typical support systems within an organisation for managing stress.
  • How to use a Stress Risk Assessment Form as a positive tool to manage workplace stress.
  • Using mindfulness techniques to help reduce and manage stress levels.


To book a place please email Severn Education Team. When emailing please confirm the event title and the date you are interested in attending. Along with your GMC/GDC number