Master Class for Senior Educators - Cross-culture communication in medicine

Category: Master Class - Other

Date: March 9th 2017 1:30pm until 5:00pm

Location: Severn Postgraduate Medical Education, Deanery House, Bristol (Blackwell & Cabot) BS16 1GW

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An academic series of expert classes mainly held at Deanery House in Bristol on topical and emerging areas of importance in medical education for Postgraduate Medical Education. They are open to HEE Southwest, Postgraduate Medical Educational Teams, Educators in Trusts and GP Trainers. Global and nationally important speakers and subject experts are sought and invited.


A programme of faculty development for senior educators in the Severn and Peninsula to assist in creating a consistent understanding about current developments and issues affecting medical education.


Reasons for offering this Master Class:

Our society and healthcare workforce is truly multi-cultural.  As doctors we may encounter patients from various cultures and language groups.  In postgraduate medical education we are reliant upon a significant number of international medical graduates from many countries.  All this brings much enrichment to our work, but can also present challenges and result in misunderstanding and miscommunication. 

This Master Class explores how differences of understanding arise between people from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds.  It will show how overlooking important nuances and meaning in communication can result in misdiagnosis and inappropriate treatment, as well as difficulties in professional development, illustrated particularly by the language of emotion in cross-cultural communication.


Speaker details:

Professor David Mumford is a consultant psychiatrist and emeritus professor at the University of Bristol.  His principal research interests have been in cross-cultural aspects of psychiatry including phenomenology, epidemiology, migration and acculturation, and he has developed new culturally-sensitive psychometric questionnaires for use in clinical and research settings.  He has also had a prominent role in undergraduate medical education, and was director of the Bristol MB ChB programme from 1998 to 2009.


Aim of this master class:

To understand and explore how linguistic and cultural differences can impact on communication and how to handle these more effectively to enhance healthcare and professional development.


Objectives: by the end of the master class participants will be able to:

  • Describe a range of ways in which linguistic and cultural differences can impact on communication in healthcare and educational contexts
  • Outline the key dimensions of cultural diversity and how these affect communication
  • Describe how to recognise when issues arise in cross-cultural communication requiring sensitivity and understanding
  • Summarise the principles and key practices in effectively communicating with people from varying cultural backgrounds
  • Devise strategies for improving cross-cultural communication in both clinical practice and education


To book a place please email Severn Education Team. When emailing please confirm the event title and the date you are interested in attending.