HEE-SW Online Webinar: Mentoring - FULL
Category: Educational/Clinical Supervisors - Established Trainers Courses
Date: December 8th 2020 9:30am until 4:30pm
Due to COVID-19, this event will now be presented as a webinar via MS Teams. Please fill in the short booking form to reserve your place.
You will receive an online invitation to the course up to 2 working days before the event. Please email FacultyDevelopment.SW@hee.nhs.uk if you have any questions.
By the end of this workshop participants will be able to:
Outline the knowledge and skills required for recognised best practice in mentoring
Describe the mentoring process
Summarise how mentoring can create a positive learning environment and contribute to educational development for postgraduate medical trainees
The programme will cover:
Preparing for mentoring including the appropriate environment and building rapport
The mentoring process including a mentoring framework
The role of the mentor
Key skills
Practical exercises
Discussion about sharing best practice in the NHS