Professional Capabilities Framework for ES/CS: Introductory Workshop - Are you ready to assess your trainees?
Category: Educational/Clinical Supervisors - Established Trainers Courses
Date: September 20th 2022 9:30am until 12:30pm
Location: Via ZOOM
MaxCourse ID: SW455
Booking for these courses will be taken over MaxCourse, our online booking system.
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By 2020, Royal Colleges will need to demonstrate that they are assessing the professional and generic skills of their trainees alongside clinical and technical skills.
We are running a number of half-day workshops for trainers to help explore, discuss and contribute to the design of a practical, usable and acceptable method to evaluate and assess the Professional and Generic skills demonstrated by your trainees during their specialty training.
The Professional Capabilities Framework, as published by the GMC, sets out the essential generic capabilities needed for safe, effective and high-quality medical care in the UK. As part of your own training and educational development as a Trainer, you will need to be able to demonstrate that you have the necessary skills and understanding of these generic professional capabilities to assess them, and be able to provide specific comments and feedback on a trainee’s performance. Trainers should be confident and supported in expressing their professional judgement about generic outcomes alongside specialty outcomes for their trainees, as well as being able to give feedback to trainees to identify areas for improvement and highlight areas of excellence.
We are offering a specific Trainer CPD workshop as a refresher on the Professional Generic Capabilities framework, and as a means of engaging you in the process of how we design a suitable assessment framework for local use.
The workshops will be facilitated by Judy Ravenscroft, who leads (in collaboration with Bristol University) the highly successful Professional & Generic Skills Programme in the South West and therefore has a sound knowledge and understanding of the PGS framework as published by the GMC in 2017.
Judy and her colleague, Louise Hardy, will work with you to ensure a consistent approach to designing and delivering a method for assessment of this framework in training.
Who is this workshop for?
It is aimed at Education and Clinical Supervisors, as well as Training Programme Directors and Heads of School. Directors of Medical Education are welcome to attend to ensure this information is spread as widely as possible.