RCPCH Annual Conference jointly held with 6th Europaediatrics - Abstract Submission closed
Category: Foundation - General
Date: June 5th 2013 until June 8th 2013
Location: Glasgow
Abstract Submission is now closed
We are delighted to announce that the 6th Europaediatrics, the biennial conference of the European Paediatric Association (EPA/UNEPSA), will be held jointly with 2013 Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) Annual Conference in Glasgow, UK.
Trainee case presentations: Submit interesting cases to the RCPCH trainees meeting the conference for a case-based discussion session.
Selected submissions will be delivered as nine minute spoken presentations with three minutes discussion and will be judged for their relevance, presentation style and educational value.
Prizes of £200 and £100 will be awarded to the best two presentations.
Open to F2s, medical students and foundation doctors
Email the RCPCH Events Team or call 020 7092 6104