SAS Development Day - Practical Approach to Medical Law & Ethics

Category: SAS Doctors - Other

Date: May 20th 2014 9:00am until 4:00pm

Location: Dillington House, Ilminster TA19 9DT

Google map


• Understand and apply the principles of medical ethics

• Understand and apply the legal framework that relates to medical practice

• Understand the processes which scrutinize medical practice

Session Plan

09:00 Registration & coffee

09:30 Introduction to ethics & medicine

Applying the main ethical principles

Common ethical dilemmas

10:15 Legal Framework of Practice


10:45 Coffee

11:15 Capacity and Best Interest

Duty to Consult

Withdrawing / Withholding treatment

11:45 When patient takes control

Refusing Treatment

Advance Directives / Living Will

Power of Attorney

12:30 Lunch

13:15 Accountability processes inquests, claims, complaints & incidents GMC referral

13:45 Scrutinising Cases

14:15 Tea

14:45 Scrutinising Cases

15:45 Reflection & Evaluation

16:00 Close

Please contact Michael Fernando (SAS Tutor, Yeovil) to reserve a place: