Skilfully Supporting Trainees - FULL
Category: Educational/Clinical Supervisors - Established Trainers Courses
Date: November 14th 2018 9:00am until 4:30pm
Location: Yeovil Academy, Yeovil District Hospital - (Lecture Room) BA21 4AT
To develop advanced skills for supporting trainees with significant personal or professional challenges or who are presenting problematic behaviours
- Identify and explore the challenges of supporting and managing trainees with specific needs and problematic behaviours particularly those referred at Level 2
- Consider factors that might impact on work performance and learning
- Learn a range of skills for working in a non directive way drawn from the principles and practice of motivational interviewing
- Explore ways of dealing with resistance to personal change and how to help trainees positively address their own difficulties
- Review when and how to move from supportive actions to more direct interventions
Programme for the day:
09.00 COURSE START Introductions – individuals and group discussions
09.30 Good conversations - discussion and review
10.10 Introduction to OARS - open questions, affirmations and summarising
10.45 COFFEE
11.00 Reflecting - types and examples
11.30 OARS Skills practices - in groups with players
12.15 Contracting - Discussion about setting expectations and boundaries, and ethics
12.30 LUNCH
13.00 Overview of advanced skills
13.15 Advanced Skills practice 1
14.00 Advanced Skills Practice 2
14.45 TEA
15.00 Advanced Skills practice 3
15.45 Review of practices and concluding comments
16.15 CLOSE
To book a place please email Severn Education Team. When emailing please confirm the event title and the date you are interested in attending.