ST4-5 Regional Teaching

Category: Training - ST4-5

Date: June 11th 2019 9:00am until 5:00pm

Location: Lecture Theatre, Academy, Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton TA1 5DA

Google map

Refreshment & Lunch provided. 

Please email if any special dietary requirements - 

Location: Academy, Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton,  parking available on site (pay at car park on leaving)




Welcome and Introduction to study day

Amy Whiting

9.40 -10.30

Epilepsy diagnosis and epilepsy mimics

Amy Whiting

10.30- 11.15

Epilepsy specialist nurse role: Epilepsy, more than just seizures

Fareda Fakhrai

Natalie Cooke

Morning coffee break

11.30 -12.30

Newborn neurological problems

Pieter Van Hensbergen


1.30 – 2.30

Neurodevelopmental assessment in Newborns

Helen Robinson


Treatment of epilepsy – starting medications

Amy Whiting

Afternoon coffee break

3.45 – 4.45

Managing complexity in neurodisability

Anna Baverstock


Amy Whiting: Consultant general paediatrician with a special interest in epilepsy and lead for the epilepsy service at Musgrove Park Hospital.

Fareda Fakhrai & Natalie Cooke: experienced epilepsy specialist nurses and key members of our local epilepsy team

Pieter Van-Hensbergen: Consultant paediatrician and Neonatologist. Local child protection lead

Helen Robinson: Senior neonatal physiotherapist with a wealth of experience in newborn neurology and neurodisability

Anna Baverstock: consultant community paediatrician and local well being lead



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