Post-Certification Interface Fellowships-2025

Training Interface Group Fellowships Advanced Training Posts up to 49

Hand Surgery

Details of the Fellowships

These fellowships are open to applicants that will be post-certification or appear on the GMC and/or Irish Specialist Registers at the start date of the post. These posts are most suited to those applicants within two years of the completion of surgical specialty training. 

We are recruiting 10 fellows for posts starting on the 6th of August 2025 for a period of 12 months in training centres throughout the UK.  The 12 month posts offer a year of intensive training and are suitable for candidates who have trained in Plastic Surgery or Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery, who have a demonstrable interest in Hand Surgery. 

Training Locations Available

Further details of the fellowships, the units and the training available can be viewed on the JCST website.    

The application process for new centres is currently open so there is a possibility that new centres may be added to the list.  A confirmed list of locations will be published to candidates shortly before the interview date.


Applications open on the 18th October 2024 and can be submitted via the on-line portal (Oriel) until the16:00 (UK time) on the 2nd December 2024.  To access Oriel click the 'Apply Now' button at the top of this page. 

The interviews will be virtual and will be held on the 20th of January 2025.

For full details of the the selection process please view the

The Selection Process

The selection process will be made of two components

Curriculum Vitae and Logbook  

As part of the selection process we are asking candidates to provide a validated logbook demonstrating experience relevant to the sub-specialty and a structured CV.  The CV should be no longer than 4 single sided pages in length, text a minimum of 12 point font, and include the information listed below.  

Candidates will be asked to email both documents to by no later than 10:00am on the 8th of January 2025.

List of contents   

 Additional Qualifications  

Please list additional qualifications other than FRCS or equivalent, including year of attainment and institution. Give a short summary of the work involved and outcome. Please state if a qualification is in progress or completed. 


Please list up to 5 prizes you have, when they were awarded and for what reason. Research grant awards can be included. 

  Courses /conferences 

Please list a short summary of relevant specialty specific training course or conferences you have attended in the last 3 years. 


Please list a summary (maximum of 6) of audit experience, highlighting relevance ofthe audits, your participation in the audit, where the audit was presented including examples of closing the loop audits. 


Please list a short summary and reference of your publications, highlighting relevant specialty papers and your involvement in the publication. Book chapters can be included. 


Please list a short summary of your poster/oral platform presentations, highlighting relevant presentations only.   

 Teaching Experience   

Please summarise your teaching experience, listing your involvement ie organisation of teaching programs, delivery of teaching, faculty teaching experience, participation in an educational committee, qualification in teaching (not included in additional qualification section) Briefly summarise any feedback for each role 

 Management &  Leadership   

Please list any managerial roles/leadership training including designing and leading any healthcare improvement project (within the last 3 years). Include any formal qualification in management or active participation in NHS committee work 

Achievements outside medicine 

List your achievements outside medicine  


Why you are applying for this fellowship programme, and what you hope to gain from it? highlight any previous exposure to interspecialty working 

Commitment to specialty 

Describe how you have demonstrated to date your commitment to interdisciplinary working and how this has influenced your application for TIG Fellowship

Scoring Framework







Additional Qualifications

Evidence required for completion of post graduate degree

Any post graduate degree in process

Any postgraduate completed (other than PhD or MD)

PhD or MD completed

PhD completed or MD AND relevant to TIG specialty completed


Numbers and types of prizes described for each score

Postgraduate Local/regional prize


National / International prize


Multiple prizes (3 or more) and awards including National / International prize

Significant research grants



Relevant to TIG specialty

Regional relevant course

Relevant national course run by Specialty Association or Royal College

2+ relevant national course run by Specialty Association or Royal College



Scores for TIG specialty audit

Designed and led a relevant audit project/QIP, presented at a local or regional meeting

Designed and led a relevant audit project/QIP, presented at a national meeting

Designed and led a relevant audit project/QIP, closed audit cycle and presented at a regional/national meeting

Designed and led multiple (3 or more) relevant audit project/QIP, closed audit cycle, presented at a national meeting


“Significant author” required for publications

Abstracts do not score

Co-author in peer reviewed publication any subject, book chapters,

First author in peer review publications any subject, book chapter

3 or more peer review publications any subject including some first author in any subject in indexed journal

3 or more peer review publications relevant subject including some first author in indexed journal


National/International  significant author/ presenter

Co-presenter platform presenter at any conference on relevant  topic

Poster presentation at national or in international in relevant topic- first author

Primary platform presenter at local/regional conference on relevant topic

Primary platform presenter at national /international conference on relevant topic

3 or more Primary platform presenter at national/ international conference on relevant topic



Involved in local/regional teaching including web based teaching

Formal teaching qualification

Faculty on National / international relevant courses Active role on national committee

Designed and led a teaching programme

Management / Leadership / Teamworking

Can use examples from inside or outside medicine which demonstrate leadership, working in teams, prioritisation, organisation

Demonstration of participation in co-ordinating teams



MBA / Additional leadership qualification 

Designated management/leadership role outside the health service

Designated management/leadership role in health service


outside medicine


One of more worthwhile achievements with relevant transferrable skills and qualities

Truly outstanding achievement(s) on a scale beyond the capabilities of most people





Sliding scale 0-4 – depending on quality of answer

Commitment to specialty


Sliding scale 0-4 – depending on quality of answer

Virtual Interview

The interview will consist of two individual interview panels and both interviews will be approximately 15 minutes in length. The interview panel will be made of a combination of specialty representatives. Below is the outline of the interview and more specific information will be given to candidates when invited to interview.

Panel 1 (15 minutes - 7.5 mins per competence) 

  • Research
  • Clinical Scenario 

Panel 2 (15 minutes - 7.5 mins per competence) 

  • Leadership/Management 
  • Audit/service improvement 

Updates about the selection process will be posted on this page as we progress through the process.