Post Certification Fellowships - August 2023

Training Interface Group Fellowships up to 10

Applicant Guide

Health Education England (Severn) co-ordinates recruitment to advanced training posts on behalf of the Joint Committee on Surgical Training. All details are posted on Oriel and on this recruitment website.  Details of the advanced training can also be found on the JCST website

Tip for applying: Please read the whole application process before starting an application.

Training Posts and Locations

The training is delivered within units across the country and details of the training units and the training delivered is available on the recruitment section of the JCST website.  As this is the second round of recruitment not all locations are still available.  For an update list please see the specialty pages on this website and with the application portal, Oriel.


When applying, you will need to make sure that you meet all the eligibility criteria by the closing date of applications or the commencing date of the post where stated.

For 2023 the fellowships will be open solely to applicants that will be post-certification or appear on the GMC and/or Irish Specialist Registers at the start date of the post. These posts are suited to those applicants within two years of the completion of specialty training. 

The full requirements are outlined in the Person Specification.

Applying Online through the Oriel Recruitment System

Each sub-specialty has an individual application process and an individual application should be completed for each of the sub-specialties that you wish to apply to. 

Applications should be made via an on-line application portal (Oriel) which can be accessed from the ‘Apply Now’ button at the top of this webpage.

You can create an account (account registration) before you apply, and this will allow some fields in subsequent applications to auto populate.  You will also be able to track the progress of each of your applications.

Account Registration is available from the home page of Oriel.  An Oriel User Guide is also available that will assist you in using the system at each stage of the recruitment process.

Completing an Application

Applications can be completed and submitted until the closing date which you will find published within vacancy details in Oriel.

As part of your application, you will be asked to provide supplementary documentation.  It is essential to have achieved a Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) or appear on the GMC or Irish Specialist Register by the start date of the posts and as part of the application you will be asked to evidence this.

Evidence can be provided in the form of:

  • Completed Specialty Training: Certificate of Completion of Training or ARCP Outcome 6
  • Currently on the Specialist Register:  Formal letter or screenshot of the register
  • Currently in training and will achieve CCT prior to taking up the post:  ARCP from most recent assessment including CCT Date.
  • Awaiting entry to the Specialist Registrar:  Suitable evidence to demonstrate you will appear on the Specialist Register by the start date of the post.

Submitting an Application

Applications can be submitted at any point until the closing date. Late applications will not be accepted.

We recommend that you save and check your application and only press the submit button when you have carried out this process. This will ensure you are submitting the correct version of your application.  Alterations cannot be made to an application once it has been submitted.

Tip: Submit your application at least 30 minutes before the closing time of the application process.

Fitness to Practice

Applicants with fitness to practice declarations will need to submit additional documentation clearly defining the declaration, including dates and outcome to


All applications will be checked for evidence of the essential criteria outlined in the person specification. Applications that do not demonstrate the criteria will not continue through the process. Applicants will be notified of this decision via email and text message.


As part of the application form you will be asked to provide the names and contact details of three people to act as your referees.

Prior to the interviews taking place we will contact your referees directly and ask them to complete a reference on your behalf. 

We do not ask candidates to take any action to obtain the references, but we would recommend that candidates check the email addresses are correct and that they inform your referees that we will be contacting them via email at approximately the time candidates will be booking interview slots.

Invitation to Interview

Applicants will be notified of an invitation to interview via email and text message no later than 7 days prior to the interviews. Interview slots will be available to book through Oriel, and we recommend booking an interview slot early to maximise choice.

Applicants will be provided with a link to additional information regarding the interview schedule and the additional documentation required when invited to attend the interviews.

The Selection Process

The panel’s main aim is to find out whether you meet the requirements of the person specification for the post for which you are applying, and to ensure that the best candidates are selected in this highly competitive process.

There will be two components to this selection process:

Curriculum Vitae and Logbook

We will ask candidates to provide a structured CV and logbook prior to the interviews.  A template for the CV and details on how to upload the documents are below.

Structured CV

All candidates will be asked to submit a structured CV, that is no longer than 4 pages in length. The text should is a minimum of a 12 point font and the document should be single sided and in the same order as the list of contents below. 

Candidates will also be asked to provide a logbook to demonstrate their previous surgical experience.  It is essential to follow the list of contents and that no patient identifiable data is included.  We will ask for the CV to be submitted prior to the interviews and the structured CV and log book will be reviewed by the panel prior to the interviews.  

List of contents   

 Additional Qualifications  

Please list additional qualifications other than FRCS or equivalent, including year of attainment and institution. Give a short summary of the work involved and outcome. Please state if a qualification is in progress or completed. 


Please listup to 5 prizes you have, when they were awarded and for what reason. Research grant awards can be included. 

  Courses /conferences 

Please list a short summary of relevant specialty specific training course or conferences you have attended in the last 3 years. 


Please list a summary (maximum of 6) of audit experience, highlighting relevance ofthe audits, your participation in the audit, where the audit was presented including examples of closing the loop audits. 


Please list a short summary and reference of your publications, highlighting relevant specialty papers and your involvement in the publication. Book chapters can be included. 


Please list a short summary of your poster/oral platform presentations,highlighting relevant presentations only.   

 Teaching Experience   

Please summarise your teaching experience, listing your involvement ie organisation of teaching programs, delivery of teaching, faculty teaching experience, participation in an educational committee, qualification in teaching (not included in additional qualification section) Briefly summarise any feedback for each role 

 Management &  Leadership   

Please list any managerial roles/leadership training including designing and leading any healthcare improvement project (within the last 3 years). Include any formal qualification in management or active participation in NHS committee work 

Achievements outside medicine 

List your achievements outside medicine  


Why you are applying for this fellowship programme, and what you hope to gain from it? highlight any previous exposure to interspecialty working 

Commitment to specialty 

Describe how you have demonstrated to date your commitment to interdisciplinary working and how this has influenced your application for TIG Fellowship 


The interviews will be held on-line and there will be no requirement to attend in person.

The process for each candidate may take up to an hour.  There will be representation from all specialties on the interview panel. 

The interview will consist of two individual interview panels and both interviews will be 15 minutes in length. The interview panel will be made of a combination of specialty representatives.

Panel 1 (15 minutes - 7.5 mins per competence) 

  • Research
  • Clinical Scenario 

Panel 2 (15 minutes - 7.5 mins per competence) 

  • Leadership/Management 
  • Audit/service improvement 

Where would you like to train - Expressing a Preference

There are training centres throughout the country and candidates will be given the choice of where they want to train.  As this is the second round of recruitment not all centres are still available and the updated list is on the specialty pages of this website and within the application portal Oriel. Candidates will be asked to rank the training locations in order of preference.  This process will be carried out within the on-line application portal (Oriel).  An automated message, containing instructions, will be sent to candidates when the preferences are available to select. 

Candidates will have until the point of offer to make a final decision with the preferences.  Candidates can log-in to the system at any point until that time to select or amend their choices.

The more options candidates select the more opportunities you have to be placed but when making your selections only selection the training centres that you would be to take up.


Following the selection process candidates will be given a rank and this will be based on the overall score achieved from the supporting evidence and interview.

A matching process will take place and successful candidates will be matched in rank order to their highest preference that is available.

All offers will be made through the Oriel recruitment system.  An email will be sent containing the offer and a text message will be sent to alert candidates that an offer has been made.  

Candidates will have 48 hours (excluding weekends) to accept or decline an offer.  If candidates do not accept or decline an offer within the allotted time, the offer will automatically default to decline. 

Successful candidates with limited preferences that have been exhausted will not receive an offer and will be notified of this.


Feedback will be provided on request.

Question not answered

After reading this guide if your question is not answered please contact:

For questions regarding the recruitment process please contact the national recruiter: -