Health Education South West aims to facilitate this so that the maximum numbers of doctors in the South West region can benefit from it.
All the regional study days, educational meetings and conferences in the South West will be posted on this website along with links for more information and booking (online booking where applicable).
We would encourage doctors to browse this website frequently to identify, and sign up for any courses they are interested in. They are welcome to attend educational events, irrespective of which Trust/ SAS tutor within the region has arranged them. Most such courses/ education days will be free at the point of delivery.
SAS doctors who want to be accredited as educational and/ or clinical supervisors can also apply for courses for clinical and educational supervisors arranged by Severn & Peninsula Postgraduate Medical Education. Please also see subpage entitled SAS Doctors as Educators.
In addition to this, there are limited places available to SAS applicants on the ‘Professional & Generic Skills Programme for Doctors in Training’.
Module Content and Learning Outcomes
Module 1 - Patient safety, quality systems and personal responsibilities (1 day)
Module 2 - Communications, partnership and teamwork: teaching and learning (1 day)
Module 3 - Communications, partnership and teamwork: communications (1 day)
Module 4 - Maintaining Trust; medical ethics, and medicine and the law (1 day)
Module 5 - Management and leadership: NHS structures and funding (1 day)
Module 6 - Management and leadership: personal skills (2 days)
Module 7 - Quality Improvement (2 days)
For further information: Professional and Generic Skills Programme (Doctors in Training & SAS Doctors)