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What is a named Educational Supervisor?

A named educational supervisor is a trainer who is selected and appropriately trained to be responsible for the overall supervision and management of a specified postgraduate doctor in training's educational progress during a training placement or series of placements.

What is a named Clinical Supervisor?

A named clinical supervisor is a trainer who is selected and appropriately trained to be responsible for overseeing a specified postgraduate doctor in training's clinical work and providing constructive feedback during a training placement

How do I become a Clinical or Educational Supervisor?

You should express an interest to your local postgraduate medical education team and/or your Training Programme Director/College Tutor. You must complete the initial series of modules of the PPGME programme or accredit the equivalent before commencing in the role.

Why do I need to train?

To undertake the role effectively you will require insight to the postgraduate medical education process and preparation for the important role of supervising a trainee. The GMC (as regulator) states that all Educational and Clinical Supervisors must be trained for their role.

What training is required to be a Clinical Supervisor in NHSE-SW?

HEE-SW has 5 modules of training (1-3 for the role of named Clinical Supervisor and 1-5 for the role of Educational Supervisor). These have been designed to ensure that all supervisors meet the GMC domains for trainers.

What training is required to be an Educational Supervisor in NHSE-SW?

HEE-SW has 5 modules of training (1-3 for the role of named Clinical Supervisor and 1-5 for the role of Educational Supervisor). These have been designed to ensure that all supervisors meet the GMC domains for trainers.

How much time does the training take?

Clinical Supervisor training takes half a day (the AM session of the webinar); Educational Supervisor training takes 1 day (or the full day webinar).

When am I required to start training?

As of 31st July 2016, we are now required to inform the GMC of our approved supervisors. We  amend a supervisors' registration to reflect this.  A supervisor will be required to provide evidence of training before starting in the educational supervisor and/or 'named' clinical supervisor roles.

How do I undertake the required training?

The modules are advertised on the NHS England - South West Peninsula and Severn Deanery websites. Application is by email or telephone request, as directed on the website.