As part of our response to the current COVID emergency, HEE has developed a new offer for doctors in training. The new offer is an extension of the Out of Programme Pause (OOPP) pilot. This will allow trainees to “pause” their training to undertake an NHS non-training post, gain further experience, take stock of their training, work in another related specialty, or concentrate on their wellbeing.

This pilot initiative also gives trainees the opportunity to have any competencies gained whilst out of training assessed upon their return. This may allow trainees to minimise the impact on the time out of programme has on their CCT date.

Further information about this offer is available via the tabs on the left of the screen:

OOPP Project Guidance
OOPP Comms pack for Trainees, Faculty

Who can apply?

  • Trainees who have completed the first year of specialty training as per the Gold Guide guidance for OOP
  • Trainees who have received or expected to receive an outcome 1, 10.1 or 10.2 at ARCP
  • Where a trainee feels it would be beneficial for their well-being
  • Trainees wanting to step out of training and use the time to gain additional competencies that may not have been available as a consequence of the impact of COVID-19

Whilst every effort will be made to provide this opportunity for trainees, we will need to ensure service provision is not compromised and that will be a factor in the number of trainees permitted to undertake OOPP.

Application Process

Applications for OOPP will be processed on a first come first served basis and trainees will need to identify the OOPP post at time of application. Trainees will need to provide a minimum of three months’ notice of the start date of their OOPP to meet Code of Practice and ensure the employer is provided with the contractual notice period. However, there will be discretion to allow a shorter notice period provided the Deanery and Employer agree.

To apply for OOPP please use the application form and return to the relevant Education Programme Manager in the Deanery.