This is a comprehensive library of documents and website links to assist in learning about and navigating QI:

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  • HQUIP -
  1. By organising audits nationally QI is steered to address known gaps and new challenges in delivery excellent care 
  2. HQUIP has specific resources for trainees
  3. Cornerstone 2023 a new resource from HQUIP to support improvement -  





  • Human Factors in Healthcare - 
  1. The SEIPS model is an excellent one to understand. This is Systems Engineering Initiative for Patient Safety (SEIPS) 2.0 , SEIPS 3.0 is in development 
  2. Human Factors builds on what we know can lead to errors and mistakes and creates a resilient approach to design and delivery
  3. Guidance from the Health Services Safety and Investigation Body




  • Leadership for clinical excellence - A selection of video lectures and papers where doctors and Leadership experts explore why doctors need to lead and how they might do so more effectively
  1. Video Link 1
  2. Video Link 2
  3. Video Link 3
  4. Paper Link 4


West of England Academic Health Science network and Bath University have on line programmes:

  1. Quality Improvement - making the case
  2. Innovation in Healthcare - an introduction


Other highly regarded universities have developed courses on various platforms:

  1. Monash / Australia & Warwick UK on Leadership in Healthcare 


HQUIP online courses: Designed to support the national audit programme


Human Factors courses: University of East Anglia


Leadership courses: NHS Opportunities


NHS Elect Directory of Services


SusQI Education Programme