Study Leave

TIG Fellows are encouraged to make applications for related courses and meetings that will complement their fellowship. There is no statutory study leave budget, but while there is funding available we will continue to support fellows with up to £1500 in study leave funding.

This amount is per 12 months from the start of your fellowship. If you are undertaking multiple six month fellowships you will only receive up to the maximum of £1500 in study leave funding.

Fellows are required to apply for the study leave time directly from their trust. Once this has been approved fellows require approval from NHS England for the reimbursement of the course. 

Prior to attending the course please complete the course summary form. This will provide the details required to process your request.  There are standard courses that are pre-approved but the more specific courses will require approval of the TIG Chair.

Course summary form

Following submission of the form you will be emailed with the outcome.  If this course is not approved you can still attend the course but cost will not be covered centrally.

Once you have attended your course please complete the form from the link below with the expense details and forward you claims by email to

The Training Interface Group study leave budget is provided to enhance your training. Courses should be relevant to the area that you are training in. We seek the approval of the TIG chair for authorisation to pay expenses. This means that any courses seen as generic and part of your general training may not be funded alongside any expenses deemed unreasonable.

The course summary report is reviewed as part of your application so please include as much detail as possible. If it is deemed uncomprehensive then the TIG chair may request more detailed feedback before authorising your claim. This is intended to benefit both you as an individual and also to inform future fellows as the TIGs are compiling a database of courses.  

Submitting Your Claim

 Before you submit your claim please ensure the following items are included:

  • Receipts for all expenses you are claiming
  • Certificate of attendance to the course/meeting
  • Expense claims should be submitted in Microsoft Word format ONLY.

Details of the Claim 

The following figures are the maximum allowance that can be subsidised.

Type of Expense Amount  Additional Information 
Accommodation  £130 per night One night, either before or on the night of the last day of the event can be funded if travel to the is in excess of the 100 miles round trip e.g. the course runs from February 1st to 4th February can either claim for 31 January to 3rd February OR 1st February to the 4th February.

Overnight costs will be reimbursed up to a maximum limit of £120 including breakfast (outside of London) and £150 (in London) (bed and breakfast).
Mileage £0.30 per mile Mileage shall be reimbursed at £0.30p per mile in accordance with National Policy i.e. calculated from work base to educational event and not from home to educational event. 
Lunch (more than 5 hours away from base including the lunchtime period between 12:00 pm to 2:00pm)  £5  UP TO £5.00 on any one receipt - the expectation is that one receipt supports one meal - please do not submit multiple receipts.
Dinner (more than 10 hours away from base and return after 7:00pm) £15  UP TO £15.00 on any ONE receipt – the expectation is that one receipt supports one meal - please do not submit multiple receipts to the value of £15.
Dinner (over 24 hours) £20  UP TO £20.00 on any ONE receipt - please do not submit multiple receipts – the expectation is that one receipt supports one evening meal.


Additional Information

  • Taxi fares will only be reimbursed where there are no other forms of public transport to and from the location 
  • Flights - Domestic flights will only be reimbursed where it is the cheapest mode of transport
  • International flights will NOT be reimbursed.
  • Exam fees are not funded.

Please note that your claim cannot be processed without these items.