Please see below for the links to the recordings of the Severn ACCS Regional Teaching Day on Tuesday 10th December 2024 - thank you.
If you cannot access the recordings, please bear in mind that I have requested access for all - thank you.
Creating a new NHS England: Health Education England, NHS Digital and NHS England have merged. Learn more.
Posted December 11th 2024 (2 months ago)
Please see below for the links to the recordings of the Severn ACCS Regional Teaching Day on Tuesday 10th December 2024 - thank you.
If you cannot access the recordings, please bear in mind that I have requested access for all - thank you.
Posted April 15th 2024 (10 months ago)
Please follow the link for the recording of the ACCS Regional Training Day (Severn Deanery) Obstetrics and Gynaecology, on 9th April.
Posted February 28th 2024 (12 months ago)
Deadline 6th March 2024 – details and online entry form here:
There is space for up to 160 poster places at this online conference.
Successful entries receive:
*2.5-minute oral presentation followed by judge-led Q&A
Who should apply?: junior doctors, nurses, midwives, consultants, AHPs, GPs, medical students and those working in care settings among others
Saturday 18th & Sunday 19th May 2024
A copy of the outline programme is attached and further details can be found on the meeting website- 58th Medical Emergencies Course for Trainee and Junior Doctors
Registration Fee - £100.00
(A discount is available for UCL/UCLH staff (please email for further details)
Online registration now open – Click here to register
Registration fee includes:
Please note that anyone wishing to access the video contact afterwards must pre-register before the course takes place.
The UKFPO are pleased to announce the recruitment for the 2024-2025 Fellows.
Please note that applications open on Monday 11 March 2024, 12:00 and close on Monday 18 March 2024, 09:00. The link to the application form will be made available on the UKFPO website, and advertised on our Facebook and X accounts.
Applications will be capped at 100, meaning that if we receive 100 applications whilst the application window is open, no new applications will be accepted.
In the meantime, please visit our website to review the recruitment process and job description.
Posted February 16th 2024 (12 months ago)
The British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology (BSACI) is offering scholarships for medical trainees in the UK to attend the BSACI 2024 Annual Conference in Harrogate from Wednesday 02 October – Saturday 05 October 2024.
To increase awareness and interest in Allergy as a specialty, BSACI is offering up to 15 scholarships for FY2 doctors, IMT and ST1-3 adult trainees in the UK to attend the BSACI Annual Conference.
Information about the meeting and scholarships can be found here
Details of the award:
Please email or call on 020 7501 3910 if you have any questions.
This free course is being organised by Professional Support and Wellbeing (PSW), to be held Wednesday 1 May 2024 at Taunton Rugby Club. The programme will be available soon; in the meantime the date is being advertised so those interested can book study leave.
Deadline 6th March 2024 – details and online entry form here:
There is space for up to 160 poster places at this online conference.
Successful entries receive:
*2.5-minute oral presentation followed by judge-led Q&A
Who should apply?: junior doctors, nurses, midwives, consultants, AHPs, GPs, medical students and those working in care settings among others
Posted February 8th 2024 (1 year ago)
Welcome to your February 2024 update from the Foundation elearning programme. This month focuses on what happens and what you should do if you are involved in a clinical incident. From exploring how things can go wrong, to ensuring that clinical incidents are reported, the following sessions use case studies and key subject areas to address the principal steps to take when dealing with a clinical incident.
The sessions cover key areas in your curriculum on:
FPC 1: Clinical Assessment
FPC 2: Clinical Prioritisation
FPC 3: Holistic Planning
FPC 4: Communication and Care
FPC 5: Continuity of Care
FPC 8: Upholding Values
FPC 11: Ethics and Law
FPC 12: Continuing Professional Development
FPC 13: Understanding Medicine
The UKFPO's fourth webinar of the training year focussed on career management, including how best to plan and make career decisions and what options you may wish to consider. A recording will soon be available on the UKFPO YouTube page: Previous webinars such as TAB/PSG and Summary Narrative and the ePortfolio and SLEs are currently available.
A new regional teaching courses has been added to Maxcourse - 'Oncology - an evolving field.' Please check Maxcourse for the latest regional teaching offerings and to book on, including:
For in-person courses, F2s can claim back travel expenses through study leave if traveling outside their trust. Please contact your trust PGME foundation team for more information.
Most of the courses now have a waiting list. Please remember to cancel your booking if you are no longer able to attend.
The first Severn deanery Foundation Doctor International Medical Graduate conference will be held in Bristol on the 27th Feb 2024. This free event will include a variety of topics including:
It will also give you the chance to meet other International Medical Graduates and hear stories from senior clinicians about how they navigated their way through the NHS.
For more information and to book please email
Posted January 26th 2024 (1 year ago)
Professional Support and Wellbeing and WARD are producing a podcast series; each episode is centred around a doctor sharing their personal experience of a common difficulty during training, followed by signposting to places you can find support. The most recent episode on returning to training following maternity leave can be accessed at the following link:
For past episodes, please click here:
Deadline 6th March 2024 – details and online entry form here:
We have up to 160 poster places at our online conference.
Successful entries receive:
*2.5-minute oral presentation followed by judge-led Q&A
Who should apply?: junior doctors, nurses, midwives, consultants, AHPs, GPs, medical students and those working in care settings among others
We are delighted to invite you to the fourth seminar of the World Health Organization (WHO) and National Health Service England (NHSE) sponsored Working for Health 2030 Programme. This seminar, entitled ‘International Migration of Healthcare Workers: a Feature of Global Health and Care’, will take place on Wednesday 21st February 2024 10:00-12:00 (GMT).
This seminar explores how international health worker recruitment and migration can be managed ethically and sustainably and how policymakers and leaders can leverage the benefits of international and internal workforce mobility and migration.
To register your interest, and to gain access to the Zoom Webinar, please follow this link:
All seminars for the Working for Health 2030 programme are open to everyone. For more information, please visit or email
The SRT are accepting abstracts for consideration of poster or oral presentation at the SRT Conference 2024, 23rd - 24th May 2024, in Brighton. Submission deadline: 23rd February 2024 at 5pm.
For more information and abstract guidelines, please visit:
Posted January 12th 2024 (1 year ago)
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children is hosting its first ever Winter School. This promises to be an exciting and interactive virtual event, offering an insight into innovations in Paediatrics and the work done at GOSH.
The day will cover:
Tickets are £10. Click here to register:
Please check Maxcourse for the latest regional teaching offerings, including:
For in-person courses, F2s can claim back travel expenses through study leave if traveling outside their trust. Please contact your trust PGME foundation team for more information.
Deadline 6th March 2024 – details and online entry form here:
We have up to 160 poster places at our online conference.
Successful entries receive:
*2.5-minute oral presentation followed by judge-led Q&A
Who should apply?: junior doctors, nurses, midwives, consultants, AHPs, GPs, medical students and those working in care settings among others
There is now a new GIM-Stroke training pathway programme available which will take 3 years to CCT. More details will be available on a webinar on 21st Feb 2024.
More details will be available on a webinar 21 Feb 2024 – details and registration will shortly be available here: Please email with any queries.
Join the Midweek Masterclass, a non-core weekly virtual teaching provided by junior doctors on Wednesdays from 13:30-14:00. Medical school prepares you for the knowledge needed for the foundation programme, these sessions will build on that, giving you pointers on how to get through these years. Hear from a range of junior doctors, giving advice based on first-hand experience.
The next session will be on 17th January, given by an IMT 1 helping with interview preparation. Please click here to join the session.
For more information on teaching topics, please see the Facebook page Midweek Masterclass or email
Medic Mentor are inviting doctors and dentists of all grades to participate in their National Mock Interview Teaching Days, to help our Y13 and S6 students. They are looking for enthusiastic doctors and dentists who would enjoy spending a day teaching secondary school students from schools across the UK, who aspire to become future clinicians.
They are looking for volunteers to act as mock interviewers who will be able to lead a mock interview and then provide written and verbal feedback for each student. All of the questions and mark schemes will be provided in advance.
Medic Mentor has partnered with the Royal Medical Benevolent Fund (RMBF), who provide support for medical students and doctors facing financial hardship. As well as helping Y13/S6 students this event will also help to raise awareness and some money for this charity.
All of the volunteers will be awarded a national teaching certificate, feedback and a reference for participating in the teaching day. There is also a national prize available for the best teacher and mentor so it would be a really good portfolio opportunity. The Royal Medical Benevolent Fund Charity will provide an additional certificate for the doctors who participate.
There are a selection of mock interview days that are taking place both in person and virtually on Zoom. Volunteers taking part virtually would need an up to date zoom, reliable wifi, a working camera and microphone. We would warmly welcome you to participate in more than one session. For those attending both in-person and virtual events you will also receive a “Highly Commended” certificate, which will demonstrate your experience teaching in both in-person and virtual environments. The events will run from 9.30am until 4.30pm. Here is a list of the upcoming events taking place:
Saturday February 10th - St Mary’s University, London
Sunday February 11th - St Mary’s University, London
Saturday January 20th - Leonardo Royal Hotel, Birmingham
Sunday January 21st - Leonardo Royal Hotel, Birmingham
Saturday February 17th - Leonardo Royal Hotel, Birmingham
Sunday February 18th - Leonardo Royal Hotel, Birmingham
Saturday January 27th - Virtual on Zoom
Sunday January 28th - Virtual on Zoom
Saturday February 24th - Virtual on Zoom
Sunday February 25th - Virtual on Zoom
If you are interested in taking part please email with your Name, trust, job role, contact number and the date and location at which event(s) you wish to volunteer at. Spaces will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.
Medic Mentor has an upcoming virtual national teaching event, Medical Leadership Programme (MLP). This is a national teaching opportunity and with a national prize available for the best teacher and mentor. To thank you for your time, all volunteer doctors and dentists will receive a national teaching certificate and individualised feedback from our coordinators on the day.
The MLP is a teaching programme designed to equip aspiring medical and dental students with the knowledge and skills to help them in their university applications and future career.
We have two upcoming teaching days on Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th February 2024.
Saturday 3rd Feb - Year 12 students - Research and Problem Solving
Sunday 4th Feb - Year 10 and 11 students - Wider Reading and Ethics
Each teaching day will run from 9.15am-2.30pm. The event will be held virtually on Zoom and run by a group of coordinators. We are looking for volunteers to facilitate and help the students in completing some small group activities. Facilitator guides will be provided beforehand, so all we require is that you turn up and bring your best energy so students have the best experience on the day.
If you would like to volunteer at the teaching event, please email with your name, trust, job role, contact number and the date you would like to volunteer at. The volunteering spaces will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Please see the new Tasters microsite on the UKFPO's website for background on taster days, example taster programmes, planning a taster, and more:
Posted January 11th 2024 (1 year ago)
Please click on the links for the recordings from Tuesday's Severn ACCS Regional Training Day.
Posted January 4th 2024 (1 year ago)
The Society of Radiologists in Training (SRT) are pleased to announce early bird tickets for their 30th annual conference are available. Abstract submission is now also open; the deadline is 23rd February 2024.
The conference will be held at the DoubleTree by Hilton, Brighton 23-24th May 2024. Please see their website for further information:
Welcome to your January 2024 update from the Foundation elearning programme. This month focuses on the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards. The Mental Capacity Act (MCA) and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) are central to inpatient care. The MCA protects the rights of vulnerable people, and the following group of sessions cover topics such as assessing capacity, consent, patient autonomy and safeguarding.
The sessions cover key areas in your curriculum on:
FPC 1: Clinical Assessment
FPC 2: Clinical Prioritisation
FPC 3: Holistic Planning
FPC 4: Communication and Care
FPC 5: Continuity of Care
FPC 6: Sharing the Vision
FPC 11: Ethics and Law
Sustainability in Healthcare, Friday 12 January 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm, virtual via MS Teams.
Careers, Tuesday 6 February 2024 2:00-3:00pm, virtual via MS Teams.
All UKFPO webinars are recorded and added to the website later if you are unable to attend on the day.
Are you a junior doctor keen to learn more about a career in psychiatry? ChoosePsychitary South West Division are running a FREE event to give you valuable insight into the speciality, with a packed programme of speakers.
Highlights include:
This one day event will be held at Callington Road Hospital, Bristol. Please email with your name and role to register.
The first Severn deanery Foundation Doctor International Medical Graduate conference will be held in Bristol on the 27th Feb 2024. This free event will include a variety of topics including:
It will also give you the chance to meet other International Medical Graduates and hear stories from senior clinicians about how they navigated their way through the NHS.
For more information and to book please email
Posted January 2nd 2024 (1 year ago)
As the sedation day has been postponed, it is acceptable to complete the Sedation HALO whilst not in Anaesthetics.
Posted December 15th 2023 (1 year ago)
Are you a junior doctor keen to learn more about a career in psychiatry? ChoosePsychitary South West Division are running a FREE event to give you valuable insight into the speciality, with a packed programme of speakers.
Highlights include:
This one day event will be held at Callington Road Hospital, Bristol. Please email with your name and role to register.
The first Severn deanery Foundation Doctor International Medical Graduate conference will be held in Bristol on the 27th Feb 2024. This free event will include a variety of topics including:
It will also give you the chance to meet other International Medical Graduates and hear stories from senior clinicians about how they navigated their way through the NHS.
For more information and to book please email
Foundation doctors in England are invited to complete this 10-minute survey which aims to evaluate the perception of current allergy education provided to UKFP doctors. The project is run by the British Allergy Education Network (BAEN), a working party representing the British Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (BSACI). This research has been approved by the NHS England (formerly Health Education England) research governance team. BAEN's mission is to improve healthcare professionals’ understanding of allergic diseases. There is no published data on the views of Foundation doctors on this important topic and they are keen to know your opinions.
Please take 10 minutes to complete the survey using the link below and BAEN will provide you with a certificate of completion. You may find this useful to demonstrate evidence of your participation in a national QI project (mapped to Foundation Professional Capability 9: Quality Improvement).
Shaping Allergy Training in the Foundation Programme: Your 10 Minute Feedback Survey (
The survey deadline has been extended to the end of December 2023.
The Foundation School's website has been updated with additional guidance and resources for those seeking to train less than full time and F2s on GP placements, along with GP supervisor information. Please see links below:
Posted December 6th 2023 (1 year ago)
Foundation doctors in England are invited to complete this 10-minute survey which aims to evaluate the perception of current allergy education provided to UKFP doctors. The project is run by the British Allergy Education Network (BAEN), a working party representing the British Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (BSACI). This research has been approved by the NHS England (formerly Health Education England) research governance team. BAEN's mission is to improve healthcare professionals’ understanding of allergic diseases. There is no published data on the views of Foundation doctors on this important topic and they are keen to know your opinions.
Please take 10 minutes to complete the survey. BAEN will use this vital data to inform how they can deliver effective Allergy education for Foundation doctors, practically focussed and clinically relevant to your practice.
The survey will close on Thursday 14 December 2023.
The RCoA Recruitment Committee are hosting webinars for doctors in training on ‘Interview Format and How to Prepare’ for those intending to apply for August 2024 or Feb 2025 starts.
These will be for both CT1 and ST4 entry points. The webinars are free to attend, dates and registration links are below.
Webinars will be held on zoom;
1. CT1 Interview Format and How to Prepare- Thursday 25 January 2024, 7pm to 8.30pm Register here for CT1
2. ST4 Interview Format and How to Prepare- Thursday 15 February 2024, 7pm to 8.30pm Register here for ST4
Welcome to your December 2023 update from the Foundation elearning programme. This month focuses on stress and mental health.
All doctors feel stress at some time in their working lives. How do you recognise it in yourself and/or in your colleagues? What are your options to deal with it? The following sessions contain information that can support you, as well as highlighting implications on patient safety.
The sessions cover key areas in your curriculum on:
Deadline 6th March 2024 – details and online entry form here:
We have up to 160 poster places at our online conference.
Successful entries receive:
An invitation to give a live oral poster presentation* at our online conference on 15th May 2024
A discounted delegate rate of £179 (no VAT), co-authors entitled to same rate
National poster competition oral presentation certificate
Opportunity to win a first or second prize in each themed group of 10 posters
*2.5-minute oral presentation followed by judge-led Q&A
Who should apply?: junior doctors, nurses, midwives, consultants, AHPs, GPs, medical students and those working in care settings among others
Posted November 28th 2023 (1 year ago)
Foundation doctors in England are invited to complete this 10-minute survey which aims to evaluate the perception of current allergy education provided to UKFP doctors. The project is run by the British Allergy Education Network (BAEN), a working party representing the British Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (BSACI). This research has been approved by the NHS England (formerly Health Education England) research governance team. BAEN's mission is to improve healthcare professionals’ understanding of allergic diseases. There is no published data on the views of Foundation doctors on this important topic and they are keen to know your opinions.
Please take 10 minutes to complete the survey. BAEN will use this vital data to inform how they can deliver effective Allergy education for Foundation doctors, practically focussed and clinically relevant to your practice.
Shaping Allergy Training in the Foundation Programme: Your 10 Minute Feedback Survey (
The survey will close on Thursday 14 December 2023.
Deadline 6th March 2024 – details and online entry form here:
We have up to 160 poster places at our online conference.
Successful entries receive:
*2.5-minute oral presentation followed by judge-led Q&A
Who should apply?: junior doctors, nurses, midwives, consultants, AHPs, GPs, medical students and those working in care settings among others
Sandford Education Centre, Cheltenham General Hospital
Course fee - £90
Gloucestershire Ultrasound Assisted Vascular Access returns this February! This one day course is an ideal place to start for those new to advanced ultrasound guided vascular access or those who feel they would benefit from expert tuition in this field.
To book, or for more information, visit or email
Pease note this course is very popular - early registration is essential!
Please check Maxcourse for the latest regional teaching offerings, including:
Posted November 15th 2023 (1 year ago)
Welcome to your November 2023 update from the Foundation elearning programme. This month focuses on good communication.
From discussing issues such as treatment risks or organ donation with patients; to breaking bad news or supporting the bereavement process, communication skills are key to your success as a doctor. The following sessions aim to support you to sell your diagnosis, your treatment, and most of all yourself, to your patients.
The sessions cover areas in your curriculum on:
Aysha Nijamudeen is working with the UKFPO to improve inequalities in access to training opportunities for foundation doctors in the UK. Please take 5 minutes to complete this survey, which will be used to help develop a framework to improve training opportunities for all Foundation Doctors. All responses are anonymous, Survey link:
Please contact Aysha at if you would like further information or have any queries.
The UKFPO welcome all Foundation doctors to their third webinar of the training year, which will be focused around sustainability in healthcare, and specifically sustainable quality improvement (QI). A panel of experts will discuss these concepts and how you may approach incorporating sustainability into your QI projects, research and work.
When: Tuesday 12 December 2023, 14:00-15:00 (GMT)
Where: Virtual via Microsoft Teams. You do not need to pre-register, simply click here to join the webinar at 14:00. The webinar will be recorded and uploaded to the UKFPO website.
Target Audience: Foundation doctors
Webinar panel: Dr Anthony Choules, UKFPO Education and Support Advisor and Ayoma Ratnappuli, Education Fellow, Centre for Sustainable Healthcare (CSH)
Email with any queries.
The four largest general surgical trainee organisations (Moynihan Academy, ASiT, Dukes and Roux) are hosting an Emergency General Surgery weekend for medical students, doctors in training and locally employed doctors, on the 1st and 2nd of December 2023.
For Pre-MRCS trainees (virtual on Medall):
Medical students (£35), foundation doctors, F3/4s and Locally Employed Doctors (£45)
Lecturers covering a ‘surgical induction’ managing acutely unwell patient, common presentations, as well as a career talks and tips on presenting abstracts at conferences. (This will count as a conference attended for CST applications)
For Pre-FRCS Trainees (in person, Birmingham):
Core trainees, Registrars, Locally Employed Doctors and SAS grades
A series of speakers covering common but challenging FRCS and ST3 interview questions as well as Viva practice on the Saturday.
Any questions please feel free to email
These updates are developed by our Trainees and Members Committee with a focus on the Internal Medicine Training (IMT) curriculum, including topics such as Cardiology, Oncology, Renal Medicine and more. All EMUs are held live on a Tuesday evening and there is the option to view each EMU online from home with 28 days on-demand access (free for RCPE Members), or the live event from one of our live-link sites (free for all). RCPE Members can catch up online at Membership is free for medical students and foundation doctors. The programme is primarily for trainees but is open to all hospital doctors, GPs, healthcare professionals and medical students at any stage of their career.
The following dates are upcoming:
Book online: For all enquiries, please contact Lauren Slater
Are you interested in anaesthesia, critical care, pain medicine and/or research?
If so, then come along to The Severn Trainee Anaesthetic Research Group (STAR) 2024 Annual Conference.
The event is FREE to attend and will take place on 19th February 2024, at the NBT learning centre. Lunch provided.
Open to everyone, this will be an exciting day of talks from national experts at the forefront of anaesthesia and critical care research and QI. The talks will focus on how to get involved with academic medicine and potential pathways - making it perfect for doctors at the start of their training.
There will also be an opportunity for trainee presentations and the annual “project pitch prize” - more details to follow.
Book your free place now at
Please check Maxcourse for the latest regional teaching offerings, including:
Posted October 11th 2023 (1 year ago)
Each year the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health offers three Foundation doctors from each deanery the opportunity to experience a day at the RCPCH Annual Conference, this year in Birmingham from 25–27 March 2024.
This opportunity is open to both F1s and F2s. You must be nominated by the Foundation Programme Director in your Trust by 13th October 2023. If you are interested, please contact your programme director or foundation training team. Those nominated by their Trust will need to submit a short personal statement to the Foundation School; the three best will be nominated for the RCPCH prize.
The 2023 round of the National Education and Training Survey (NETS) will be running from Tuesday 3 October – Tuesday 28 November 2023. The NETS is the voice of the healthcare workforce. The results drive forward improvements in the clinical learning environment and underpin our work to eliminate inequalities in education and training.
The survey takes just 10 minutes to complete and your feedback is vital in ensuring that all learning environments are safe, inclusive and support healthcare professionals to work together to deliver the highest standards of care.
Every survey response, across every profession and location, counts and helps to improve the experience of the current and future workforce. Your experience matters. Please click here to complete the NETS and make sure your voice is heard.
Welcome to your October 2023 update from the Foundation elearning programme. This month focuses on where, when, and why to seek senior advice throughout your training.
The following elearning sessions aim to enhance your knowledge around safe medical practice, when to stop and seek help, and explaining evidence, guidelines and protocols to patients.
The sessions cover areas in your curriculum on:
FPC 1: Clinical Assessment
FPC 2: Clinical Prioritisation
FPC 3: Holistic Planning
FPC 4: Communication and Care
FPC 5: Continuity of Care
FPC 6: Sharing the Vision
FPC 9: Quality Improvement
FPC 12: Continuing Professional Development
The UKFPO will be hosting a webinar around TAB/PSG and summary narrative, which will be focused around what each of these tools are, how TAB and PSG differ and hints and tips for how to interact with the tools. The webinar will be recorded.
When: Friday 20 October 2023, 14:00-15:00 (BST)
Where: Virtual via Microsoft Teams. You do not need to pre-register, click here to join the webinar at 14:00.
Target Audience: Foundation doctors and Foundation trainers
Webinar panel: Dr Anthony Choules, UKFPO Education and Support Advisor; Dr Fiona Cameron, UKFP Assessment Lead and FSD Scotland; Dr Aysha Nijamudeen, UKFPO Fellow and F2 doctor
NHS England’s elearning for healthcare and Mental Health team have worked together to develop a new elearning programme about trauma informed care.
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted a growing need for health and care professionals to understand the dynamics and impact of trauma on the lives of individuals, families and communities.
The programme, which is aimed at frontline health and care professionals, emergency services colleagues, violence reduction units and education staff, consists of 5 modules:
On completion of the programme learners will have a greater understanding of trauma and its impact on the lives of everyone who encounters services, including those who work within it. It will help learners to recognise and sensitively respond to people who have experienced trauma.
For more information and to access the resource, please visit the Trauma Informed Care programme page.
Medic Mentor invites enthusiastic doctors and dentists to participate in their virtual Mock Interview Teaching Days, which help S6/Year 13 students from schools across the UK as well as fundraising for the Royal Medical Benevolent Fund Charity.
They are looking for mock interviewers who will be able to lead a mock panel/MMI interview virtually. All of the questions and mark schemes will be provided in advance. All of the volunteers will be awarded a national teaching certificate, student feedback and a reference for participating in the teaching day. There is also a national prize available for the best teacher and mentor so it would be a really good portfolio opportunity.
Medic Mentor has partnered with the Royal Medical Benevolent Fund (RMBF) who provide support for medical students and doctors facing financial hardship. In addition to your national teaching certificate, the RMBF will provide an additional certificate for your contribution to our programme.
There are a selection of 8 mock interview days that are taking place virtually on Zoom and you are welcome you to participate in more than one session if you wish! You will require access to a computer device with Zoom installed and a working camera and microphone.
You can choose to attend any of the following dates:
Saturday November 25th
Sunday November 26th
Saturday December 16th
Sunday December 17th
Saturday January 27th
Sunday January 28th
Saturday February 24th
Sunday February 25th
If you are interested in taking part or if you would like some more information, please email
Contemporary Medicine is research-driven and evolving science. Hence academia plays a vital role not only in patient care but also in education and training. In this virtual career event, you will have an opportunity to learn the career path or developments of current doctors in academic training in the UK and beyond. An interactive panel discussion will be led by the Associate Dean (Academic Training Pathways) NIHR Academy. The Programme will be delivered as below:
Venue: Live virtual
Date: 24th October 2023 Tuesday
Time: 19.00-20.30 UK Time
19.00-19.05: Welcome by Moe Oo Foundation Programme Director-Careers
19.05-19.20: A journey: from Academic (specialised) FY to ACF by Amanda Leow, University of Leeds
19.20-19.35: Diary of an academic trainee by Lauren Quinn, University of Birmingham
19.35-19:40: Comfort Break
19.40-19.55: My research training in Stanford by Vijaytha Muralidharan, University of Stanford
19.55-20.10: International Medical Graduate and Academia by Mya Lelt Win, University of Dundee
20.10-20.30: Panel Discussion and Final Message by Lorraine Harper, Associate Dean NIHR Academy
Please click here to join the webinar.
Posted October 10th 2023 (1 year ago)
The South West Professional Support and Wellbeing Team are proud to announce that the first of the Well and Resilient Doctors (WARD) Podcast series on Burnout has been released today in support of World Mental Health Day 2023.
The Podcast on Burnout is available here.
Posted September 28th 2023 (1 year ago)
This booklet offers dedicated ladders of learning to help doctors plan their development inline with ten core strands. Each learning ladder generally starts with courses only available to Doctors in Training before heading to Supervisor only courses at the top of the learning ladders. Each course page displays who is eligible for the course. Where courses are available for both PG DiT and Supervisors, the courses are run separately for each cohort.
Interested to know more about the different courses that we offer and how you can develop yourself, head across to the Professional Education and Development page.
Posted September 20th 2023 (1 year ago)
Each year the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health offers three Foundation doctors from each deanery the opportunity to experience a day at the RCPCH Annual Conference, this year in Birmingham from 25–27 March 2024.
This opportunity is open to both F1s and F2s. You must be nominated by the Foundation Programme Director in your Trust by 13th October 2023. If you are interested, please contact your programme director or foundation training team. Those nominated by their Trust will need to submit a short personal statement to the Foundation School; the three best will be nominated for the RCPCH prize.
Further details can be found on the meeting website - 57th Medical Emergencies Course for Trainee Doctors
Registration Fee - £100.00
Online registration now open – Click here to register
Registration fee includes:
1. Access to the virtual course on 14th & 15th October 2023 to watch the presentations and put questions to the speakers.
2. Post-course access to the video content (pre-registered delegates only). The content will be available from approximately 2 weeks after the course until the end of January 2024.
3. CPD certificate (provided by email to those who attend the course)
4. Opportunity to self-certify for CPD for watching the course content later (one CPD credit per hour).
Please note that anyone wishing to access the video contact afterwards must pre-register before the course takes place.
Submission Deadline: 15th October 2023, 5pm
Questions (pick only one):
Title 1: Imaging inequality: Exploring the differences in Radiology between high and low income countries.
Title 2: Navigating the grey areas: The ethics of incidental findings in Radiology
Eligible Applicants:
Word limit: 1500 words
Prize: Free entry to the SRT annual conference 2024, certificate for portfolio
Please click here to find out more.
Welcome to your September 2023 update from the Foundation elearning programme.
The following elearning sessions support trainees to recognise, prioritise and safely manage acute conditions, including fluid status, sepsis and arterial blood gas sampling and interpretation.
The sessions cover areas in your curriculum on:
FPC 1: Clinical Assessment
FPC 2: Clinical Prioritisation
FPC 3: Holistic Planning
FPC 4: Communication and Care
FPC 5: Continuity of Care
Saturday 14th October - 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM
British Association of Dermatologists, Willan House, London, W1T 5HQ
Registration Fee: £30
Large group teaching will include:
Small group case-based learning workshops:
Foundation doctors can register for the event through the following link:
Dr Liz Ewins and Dr Dheeraj Rai are putting together an exciting programme on the theme of ‘Sex, drugs and psychiatry’, with the day covering key areas of addictions psychiatry, with sessions on psychedelics and gambling. We will have presentations on gender diversity and how we can better support our patients, along with poster and prize presentations (which close for entries on 25 September). Full details regarding who can enter and how to enter submissions for the poster and prizes are available here.
Ticket prices:
- Non-member £175
- Consultant £175
- Trainee/SAS doctor/retired doctor/reduced rate membership £100
- Patient/carer £100
- Core trainee discounted rate £50
- Foundation year doctor/medical student £35
To book a place at the SW Autumn Biannual Meeting, use the book now link on our website, or telephone 01761 463979.
Supported by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (RCSEd), we are a large and active post-graduate society running across all four regions of the UK. Our key aim is to provide a platform and forum for junior doctors interested in a surgical career transition from their foundation role to core surgical training.
Our wing of the society includes trainees from Bristol down to Cornwall. Locally/ regionally we have worked hard to create events such as 'Acing the interview', journal clubs, career days and 'Surgical Skills Workshops', with many more in the pipeline. Nationally we have just hosted the '2nd FTSS National Conference' up in Edinburgh. We are looking for new members to carry the torch and help build the society further.
If you are interested in becoming part of this committee or have any questions, then please email Mr Subramanian at
Posted September 1st 2023 (1 year ago)
Unfortunately, the Regional ACCS training day, scheduled for this Tuesday (5th September), has had to be cancelled.
We do not yet know of another date for it.
Posted August 24th 2023 (1 year ago)
Please remember to look at PaedsHub on a regular basis, as News, Events and Regional Teaching days will be posted there.
Please email for access.
Posted August 23rd 2023 (1 year ago)
Richard (Head of School) and Ray (TPD) will be hosting an online Open Forum on Monday 28th August, from 1900 - 2030. Contact David (EPM if you want the link to the meeting.
Posted August 7th 2023 (2 years ago)
We would welcome your help to review sessions within the Foundation elearning programme. Foundation Doctors reviewing our sessions can enter the review as a publication in your CV. If you would like to help, please email using the subject line: ‘Foundation feedback'.
Welcome to your August 2023 update from the Foundation elearning programme.
Failure to prescribe safely is one of the commonest causes of untoward patient incidents in medical practice. The following sessions support safe practice and include learning on injectable medicines, anticoagulation, antibiotics, prescribing in renal impairment, and other areas of safe medicine use.
The sessions cover areas in your curriculum on:
FPC 1: Clinical Assessment
FPC 2: Clinical Prioritisation
FPC3: Holistic Planning
FPC 4: Communication and Care
FPC 5: Continuity of Care Specific Areas of Core Learning High Risk Prescribing Patient Safety
The Foundation elearning programme has been developed specifically for Foundation doctors by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in partnership with NHS England elearning for healthcare (NHSE elfh), and is approved by the UK Foundation Programme (UKFPO).
The online training has a range of other sessions that might help you. Please log in to the programme page to view more.
You can sign on to the elearning with your login supplied by elearning for healthcare at any time during your foundation training:
HORUS and TURAS have deep links to elearning for healthcare sessions from the Foundation Curriculum and are therefore accessible to all trainees, making it quicker and easier to access the appropriate session linked to the curriculum.
Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th October 2023
A copy of the outline programme is attached and further details can be found on the meeting website- 57th Medical Emergencies Course for Trainee Doctors
Registration Fee - £100.00
(A discount is available for UCL/UCLH staff (please email for further details)
Online registration now open –Click here to register
Registration fee includes:
Please note that anyone wishing to access the video contact afterwards must pre-register before the course takes place.
Part 1 Practical tips
Dr Keegan Curlewis, Dr Mihir Rao, Dr Indrajeet Mandal
IR Juniors are excited to present our upcoming 2-part webinar series, Radiology for FY1s. Join us for Part 1 - Top Tips, where we will provide the necessary information and some anecdotal top tips to prepare you to interact with the Radiology department as part of your new role as an FY1 doctor.
Thursday 10th August 7pm
Posted July 27th 2023 (2 years ago)
Programme and more information can be found on the meeting website
Registration Fee - £100.00
Online registration now open – Click here to register
Registration fee includes:
• Access to the virtual course on 14th & 15th October 2023 to watch the presentations and put questions to the speakers.
• Post-course access to the video content (pre-registered delegates only). The content will be available from approximately 2 weeks after the course until the end of January 2024.
• CPD certificate (provided by email to those who attend the course)
• Opportunity to self-certify for CPD for watching the course content later (one CPD credit per hour).
Please note that anyone wishing to access the video contact afterwards must pre-register before the course takes place.
Supervised learning events (SLEs) are an essential part of your learning in your 2 foundation years. Even if you think you know how to get the best out of them, you could still get more by doing the SLE elearning sessions whilst you are at the start of the academic year.
The following sessions cover the principles of assessment, through to effective use of feedback, evaluation and case based discussion:
The sessions cover key areas in your curriculum on:
FPC 10: Teaching the teacher
FPC 12: Continuing Professional Development
RCPsych are delighted to announce that the following prizes are now open to entrants. Further information, regulations and entry forms can be accessed via their Prizes and Bursaries web page.
In recognition of our responsibility as psychiatrists to help combat the climate and ecological crisis, we are introducing a sustainability category for all poster submissions. More information is available on the Prizes and Bursaries web page.
Foundation year doctors and medical students are invited to submit a poster and abstract on any aspect of psychiatry. The poster will be displayed at the Autumn Biannual Meeting on 17 November 2023 and the abstract published in the Programme and Abstracts booklet, with a prize of £100 for the winner.
Deadline for submission: 25 September 2023 at 9.00 am
Up to 10 bursaries will be offered for south west medical students and foundation year doctors to present a poster at the South West Autumn Biannual Meeting on 17 November 2023. All entrants (up to two per submission) will be guests of the Executive Committee and must register for the meeting but will not be charged a conference fee. Bursaries for medical students also include travel expenses.
These competitions are an opportunity to share your experience of mental health services and psychiatry with colleagues of all levels around the region who will be attending the meeting, with the added bonus of possibly winning a prize!
As part of an ongoing project, Arion, an F2 at Saltford Hospital, is looking into life as a Foundation Year Doctor. The below short survey has been created with the aim to explore your thoughts on aspects of FY1&2 such as job satisfaction, daily work routine and future career plans.
They survey should take no longer than 5/6 minutes to complete and is completely anonymous. Please contact Arion at for further information.
Survey link:
The Severn Foundation School is coordinating a project for participation by all F1s. You are invited to complete an F1 induction programme questionnaire. This survey is part of a long term project to identify any concerns/anxieties you may have about starting your F1 post. The information you provide will help to develop a realistic evaluation of the induction programme and help us to improve working life for future foundation doctors.
To access the survey please log onto
If possible, please complete the survey in one sitting since you will not be able to access it later. It should only take you approximately 10 minutes to complete. The questionnaire is anonymous and your thoughts and comments are greatly appreciated.
A follow up survey will be sent in October 2023 to gauge how you are feeling as you gain further clinical exposure.
The first series will focus on on-calls for new F1s. There are currently 6 sessions in the calendar. Sessions will be delivered via MedAll, on Tuesdays and Thursdays 18h00-19h00:
The link for each of the sessions can be found on the Severn Foundation Cases MedAll page, registration is via MedAlland sign-up is free. Check out the Facebook page as well:
Posted June 23rd 2023 (2 years ago)
The Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh Trainees and Members’ Committee have created a Less Than Full Time (LTFT) survey to gather data on Doctors in Training perspectives, experiences, workload and barriers to LTFT. The results will inform meaningful policy recommendations on improving doctors' working lives.
Their aim is to ascertain current numbers of LTFT in all specialties of Doctors in Training across all four nations.
This survey is for everyone - whether you are a current LTFT trainee, previous LTFT trainee, or whether you work full time. You do not need to be a member of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh to complete the survey.
This survey is anonymous and should take less than 10 minutes to complete. The deadline for completing the survey is Friday 30 June 2023.
To submit to the survey, please use this link:
The National Sarcoma Awareness Project is re-launching following successful National Sarcoma Awareness Projects which ran in June/July/August over the past decade.
The project is being run in co-ordination with National Sarcoma Awareness Month (July 2023) and is aimed at increasing sarcoma awareness in final year medical students and foundation doctors. Final year medical students, foundation year 1 and foundation year 2 doctors are invited to complete a free e-learning module on sarcomas as part of the project. On completion, the medical students/foundation doctors will receive a certificate for their e-portfolio and the top scoring participants will be given the opportunity to take part in a funded short-term clinical fellowship at a regional sarcoma centre to further their knowledge on sarcoma and boost their CV.
If you are interested in taking part, please email
Are you a Foundation Doctor with clinical education as one of your core or frequent duties? The NIHR Incubator for Clinical Education would love to hear from you! Please use this link to complete their survey:
Effective teamwork will play a significant role throughout your career, and this includes crossing traditional boundaries to collaborate with teams across the health and care system.
The following sessions cover working with teams across primary, secondary and social care boundaries and include key topic areas such as referrals, effective handover and patient safety.
The sessions cover key areas in your curriculum on:
FPC 2: Clinical Prioritisation
FPC 3: Holistic Planning
FPC 4: Communication and Care
FPC 5: Continuity of Care
FPC 6: Sharing the Vision
Posted May 3rd 2023 (2 years ago)
The application window opened on Wednesday 3rd May 2023 and will close on Sunday 11th June 2023.
Application forms and guidance are available here during this period.
Posted April 5th 2023 (2 years ago)
The SWOC Spring 2023 Annual Meeting will take place 4-5th May at the Falmouth Hotel, Cornwall
The deadline for abstract submissions is Friday 7th April. Successful applicants will be invited to deliver a four minute oral presentation, and compete for the coveted John Hannaford Trophy. We encourage submissions covering any and all of trauma & orthopaedics, from audit through to meta-analysis. Abstract presentation will take place throughout the day on Friday 5th May. Formatting details are available on the submission page.
Click here to submit an abstract
Tickets for the event can be found on the Eventbrite page.
To increase awareness and interest in Allergy as a specialty, BSACI is offering up to 10 scholarships for FY2 doctors and IMT ST1-3 trainees in the UK to attend the BSACI Annual Conference.
Information about the meeting and scholarships can be found here.
Details of the award:
Welcome to your April 2023 update from the Foundation elearning programme.
How good are you at helping patients with long term conditions (chronic disease) after they leave hospital? From the impact of these conditions on daily living, to the ability to self-care and the management of conditions in the community, this month’s update covers key themes around care and support planning for people being discharged from hospital.
The sessions cover key areas in your curriculum on:
FPC 1: Clinical Assessment
FPC 2: Clinical Prioritisation
FPC 3: Holistic Planning
FPC 4: Communication and Care
FPC 5: Continuity of Care
Posted March 10th 2023 (2 years ago)
COPMeD, COPDEND and MDRS are delighted to announce the date of this year’s edition of their annual Medical and Dental Careers Conference - Your Career, Our Future.
Venue: East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham NG7 2RJ
A day of talks and workshops exploring topics such as:
If you are working as medical/dental faculty, provide careers advice, have a supervisory role or if you are a Medical/Dental trainee with an interest in supporting career development, then this free to attend educational event will provide a great opportunity to share ideas, network and build on our learning together.
Registration information will be released shortly.
In collaboration with BOTA and BOMSA, Orthopaedic Research UK is launching a free national research webinar series to encourage medical students and FY doctors to undertake research. Those who successfully attend all these webinars will then be eligible to apply for a small seed funding to kick start their research journey.
The webinar series is free to attend, further details can be found here: BOMSA | BOTA | ORUK National Research Webinar Series | 15 March — 21 June 2023 — Orthopaedic Research UK
You can register on Zoom to attend all sessions here:–opzspH9AQHNQA4xc5P1Z7mqYV36ea
1. Enter RCPath's essay competitions – deadline 9 May
The College’s two annual essay prizes are open to UK undergraduates and Foundation doctors. Prize winners will be awarded £250, have their essay published on our website and in the College magazine, The Bulletin, and be presented with a certificate at an RCPath event. Apply by 9 May for the Hugh Platt Foundation Essay Prize. Find out more at
2. RCPath Science Communication Prize, kindly sponsored by Sonic Healthcare UK
The RCPath Science Communication Prize is open to pathology trainees, Foundation doctors and undergraduates. This is a great opportunity to be recognised if you have taken part in any science communication activities throughout the year, especially if they have been pathology-themed. Winners will receive £500 and be invited to accept their prize at the College's New Fellow's Ceremony. Find out more and apply by Monday 17 July 2023 at
3. Sign up for our virtual RCPath Book Club – featuring The Genetic Age – Monday 27 March
Join author Professor Matthew Cobb and an expert panel to discuss the key themes and ideas explored in Matthew's book, The Genetic Age: Our Perilous Quest to Edit Life. Sign up for this free online event at
4. Listen to our latest Pathologists in Profile podcast series
In this podcast series, host and histopathology trainee Dr Natasha Cutmore chats to some incredibly inspiring people working across the 17 different pathology specialties. We explore the life and career of our podcast guests, and also delve into a case study or special topic chosen by our guest. Our first podcast guest of 2023 is Dr Heidi Doughty, a Consultant in Transfusion Medicine who previously worked for NHS Blood and Transplant in Birmingham, UK. Listen to all the episodes at
5. Save the date – National Pathology Week 2023
National Pathology Week (NPW) 2023 will be taking place from 19 to 25 June. This year’s theme is ‘Pathologists and Patients’. Sign up for our free NPW events and find out how you can run your own events at
Posted February 24th 2023 (2 years ago)
Skin of colour is under-represented in dermatology education and research. The curriculum at the University of Bristol was recently adapted to include more teaching on skin of colour. Completing this short survey (less than 5 minutes) on skin of colour will help inform the University of Bristol on the effectiveness of the teaching programme. Your answers will remain anonymous.
Please click on this link to access the survey:
Dr Eliza Hutchison (IMT1 trainee in UHBW NHS Foundation Trust)
Dr Hannah Wainman (Consultant Dermatologist and Dermatology Lead for the MB ChB Medical Undergraduate Programme and Champion for the Inclusion of Skin of Colour University of Bristol)
"Empowerment: Driving Change and Development in Medicine"
When: Friday 17th of March 2023, from 10.00am – 4:30pm, Virtual
The Medical Women's Federation would like to invite you to the MWF Spring Conference 2023. This national conference is a platform for inspiring medical minds to meet, stimulate new thinking and extend professional relationships.
At the Spring Conference, a range of topics will be explored including:
Confirmed Speakers:
Panel Discussion: How to be the future NHS workforce: Flexible Working and NHS Careers?
Hear from:
£20 - MWF Members
£35 - Non-Members
MWF are using the MedAll platform to host the conference. To register, please click here.
If you have any issues registering with the MedAll app, you can be manually registered to attend the conference. Please email
Call for Abstracts
The Medical Women’s Federation (MWF) invites the submission of Oral Abstracts and Poster abstracts for presentation at its Spring conference. The MWF is committed to creating a platform for inspiring medical minds to meet, stimulate new thinking and extend professional relationships.
Deadline: Sunday 26th February 2023 at midnight
For more details, click here
Welcome to your February 2023 update from the Foundation elearning programme. This month focuses on what happens and what you should do if you are involved in a clinical incident.
The reality is that sometimes errors will occur in medical practice. From exploring how things can go wrong, to ensuring that clinical incidents are reported, the following sessions use case studies and key subject areas to address the principal steps to take when dealing with a clinical incident.
The Foundation elearning programme has been developed specifically for Foundation doctors by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in partnership with Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh), and is approved by the UK Foundation Programme (UKFPO).
Present at the 10th anniversary conference of the Bristol Patient Safety Conference!
Deadline 3rd March 2023 - see competition details and online entry form here:
There are up to 160 poster places at this online conference. Successful entries receive:
There will be a first prize and runner up for each themed poster group
* 2-minute oral presentation followed by judge-led Q&A
Who should apply?: Junior doctors, nurses, midwives, consultants, AHPs, GPs, physician associates, foundation doctors, medical students and those working in care settings among others
RCPCHStart is the ‘Speciality Trainee Assessment of Readiness for Tenure’ as a Consultant and is a formative assessment which trainees must do their ST7 training year. That is the penultimate year of their training and allows them to identify areas for development in their final year before they complete their training and enter the specialist register as a Paediatrician.
One area assessed is teaching skills. In order for trainees to demonstrate these we have successfully included a scenario where the trainee has to teach medical students/foundation doctors in real time during the 8 minutes of that station on a paediatric topic.
The assessment takes place virtually on the 14th, 16th, 21st and 31st March 2023. Foundation doctors with an interest in paediatrics are invited to help out with the am or pm sessions (or both where possible) on those days, and RCPCH will send a certificate after the assessment has taken place, confirming the number of days that you took part.
Timings will be approximately: 08.30-13:00 and 13:30-17:30 on each day, but we will be able to confirm exactly nearer the time.
If you or anyone else you know would be interested in volunteering, please let us know as soon as possible and we can provide further details:
Posted February 7th 2023 (2 years ago)
Online registration now open at
Registration Fee - £85.00
Topics include:
Registration fee includes:
Please note that anyone wishing to access the video contact afterwards must pre-register before the course takes place. Further details can be found on the meeting website -
Welcome to your January 2023 update from the Foundation elearning programme. This month focuses on the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards.
The Mental Capacity Act (MCA) and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) are central to inpatient care. The MCA protects the rights of vulnerable people, and the following group of sessions cover topics such as assessing capacity, consent, patient autonomy and safeguarding.
2nd Safe Prescribing for IMGs: Secondary Care - 5th March 2023 - £75
by Mrs Balwinder Bolla, Consultant Antimicrobial Pharmacist (ULHT); Ms Rabia Ahmed, Programme Director, Aston University; Dr Akin Falayajo, Consultant in Acute Medicine (ULHT)
This one-day online course aims to support international medical graduates that are new to clinical practice in the NHS, with safe prescribing skills to enable confident management of adult patients using a wide range of clinical case scenarios and interactive content.
Health Education England South West (HEE-SW) in partnership with the South West Academic Health Science Network (South West AHSN) are offering a Bronze level QI training programme, free at the point of delivery.
This is your opportunity to:
This QI course is aligned to the GMC’s Generic Professional Capabilities framework click here and supports the requirement that Doctors-in-Training demonstrate significant personal contribution to a quality improvement project.
More information can be found on the Severn Postgraduate Medical Training Website Bookings are made through MaxCourse. If you don’t yet have an account, sign up today – please note this is a separate MaxCourse site to the Severn Foundation one used for F2 regional teaching.
Skin of colour is under-represented in dermatology education and research. The curriculum at the University of Bristol was recently adapted to include more teaching on skin of colour. Completing this short survey (less than 5 minutes) on skin of colour will help inform the University of Bristol on the effectiveness of the teaching programme. Your answers will remain anonymous.
Please click on this link to access the survey:
Dr Eliza Hutchison (IMT1 trainee in UHBW NHS Foundation Trust)
Dr Hannah Wainman (Consultant Dermatologist and Dermatology Lead for the MB ChB Medical Undergraduate Programme and Champion for the Inclusion of Skin of Colour University of Bristol)
The Royal College of Psychiatrists are delighted to announce that they have now opened their spring prizes and bursaries for entries. Please see below for information on the ones open to foundation doctors.
Dr Stephen Dinniss Foundation and Medical Students Poster Prize
You are invited to submit a written abstract and poster on any area of psychiatry. The posters will be displayed at the Spring Biannual Meeting and their respective abstracts published in the Programme and Abstracts Booklet.
The number of posters is limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first served basis. Those considered for the award will be expected to attend the Spring Biannual Meeting on 19 May 2023 and will be available during all breaks to discuss their entry with the competition judges.
In recognition of our responsibility as psychiatrists to help combat the climate and ecological crisis, we are introducing a sustainability category for all poster submissions.
Who can enter?
It's open to all foundation doctors and medical students working or studying in the South West Division who are Student Associates or Foundation Associates of the Royal College of Psychiatrists on the closing date.
A prize of £100 will be awarded to the winner and further prize certificates may be awarded at the discretion of the judges.
Please see website for how to enter:
Deadline for entries: 9am on 28 March 2023
Lisa Thomas Poetry Prize
Write a poem with a mental health theme to win. Your poem must not have been published previously.
This annual prize will be presented virtually at the next Spring Biannual Meeting on 19 May 2023. The poems of the winners will be published on the RCPsych website and in the Programme and Abstracts booklet for the Spring Biannual Meeting. Prize winners will also be invited to recite their poem to a live audience at the conference, or give permission for a member of the South West Division team to perform a recital of the winning poem on their behalf.
Who can enter?
Anyone connected with mental health and based in the South West Division. You might have previously used or are using mental health services, support a friend or relative who uses or has used mental health services, or works within the mental health sector.
Please see website for how to enter:
Deadline for entries: 9am on 28 March 2023
Spring Biannual Meeting Bursary
RCPsych offer up to 10 bursaries for south west medical students and foundation year doctors to present a poster at the South West Spring Biannual Meeting, which is usually held in Devon in May.
Bursaries for foundation year doctors include registration fee only.
Who can apply?
Medical students and foundation year doctors who have entered the Dr Stephen Dinniss Foundation and Medical Student Poster Prize, who are Student Associates or Foundation Associates of the Royal College of Psychiatrists on the prize closing date and who are working or studying in the South West Division area on the date of submission.
Swindon Undergraduate Academy would like to appoint Clinical Teaching Fellows both office and ward based for the Academic Year beginning August 2023. These are 1-year posts in the first instance, but they can be extended for a further 12 months by mutual agreement. Please see the NHS Jobs website for more information:
Present at the 10th anniversary conference of the Bristol Patient Safety Conference!
Deadline 3rd March 2023 - see competition details and online entry form here:
There are up to 160 poster places at this online conference. Successful entries receive:
An invitation to give a live oral poster presentation* at a national conference on 17th May 2023.
A discounted delegate rate of £169 (no VAT). Co-authors will also qualify for the discounted rate.
A national poster competition presentation certificate with names of presenter(s) and authors
There will be a first prize and runner up for each themed poster group
* 2-minute oral presentation followed by judge-led Q&A
Who should apply?: Junior doctors, nurses, midwives, consultants, AHPs, GPs, physician associates, foundation doctors, medical students and those working in care settings among others
Please check MaxCourse for up-to-date regional teaching offerings, including Train the Trainer, Sustainability QI, and Introduction to Genomics. Regional teaching courses are provided to F2s free of charge, with travel expenses to courses outside of your Trust reimbursed. Please remember to submit a study leave application prior to the course date before funding can be approved.
Posted December 16th 2022 (2 years ago)
A new course on genomics has been added to Maxcourse. This will be an overview of the rapidly evolving field of genomics and personalised medicine, how and when to access genetic testing, and how to guide patients through the process.
Please check MaxCourse for the latest regional teaching offerings. Courses include Practical Procedures and Ultrasound Skills, Leadership & Management, Oncology, Paediatric Emergencies, Orthopaedic Skills, and Essential Psychiatry for F2s. A full list of available courses can be found via your MaxCourse account. Travel (either mileage or public transportation costs) can be reimbursed for in-person regional teaching courses that occur outside of your Trust.
Please remember that you must apply for study leave before attending F2 regional teaching courses ( Retrospective applications cannot be funded.
This webinar is aimed primarily at F2 year doctors who may be considering taking an F3 year within or outside of medicine.
Talks will cover:
Date: Thursday 12 January 2023
Time: 9:00am to 3:30pm (GMT)
Location: Online
Cost: £20
Click here to find out more and register:
Learning and Research Centre, North Bristol NHS Trust
The Severn Trainee Anaesthetic Research Group (STAR) are pleased to announce the STAR 4th Annual Research Conference. Open to trainees of all grades, this will be an exciting day of talks from national experts at the forefront of anaesthetic research. The day also allows sign off of the mandatory Research and Managing Data of the Generic Professional Domain in the 2021 Curriculum.
Programme Highlights
Research updates, career guidance, poster/oral presentations and STAR Project Pitch.
Book your free ticket at
Present at the 10th anniversary conference of the Bristol Patient Safety Conference!
Deadline 3rd March 2023 - see competition details and online entry form here:
There are up to 160 poster places at this online conference. Successful entries receive:
An invitation to give a live oral poster presentation* at a national conference on 17th May 2023.
A discounted delegate rate of £169 (no VAT). Co-authors will also qualify for the discounted rate.
A national poster competition presentation certificate with names of presenter(s) and authors
There will be a first prize and runner up for each themed poster group
* 2-minute oral presentation followed by judge-led Q&A
Who should apply?: Junior doctors, nurses, midwives, consultants, AHPs, GPs, physician associates, foundation doctors, medical students and those working in care settings among others
In addition, there is a free QI workshop from QIClearn aimed at F1/F2 doctors, to be held online on 1 February. Register on Eventbrite here:
The UKFP December 2022 bulletin is now available at
Posted December 8th 2022 (2 years ago)
Please check MaxCourse for the latest regional teaching offerings. Upcoming 'Practical Procedures and Ultrasound Skills' courses are available on 17th Jan, 25th Jan, and 9th February. Other courses include Leadership & Management, Oncology, Paediatric Emergencies, Orthopaedic Skills, and Essential Psychiatry for F2s. A full list of available courses can be found via your MaxCourse account. Travel (either mileage or public transportation costs) can be reimbursed for in-person regional teaching courses that occur outside of your Trust.
Please remember that you must apply for study leave before attending F2 regional teaching courses ( Retrospective applications cannot be funded.
Learning and Research Centre, North Bristol NHS Trust
The Severn Trainee Anaesthetic Research Group (STAR) are pleased to announce the STAR 4th Annual Research Conference. Open to trainees of all grades, this will be an exciting day of talks from national experts at the forefront of anaesthetic research. The day also allows sign off of the mandatory Research and Managing Data of the Generic Professional Domain in the 2021 Curriculum.
Programme Highlights
Research updates, career guidance, poster/oral presentations and STAR Project Pitch.
Book your free ticket at
The Royal College of Emergency Medicine is putting on an event for doctors of any profession/grade at any stage of a research career to engage with the wider Emergency Medicine community and learn a bit more about the opportunities available in a very relaxed way. A great programme has been planned with a broad spectrum of speakers and lots of time/space for networking. Tickets are £25.
Register at or contact Dr Anisa Jafar with any questions.
Following on the growing success of this event, NES is delighted to confirm that it will be hosting the Annual Conference virtually over two days on Thursday 27 & Friday 28 April 2023.
Further details can be found on the event website
NES are inviting submissions for 1-hour seminars, submissions are welcome from across the NHS, from social care and social work services, integration authorities, voluntary and partner organisations, and other public or private sector organisations.
For the conference in 2023, they are looking for a broad range of abstract submissions that would be of interest to a multi professional audience and also a targeted audience as per below.
Closing date for submissions is Sunday 8 January 2023. (Please note late submissions will not be accepted)
Abstract submissions for an open paper or poster for the NES Annual Virtual Conference 2023 are also now being accepted in the following categories:
Closing date for open paper & poster abstract submissions is Sunday 19 February 2023.
Welcome to your December 2022 update from the Foundation elearning programme. This month focuses on stress and mental health.
All doctors feel stress at some time in their working lives. How do you recognise it in yourself and/or in your colleagues? What are your options to deal with it? The following sessions contain information that can support you, and also highlight implications on patient safety.
The sessions cover key areas in your curriculum on:
FPC 4: Communication and Care
FPC 5: Continuity of Care
FPC 6: Sharing the Vision
FPC 7: Fitness to Practise
FPC 8: Upholding Values
FPC 11: Ethics and Law
Posted December 2nd 2022 (2 years ago)
The Programme:
The Modules:
The Programme is open to Core, Specialty and GP trainees (ST2+), SAS doctors and dental trainees (all including IMGs).
Other useful information:
Read more about the PGS Programme here. Email: for further information/application form.
Posted November 4th 2022 (2 years ago)
Designed by IMTs and SpRs from around the UK to help you maximise your Application Form score, this workshop will be held over Zoom on Saturday 12th November from 09:00-11:00.
Topics covered:
Register at:
International Medical Graduates (IMGs) often find the first twelve months working and training in the NHS challenging. Since 2020, a team of NHS consultants and senior pharmacists have curated a national programme of online learning that support IMGs during this period of transition.
There are now two upcoming courses available to international doctors to register for:
Acute Medicine for IMGs - 19th November 2022 ( £174.99
by Dr Akin Falayajo, Consultant in Acute Medicine (ULHT); Dr Arjun Ghosh, Consultant Cardiologist (Barts Heart Centre & UCLH); Dr Charlotte Tai, Consultant ICU (Barts Health NHS Trust); Dr Hadiza Gachi, Consultant in Acute Medicine (George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust); and Dr Shouvik Haldar, Consultant Cardiologist & Electrophysiologist (Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust)
Safe Prescribing for IMGs - 3rd December 2022 ( £75.00
by Mrs Balwinder Bolla, Consultant Antimicrobial Pharmacist (ULHT); Ms Rabia Ahmed, Programme Director, Aston University; Dr Akin Falayajo, Consultant in Acute Medicine (ULHT)
Health Education England South West (HEE-SW) in partnership with the South West Academic Health Science Network (South West AHSN) are offering a Bronze level QI training programme, free at the point of delivery.
This is your opportunity to:
To book your place – click on the ID link next to the date of your choice.
2022 | ID |
Tues 15 Nov 13:30-17:00 | QIB01 |
Wed 30 Nov 09:30-13:00 | QIB02 |
Tues 13 Dec 09:30-13:00 | QIB03 |
2023 | |
Tues 10 Jan 13:30-17:00 | QIB04 |
Wed 8 Feb 09:30-13:00 | QIB05 |
Fri 10 March 09:30-13:00 | QIB06 |
Tues 18 April 09:30-13:00 | QIB07 |
Wed 10 May 09:30-13:00 | QIB08 |
Fri 16 June 09:30-13:00 | QIB09 |
Tues 18 July 13:30-17:00 | QIB10 |
Bookings are made through MaxCourse. If you don’t yet have an account, please sign up today – here is the link to our user set-up Guide. Please note this is a separate MaxCourse site to the Severn Foundation one used for F2 regional teaching.
Please also ensure you fill in all boxes in the Personal Details section (within Account Details) – you won’t be able to book any courses until this is completed.
Any other queries/questions, please email
Saturday 26th of November (Orthopaedic Surgery), Saturday 10th of December (General Surgery) from 10 am - 2 pm (UTC +1)
This course is aimed at junior doctors who want to improve their understanding and ability to manage commonly encountered surgical presentations.
Appropriate for those with an interest in pursuing a career in surgery as well as those with upcoming surgical jobs, regardless of career goals.
A one day focused course aimed at improving theoretical knowledge and surviving a general surgery / orthopaedic on-call shift.
Teaching will consist of a series of short lectures focusing on presentations commonly encountered by junior doctors with an emphasis on the areas they most often find challenging.
The course aims to improve theoretical knowledge to allow junior doctors to more confidently and appropriately manage pre and post op surgical patients which can be a very daunting task, particularly on the many occasions they find their registrar and consultant in theatre!
Early Bird Course fee: £35
Includes a course certificate and access to recording for 7 days
Visit to see programme details and to register for the courses.
Posted October 27th 2022 (2 years ago)
Each year the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health offers three Foundation doctors from each deanery the opportunity to experience a day at the RCPCH Annual Conference, this year in Glasgow from 22–25 May 2023.
This opportunity is open to both F1s and F2s. You must be nominated by the Foundation Programme Director in your Trust by 23rd November 2022. If you are interested, please contact your programme director or foundation training team. Those nominated by their Trust will need to submit a short personal statement to the Foundation School; the three best will be nominated for the RCPCH prize.
The National Education and Training Survey (NETS) is the only Health Education England survey of all learners and trainees (rather than the GMC survey that only reports on medical trainees).
- It allows HEE to look at the culture across a department and not just the experience of one group.
- It allows HEE to consider how teams work and where differing roles support the learning and training of others. This has an impact on workforce planning with the aim of improving the NHS for our patients and for us, its staff.
Please complete the NETS survey to help us in this work. Postgraduate doctors in training will receive a direct email invitation to complete the survey using contact information stored on the HEE Trainee Information System (TIS).
This email invitation contains a personalised link to the survey pre-populated with your training programme and placement information. If you have not received an email invitation by 25 October, please contact us at and we will provide a personalised link to the survey.
Thank you for supporting us in improving training environments for all staff and in our future workforce planning.
The British Society for Rheumatology are running a free rheumatology taster day run at the Bristol Harbour Hotel.
The aims of the event are to:
You can access the programme for the day and register at the following link:
If you have any questions, please email
The next UCL Medical Emergencies Course for Trainee Doctors, led by Professor Mervyn Singer, will take place as a virtual course on Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th February 2023.
The outline programme, further details, and registration can be found on the meeting website -
Registration Fee - £85.00
Registration fee includes:
Please note that anyone wishing to access the video contact afterwards must pre-register before the course takes place.
Welcome to your October 2022 update from the Foundation elearning programme. This month focuses on where, when, and why to seek senior advice throughout your training.
The Foundation elearning programme has been developed specifically for Foundation doctors by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in partnership with Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh), and is approved by the UK Foundation Programme (UKFPO).
The sessions listed below cover key areas in your curriculum on:
FPC 1: Clinical Assessment
FPC 2: Clinical Prioritisation
FPC 3: Holistic Planning
FPC 4: Communication and Care
FPC 5: Continuity of Care
FPC 6: Sharing the Vision
FPC 9: Quality Improvement
FPC 12: Continuing Professional Development
The sessions aim to enhance your knowledge around safe medical practice, when to stop and seek help, and explaining evidence, guidelines and protocols to patients.
The Foundation programme has a range of other sessions that might help you. Please log in to the programme page to view more.
Accessing the elearning
You can sign on to the elearning with your login supplied by elearning for healthcare at any time during your foundation training:
HORUS and TURAS have deep links to elearning for healthcare sessions from the Foundation Curriculum and are therefore accessible to all trainees, making it quicker and easier to access the appropriate session linked to the curriculum.
Posted October 11th 2022 (2 years ago)
Posted October 10th 2022 (2 years ago)
We are excited to offer you our new and updated comprehensive webpages with QI resources for trainees and trainers, how to do guides, project ideas, QI support contacts and monthly blog from national QI experts.
To book onto our HEE SW QI Training Programme, please register via Max Course using your NHS email account.
If you have any questions, please email QI Enquiries.
Posted October 6th 2022 (2 years ago)
RCPysch are delighted to announce that the following prizes are now open to entrants. Further information, regulations and entry forms can be accessed via their Prizes and Bursaries web page.
Foundation year doctors and medical students are invited to submit a poster and abstract on any aspect of psychiatry. The poster will be displayed at the Autumn Biannual Meeting on 11 November 2022 and the abstract published in the Programme and Abstracts booklet, with a prize of £100 for the winner.
Deadline for submission: 14 October 2022 at 9.00 am
We are offering up to 10 bursaries for south west medical students and foundation year doctors to present a poster at the South West Autumn Biannual Meeting on 11 November 2022. All entrants (up to two per submission) will be guests of the Executive Committee and must register for the meeting but will not be charged a conference fee. Bursaries for medical students also include travel expenses.
These competitions are an opportunity to share your experience of mental health services and psychiatry with colleagues of all levels around the region who will be attending the meeting, with the added bonus of possibly winning a prize!
As you may be aware, Health Education England (HEE) is responsible for the planning, education and training of the healthcare workforce, and they have three primary goals which are:
1. To deliver and reform education to produce the best possible future workforce
2. To transform the current workforce to meet tomorrow’s health and care needs
3. To ensure the quality of the education and training system
HEE is conducting a research study investigating the Factors Influencing Doctors in training career decision-making to address Rural, Remote and Coastal Workforce Issues. The findings will inform future investment decisions and ensure that education commissioning is relevant to the identified workforce needs.
We are asking Doctors in training within the NHSE regions to complete a short online survey to capture your valuable views and experiences.
The survey will be open from Mon 3rd Oct to Sun 23rd October and will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.
The survey is available here:
If you have any queries, problems completing the survey, or require access in another format, please contact us by emailing
Posted September 29th 2022 (2 years ago)
Post graduate doctors in training are invited to a webinar on the Addressing Health Inequalities Distribution of Medical Specialty Training programme, taking place on Monday 10 October, 16:45 – 17:30.
The webinar will give some background and content to the jointly led programme at Health Education England and NHS England. The programme aims to ensure funding for medical training posts is equitably distributed across England, based on the current and future needs of the population in order to reduce health inequalities. You’ll hear about the different specialities covered and how you can get involved. It is important to note that no trainee will be moved as a part of the programme.
You’ll hear from:
• Adrian Brooke, Medical Director, Health Education England
• Aidan Fowler, Director of Patient Safety, NHS England
• Alastair Henderson, Chief Executive of the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges
• Matt Clarke, Chair of the Academy of Royal Colleges Trainee Doctors’ Group
You’ll be able to ask questions on the day, or you can submit these in advance via this form by Wednesday 5 October.
A recording of the webinar will be available, along with a set of Q&As via our website. We’ll be running more webinars in the future. If you’d like to read more about the programme, you can find information on our website.
The link for joining on the night:
Webinar: Addressing Health Inequalities Distribution of Medical Specialty Training programme Monday 10 October 16.45 – 17.30
Foundation Cases is an online Facebook based platform providing early evening (6-7pm) online teaching sessions and series aimed at Foundation Trainees within the Severn and Peninsula regions. These are taught by Specialty Trainees and formal feedback is provided. These supplement the core curriculum with the goal of being high-yield, relevant and accessible. Our feedback has shown there remains a desire for online teaching alongside face-to-face sessions and recent events have been well received!
So far, this academic year we have run an introduction to T+O series and a 6 sessions series in collaboration with 'Calls on call', historically run only in Bath. We had FDs attend from across the Deanery with about 15-25 at each session with a mix of in person and online attendees.
Our current upcoming schedule (with plenty more in the pipeline!) include:
• Lower limb trauma - 5th Oct 6-7pm
• Cancer - Skin and Sarcoma 12th Oct 6-7pm
• Breast Oncoplastics - 19th Oct 6-7pm
Information for all sessions can be found on:
Have you been asked to attend a cervical smear test? Have you been required to use your annual leave to attend? Has it been marked as a sick leave absence?
Over the course of a working career, trainees requiring cervical screening will need approximately 11 appointments (at a minimum), each requiring likely a full day off work to attend. This is one of the gender gaps in medical careers.
Please complete the following survey with your experience (positive or negative) of being able to access these appointments as a trainee:
If you are interested in a career in ACCS (including Emergency Medicine, Intensive Care, Acute Medicine and Anaesthetics), then you are warmly invited to attend this open evening. The evening is an excellent opportunity to learn about the training routes available to you and help you prepare for submitting applications and attending interviews. The evening is an informal affair with opportunity to ask lots of questions. If you are considering applying for any stream of ACCS now or in the future, we’d love to see you.
Please register online:
Joanna Abramik, an ST6 Interventional Cardiology trainee based at Bristol Heart Institute and a regional representative for British Cardiovascular Society's Women in Cardiology initiative is reaching out to any female trainees who are interested in applying for cardiology and would like to chat for advice, mentorship and support. Her primary aim as a WIC representative is to increase visibility of female cardiologists across the region. Severn particularly has very little female cardiology presence, especially in the District General Hospitals. This makes it difficult to attract women into the specialty by effective role-modelling, and the cycle repeats itself. Joanna is also very happy to answer any questions or concerns relating to training in cardiology, radiation concerns, family planning, pregnancy, working less than full time etc.
Please contact Joanna at if you would like additional information.
The Orthopaedic Academy has an upcoming online course that is dedicated to all healthcare professionals who practice orthopaedics or interested to know more about this speciality.
Target audience:
• Medical Students
• Junior Doctors : Foundation Doctors, Core Trainees, Trust Doctors, Clinical Fellows, Residents
• General Practitioners
• A&E doctors of all levels
• Useful aid to prepare for MRCS & MRCEM Exams
• Physiotherapists
• Advanced Nurse Practitioners
• and all other Healthcare professionals with an interest in Orthopaedics and Musculoskeletal care.
The Course is available online to be completed on demand at a time suitable for the participants. They can start whenever they want and take as long as they need to complete. All attendees will receive a 12 point CPD certificate from the Orthopaedic Academy approved by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.
For further details, please visit:
Venue: Catalyst, Newcastle with online attendance option also
G4J is a one-day conference, designed for Foundation Doctors, Core Medical and GP Trainees, and Specialist Nurse Practitioners. It aims to deliver relevant and useful clinical updates in all the main sub-specialties of Geriatric Medicine, in order to improve the standard of care for older patients.
Whether you're a budding Geriatrician, already work in the field, or have other career aspirations but just want to improve your clinical knowledge and skills related to older patients, G4J has something to offer you!
What the day will include:
Cost: £50 in person, £37.50 for online only
The link for further information and to register can be found here:
Posted September 6th 2022 (2 years ago)
The Junior Association for the Study of Medical Education will be holding a conference in Nottingham on Saturday 15th October 2022. A key aim of this conference is to better reflect the cohorts we represent as a career group of ASME, and increase inclusivity within medical education, as well as welcoming a future generation of medical educators to conferences as early as possible.
The day will include:
Registration fees include lunch and refreshments.
JASME member: £10
JASME WP member: £5
JASME non member: £40
Register at
Abstract submission criteria:
Please email or if you have any queries.
The Foundation Doctor Paediatric Conference is a free event for foundation doctors (F1-F3+) only, organised by Foundation Doctors from across the UK for other Foundation Doctors!
With guest-speakers, panellists and workshops led by Paediatricians all across the UK sharing their experience.
The conference will be on Saturday 17th September 2022 and hosted on MedAll.
Register here:
This year's JTP conference aimed at medical/dental students, foundation doctors, and dentists and dental core trainees interested in pursing a career in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery will be hosted in Newcastle. It is a great opportunity for national oral and poster presentations, with prizes on offer for portfolios!
Your ticket includes:
Please find more information via the JTG website -
BAOMS members price: £105
Non-BAOMS members price: £115
Sign up link:
The aim is to cover core knowledge required to become a ST3 T&O registrar. The teaching is catered for both SHOs and early year registrars and will be delivered by both consultants and registrars.
It will take place every Wednesday at 7pm from the end of August 2022. CPD points will be awarded by the Royal College of Surgeons of England.
The schedule is:
31/08 Basic Sciences 101
07/09 Pelvic & Acetabular Trauma
14/09 Hips - NOFs
21/09 Hips - Replacements
28/09 Paeds - Upper limb
05/10 Paeds - Lower limb
12/10 Paeds - Hips
19/10 ST3 Applications
26/10 Shoulders
02/11 Elbows
09/11 Hands
16/11 Spine
23/11 Knees
30/11 Orthopaedic Emergencies
07/12 Common Nerve Injuries
14/12 Foot & Ankle
If you are interested, please sign up via the link:
For more info:
The Global Health Fellowship Volunteer Programme is ready to launch the recruitment round for those interested in Global Health and completing an overseas volunteer placement. More information to be emailed.
Have you been asked to attend a cervical smear test? Have you been required to use your annual leave to attend? Has it been marked as a sick leave absence?
Over the course of a working career, trainees requiring cervical screening will need approximately 11 appointments (at a minimum), each requiring likely a full day off work to attend. This is one of the gender gaps in medical careers.
Please complete the following survey with your experience (positive or negative) of being able to access these appointments as a trainee:
Applications are now open for the Bristol Patient Safety National Poster Competition. Details available here:
Posted September 6th 2022 (2 years ago)
The Professional and Generic Skills (PGS) Programme is a collaboration between Health Education England - South West (HEE-SW) and the University of Plymouth’s Faculty of Health.
It is for doctors in training (GP and Specialty ST3+), as well as SAS doctors and dental trainees.
The PGS Programme is fully aligned with the GMC’s Generic Professional Capabilities framework, and provides a unique combination of skills, knowledge and thinking to develop your career as a clinical leader within an evolving NHS.
The Programme consists of seven modules. You will need to commit to nine days throughout the academic year for the delivery sessions, plus time required to write a final reflection.
The seven modules cover the following key themes:
• Patient safety and quality systems;
• Teaching and learning;
• Communication skills;
• Medical ethics, medicine and the law;
• NHS structures and funding;
• Leadership and Management (two days); and
• Quality Improvement (two days).
The PGS Programme also provides the opportunity for further development, through progression onto postgraduate taught programmes at Plymouth University (including Clinical Education; Healthcare Management, Leadership & Innovation; Global Health).
You can read more about the PGS Programme here, or download an application form here.
For further information, contact
Posted August 19th 2022 (2 years ago)
The National Sarcoma Awareness project is aimed at increasing sarcoma awareness. Final year medical students, foundation year 1, and foundation year 2 doctors are invited to complete a free e-learning module on sarcomas as part of the project. On completion, the medical students/foundation doctors will receive a certificate for their e-portfolio and the top scoring participants will be given the opportunity to take part in a funded short-term clinical fellowship at a regional sarcoma centre to further their knowledge on sarcoma and boost their CV.
Foundation doctors interested in taking part should kindly email with the following information: name, designation (F1/F2), hospital, and email address. You will receive the e-learning resources and the link to the online MCQs survey.
This one-day practical course is aimed at foundation doctors and clinical fellows interested in Paediatrics.
The day will include:
Location: NBT Learning and Resource building
Cost: £20
To book a place or enquire, please email
The Foundation elearning programme has been developed specifically for Foundation doctors by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in partnership with Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh), and is approved by the UK Foundation Programme (UKFPO).
Failure to prescribe safely is one of the commonest causes of untoward patient incidents in medical practice.
Sessions from the Foundation elearning programme listed below cover areas in your curriculum on:
• FPC 1: Clinical Assessment
• FPC 2: Clinical Prioritisation
• FPC 3: Holistic Planning
• FPC 4: Communication and Care
• FPC 5: Continuity of Care Specific Areas of Core Learning High Risk Prescribing Patient Safety
Safe prescribing elearning sessions include:
Prescription Writing:
BNF Usage and Other Prescribing Information Sources:
Safe Use of Injectable Medicines (Part 1):
Safe Use of Injectable Medicines (Part 2):
Safe Anticoagulation:
Safe Prescribing in Renal Impairment:
Prudent Use of Antibiotics (Part 1):
Prudent Use of Antibiotics (Part 2):
Prudent Use of Antibiotics (Part 3):
Safe Prescribing of Insulin:
Adverse Drug Effects:
Safer Medicine Use Through Concordance:
The Foundation programme has a range of other sessions that might help you. Please sign in to the elearning to view more. You can sign in to the elearning with your login supplied by elearning for healthcare at any time during your foundation training:
The Royal College of Anaesthetists is holding an informal session for medical students & foundation year doctors who are considering a career in anaesthesia. Anaesthetists form the largest single hospital medical specialty and their skills are used in all aspects of patient care. Whilst the perioperative anaesthetic care of the surgical patient is the core of specialty work, many anaesthetists have a much wider scope of practice.
The career day will provide an insight into life as a trainee and consultant anaesthetist.
Sessions include:
• life as an anaesthetic trainee
• the training programme
• recruitment and application process
• pre-hospital emergency medicine
• intensive care medicine
• question and answer group sessions
• the future of the specialty, skills required and life as a consultant.
Venue: Online
Cost: £50
Booking information and a full programme can be found on the RCOA website.
The RadCast Radiology Crash Course aims to provide non-radiologists with the fundamental knowledge required to safely interpret and act on imaging in the acute setting. The course comprises a day of live lectures delivered by 3 senior clinical radiologists covering high yield concepts in acute plain film and CT imaging as well as pre-recorded content that will be available to watch in advance to ensure all delegates have a baseline understanding before the live day.
For those of you who consider yourselves budding radiologists, there is also a talk on Radiology as a career and 3 national prizes will be offered for the best radiology audit, research or reflection which will help to boost your portfolio for when you apply.
The course fee of £99.99 includes access to the live day, pre-recorded content and a recording of the live session which you will be able to re-watch on-demand for a 6-month period. More information can be found on the course website:
Supported by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (RCSEd), the Foundation Training Surgical Society Committee is a large and active post-graduate society running across all four regions of the UK. The key aim is to provide a platform and forum for junior doctors interested in a surgical career transition from their foundation role to core surgical training.
The SW wing of the society includes trainees from Bristol down to Cornwall. Locally we have worked hard to create events such as 'Acing the interview' and 'Surgical Skills Workshops', with many more in the pipeline. Nationally we have just hosted the 'FTSS National Conference' up in Edinburgh. We are looking for new members to carry the torch and help build the society further.
If you are interested in becoming part of this committee or have any questions then please email Mr Ashok Subramanian at
Posted July 26th 2022 (3 years ago)
The Society for Cardiothoracic Surgery in Great Britain and Ireland has established a new national teaching programme for foundation doctors covering key topics in cardiothoracic surgery that also bear some cross-over to other specialties such as respiratory, cardiology, paediatrics, and intensive care.
The teaching sessions happen every Monday at 19:00 via Zoom, commencing 25th July and running for 20 weeks. The sessions are free to attend but require prior registration. A certificate of attendance will be provided.
Foundation doctors can register here.
Upcoming sessions:
25.07.22 Coronary Heart Disease
01.08.22 Lung Cancer
08.08.22 Aortic Valve Disease
15.08.22 Surgical Management of COPD
If you are applying to Core Surgical Training 2023, please take a look at this FREE application and mentorship programme with Doctors Academy. It will commence from 18 August 2022 and over the subsequent months your assigned mentor will provide invaluable feedback and guidance relating to the application process.
Please click this link to register.
RCPysch are delighted to announce that the following prizes are now open to entrants. Further information, regulations and entry forms can be accessed via their Prizes and Bursaries web page.
Foundation year doctors and medical students are invited to submit a poster and abstract on any aspect of psychiatry. The poster will be displayed at the Autumn Biannual Meeting on 11 November 2022 and the abstract published in the Programme and Abstracts booklet, with a prize of £100 for the winner.
Deadline for submission: 30 September 2022 at 9.00 am
We are offering up to 10 bursaries for south west medical students and foundation year doctors to present a poster at the South West Autumn Biannual Meeting on 11 November 2022. All entrants (up to two per submission) will be guests of the Executive Committee and must register for the meeting but will not be charged a conference fee. Bursaries for medical students also include travel expenses.
These competitions are an opportunity to share your experience of mental health services and psychiatry with colleagues of all levels around the region who will be attending the meeting, with the added bonus of possibly winning a prize!
The Foundation elearning programme has been developed specifically for Foundation doctors by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in partnership with Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) and is approved by the UK Foundation Programme (UKFPO).
Supervised learning events (SLEs) are an essential part of your learning in your foundation years. Even if you think you know how to get the best out of them, you may still get more by doing the SLE sessions now.
Available in the elfh Foundation Programme (2021 curriculum), relevant elearning sessions cover areas in your curriculum on FPC 10: Teaching the teacher and FPC 12: Continuing Professional Development:
· Supervised Learning Events in the Foundation Programme: An Introduction
· Principles of Assessment
· Making the Best Use of Multi-Source Feedback: A Trainee Guide
· Getting the Most from Direct Observation of Procedural Skills (DOPS)
· Getting the Most from a Case Based Discussion (CBD)
· Getting the Most from a Mini-Clinical Evaluation Exercise (Mini-CEX)
· Getting the Most Out of Supervised Learning Events: Feedback and Reflection
· Getting the Most Out of Supervised Learning Events: Reflection After Feedback
Check the programme to see other sessions that might help you.
HORUS and TURAS have deep links to elfh sessions from the Foundation Curriculum and are therefore accessible to all trainees, making it quicker and easier to access the appropriate session linked to the curriculum.
The aim of this inaugural hybrid educational conference is to re-connect educators from the multi-professional arena across the South West, to enable working together for a better future in healthcare practice and education.
The Conference will provide you with examples of best practice linked to key strategic intent and our day-to-day work and includes the following themes: Equality Diversity & Inclusion, Well-being & Professional Support, along with Simulation, VR & Digital Technology in Education. The day will involve bringing together clinicians, educators, and experts in their field(s) for a day of talks, discussions and networking. There will be plenary sessions, instructional courses, and workshops with a diverse range of topics to satisfy a variety of educational needs. There will also be the opportunity for poster presentations from both trainers/educators and learners across all the multi-professional fields.
As a hybrid event, there is the opportunity to attend virtually or face-to-face, which will hopefully enable networking across the region again.
Bookings will be subject to approval from Health Education England, you will receive an email confirming receipt of your booking request and once approved you will receive a full confirmation.
This conference will enable you to:
We are opening part of the 2022 conference to abstracts, with in person poster presentations from invited speakers being a major part of the event. There are two types of presentation: in person poster presentation in the exhibition area at the conference and e-poster presentations.
For more information and to register, please visit the conference website.
Posted June 23rd 2022 (3 years ago)
"Mental Health is everyone’s business" - Key knowledge to help you in your ongoing career, whatever specialty you go into.
Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership are running a regional teaching day covering fundamental psychiatric skills, aimed at Foundation Doctors who have not have had a job in psychiatry. The day is highly interactive, structured around cases and with chances to practice communication skills in simulated consultations.
You can sign up now via Maxcourse:
• Appreciate the patient perspective through contact with Experts by Experience and patient involvees.
• Understand some of the main differences between history-taking and examination in psychiatry, compared to other specialties.
• Have an awareness of the principles of legal frameworks and risk assessment in psychiatry.
• Discuss the ethical dilemmas and controversies involved in the diagnosis and management of mental disorder.
• Identify reasons for patients' challenging behaviour and acknowledge the role stigma plays in healthcare professionals’ response to these patients.
• Propose coping strategies to deescalate challenging behaviour
• Be able to take a history, perform a mental state examination and assess risk in someone presenting with symptoms of anxiety or low mood.
The RCP is seeking a foundation-level doctor to edit their popular foundation column, which showcases concise articles written by and for early-career doctors on topics relating to their practice and working lives. You’ll source potential contributors, commission content, help authors develop and hone their work with the help of the publishing team, and contribute to the general strategic development of the journal, representing the perspective of recently qualified doctors.
Please see their website for more information:
If you would like to discuss further, please contact the editor-in-chief, Anton Emmanuel ( Expressions of interest, including a CV, are requested by 1 July 2022 to
This conference will be run by In2MedSchool, a national charity of free mentorship for underprivileged year 12 and 13 students, to support them to get into medical school. The event is entirely virtual. Talks have been organised from a range of international experts, covering different inequalities affecting patients and healthcare staff, with contributions from members of the Women's Medical Federation, Refugee Council, Disabled Doctors UK and Mental Health Foundation.
It is free to attend and certificates of attendance will be provided to support your portfolio.
Register here:
This webinar is being hosted by WEATS (Women of East Anglia T&O Surgeons). While it will be hosted by Women Orthopaedic Surgeons, many aspects are relevant to anyone wishing to pursue a career in Orthopaedics, and those with families/considering LTFT or time in research/management roles.
Link to sign up:
Posted June 16th 2022 (3 years ago)
"Mental Health is everyone’s business" - Key knowledge to help you in your ongoing career, whatever specialty you go into.
Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership are running a regional teaching day covering fundamental psychiatric skills, aimed at Foundation Doctors who have not have had a job in psychiatry. The day is highly interactive, structured around cases and with chances to practice communication skills in simulated consultations.
You can sign up now via Maxcourse:
• Appreciate the patient perspective through contact with Experts by Experience and patient involvees.
• Understand some of the main differences between history-taking and examination in psychiatry, compared to other specialties.
• Have an awareness of the principles of legal frameworks and risk assessment in psychiatry.
• Discuss the ethical dilemmas and controversies involved in the diagnosis and management of mental disorder.
• Identify reasons for patients' challenging behaviour and acknowledge the role stigma plays in healthcare professionals’ response to these patients.
• Propose coping strategies to deescalate challenging behaviour
• Be able to take a history, perform a mental state examination and assess risk in someone presenting with symptoms of anxiety or low mood.
Improve medicines safety, visit the SCRIPT Safety programme
The SCRIPT Safety programme aims to develop your knowledge and skills in prescribing practice, therapeutics and provides guidance on medicines management. The programme covers a range of topics and supports the World Health Organization (WHO) Global Patient Safety Challenge ‘Medication Without Harm’.
Each module in the SCRIPT Safety programme takes approximately 60 minutes to complete. All course materials have been authored by a team of expert healthcare professionals and are regularly reviewed and updated. You can learn more about this elearning programme by visiting the SCRIPT website.
To all surgical registrars, core trainees and foundation doctors with experience of the surgical logbook, GWH are kindly asking for 3 minutes of your time to fill out this short survey. All responses will be anonymous and used simply to examine if there is a consensus in approach.
GWH are interested to gain a consensus as to what meets the criteria of Supervised Trainer Scrubbed (STS) in some common general surgical procedures. The eLogbook offers minimal guidance on what constitutes each level of involvement and is not procedure specific. This leaves the self-assessment to subjectivity and open to interpretation. With scarcity of surgical training numbers and indicative procedures being used in many core training and ST3 applications, it is important to gauge the variability in what people consider ‘STS’ compared with ‘Assisted.’
Posted May 25th 2022 (3 years ago)
NHS England and NHS Improvement are seeking Foundation Doctors to help test the first prototypes for the Digital Staff Passport. Anyone who participates will get a certificate for their portfolios upon request. Further details below:
Development work for the digital staff passport has now commenced and foundation doctors are invited to participate by contributing to a session (approximately one hour) to provide feedback on the initial prototype design. If this is of interest and you can spare the time, please contact the User Researcher, Nike Bada, by email (
The prototype is not the final offering. This is an opportunity to share initial ideas based on feedback from the initial discovery research, and for you to share what you would expect and like to see delivered with the team to inform the design and development of the final product.
Research Goals
Overall, this helps ensure that prototype design is centred around the user’s needs.
Timelines & Logistics
Session Dates: Weekly Wednesday & Thursdays (Can be changed to suit user availability)
Duration: 60 Minutes
Location: Microsoft Teams
Consent: Consent and Information sheets will be sent to each participant prior to the session which must be signed and returned before the session.
Abstract submissions are now open for the Annual Scientific Meeting, a two day meeting taking place in Oxford on 23rd and 24th November 2022.
You are invited to submit an abstract for oral presentation and poster presentation via
The British Trauma Society is a multidisciplinary society and so any topic related to the care of the injured from the pre-hospital to hospital specialists to rehabilitation will be favourably considered. The meeting is also open to students and all allied health care professionals. Prizes are available for the best presentations!
On the day before the meeting, 22nd November, there is an educational day on “Innovation in trauma". Further details will be posted on BTS website.
The closing date for submission is 31st July.
Registration for the event will be open at a later time.
Posted May 18th 2022 (3 years ago)
The Application window opened on Wednesday 18th May 2022 and will close on Sunday 12th June 2022.
Application forms and guidance are available here during this period.
Posted May 13th 2022 (3 years ago)
The GMC are recruiting doctors to pilot some of their assessments. Volunteers will receive up to £350 for taking part and a certificate for their portfolio, plus lunch and standard class travel expenses. For more information and to apply please visit
To attend, doctors must be F2 or above and have worked in the pilot specialty for four months or more during the past year. GMC is currently recruiting for:
• Child psychiatry
• Foundation year 2
• General Adult Psychiatry
• General Practice
• Geriatrics
• Intensive Care Medicine
• Rheumatology
The written exam pilots run from 8:30am - 12:00pm and you will be paid £175 for sitting a two hour test.
9 June 2022
Manchester and London
For any questions please contact:
The Foundation elearning programme has been developed specifically for Foundation doctors by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in partnership with Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) and is approved by the UK Foundation Programme (UKFPO).
Throughout your career you will work in a team, but sometimes that teamwork will cross traditional boundaries. How good are you at working with other teams across the secondary/primary care boundary?
Available in elearning for healthcare Foundation Programme (2021 curriculum) - these sessions cover areas in your curriculum on; FPC 2: Clinical Prioritisation, FPC 3: Holistic Planning, FPC 4: Communication and Care, FPC 5: Continuity of Care and FPC 6: Sharing the Vision:
• Primary, Secondary Care Interface
• Effective Referrals to Other Clinical Teams
• Good Handover Practice
• Primary, Secondary Care Interface
• Ward and Therapy Services
• Ward and Social Services
• Effective Referrals to Other Clinical Teams
• Team Working and Patient Safety
Check the programme to see other sessions that might help you.
You can sign on to the elearning with your login supplied by elearning for healthcare at any time during your foundation training:
HORUS and TURAS have deep links to elearning for healthcare sessions from the Foundation Curriculum and therefore accessible to all trainees, making it quicker and easy to access the appropriate session linked to the curriculum.
This Conference is organised by the TakeAIM Fellows. TakeAIM is a trainee-led initiative associated with Society for Acute Medicine (SAM) which aims to promote recruitment to the speciality.
We welcome Foundation Doctors, Trust Grade Doctors, IMT/ ACCS Doctors and Medical Students. The programme includes a Poster Competition, talks on relevant topics and various Masterclasses (including POCUS - Point Of Care UltraSound).
The Abstract Submission deadline is 20th of May 2022. The Conference Registration Link is
More information can also be found on the takeAIM Website (
Posted April 28th 2022 (3 years ago)
The Foundation elearning programme has been developed specifically for Foundation doctors by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in partnership with Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) and is approved by the UK Foundation Programme (UKFPO).
Patients with long term conditions (chronic disease). How good are you at helping them after they leave hospital?
Available in the elearning for healthcare Foundation Programme (2021 curriculum) - these sessions cover areas in your curriculum on; FPC 1: Clinical Assessment, FPC 2: Clinical Prioritisation, FPC 3: Holistic Planning, FPC 4: Communication and Care and FPC 5: Continuity of Care:
You can sign on to the elearning with your login supplied by elearning for healthcare at any time during your foundation training:
HORUS and TURAS have deep links to elearning for healthcare sessions from the Foundation Curriculum and therefore accessible to all doctors in training, making it quicker and easy to access the appropriate session linked to the curriculum.
The UKFPO are pleased to announce the recruitment for the 2022-2023 Fellows. Please note that applications open on Monday 16th May 2022, 09:00 and close on Sunday 22nd May 2022, 23:59. The link to the application form will be made available on the UKFPO website, and advertised on UKFPO Twitter and Facebook accounts.
Applications will be capped at 100, meaning that if 100 applications are received whilst the application window is open, no new applications will be accepted.
In the meantime, please visit the UKFPO website to review the recruitment process and job description.
Early Bird offer of £199 for the Bristol Patient Safety Conference 2022 ends 30th April 2022. The online conference is 18th May 2022 and features:
• Patient safety and QI experts
• Patient safety and QI projects shared in poster presentations
• A diverse range of workshops
Full Online Conference Programme information can be found at
Are you a doctor in training caring for surgical patients?
Patients undergoing surgery are increasingly medically complex, reflecting an ageing population with growing co-morbidities. The care of these patients is more complex as a result, requiring co-ordinated multi-disciplinary input from surgical, medical, and anaesthetic teams.
This free 4-part webinar series is designed to improve your confidence in managing a diverse range of surgical patients from presentation to recovery and provide an insight into the fascinating and growing field of Perioperative Medicine.
The first talk in the series is on the 10th May at 18:30 - click the following link to sign up:
Full Schedule -
Session 1: 10/05/2022 Introduction to Perioperative Medicine
Session 2: 17/05/2022 Silver Trauma
Session 3: 24/05/2022 Post-operative Issues & ITU Involvement
Session 4: 31/05/2022 Perioperative Optimisation
Certificates will be provided for attendees!
Whether you are a budding surgeon, anaesthetist, or medic, this series of talks from experts in the field is not to be missed!
Registration for the 2nd National Learners Assembly is now open for 27th May, 09:30 - 16:30. HEE is committed to improving equality, diversity and inclusion in postgraduate training. The National Learners Assembly is your opportunity to meet, discuss and work with senior healthcare leaders to address concerns and generate solutions to make medical and dental training more inclusive. The afternoon showcases best practice from learners across the country to inspire us all.
Register at this link:
The National Virtual Academic Conference 2022 is a conference for clinical medical students and foundation doctors with an interest in research, education and quality improvement, sponsored by the University of Birmingham.
Conference date: 4th July 2022
Abstract submissions deadline: 6th May 2022 at 23:59
This event will cover the following areas of clinical academia:
Visit for more details and to submit an abstract.
23rd June 2022 14:00-18:00, Manchester, £17
Tickets on sale
● Mix of presentation, workshop & networking
● GH EM fellows from across the UK
● GH partner opportunities
● Experienced mentors bringing GH to the ED
For those new to GH through to those with established GH careers, all emergency care disciplines welcome.
Hosted at the Intercontinental George, Edinburgh, in partnership with COPMeD/COPDEND/MDRS, join us for a day of talks and workshops exploring:
And much more...
Audience: Medical/Dental Faculty and careers advisers, Supervisors, and Postgraduate doctors/dentists in training.
This event is free of charge however a space must be reserved. Space allocation will be based on a first come first serve basis, with space and catering for up to 150 delegates.
Please book your space at this year's conference by registering at the following link:
Posted April 7th 2022 (3 years ago)
To give everyone an extra chance to present their work at BEC22, the abstract submission deadline has been extended to 1st May 2022.
Belfast Eye Conference is free of charge to attend. The event will be held virtually on Sat 2nd July and Sun 3rd July 2022.
To register, see the programme, download an abstract submission form and see the deadline, please visit:
At Belfast Eye Conference, you will meet like-minded healthcare students, early-stage doctors, and early career vision scientists from around the world who are equally fascinated by clinical ophthalmology and vision related research. The conference will provide the stage for speakers who will give broad and varied perspectives on eye related disease. Consultant ophthalmologists will give clinical talks relating to their sub-specialty, and members of the multi-disciplinary team will discuss how they support eye health.
Saturday 25th & Sunday 26th June 2022
Virtual Course
CPD Approved (10 credits)
Registration Fee - £75.00
Online registration now open at
Registration fee includes:
• Access to the virtual course on 25th & 26th June to watch the presentations and put questions to the speakers.
• Post-course access to the video content (pre-registered delegates only). The content will be available from approximately 2 weeks after the course until the end of September 2022.
• CPD certificate (provided by email to those who attend the course)
• Opportunity to self-certify for CPD for watching the course content later (one CPD credit per hour).
Please note that anyone wishing to access the video contact afterwards must pre-register before the course takes place.
Further details can be found on the meeting website -
Four new online eLearning modules have been launched on the eLfH page for IMTs about developing skills in an outpatient setting. Doctors in training in Bath and Swindon worked hard to develop three dynamic, engaging and interactive sessions for the benefit of foundation doctors and a session for outpatient trainers too. Learning materials can be accessed here:
A team of Severn trainees have also developed a new list of all the available eLearning materials for IMTs on the eLfH site: This comprehensive list is a helpful resource for facilitating access to IMT suitable learning materials, as a means of evidence-basing personal development in each CiP area, with resources that can be linked to the ePortfolio. The new IMT eLfH page also includes access to exemplar videos for procedural skills.
If you have ideas for learning materials, please contact Tina Mehta on
Gain quick access to clinical decision support anytime, anywhere! Funded by Health Education England and free to all NHS staff and learners, BMJ Best Practice uses the latest evidence-based research, guidelines and expert opinion to offer step-by-step guidance on diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and prevention.
How to access
1. Visit
2. Enter your OpenAthens username and password and click ‘Sign in’*
3. If you are a new user, you will need to now register for a BMJ Best Practice personal account. You can use your personal account to download the free BMJ Best Practice app for access anywhere, anytime, even offline.
*If you haven’t registered for an OpenAthens account yet, click here.
Planning on applying to Core Surgical Training/Trauma and Orthopaedics? This is an opportunity to get focussed teaching on the principles of fracture management via an online lecture series. With lectures taught by Specialty Training Registrars in T&O, this course offers all the tips and tricks you need to succeed with content based on NICE/BOAST guidelines. The course is free with certificates of attendance provided. For more information and to book a place, visit
Posted March 30th 2022 (3 years ago)
Are you a Foundation Doctor or Clinical Fellow interested in a career in Paediatrics?
NBT is running a one-day practical course, providing simulations of common Paediatric and Neonatal condition, practical skills teaching, opportunities to talk to current Paediatric doctors in training, and information about application. This course is now reduced to £49.
The course will include:
If you have any questions or for further information, please email or
The Paola Domizio Undergraduate Essay Prize is named after Professor Paola Domizio, an RCPath Fellow who contributed a huge amount to the work of the College and to pathology education. The competition is open to UK students studying an undergraduate course in a relevant discipline, such as medicine or biomedicine. This year’s essay question is 'Which one scientific discovery or pathologist has had the most significant impact on medicine/pathology in the last 60 years?'. Entries of up to 1000 words will be accepted until Monday 25 April 2022. The winner will receive £250. For more information and to apply, please visit:
The Hugh Platt Foundation Essay Prize invites UK-based FY1 and FY2 doctors to explore how pathology has changed in the last 60 years in an essay of up to 1000 words. The competition is posthumously named after Dr Hugh Platt, an RCPath Fellow who contributed a huge amount to the work of the College, and to the support of postgraduate medical training in pathology disciplines. The Foundation essay prize will close to entrants on Monday 23 May 2022. The winner will receive £250. For more information and to apply, please visit:
The College’s Art of Pathology competition is open to people of all ages from the UK and abroad until 30 May 2022 and invites participants to explore pathology in a unique and creative way. This year’s theme is ‘Pathology: past, present and future’. Up to £1000 will be awarded to one winner from each of the three age categories and the best entries are also published on our website and featured in the College magazine, The Bulletin. Find out more at
Please feel free to contact if you have any queries.
A new course has been added to the F2 regional teaching courses available to F2 Foundation Doctors on MAXCOURSE. This course is aimed to develop knowledge regarding the complexities of eating disorders.
Content includes:
This one day course will give the participants the knowledge and skills to provide teaching sessions to colleagues and other healthcare professionals. This will include the importance of delivery mode, feedback and evaluation.
Learning outcomes
This course links with the following: FP Curriculum 2021
HLO1 FPC 1, 2, 3
Spaces are limited so book now!
Posted March 9th 2022 (3 years ago)
The IFST 2022 guidance and application forms are now published and available on the UKFPO website.
The IFST application window opens on Thursday 10th March and closes on Monday 21st March (12 midday) for both F1 and F2.
As per last year, the review and management of IFST applications will be administered locally by each foundation school. The UKFPO will hold a central appeals process between late April and May.
A new course has been added to the F2 regional teaching courses available to F2 Trainees on MAXCOURSE. This UKFP approved course will provide participants with basic level knowledge and skills in designing and delivering training sessions.
Please note that this will be an interactive session and everyone will be expected to participate in large, medium and small group exercises. To make the most of this you will need to be able to have your cameras and microphones on at least some of the time, so please ensure you are joining the meeting from an environment that will make this possible.
This one day course will give the participants the knowledge and skills to provide teaching sessions to colleagues and other healthcare professionals. This will include the importance of delivery mode, feedback and evaluation.
Learning outcomes
This course links with the following Foundation Professional Capabilities (FPCs): 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 15, 20
Spaces are limited so book now!
Registration is now open for the NES Annual Virtual Conference 2022, taking place on Wednesday 27 & Thursday 28 April. For further details and to register please visit, where you will find the following on the resources tab:
• Full Conference Programme
• Medical Appraisers Programme
• Practice Managers Programme
• Session Descriptions
• NES Medical Directorate Awards
The two-day virtual meeting is sponsored by NHS Education for Scotland, and there will be no charge for participation. Deadline to register is 13 April 2022.
The UKFPO have lots of resources to aid with reviewing and building your portfolio for your ARCP. As at the time of writing the UKFPO have no plans for any derogations and therefore the curriculum requirements will need to be met in their entirety including the need to log 60 hours of teaching and including a minimum of 30 hours core teaching.
UKFPO Resources
This is the link to the UKFPO curriculum page which leads you to resources on the new 2021 curriculum. Included is an ARCP Checklist to aid review of your portfolio ahead of the ARCP process.
The Environmentally Sustainable Healthcare (ESH) programme was developed with the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare and the HEE Northeast Faculty of Sustainable Healthcare to provide the NHS healthcare workforce with the knowledge and skills to deliver healthcare for financial, social and environmental sustainability.
About the elearning session
An Environmental Sustainability in Quality Improvement elearning session is now available, which aims to support learners in recognising sustainability as a domain of quality, describe how sustainability adds value to each step of a quality improvement process, identify the steps for embedding sustainability into quality improvement and identify appropriate resources for undertaking a sustainable quality improvement project.
The session takes approximately 30 minutes to complete and follows on from the Building a Net Zero NHS session, which provides an introduction to environmentally sustainable healthcare. Certificates are available to download on completion of each session.
Accessing the elearning
To read more about the elearning programme, please visit the programme page.
The UK Balint Society is excited to announce their first-ever national foundation year doctor Balint group taster event on Friday 29th April 09:00-13:00. The event includes brief talks carried out by UK Balint society council members followed by live demonstration groups. The Balint group method uses a form of reflective practice to broaden the doctors' understanding of the emotional aspects of the doctor-patient relationship. We look forward to welcoming foundation year doctors with or without prior Balint group experience.
Registration is £40 per person, deductible from the UK Balint Society membership registration fee.
Register at
Posted March 3rd 2022 (3 years ago)
The UKFPO have lots of resources to aid with reviewing and building your portfolio for your ARCP. As at the time of writing the UKFPO have no plans for any derogations and therefore the curriculum requirements will need to be met in their entirety including the need to log 60 hours of teaching and including a minimum of 30 hours core teaching.
UKFPO Resources
This is the link to the UKFPO curriculum page which leads you to resources on the new 2021 curriculum. Included is an ARCP Checklist to aid review of your portfolio ahead of the ARCP process.
The Association for Palliative Medicine Juniors committee is excited to announce a webinar series focusing on palliative care in non-malignant diseases. The aim of this series is to enable junior doctors to understand the unique challenges when managing patients with these conditions approaching the end of life. These sessions will provide attendees with an excellent knowledge base to care for these patients in clinical practice. The webinars will cover the following topics:
• Palliative care in heart failure - Bookings open via:
• Palliative care in chronic kidney disease -Bookings open via:
• Palliative care on the respiratory ward – Bookings open via:
• Palliative care in dementia and frailty – Bookings opening soon
All of the webinars are free of charge. If you are unable to make the live session, you can sign up for access to the recording. Book your spaces today via the links above.
Many women take a break during their career to raise children, care for sick friends and relatives, study or for a sabbatical. How will this change in salary affect your NHS Pension? This webinar is designed for medical professionals to improve your understanding of a career break, Pension, and how this could impact your future. It will be hosted by a Wesleyan Specialist Financial Adviser.
Key areas discussed:
► The Gender Pay Gap within the medical profession
► Mending the Gap
► Impact of career breaks and maternity leave
► Closing the Pension gap
► Next steps
Date: Wednesday 9th March, 7-8pm
Registration Link:
Platform: GoTo Webinar
Presenters: Wendy Baille and Lisa Warsop
RCPsych are delighted to announce that the following prizes are now open to entrants. Further information, regulations and entry forms can be accessed via their Prizes and Bursaries web page.
Trainees, SAS and specialty doctors working in the south west are invited to submit a poster and abstract on any aspect of psychiatry, including Quality Improvement projects. The poster will be displayed at the Spring Biannual Meeting on 20 May 2022 and the abstract published in the Programme and Abstracts booklet, with prizes of £100 for the winner and the poster showing the greatest innovation.
Deadline for submission: 11 April 2022 at 9.00 am
Foundation year doctors and medical students are invited to submit a poster and abstract on any aspect of psychiatry. The poster will be displayed at the Spring Biannual Meeting on 20 May 2022 and the abstract published in the Programme and Abstracts booklet, with a prize of £100 for the winner.
Deadline for submission: 11 April 2022 at 9.00 am
Trainees, consultants, associate specialists, specialty doctors, lecturers and senior lecturers in psychiatry working in the south west are invited to submit an example of innovation across the whole spectrum of modern psychiatric practice. All abstracts will be published in the Programme and Abstracts booklet and six shortlisted entries will be invited to present their idea to a panel of judges and live audience at the Spring Biannual Meeting on 20 May 2022, with a prize of £100 for the winner.
Deadline for submission: 11 April 2022 at 9.00 am
Up to 10 bursaries are being offered for south west medical students and foundation year doctors to present a poster at the South West Spring Biannual Meeting on 20 May 2022. All entrants (up to two per submission) will be guests of the Executive Committee and must register for the meeting but will not be charged a conference fee. Bursaries for medical students also include travel expenses.
These competitions are an opportunity to share your experience of mental health services and psychiatry with colleagues of all levels around the region who will be attending the meeting, with the added bonus of possibly winning a prize!
Course Lead:
Professor Mervyn Singer, Professor of Intensive Care Medicine, University College London
Registration Fee - £75.00
(A discount is available for UCL/UCLH staff - please email for further details)
Registration Link:
Registration fee includes:
Please note that anyone wishing to access the video contact afterwards must pre-register before the course takes place.
For further information, please visit the meeting website or contact Alex:
Date: 29th April 2022
Time: 09:00-17:00
Fee: Free
Sign up:
If you have always found nephrology a challenging specialty and want to learn more about the fundamentals, this is the teaching day for you!
This will be an interactive small group teaching day led by renal physicians from North Bristol NHS Trust's Renal department covering topics including dialysis, AKI, fluid balance, renal transplant, palliative care, renal drugs, fistulas and more!
The teaching day is aimed at doctors who have an interest in learning more about renal medicine across all specialties including medicine, surgery and general practice from foundation years to registrars!
Certificates will be provided after attending the teaching day.
Teas and snacks will be provided
Please bear in mind spaces will be strictly limited due to the small group nature of the teaching delivery so please only sign up if you are sure you can attend. If you are currently unsure whether you will have availability but are still interested in attending, please email to be added to the reserve list.
National Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Poster Competition 2022 - online event
Deadline 9th March 2022 - see online competition details and online entry form here:
Successful entries receive:
Who should apply?: junior doctors, nurses, midwives, consultants, AHPs, GPs, medical students and those working in care settings among others
Overarching categories:
See full description of these categories plus QI resources here:
See also attached flyer for detail on what judges are looking for.
Full Online Conference Programme information can be found at
Mental health assessment is a vital part of all doctors’ professional practice. How good are you at dealing with these patients?
Available in the elearning for healthcare Foundation Programme (2021 curriculum) - these sessions cover areas in your curriculum on; FPC 1: Clinical Assessment, FPC 2: Clinical Prioritisation and FPC 5: Continuity of Care.
Check the programme to see other sessions that might help you…
You can sign in to the elearning with your login supplied by elearning for healthcare at any time during your foundation training:
HORUS and TURAS have deep links to elearning for healthcare sessions from the Foundation Curriculum and therefore accessible to all trainees, making it quicker and easy to access the appropriate session linked to the curriculum.
SCRIPT – supporting safer prescribing practices
The SCRIPT Foundation programme is a suite of elearning modules specifically created to improve safety and competency among foundation trainees around prescribing, therapeutics and medicines management. The portfolios include 49 modules for foundation doctors, 8 modules for foundation dentists and 59 modules for foundation pharmacists.
Each module takes approximately 60 minutes to complete and does not have to be completed in one sitting. Content has been authored by a team of expert healthcare professionals and is reviewed and updated on a regular basis.
Posted February 23rd 2022 (3 years ago)
A new course has been added to the F2 regional teaching courses available to F2 Trainees on MAXCOURSE. This mandatory course will introduce the principle of Human Factors and demonstrate how these are relevant to the medical practice of junior doctors.
Decision Making
Situational Awareness
At the end of the training day F2’s will be expected to produce a ‘Human Factors Card’. This will consist of 4 bullet points, titled: Decision Making, Teamworking, Situational Awareness and Communication. Under each bullet point they will complete one action that they will take back to their clinical practice. This will serve as formative assessment of the learning.
Learning Outcomes
This course links with the following Foundation Professional Capabilities (FPCs) in the 2021 Foundation Programme Curriculum: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13
Up to 160 poster places are available at the Bristol Patient Safety conference. Successful entries receive:
Who should apply?: junior doctors, nurses, midwives, consultants, AHPs, GPs, medical students and those working in care settings.
Application link:
The GMC are recruiting doctors to assist with GMC assessment pilots. Volunteers will receive up to £350 for taking part, plus lunch and standard class travel expenses. For more information and to apply please visit
To attend, doctors must be F2 or above and have worked in the pilot specialty for four months or more during the past year. GMC is currently recruiting for:
• Foundation year 2
• General medicine
• Geriatrics
• Histopathology
• Urology
The written exam pilots run from 9:00am - 12:00pm and you will be paid £175 for sitting a two hour test.
18 March 2022
ENT, Urology
7 April 2022
Manchester and London
Written exam
ENT, FY2, Gen Medicine,
Geriatrics, Histopathology,
For any questions please contact:
The UK Balint Society is excited to announce their first-ever national foundation year doctor Balint group taster event on Friday 29th April (AM only). The event includes brief talks carried out by UK Balint society council members followed by live demonstration groups. The Balint group method uses a form of reflective practice to broaden the doctors' understanding of the emotional aspects of the doctor-patient relationship. We look forward to welcoming foundation year doctors with or without prior Balint group experience.
Online Event via Zoom, 29th April 2022 09:00-13:00
Foundation Year (1&2) Doctors only / £40 per person* / Spaces limited to 20 delegates
*Deductible from the UK Balint Society Membership Registration fee
Register at
Are you sitting for the MRCS (Part A) soon? Looking for refreshers on commonly tested topics? Or simply wanted to reinforce your core knowledge on various surgical topics?
ASiT Yorkshire is proud to present MRCS (Part A) Simplified – a virtual lecture series lead by trainees for trainees! High-yield topics to be covered weekly by senior trainees, with an aim to help fellow aspiring surgeons to pass their MRCS (Part A) with flying colours!
This is a free online event and we will be kickstarting the series on 2nd March. This will run weekly for 10 weeks, every Wednesday evening 7-8pm between March and May.
Sign up link: Feel free to get in touch with us at if you have any questions!
Posted February 16th 2022 (3 years ago)
A huge thank you everyone who joined us on Friday 28 January to participate in the National Foundation Doctors Presentation Day virtual conference. We hope you enjoyed the day. The judges and faculty all agreed that the standard of work was outstanding.
Follow the link below to see a list of winners on the UKFPO's website where you will also find a downloadable copy of the Abstract Book and Programme.
This is just a reminder that the application window to apply for the phased introduction to less than full time for a personal choice is currently open.
There will only be one application window for you to apply. This window is from Monday 14th February 2022 to midnight on Sunday 27th February 2022.
Full details and and an application form were sent to all Foundation Year 1 doctors on the 27th January.
You can apply by completing the LTFT application form and submitting this to Applications will be approved by the Severn Head of School, Dr Clare Van Hamel.
The British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology (BSACI) are generously offering scholarships for medical trainees in the UK to attend the World Allergy Organization (WAO) & BSACI 2022 UK Conference in Edinburgh from 25th-27th April 2022.
To increase awareness and interest in Allergy as a specialty, BSACI is offering up to 10 scholarships for 2nd yr. Foundation Programme, Internal Medicine and Paediatric ST1-3 trainees in the UK to attend the WAO & BSACI Conference.
Information about the meeting and scholarships can be found at
Details of the award:
1. Open to all Foundation year 2, Internal Medicine and Paediatric Trainees (up to ST3) with an interest in or considering a career in Allergy and Clinical Immunology.
2. Up to £700 to cover conference fees, hotel accommodation and travel expenses.
3. The application involves supplying a 300-word statement detailing why the applicant would benefit from this scholarship with a supporting letter from their current supervisor. Please also include how you can help increase awareness of the speciality of allergy either within your department or with other trainees after the conference, such as a grand round presentation, a trainee learning event or a department meeting.
4. Abstract submission for the conference is encouraged but is not a requirement.
5. Deadline for submissions is Monday 28th February 2022
6. You will be notified of the outcome of your application on Monday 7th March 2022
COVID-19 safety measures:
BSACI is working closely with Edinburgh Conference Centre to deliver a safe conference for all on 25th-27th April. To find out about the safety measures for the conference and guidance on travelling to Scotland visit
If you have any questions or require any further information, please contact or on 0207 501 3910.
We are now inviting abstract submissions for an open paper or poster for the NES Annual Virtual Conference taking place on the 27 & 28 April 2022.
Deadline for submission: Midnight, Wednesday 23 February 2022
We invite submissions in the following categories:
- Training delivery
- Simulated and online learning
- New perspectives and novel methods in education and training
- Careers - structure and support
- Interprofessional education
- COVID-19
- Miscellaneous
Please complete a submission form and send to:
Successful abstracts will be announced by Wednesday 16 March 2022.
If you have any queries, please contact:
The Conference Team
NHS Education for Scotland
Westport 102
West Port
Edinburgh, EH3 9DN
Switchboard: 0131 656 3200
The Future Orthopaedic Surgeons Conference 2022 is an international Trauma and Orthopaedic surgery conference for medical students, foundation doctors and core surgical trainees. It will take place on the 26th February, 8.00am-5.30pm, at the Royal Society of Medicine.
The Committee is delighted with ticket sales so far with only a limited number of places left for the morning talks and afternoon practical workshops!
Booking for the conference can be found via this link: Please purchase yours ASAP to avoid disappointment as the conference is rapidly approaching.
To entice you further, the Committee is delighted to announce the speaker line up and provide you with more information about the conference schedule.
The Morning Meeting
Our line-up of amazing speakers will help you discover more about each of the orthopaedic subspecialties whilst also providing helpful tips for speciality training applications and success during your careers as orthopaedic surgeons. Please see attached the list of speakers presenting at FOSC '22.
We really hope that you can join us at the Royal Society of Medicine, however, a live stream option is also available for attendees unable to attend in person.
The Afternoon Workshops
Under the supervision of orthopaedic surgeons, delegates will have the opportunity to hone their plating, external fixation, and dynamic hip screw fixation skills during sawbone workshops.
Not only will you gain practical experience in a range of Orthopaedic techniques, but the workshops are CPD accredited and will provide participants with CPD points to improve their CV for foundation and core surgical training applications.
The workshops are filling up fast, with a limit of 60 places, so make sure to book on soon if you are interested. Please note you are expected to attend the morning session in person in order to attend the afternoon workshop.
We look forward to meeting everyone at FOSC 2022!
Posted February 8th 2022 (3 years ago)
The Royal Society of Medicine is running the second event of the Gut Club Series 2021-22: "Interpreting liver function tests” which will take place on March 23rd 2022. This CPD accredited event will give early career junior doctors interested in gastroenterology the opportunity to attend a unique teaching programme delivered by fellow junior doctors and leading gastroenterologists along with an invaluable networking opportunity.
Furthermore, delegates will have the opportunity to submit an abstract for the chance to win a national prize. The deadline for submissions is February 18th 2022. Short-listed delegates will present their work on the day and the prize winner will subsequently be selected. Submissions that have not been short-listed may be invited to present their abstract as a poster on the day of the event.
Attendance may be virtual or in-person (subject to change depending on national regulations).
For detailed information on the event programme, submission procedure and prizes, please visit:
The Southwest Orthopaedic Conference (SWOC) is taking place on 12th February 2022 from 9:00-17:15. Cost is £5.00 per ticket with all proceeds will go towards the Bone Cancer Research Trust.
Tickets can be purchased at:
We are thrilled to announce the second annual virtual Belfast Eye Conference! Hosted by Queen’s University Belfast.
At Belfast Eye Conference, you will meet like-minded healthcare students, early-stage doctors and early career vision scientists from around the world who are equally fascinated by clinical ophthalmology and vision related research.
The conference will provide the stage for speakers who will give broad and varied perspectives on eye related disease. Consultant ophthalmologists will give clinical talks relating to their sub-specialty, and members of the multi-disciplinary team will discuss how they support eye health.
Vision science is a strong and active research field, particularly in Northern Ireland. We are excited to showcase cutting edge vision related research from scientists at Queen’s University Belfast.
Belfast Eye Conference will also provide a platform for delegates - you! - to showcase your vision related research, in oral and poster formats. You may have done a vision related case study or audit, summer studentship, intercalated project, special study module work or PhD. Whatever the level, submit an abstract today!
Most importantly, Belfast Eye Conference is free of charge to attend. The event will be held virtually on Sat 2nd July and Sun 3rd July 2022.
To register, see the programme, download an abstract submission form and see the deadline, please visit:
Posted February 3rd 2022 (3 years ago)
The Future Orthopaedic Surgeons Conference 2022 will take place on 26th February, 8:00am -5:30pm, at the Royal Society of Medicine.
We are currently building up to the Future Orthopaedic Surgeons Conference 2022, an international orthopaedic conference for medical students, foundation doctors and core surgical trainees. We are proudly in our 11th year now, with growing participation each year!
The conference provides an opportunity for delegates to present their research, win national prizes and speak with leaders in the field. Participants will also have the chance to participate in practical workshops (Dynamic hip screw, External fixation and Lag screw fixation) and discover more about a career within Trauma & Orthopaedics. Overall, an amazing experience to gain invaluable skills for your future career.
Booking for the conference can be found via this link:
Dear trainee,
In summer 2020, Health Education England (HEE) appointed RSM UK Consulting LLP (RSM) to conduct a three-year longitudinal evaluation, assessing the effectiveness of several of the recommendations being delivered as part of the HEE Foundation Programme Review. We are now in the Year 3 of the evaluation.
As part of the Year 3 evaluation, we are recruiting to our Foundation Trainee Panel to share their experiences in relation to several of the recommendations.
What is the Foundation Programme Review?
The Foundation Programme Review set out 16 recommendations aimed at improving the experience of trainees and faculty involved in the Foundation Programme. The review has sought to address issues across the following themes:
• Improving transition from medical school to foundation and from foundation to core/specialty training
• Addressing geographical and specialty distribution issues
• Enhancing the Working Lives of Foundation Doctors
• Improving Supervision and Educational Support
• Improving Faculty Support
Who do we want to hear from?
We are hoping to recruit at least 250 trainees from across FY1 and FY2 and all regions.
What is involved?
We use this panel of trainees to provide feedback in summer 2022, seeking to understand your experiences and perceptions of the Foundation Programme and the impact of the recent changes. As we are approaching the end of the evaluation, we are looking to add to our panel trainees who have now progressed into FY2 or recently joined the programme.
Participating in this "Community of Practice" will provide you with experience of participating in audit/service evaluation and quality improvement techniques, which you will be able to evidence via your e-portfolios.
To ensure appropriate representation, you will be asked to complete a short demographic questionnaire which we will use to select the final participants. If you would like to become a member of the trainee panel, please follow the QI link in the email sent to you 03.02.2022– please note the questionnaire will be open to apply until close of play 28th February 2022.
SCRIPT is a multi-programme elearning resource commissioned by Health Education England and developed by the University of Birmingham and OCB Media. In continuous development since 2010 and with over 150 individual modules, SCRIPT is the most up to date, evidence based elearning resource from the NHS.
The resource was designed to encourage safe and effective prescribing and optimal medicines management among healthcare professionals, with a specific focus on foundation doctors, dentists and pharmacists. SCRIPT is also the mandated resource for PSA remediation.
About the SCRIPT Foundation elearning programme
The SCRIPT Foundation programme is a suite of elearning modules specifically created to improve safety and competency among foundation trainees around prescribing, therapeutics and medicines management.
The portfolios include 49 modules for foundation doctors, 8 modules for foundation dentists and 59 modules for foundation pharmacists. These modules are delivered through a supported learning environment, specific to your school, without installation or technical requirements. In addition, the SCRIPT programme is freely available to all foundation schools with no ongoing or associated costs.
Each module takes approximately 60 minutes to complete and does not have to be completed in one sitting. Content has been authored by a team of expert healthcare professionals and is reviewed and updated on a regular basis.
How do I access the SCRIPT Foundation elearning programme?
All foundation schools are provided with a dedicated instance of SCRIPT specific to their region, including a full trainee reporting and monitoring tool. Please see link below.
Welcome to your February 2022 update about the Foundation elearning programme.
In the real world things go wrong on a regular basis. When it happens to you what should you do?
Available in the elearning for healthcare Foundation Programme (2021 curriculum) - these sessions cover areas in your curriculum on; FPC 1: Clinical Assessment, FPC 2: Clinical Prioritisation, FPC 3: Holistic Planning, FPC 4: Communication and Care, FPC 5: Continuity of Care, FPC 8: Upholding Values and FPC 11: Ethics and Law, FPC 12: Continuing Professional Development and FPC 13: Understanding Medicine:
• How to Avoid the GMC Disciplinary Committee
• GMC Registration and Post Graduate Observation
• Human Factors and Analysis of Adverse Events
• Medical Error: When Things Go Wrong
• Hospital Acquired Fever: What to do if MRSA Positive
• Hospital Acquired Fever with MRSA: What to do Next
• Infection Control: Diarrhoea in an Inpatient
• Infection Control: Air and Blood Borne Pathogens
• Infection Control: Modes of Transmission
Check the programme to see other sessions that might help you…
You can sign in to the elearning with your login supplied by elearning for healthcare at any time during your foundation training:
HORUS has deep links to elearning for healthcare sessions from the Foundation Curriculum and therefore accessible to all trainees, making it quicker and easy to access the appropriate session linked to the curriculum.
Posted January 13th 2022 (3 years ago)
Are you a junior doctor keen to learn more about a career in psychiatry? We are running a FREE event that will give you a valuable insight into the speciality, with a packed programme of tutorials and networking opportunities.
Highlights include:
This one day event will be held virtually via zoom. To book a place please email: (the deadline for applications extended)
This event has been made possible by the kind support of the Royal College of Psychiatrists and the Severn Deanery.
The Mental Capacity Act (MCA) and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) are central to inpatient care. The MCA protects the rights of vulnerable people and this group of sessions cover topics such as assessing capacity, consent, patient autonomy and safeguarding.
Available in elearning for healthcare’s Foundation Programme (2021 curriculum) - these sessions cover areas in your curriculum on; FPC 1: Clinical Assessment, FPC 2: Clinical Prioritisation, FPC 3: Holistic Planning, FPC 4: Communication and Care, FPC 5: Continuity of Care, FPC 6: Sharing the Vision and FPC 11: Ethics and Law:
You can sign in to the elearning with your login supplied by elearning for healthcare during your foundation training.
Horus and Turas have deep links to elearning for healthcare sessions from the Foundation curriculum and therefore accessible to all trainees, making it quicker and easier to access the appropriate session linked to the curriculum.
Please note this course has been rearranged due to Covid, and will now take place on 19th April Cost: £149.
Are you a Foundation Doctor or Clinical Fellow interested in a career in Paediatrics?
We are running a one-day, practical course, providing simulations of common Paediatric and Neonatal condition, practical skills teaching, opportunities to talk to current Paediatric trainees, and information about application.
The course will include:
- Simulation scenarios of
common Paediatric and
Neonatal conditions
- Paediatric-specific skills
- Talks from current
Paediatric trainees
- Tips on applications
If you have any questions or for further information, please email or
The Association for Palliative Medicine Juniors committee are excited to announce our upcoming webinar series focusing on palliative care in non-malignant diseases. The aim of this series is to enable junior doctors to understand the unique challenges when managing patients with these conditions approaching the end of life. These sessions will provide attendees with an excellent knowledge base to care for these patients in clinical practice. The webinars will cover the following topics:
Bookings are now open for the first four webinars, with all the webinars being free of charge. If you are unable to make the live session, you can sign up for access to the recording. Book your spaces today via the links above.
Deadline 9th March 2022 - see competition details and online entry form here:
Successful entries receive:
- An invitation to give a live oral poster presentation* at our national conference on 18th May 2022
- A discounted delegate rate of £159 (no VAT). Co-authors will also qualify for the discounted rate.
- A national poster competition oral presentation certificate with names of presenter(s) and authors
- There will be a first and second prize for each themed poster group
* 2-minute oral presentation followed by judge-led Q&A
Who should apply?: junior doctors, nurses, midwives, consultants, AHPs, GPs, medical students and those working in care settings among others
Overarching categories:
Conference programme to be announced shortly includes national speakers and workshops run by QI and Patient Safety experts.
The British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology (BSACI) are generously offering scholarships for medical trainees in the UK to attend the World Allergy Organization (WAO) & BSACI 2022 UK Conference in Edinburgh from 25th-27th April 2022.
To increase awareness and interest in Allergy as a specialty, BSACI is offering up to 10 scholarships for 2nd yr. Foundation Programme, Internal Medicine and Paediatric ST1-3 trainees in the UK to attend the WAO & BSACI Conference next year.
Information about the meeting and scholarships can be found at
Details of the award:
1. Open to all Foundation year 2, Internal Medicine and Paediatric Trainees (up to ST3) with an interest in or considering a career in Allergy and Clinical Immunology.
2. Up to £700 to cover conference fees, hotel accommodation and travel expenses.
3. The application involves supplying a 300-word statement detailing why the applicant would benefit from this scholarship with a supporting letter from their current supervisor. Please also include how you can help increase awareness of the speciality of allergy either within your department or with other trainees after the conference, such as a grand round presentation, a trainee learning event or a department meeting.
4. Abstract submission for the conference is encouraged but is not a requirement.
5. Deadline for submissions is Monday 28th February 2022
6. You will be notified of the outcome of your application on Monday 7th March 2022
If you or any of your colleagues have any questions or require any further information, please contact us at or on 0207 501 3910.
We are now inviting abstract submissions for an open paper or poster for the NES Annual Virtual Conference 2022.
We invite submissions in the following categories:
- Training delivery
- Simulated and online learning
- New perspectives and novel methods in education and training
- Careers - structure and support
- Interprofessional education
- COVID-19
- Miscellaneous
Deadline for submission: Midnight, Wednesday 23 February 2022
Please complete a submission form and send to:
Successful abstracts will be announced by Wednesday 16 March 2022.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.
This year STARSurg is running the CASCADE study, an international, multi-centre audit, aiming to audit pre-operative, intra-operative and post-operative audit standards around cardiovascular complications following major abdominal surgery.
If interested, please fill in the sign-up form:
Please find more information about this opportunity in the following link:
Posted December 15th 2021 (3 years ago)
We have received a letter from Dr Siva the Chief Mentor for Schools and Widening Participation:
Dear Colleagues
Firstly, thank you so much for your help a couple of months ago by sharing the information about the National Teaching Opportunity and Prizes for Junior Doctors that I sent you via email. I had an overwhelming number of enthusiastic and inspirational volunteers respond and teach. All of the participants were given certificates for teaching and also had their ‘developing clinical teacher’ competency signed off for ARCP. So it was a really useful event for both the students and the Junior Doctors who volunteered. As promised, here are a list of all of the Junior doctors from your region who were awarded National Teaching Prizes, hopefully there are some in your deanery!:
Dr Anshruta Raodeo Aneurin Bevan Health University Board
Dr Carven Chin FY2 Cardiff Royal Infirmary
Dr Eaindra Thu FY2 Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham
Dr Ghadaq Enad FY2 Blackpool Victoria Hospital
Dr Hajira Iftikhar FY2 Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Harsha Jayanna Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Jack Eklid FY2 Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust
Dr Jacomien Nel FY2 York
Dr Janine Quek Dentist Bristol Dental Hospital
Dr Jemima Cohen FY1 The Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Dr Joshua Wortelhock Royal Liverpool University Hospital
Dr Ketan Dhital CT1 Barnsley
Dr Khaing Theint Htun FY1 The Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Dr Mark Oakey ST3 Swansea Bay University Health Board
Dr Mina Saad ST3 Aneurin Bevan University Health Board
Dr Olufemi Olatigbe FY1 University Hospital of Wales - Cardiff and Vale
Dr Omar El Sayegh FY2 Glangwili Hospital
Dr Reddin Ahmed FY2 Bradford Teaching Hospital NHS Trust
Dr Rimsha Malik FY1 Bradford Royal Infirmary
Dr Veronica Ramadan-Mitrache CT3 Adult Outpatient City East CMHT
Dr Joseph Akhator ST1 Barnsley Schemes
Dr Sophie Trotter FY2 Leeds
Dr Sally-Ann Mather FY1 Barnsley
Dr Nazanin Babazadeh FY2 The Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Dr Jacomien Nel FY2 York
Dr Anushka Nargund The Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Dr Ketan Dhital CT1 Barnsley
Dr Hadika Khalid IMT3 Manchester Royal Infirmary
Dr Hajira Iftikhar FY2 Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Anshruta Raodeo Aneurin Bevan Health University Board
Dr Mina Saad ST3 Aneurin Bevan University Health Board
Dr Ojombo Gbemisola Boyede Neath Port Talbot Hospital
Dr Omar El Sayegh FY2 Glangwili Hospital
Dr Chern Yan tan
Dr Geraint Morris SHO Macclesfield District General Hospital
Dr Humaira Ud-Din FY2 Blackpool Victoria Hospital
Dr Fatima Khan FY2 Blackpool Victoria Hospital
Dr Joshua Garg FY2 Morriston hospital in Swansea
Dr Ray Tse FY1 Morriston Hospital - Swansea Bay University Health Board
There are still more teaching dates coming up and more prizes available for any junior doctors who would like to volunteer to participate. I would be very grateful if you could circulate the details below to your junior doctors (any grade or specialty) and I will be more than happy to accommodate them as best as I can. I have also included my details in the email so that they can get in touch with me directly if needed. Please could you also let me know if you did get an opportunity to send these out too? This would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Best wishes
Dr Siva
Chief Mentor for Schools and Widening Participation
Are you a Foundation Doctor or Clinical Fellow interested in a career in Paediatrics?
Date: 27th January 2022
Cost: £149
We are running a one-day, practical course, providing simulations of common Paediatric and Neonatal condition, practical skills teaching, opportunities to talk to current Paediatric trainees, and information about application.
The course will include:
- Simulation scenarios of common Paediatric and Neonatal conditions
- Paediatric-specific skills teaching
- Talks from current Paediatric trainees
- Tips on applications
If you have any questions or for further information, please email or
Most doctors feel stress at some time in their working lives. How do you recognise it in yourself and/or in your colleagues? What are your options to deal with it?
Available in elearning for healthcare’s Foundation Programme (2021 curriculum) - these sessions cover areas in your curriculum on; FPC 4: Communication and Care, FPC 5: Continuity of Care, FPC 6: Sharing the Vision, FPC 7: Fitness to Practise, FPC 8: Upholding Values and FPC 11: Ethics and Law:
You can sign in to the elearning with your login supplied by elearning for healthcare at any time during your foundation training.
Horus and Turas have deep links to elearning for healthcare sessions from the Foundation curriculum and therefore accessible to all trainees, making it quicker and easy to access the appropriate session linked to the curriculum.
The SCRIPT elearning programme was developed by the University of Birmingham and OCB Media and commissioned by Health Education England. The elearning programme has been designed to encourage safe and effective prescribing and optimal medicines management among healthcare professionals.
The resources for Foundation doctors are delivered through a dedicated learning platform, specifically designed to help improve the prescribing competency and safety of trainees.
A module usually takes approximately one hour to complete but does not have to be completed in one sitting. Content has been authored by a team of expert healthcare professionals and is reviewed and updated on a regular basis.
You can read more about the SCRIPT elearning programmes on the safe prescriber website.
Posted November 30th 2021 (3 years ago)
Hello, my name is Victoria and I am one of the Severn careers fellows. We have created a survey designed to identify gaps in the careers service and gain a better understanding of how the service could be improved. Responses are anonymous and we welcome all comments to help us develop a useful resource for foundation trainees.
The link to the survey is below:
Careers Service Survey For Foundation Doctors
Many Thanks
Victoria Roberts
Dear Trainees
**Please note that teaching slots will be filled on a 'first-come first-served' basis**
We invite you to participate in the National Medical Leadership Teaching Programme, which is a free widening access event with year 13 students participating from over 1000 schools across the UK.
We are looking for enthusiastic junior doctors and dentists who would enjoy spending a day virtually teaching secondary school students who have been selected from schools across the country based on their desire to become future clinicians. This is an excellent teaching opportunity and we are looking for mock interviewers who will be able to lead a mock panel/mmi interview in person. All of the questions and mark schemes will be provided in advance. All that we require is for you to be willing to give up your time to help students gain some valuable practice for their real interviews.
There are a selection of 8 opportunities to teach and 16 prizes available for the best teacher and mentor involved in the day. You are welcome to participate in more than one session if you wish. The teaching days are taking place online, so all the you would need is access to a computer and strong internet connection. There is no travel required.
You can choose to attend any of the following dates:
27th November
28th November
18th December
19th December
29th January
30th January
26th February
27th February
You will receive a teaching certificate from the Presidents Dr Olivia Coldicutt, Dr Priya Chohan and Dr Sherri-Ann Pegg. We will also be providing written feedback from students and there is a prize for the best Teacher (interviewer) on the day.
If you are interested in taking part please email or alternatively, you can ring 07429146083 if you would like some more information before taking part.
Good luck and thank you for volunteering!
Dr Siva
Chief Mentor for Schools and Widening Participation
Medic Mentor
I am pleased to share with you a new video resource for foundation trainees and their faculty:
We also have some interesting videos on YouTube for foundation trainees, these can be found here:
Best wishes
Kate Sharman
Project Manager, Medical Education Reform
Directorate of Education and Quality
Are you applying for Radiology this year? Want to maximise your application? Then make sure to sign up for our online RadCast Clinical Radiology Application Course.
Designed by Clinical Radiologists, we have over 60 modules (more than 6 hours of content in total) that walk you through each component of the application process from the self assessment to the MSRA and interview. The course covers all the hot topics that you need to know about to demonstrate commitment to speciality from the role of A.I to the workforce crisis and skills mix. We are also constantly updating the content and this year have a new ethics module in response to the new interview structure from the 2020/21 cycle.
Plus, it’s all online meaning it's available 24/7 and we are offering candidates an opportunity to boost their portfolio with our bespoke Clinical Radiology prizes. Finally, we are able to facilitate 1-to-1 interview sessions with radiologists to really personalise your preparation.
Last year, 99% of our trainees were successful in securing their Clinical Radiology national training number. Now it’s your turn.
If you’re interested, check out the flyer and go on our course website via
You can watch our free webinar on the 2021/22 application cycle here:<https://protect-eu.
Any questions, feel to get in touch via<
All the best,
Muhammad, Uzoma and Jamie
RadCast Co-Founders and Clinical Radiologists
Posted November 16th 2021 (3 years ago)
A new course has been added to the F2 regional teaching courses available to F2 Trainees on MAXCOURSE. This Ethics course has been designed to help meet the requirements of the new 2021 Foundation Curriculum.
The day will be run on Microsoft Teams (downloading the app is recommended)
Interactive session in which you will have the opportunity to discuss cases but also understand theoretical background, with the aim of gaining an overview of ethical theories and their practical applications.
To define ethics and distinguish ethics from other similar concepts such as morals and values
To review broad classes of ethical theory
To practice using a 4-stage checklist to analyse real-life problems.
Learning outcomes
This course links with the following Foundation Professional Capabilities (FPCs):
FP Curriculum 2021 -HLO3 FPC11
A series of webinars targeting the core surgical training applicants of 2022 organised by current surgical trainees.
Dr Ramla Ali
Dr Elizabeth Vincent
CT1 General Surgery, EKHUFT
Dr Mohamed Swamad
Dr Marwa Badawi
CT1 General Surgery, ESHT
Co-ordinated by Dr Atiqur Rahman, CT1 Urology, ESHT
Mr Ash Subramanian
Consultant Oncoplastic Surgeon
Ms Jessica Evans
Consultant Colorectal and General Surgeon
Following on the growing success of this event, NES is delighted to confirm that it will be hosting the Annual Conference virtually over two days on Wednesday 27 & Thursday 28 April 2022.
We are now also inviting submissions for 1-hour seminars, submissions are welcome from across the NHS, integration authorities, voluntary and partner organisations, and other public or private sector organisations.
For the conference in 2022 we are looking for a broad range of abstract submissions that would be of interest to a multi professional audience and also a targeted audience as per below.
Medical Education
Dental Education
Nursing, Midwifery & Allied Health Professionals
Closing date for Submissions is Friday 7 January 2022
A copy of the Seminar Session Abstract Submission Form has been sent with your Bulletin available email.
For any queries please contact
The meeting is sponsored by NHS Education for Scotland, and there will be no charge for participation. Further details on the programme and how to register will follow.
Posted November 9th 2021 (3 years ago)
Many thanks to those of you who participated in part one of the induction survey. This second survey is designed to provide further information which will be used to develop our induction programme for trainees in the future. We plan to share this information as widely as possible so your contribution could potentially make a significant difference to future trainees.
This is a reminder to complete Part 2 whether you completed part 1 or not.
There is an opportunity to provide more in depth feedback as outlined in the final question.
To access the survey please log onto
If possible, please complete the survey in one sitting since you will not be able to access it later. It should only take you approximately 10 minutes to complete. The questionnaire is anonymous and your thoughts and comments are greatly appreciated.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.
Dr JCM van Hamel
Foundation School Director
Do you fancy a FREE conference, with internationally renowned speakers, and the option to attend in person or virtually?
Check out the STAR (Severn Trainee Anaesthetic Research Network) conference in Feb 2022!
The conference is open to doctors of all levels and will cover a variety of areas in perioperative, pain and critical care. The main focus will however be on how to develop a career in research.
There is also the chance to win a PRIZE and see you research idea turned into a major regional, possibly even national project! With all the trimmings that go with it!
So sign up for this great educational day, and if you have an idea, and it only needs to be an idea, get it submitted to when you sign up!
Book early & save the date (22nd Feb at NBT).
Additionally to join STAR and be involved/updated about future projects please register at
Deadline 9th March 2022 - see competition details and online entry form here:
See quick summary plus QI resources
We have up to 160 poster places at our online conference. Successful entries receive:
- An invitation to give a live oral poster presentation* at our national conference on 18th May 2022
- A discounted delegate rate of £159 (no VAT). Co-authors will also qualify for the discounted rate.
- A national poster competition oral presentation certificate with names of presenter(s) and authors
- There will be a first and second prize for each themed poster group
* 2-minute oral presentation followed by judge-led Q&A
Who should apply?: junior doctors, nurses, midwives, consultants, AHPs, GPs, medical students and those working in care settings among others
Bristol Patient Safety national online Conference - 18th May 2022
This is an independent conference now in our ninth year.
Conference programme to be announced shortly includes national speakers and workshops run by QI and Patient Safety experts.
More details of this national poster competition on our website here.
Katherine Dougherty, Organiser, Bristol Patient Safety Conference
07954 691855
Are you a junior doctor keen to learn more about a career in psychiatry? We are running a FREE event that will give you a valuable insight into the speciality, with a packed programme of tutorials and networking opportunities.
Highlights include:
This one day event will be held virtually via zoom. To book a place please email: (the deadline for applications is 12/01/2022)
This event has been made possible by the kind support of the Royal College of Psychiatrists and the Severn Deanery.
About the NETS
At Health Education England (HEE), our job is to support you to learn to deliver excellent care to patients by ensuring that you are supported to work in a safe clinical environment. We do this by working with employers, universities, colleges, professional regulators and health and care providers to ensure that key
requirements, such as good induction programmes, clinical supervision and access to learning opportunities, are in place and available to all trainees and students.
You understand your learning environment better than anyone else
You know the learning environment in which you work and train better than anyone else and your feedback is important in identifying when things are working well and when they could be improved. The NETS is an opportunity to say what you think about the quality of your education and training, including areas of good practice.
Why it’s so important to share feedback
This is about ensuring that you have access to everything you need to develop the skills, values and behaviours to learn to deliver safe and effective care. Your feedback is vital in understanding the standards of care provided to patients.
Your feedback is vital in understanding the standards of care provided to patients.
Posted November 2nd 2021 (3 years ago)
This is a reminder that the National Foundation Doctors Presentation Day will be taking place on Friday 28th January 2022.
You are invited to submit abstracts relating to Sustainability, Research, Education, clinical Case Reports, or Quality Improvement work undertaken during your Foundation Programme training.
The Deadline for abstracts is 12:00 midnight on 7th November 2021. Late submissions will not be accepted.
Please complete your entry in good time using the survey submission form
11th October – 7th November 2021 |
Abstract submission window (4 weeks) |
3rd – 31st December 2021 |
Successful applicants invited to register for event |
Friday 28th January 2022 |
The Plastic Surgery and Orthopaedic On-Call Survival Course course curriculum has been developed and will be delivered by Registrars in their respective specialty. Please note that the 2nd edition of this popular course will be held virtually this year.
Saturday 6th of November (Orthopaedics), 20th of November (Plastic Surgery) from 10 am - 2 pm (UTC +1)
This course is aimed at junior doctors who want to improve their understanding and ability to manage commonly encountered orthopaedic and plastic surgery presentations.
Appropriate for those with an interest in pursuing a career in orthopaedics and plastic surgery as well as those with upcoming orthopaedic and plastic surgery jobs, regardless of career goals.
A one day focused course aimed at improving theoretical knowledge and surviving an orthopaedic and plastic surgery on-call shift.
Teaching will consist of a series of short lectures focusing on presentations commonly encountered by junior doctors with an emphasis on the areas they most often find challenging.
The course aims to improve theoretical knowledge to allow junior doctors to more confidently and appropriately manage pre and post-op surgical patients which can be a very daunting task, particularly on the many occasions they find their registrar and consultant in theatre!
Early Bird Course fee (until 3/10/21): £20
£25 after the 3/10/21
Includes a course certificate and access to recording for 7 days
Good communication skills are key to your success as a doctor. You will need to be able to explain your diagnosis and treatment to patients, and their families, in a professional manner that reassures them and is in terms they will understand.
Available in elearning for healthcare’s Foundation Programme (2021 curriculum) - these sessions cover areas in your curriculum on; FPC 1: Clinical Assessment, FPC 2: Clinical Prioritisation, FPC 3: Holistic Planning, FPC 4: Communication and Care, FPC 5: Continuity of Care, FPC 6: Sharing the Vision, FPC 8: Upholding Values and FPC 11: Ethics and Law:
You can sign in to the elearning with your login supplied by elearning for healthcare at any time during your foundation training.
Horus and Turas have deep links to elearning for healthcare sessions from the Foundation curriculum and therefore accessible to all trainees, making it quicker and easy to access the appropriate session linked to the curriculum.
Posted October 28th 2021 (3 years ago)
The British Society of Gastroenterology Taster Weekend is a two day course which will take place virtually on 4th and 5th December 2021.
It is aimed at foundation and internal medical trainees aspiring to become the Gastroenterologists of the future. We aim to provide an insight into the diversity and exciting opportunities the speciality provides, in terms of training but also as a consultant in the future. We are proud to deliver a very exciting programme this year, including interactive lectures, an endoscopic experience, GI emergency scenarios and practical advice regarding gastroenterology training. The course also provides application and interview advice for those who intend to apply for the next round of training posts.
Registration is via this link: and costs £25 for a BSG member and £50 for a non member.
My name is Gio Sheiybani and I am a gastro trainee in Severn. Myself and other trainees in the region have recently set up a Gastroenterology Research Trainees' network to allow better accessibility for trainees to get involved in research. If you are interested in gastroenterology later and want to be involved, please contact You can get involved in QIs or teaching projects if that is your thing too!
If you are interested in a career in ACCS (including Emergency Medicine, Intensive Care, Acute Medicine and Anaesthetics) then you are warmly invited to attend this open evening. The evening is an excellent opportunity to learn about the training routes available to you and help you prepare for submitting applications and attending interviews. The evening is an informal affair with opportunity to ask lots of questions. If you are considering applying for any stream of ACCS now or in the future, we’d love to see you.
There is no cost to attend just register via the Severn ACCS website:
Kind regards
There is a FAQ on the HEE website: that will be updated regularly.
Please visit the website for details of free educational events for Foundation doctors.
The In2MedSchool Committee are looking for doctors to volunteer with us in our exciting new Ambassador’s Programme.What is In2MedSchool?
In2MedSchool is a medical student and trainee-led initiative, with over 2,500 junior doctors and medical students nationwide, we aim to improve accessibility in medicine for disadvantaged 16-18 year olds. What is an Ambassador?
One of the main hurdles these children face is obtaining the valuable work experience that medical schools require. In2MedSchool has created a nationwide programme to help these children with this. The role of an ambassador is to design, organise and facilitate a five-day long work experience placement for one prospective medical student. We will provide you with an in-depth manual to help you contact your local trust, plan the placement itself and fulfil learning outcomes. We will then match you with a local student who you will be mentoring for their placement.Why should you get involved?
1. To Give back to the medical community
2. Enhance your mentorship & teaching skills
3. Lead and design your own teaching program
4. Be involved & co-author in our collaborative research
5. Win one of our national prizes
6. Present at our annual national conference
7. Enhance your CV
Interested? For more information and to sign up this link will take you to our website:
After signing up you will be sent an email containing our ambassadors guide and this will lead you through the next steps to take. Please remember to check your junk for this email!
Any Questions?
In2MedSchool's Ambassador Division
Posted October 12th 2021 (3 years ago)
The APM Juniors Conference 2021 is here!
Taking place virtually on Saturday 27th November 2021, this conference is aimed primarily at helping medical students and pre-specialty training junior doctors explore their interest in palliative care, though all are welcome to attend. Inspired by the upheaval in interpersonal interaction during the covid-19 pandemic, the title of this year's conference is "Words that Matter: Conversations at the End of Life", and we have an exciting list of speakers giving talks on just how essential good communication is in providing different aspects of end of life care.
Submissions are now being accepted for abstracts for oral and poster presentations(max 300 words) and the medical student essay competition on the theme of "Words that Matter" (max 750 words)-please send both to by 1st November 2021 for your chance to be featured in the conference!
In order to buy tickets for the conference, please follow this link:
Early bird tickets are being sold until 1st November, so book now to get the best price!
We hope to see you there!
APMJ Conference 2021 sub-comittee
Dear Trainees, Please see below information from the Northern Irish British Society of Gastroenterology Trainee Committee on a BSG Taster Course:
BSG Taster Weekend. This is a two day course which will take place virtually on 4th and 5th December 2021.
It is aimed at foundation and internal medical trainees aspiring to become the Gastroenterologists of the future. We aim to provide an insight into the diversity and exciting opportunities the speciality provides, in terms of training but also as a consultant in the future. We are proud to deliver a very exciting programme this year, including interactive lectures, an endoscopic experience, GI emergency scenarios and practical advice regarding gastroenterology training. The course also provides application and interview advice for those who intend to apply for the next round of training posts.
Registration is via this link: and costs £25 for a BSG member and £50 for a non member.
How could you make a difference – as a GP? Applications for 2022 GP specialty training, open on the 4 November – 1 December 2021. Please ‘like’ and follow the #Choose GP Facebook and Instagram page to keep up to date with news and views. Please forward this information to any doctors who may be thinking about career options. The GP National Recruitment Office (GPNRO) website is the place to go for timelines and applicant guidance or we have a number of GPs and trainees who can help with local or general enquiries. Email Daryl to be put in touch.
The most important skill that a Doctor in Training can develop is to know the limits of their competence. When should you call for help?
Available in elearning for healthcare’s Foundation Programme (2021 curriculum) - these sessions cover areas in your curriculum on; FPC 1: Clinical Assessment, FPC 2: Clinical Prioritisation, FPC 3: Holistic Planning, FPC 4: Communication and Care, FPC 5: Continuity of Care, FPC 6: Sharing the Vision, FPC 9: Quality Improvement and FPC 12: Continuing Professional Development:
• Competency in Practice
• Senior Advice Who When and Why?
• Senior Advice: When to Stop for Help
• Explaining Evidence/Guidelines/Protocols to Patients
• Guidelines in Clinical Practice
• Safe Practice the Doctors Perspective
• Pain Management
You can sign on to the elearning with your login supplied by elearning for healthcare at any time during your foundation training.
Horus and Turas have deep links to elearning for healthcare sessions from the Foundation curriculum and therefore accessible to all trainees, making it quicker and easy to access the appropriate session linked to the curriculum.
Dear Trainees, Please see here the latest UKFPO bulletin
Posted September 28th 2021 (3 years ago)
Please see below a link for details for the forthcoming Preparing for Core Training Interview at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow on Saturday 16th October from 9am until 1pm.
Further information and links to register for the course can be found by following the link below:
The Plastic Surgery and Urology On-Call Survival Course course curriculum has been developed and will be delivered by Registrars in their respective specialty. Please note that the 2nd edition of this popular course will be held virtually this year.
Saturday 16th of October (Urology), 20th of November (Plastic Surgery) from 10 am - 2 pm (UTC +1)
This course is aimed at junior doctors who want to improve their understanding and ability to manage commonly encountered urological and plastic surgery presentations.
Appropriate for those with an interest in pursuing a career in urology and plastic surgery as well as those with upcoming urology and plastic surgery jobs, regardless of career goals.
A one day focused course aimed at improving theoretical knowledge and surviving a urology and plastic surgery on-call shift.
Teaching will consist of a series of short lectures focusing on presentations commonly encountered by junior doctors with an emphasis on the areas they most often find challenging.
The course aims to improve theoretical knowledge to allow junior doctors to more confidently and appropriately manage pre and post-op surgical patients which can be a very daunting task, particularly on the many occasions they find their registrar and consultant in theatre!
Early Bird Course fee (until 3/10/21): £20
£25 after the 3/10/21
Includes a course certificate and access to recording for 7 days
Please click here for more details and to book
Dear Trainees,
Medical Schools Council and the Clinical Academic Training Forum (CATF) have launched a new website that aims to communicate the value of a career in clinical academia and provide information on how health professionals at various stages of training can become clinical academics.
The website is called the Clinical Academic Training and Careers Hub (CATCH) and provides useful information for current and aspiring clinical academic trainees. The advice on CATCH explores opportunities across professions including medicine, dentistry, nursing, midwifery and allied health professionals.
CATCH aims to:
• showcase and promote the wide variety of exciting career options in clinical academia across a range of healthcare disciplines
• provide practical advice on clinical academic career options across all four nations of the UK
• highlight inspiring clinical academics at a variety of career stages to help build aspirations
• build links between clinical practice and academia.
CATCH is due to launch in October, but we would first like to gather feedback from current trainees to hear what they think of the site and the information it contains. We have published a short survey asking trainees what they think of the site, and how it can be improved in future.
F1 and F2 training can be a stressful time for foundation doctors and the working conditions you may encounter may be particularly challenging in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. We would like to understand what causes stress for foundation doctors and how you manage this stress over time. The purpose of our study is to understand the factors and conditions that contribute to foundation doctors feeling you cannot manage the challenges you encounter. By conducting this study, we hope to shed more light on the well-being of foundation doctors, such that resources and interventions can be developed to support those at risk of overload.
The study itself will involve completing an audio-diary for a two-month period to record your experiences of stress.
There are several benefits of participating in the study. First, we will provide each participant with a tailored report on your triggers of stress and how these unfolded over time, derived from a team of experts. Secondly, we will give each participant £50 for participating, and you will also be entered into a prize draw where you could win a further £100.
If you are interested in participating, simply send an email to Sanjay Popat at with “Yes” in the title and Sanjay will follow up with more details.
Please see below details of ACCS open evening on November 17th 2021 from 5:00pm until 7:00pm
The Specialty Recruitment webinar took place on Wednesday 15 September, providing updates and information on the 2022 specialty training recruitment round. If you weren’t able to make the live broadcast, you can catch up with the recording You can find further information on recruitment on the specialty training website.
The UKFPO are pleased to invite you to view our latest bulletin via the below link.
UKFPO Bulletin / 22 September 2021
Posted September 15th 2021 (3 years ago)
Hope you are well. We The Master Surgeon trust have organised a free core surgical training interview preparation course that is being held via Microsoft teams on Sunday, 24/10/2021, from 09:00 to 16:30. Whilst this course is free, there is an option to donate to the organising charity (The Master Surgeon trust).
Please find below further information regarding the course:
- Link to the flyer with details regarding the course:
- Link to the course programme:
- If you are interested, please register using the following link where you can also find a donation option:
For any queries, please drop us an email on
Best wishes,
CST interview preparation course team
We are holding a webinar on Wednesday 15 September at 19:00 for trainees.
The webinar will provide all the latest information and updates on the upcoming recruitment round for 2022 specialty training.
Here's the link to join the live event here
Dear Doctor,
GP Leavers Conference
For those of us in the #covidcohort last year, this webinar series was invaluable in preparing us to join the workforce with nearly 600 first 5 GPs registering nationwide. This year we would like to help many more. We know how hard it has been for everyone in general practice with the many changes in the way we practice. It is only right that you are provided with the support you need to thrive. Founded by your AiT and First 5 representatives in collaboration with the Black Country Training Hub and the BMA this series promises to be exciting and informative. Come along to make sure you are prepared. Register now at to secure your FREE place!
Posted September 1st 2021 (3 years ago)
Date: 1st November 2021, 09.00-16.00
Venue: Taunton Racecourse TA3 7BL
Cost : £100
Due to the changing guidance on COVID, there is a possibility that the course can be cancelled at short notice. We hope for this to not happen but would like to caution all candidates of this in advance. If you have developed a new cough, fever or symptoms consistent with coronavirus you must not attend the course. Please inform the course organizers and they will ensure that you will be given first refusal for the next course.
Candidates will be divided into 3 groups. The morning lecture will aim to give a theoretical guide and an introduction to all of the topics being covered for the duration of the course. Faculty will be divided amongst the 3 stations. There will be a good ratio of faculty to delegates in all stations. Surgical scrubs will be provided for the plastering station with changing facilities. Food will be provided for lunch, please let us know if you have any specific dietary requirements.
There will also be opportunities to practice knee aspiration during the coffee and lunch breaks.
Trauma Scenario
The aim of this station is to recreate a common scenario or theme and put candidates through their paces. A debrief will accompany the end of the station along with key take home points. A brief summary of topics is listed below.
ATLS algorithm
Team Roles
Pelvic Binders
Secondary survey and temporary stabilisation
Open fractures
Principles of Plastering
Station will consist of X-ray interpretation, fracture identification, reduction techniques and plaster application. A brief summary of topics is listed below.
Ankle fractures – Basic patterns and initial management
Wrist fracture –Basic patterns and initial management
Types of plaster/splint/sling to know
Principles of fracture manipulation.
Surgical Skills
Station will consistent of the 2 skills stations. The candidates will rotate and practice understanding principles and applying the skills as discussed. Brief summary of topics covered are listed below.
Sawbone workshop – Insertion of lag screw, application of compression plate
We look forward to hosting you on 1st November. To book and if you have any queries please email Sam on
Preparations are underway for our next RCpsych Foundation Trainee Conference to be held on 21 September 2021, 09:00-12:30 via Zoom.
Following on from four hugely successful events, we will be back virtually exploring routes into psychiatry
Sessions and workshops include:
• Making the most of your foundation training
• F3 years and more
• Specialty elevator pitches and Q&A
• The impact of Covid-19 on foundation training
• RCPsych and Sustainability
Whether you’re committed to a career in psychiatry or are still on the fence, this event will help delegates to explore the many options available throughout foundation training and before entering specialty training.
Booking will open shortly on the College website, to receive a notification when bookings open, please email us at
Saturday 13th November 2021
G4J is a one-day online conference, designed for Foundation Doctors, Core Medical and GP Trainees, and Specialist Nurse Practitioners. It aims to deliver relevant and useful clinical updates in all the main sub-specialties of Geriatric Medicine, in order to improve the standard of care for older patients.
Whether you're a budding Geriatrician, already work in the field, or have other career aspirations but just want to improve your clinical knowledge and skills related to older patients, G4J has something to offer you!
What the day will include:
Cost: £27.50
The link for further information and to register can be found here
Posted August 25th 2021 (3 years ago)
We are delighted to let you know that tickets are now available to purchase for our Preparing for Core Training Interview taking place on Saturday 15 October 2021 from 9am until 1pm.
This half day course will guide you through the application for core training posts and will cover; what to expect and how to prepare through a combination of lectures and workshops focusing on portfolios, management and clinical stations.
Further information and links to register for the course can be found by following the link below:
Preparing for Core Training Interview (
Do you want to improve the experience of students and doctors from widening participation backgrounds? Do you want to gain national leadership experience, networking opportunities and a certificate for your portfolio? Join the WPMN team!
WPMN is a charitable organisation aiming to ensure doctors in every specialty are representative of society. We do this by supporting and advocating for aspiring and current medical students from underrepresented groups. We are currently recruiting for doctors to join our team in three potential roles. To find out more take a look at our website: "
Hi all,
Please click here the link for the latest UKFPO Bulletin
Posted August 18th 2021 (3 years ago)
We are delighted to announce that the following prizes are now open to entrants. Further information, regulations and entry forms can be accessed via our Prizes and Bursaries web page.
DIVISIONAL ePOSTER PRESENTATION PRIZE Trainees, SAS and specialty doctors working in the south west are invited to submit a poster and abstract on any aspect of psychiatry, including Quality Improvement projects. These will be shared at the virtual Autumn Biannual Meeting on 12 November 2021 via the web and Programme and Abstracts Booklet. Winning entries will receive £150 and will be invited to present their poster to a live audience at the conference. Deadline for submission: Thursday 30 September 2021
DR STEPHEN DINNISS FOUNDATION AND MEDICAL STUDENTS ePOSTER PRIZE Foundation year doctors and medical students are invited to submit a poster and abstract on any aspect of psychiatry. These will be shared at the virtual Autumn Biannual Meeting on 12 November 2021 via the web and Programme and Abstracts Booklet. The winning entry will be invited to present their poster to a live audience at the conference, with a prize of £150 for the winner. Deadline for submission: Thursday 30 September 2021
We are offering up to 10 bursaries for south west medical students and foundation year doctors to present a poster at the South West Autumn Biannual Meeting on 12 November 2021. All entrants (up to two per submission) will be guests of the Executive Committee and must register for the meeting but will not be charged a conference fee.
These competitions are an opportunity to share your experience of mental health services and psychiatry with colleagues of all levels around the region who will be attending the meeting, with the added bonus of possibly winning a prize!
We are 3 current haematology registrars based in the Severn region who are running a British Society of Haematology sponsored Taster Day that we feel will offer a unique opportunity for junior doctors interested in a career in Haematology. This will be on the 16th November via Zoom. The day will cover reasons to pick haematology as a specialty, what haematology is, opportunities in haematology and applying for haematology.
Details of the day can be found at:
Dear Trainees,
Please see below the latest UKFPO Bulletin
Posted August 5th 2021 (4 years ago)
Foundation programme – August 2021 update
The Foundation curriculum has now been updated and you will have been invited to sign up to the Foundation elearning programme which aligns with the new 2021 curriculum. Here are some highlighted sessions from the programme:
Failure to prescribe safely is one of the most common causes of untoward patient incidents in medical practice
Available in elearning for healthcare Foundation Programme (2021 curriculum) - these sessions cover areas in your curriculum on; FPC 1: Clinical Assessment, FPC 2: Clinical Prioritisation, FPC3: Holistic Planning, FPC 4: Communication and Care and FPC 5: Continuity of Care (Specific Areas of Core Learning - High Risk Prescribing and Patient Safety):
• Prescription Writing
• BNF Usage and Other Prescribing Information Sources
• Safe Use of Injectable Medicines (Part 1)
• Safe Use of Injectable Medicines (Part 2)
• Safe Anticoagulation
• Safe Prescribing in Renal Impairment
• Prudent Use of Antibiotics (Part 1)
• Prudent Use of Antibiotics (Part 2)
• Prudent Use of Antibiotics (Part 3)
• Safe Prescribing of Insulin
• Adverse Drug Effects
• Safer Medicine Use Through Concordance
Supervised Learning Events (SLE) are an essential part of your learning in your 2 foundation years. Find out how to get the best out of them and consider doing the sessions now at the start of the year.
Available in elearning for healthcare Foundation Programme (2021 curriculum) - these sessions cover areas in your curriculum on; FPC 10: Teaching the teacher and FPC 12: Continuing Professional Development:
• Supervised Learning Events in the Foundation Programme: An Introduction
• Principles of Assessment
• Making the Best Use of Multi-Source Feedback: A Trainee Guide
• Getting the Most from Direct Observation of Procedural Skills (DOPS)
• Getting the Most from a Case Based Discussion (CBD)
• Getting the Most from a Mini-Clinical Evaluation Exercise (Mini-CEX)
• Getting the Most Out of Supervised Learning Events: Feedback and Reflection
• Getting the Most Out of Supervised Learning Events: Reflection After Feedback
You can sign on to the elearning with your login supplied by elearning for healthcare at any time during your foundation training:
Horus and Turas have deep links to elearning for healthcare sessions from the Foundation Curriculum and therefore accessible to all trainees, making it quicker and easy to access the appropriate session linked to the curriculum.
SCRIPT elearning for safer prescribing
Created in 2010, the SCRIPT elearning programme was developed by the University of Birmingham and OCB Media and commissioned by Health Education England. The elearning programmes have been designed to encourage safe and effective prescribing and optimal medicines management among healthcare professionals.
The European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (EACPT) Working Group on education conducted a review to identify and assess the effects of digital learning on learner-related and clinically relevant outcomes.
They concluded that "e-learning is the most-used type of digital learning for safe and effective prescribing education and is efficacious in teaching undergraduate and postgraduate prescribers the required knowledge, skills, and attitudes".
The elearning programmes for foundation doctors is delivered through a dedicated learning platform, specifically designed to help improve the prescribing competency and safety of trainees.
A module usually takes approximately one hour to complete but does not have to be completed in one sitting. Content has been authored by a team of expert healthcare professionals and is reviewed and updated on a regular basis.
You can read more about the SCRIPT elearning programmes on the website.
Basic radiology image interpretation is a crucial skill for all doctors, but high quality radiology teaching is hard to come by. That’s why we have created the RadCast Radiology Crash Course to provide non-radiologists with the fundamental knowledge required to safely interpret and act on imaging in the acute setting.
The course comprises a day of live lectures delivered by 3 senior clinical radiologists covering high yield concepts in acute plain film and CT imaging as well as pre-recorded content that will be available to watch in advance to ensure all delegates have a baseline understanding before the live day.
For those of you who consider yourselves budding radiologists, we also have a talk on Radiology as a career and we will be offering 3 national prizes for the best radiology audit, research or reflection which will help to boost your portfolio for when you apply.
For the course fee of £5.99 (bargain) you get access to the live day, pre-recorded content and a recording of the live session which you will be able to re-watch on-demand for a 6 month period to consolidate those important concepts.
If you’re interested, check out the flyer and go on our course website via
Any questions, feel to get in touch via
Dear Trainees,
Please find below a survey on perceptions of foundation trainees on a career in anaesthetics
Dear colleague,
HEE South West is pleased to open for registration its Digital and Workforce Showcase Event.
At the event, individuals and organisations across the South West will share innovative digital work regarding the workforce in health and social care.
HEE SW welcomes anyone with an interest in digital education and workforce development in health and social care, and those keen to learn about new ways of working digitally.
Event details
Date: Tuesday 12 October 2021
Time: 09:00 - 14:30
Location: Online, free.
The purpose of the event is to:
• Showcase work being done in order to inspire, disseminate and acknowledge achievement.
• To encourage and enable adoption and spread.
• To strengthen regional and national awareness, networking and alignment.
The Showcase event will focus on five themes:
Technology Enhanced Learning: the application of technology to teaching and learning.
Simulation & Immersive Technologies: the design and delivery of high-quality, effective simulation and immersive education.
Future Workforce: developing the health informatics workforce, including clinical digital and data qualifications, AI, and robotics.
Digital First: enabling the workforce to build technical skills and digital literacy, able to trail and adopt new technologies.
Workforce Transformation: areas such as Leadership, Supply and New Ways of Working.
The event will be of interest to:
• Individuals, organisations, and networks already active in the innovative use of digital and technology with regard to workforce, with experience and expertise to share.
• Those at an earlier stage of adoption of digital and technology with regard to workforce who want to find out more.
If you wish to apply to present and/or show a poster, please go to our application site.
The final deadline to request a break-out session presentation slot is 1 September 2021.
The final deadline to submit posters is 20 September 2021.
If you wish to register as an attendee (not presenting or showing a poster), please go to our registration site.
Further information:
The event will be delivered online using Microsoft Teams and be supported by a dedicated SharePoint site for the audience to engage with. This SharePoint site will be a display space where you can view posters about work currently underway across the region.
Similar to a physical conference, there will be plenary sessions and breakout sessions where you will be able to engage with speakers, network with colleagues, and share best practices and success stories.
If you have any questions, please contact
The Royal College of Anaesthetists is holding an informal session for medical students & foundation year doctors who are considering a career in anaesthesia.
Anaesthetists form the largest single hospital medical specialty and their skills are used in all aspects of patient care. Whilst the perioperative anaesthetic care of the surgical patient is the core of specialty work, many anaesthetists have a much wider scope of practice.
The career day will provide an insight into life as a trainee and consultant anaesthetist.
Sessions include:
• life as an anaesthetic trainee
• the training programme
• recruitment and application process
• pre-hospital emergency medicine
• intensive care medicine
• question and answer group sessions
• the future of the specialty, skills required and life as a consultant.
Booking information and a full programme can be found on our website.
Date: 14th October
Time: 09:30 - 15:15
Venue: Online
We are a group of NHS surgical trainees who are looking for medical students, junior doctors, surgical trainees and surgical consultants to fill out this brief 3-minute survey.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen the rise in virtual educational meetings (courses, webinars, conferences etc) to maintain a competent standard of surgical undergraduate & postgraduate education. As we exit from this pandemic, we want to assess the preferences of our current surgical trainers & trainees and to assess the best practices for their learning and training.
We can reassure you that all data is anonymized and stored in a password protected format.
Please find the survey link here:
Posted July 8th 2021 (4 years ago)
'Transition to F1' course with certificate:
The free 6-hour course covers:
- The key knowledge points that every F1 must know
- How to manage an on-call shift
- How to assess the acutely unwell patient
- How to prescribe as an F1
- How to interpret the essential investigations as an F1 including ECGs
- How to look after your wellbeing and avoid burnout during your
foundation years
Dear healthcare professionals,
Have you been involved in a quality improvement project? Would you like the opportunity to showcase your work on an international stage? Or maybe you would just like to learn more about quality improvement? Well, an exciting opportunity to do all of these is available for FREE and it is coming up soon!
The QISW international conference aims to showcase quality improvement projects run by doctors, allied healthcare professionals and students in the UK and internationally. This is the third time the conference has run and last year (as a virtual conference), over 1000 participants tuned into the Youtube livestream. This year it will also be virtual and will be hosted on the 14th August 2021.
Abstract submission for this conference is open now and closes on Thursday 15th July - only the first 200 submissions will be accepted. You can find the link for abstract submission here: Quality Improvement Southwest 2021 Abstract Submission ( Successful applicants will have an opportunity to present their work at an international level. We are also in the process of putting together a line-up of exciting keynote speeches and workshops that will be free to attend during the conference.
You can also find more information via our website and social media pages:
Dear Colleagues,
To increase awareness and interest in Allergy as a specialty; BSACI is offering up to 30 scholarships for 2nd yr Foundation / Internal Medicine trainees to attend the BSACI Annual Conference in Harrogate from 7th-9th October 2021.
Information about the meeting and scholarships can be found at abstract-awards-travel/travel-fellowships
Details of the award:
1. Open to all Foundation year 2, Internal Medicine and paediatric trainees with an interest in or considering a career in Allergy.
2. Up to £550 to cover conference fees, hotel accommodation and travel expenses.
3. The application involves supplying a 300-word statement detailing why the applicant would benefit from this scholarship with a supporting letter from their current supervisor.
4. Abstract submission for the conference is encouraged but is not a requirement.
5. Deadline for submissions is Friday 23rd July 2021.
Posted July 2nd 2021 (4 years ago)
Please see below the latest UKFPO Bulletin
Dear Trainees, Please see below details of a new society called STASHH (Student and Trainee Association of Sexual Health and HIV), the sister society to BASHH.
We are in the process of recruiting local representatives for each foundation school. Our twitter page is here in case you’d like to learn more about our aims -
In summary the objectives of our society are as follows:
In the future, as STASHH establishes greater capacity, we hope to create a newsletter, podcast, hold annual junior conferences and to advise institutions on developing the undergraduate curriculum.
We are looking to recruit passionate and motivated medical students who would ideally have a keen interest in sexual health and HIV medicine.
What’s in it for you?
The role will be re-advertised on a yearly basis.
We hope you will consider applying for this exciting role.
Please send applications in the format below or any queries to
Deadline for application is 27th July
Please see below a talk on the crossover between evolutionary biology and medicine for a small group of undergraduate medical students. However, the talks may be of general interest and will be online, so anyone can join.
If you would like to join, please email me ( by 5pm the day before a talk and I shall send you the MS Teams link.
We are re-launching the National Sarcoma Awareness Project following 6 successful National Sarcoma Awareness Projects which ran in June/July over the last 6 years.
The project is being run in co-ordination with National Sarcoma Awareness Month (July 2021) and is aimed at increasing sarcoma awareness in final year medical students and junior doctors. In addition to contacting medical schools and UK deaneries directly, we are also advertising in the BMJ and student BMJ. We have also recently created a BMJ Learning Module on sarcoma.
We are inviting final year medical students & F1/F2 Trainees to complete a free e-learning module on sarcomas as part of the project. On completion, the medical students will receive a certificate for the their e-portfolio and the top scoring participants will be given the opportunity to take part in a funded short-term clinical fellowship at a regional sarcoma centre to further their knowledge on sarcoma and boost their CV.
Trainees interested in taking part should kindly contact us on
Dear F2s,
Now that you are approaching the end of your Foundation programme, many of you will be looking forward to starting either your specialty/GP training or time out of training / F3 year / fellow posts. Whatever you are doing, this is to remind you that careers support is still available to you, even if you are not in a training post.
To access confidential, 1:1 careers advice and guidance, just email me ( and I will be in touch to arrange a meeting.
Wishing you all the very best,
Heather Samuel
Careers Manager
Posted June 17th 2021 (4 years ago)
Information about the meeting & scholarship can be found here:
Details of the award:
1. Open to all Foundation year 2, Internal Medicine and paediatric trainees with an interest in or considering a career in Allergy.
2. Up to £550 to cover conference fees, hotel accommodation and travel expenses.
3. The application involves supplying a 300-word statement detailing why the applicant would benefit from this scholarship with a supporting letter from their current supervisor.
4. Abstract submission for the conference is encouraged but is not a requirement.
5. Deadline for submissions is Friday 23rd July 2021.
Any questions or require any further information, please contact us at
Dear Doctors,
We are looking to recruit doctors from different stages of medical training who identify as coming from widening participation backgrounds to consider participating in our research.
We would like to invite you to take part in a focus group and/or a semi-structured interview as part of our research project, which seeks to explore the factors which have a bearing on the career destinations of doctors from widening participation backgrounds.
Traditionally the makeup of doctors studying medicine has not been representative of the wider population and some groups have been overrepresented and some groups under represented when accounting for ethnicity, gender, and social economic background. Widening participation refers to making access to higher education more accessible to everyone, in particular those groups who have not traditionally had the opportunity to study at university. We want to explore the factors affecting the career decisions of doctors who originally came from widening participation backgrounds, and how this affects the decisions you’ve made, relating to where you work (and in which career pathway).
If you are interested in participating, we would be very grateful if you could read the attached combined information sheet and consent form. If you are still interested in participating, you can find the link to the pre-registration form here where you can express your interest to take part, and tick to confirm you are giving your consent to proceed with the project. This form will collect some initial demographic information and should take no more than five minutes to complete.
The lack of interoperability (the ability to easily share clinical data amongst healthcare providers and across healthcare settings) is often described as a barrier to the greater adoption and safer use of electronic health records (EHRs). Few studies have explicitly investigated this problem and the challenges it poses for physicians and the implications it has on patient safety.
Our latest study at the Institute of Global Health Innovations, Imperial College London, aims to explore the perceptions of healthcare providers regarding the current state of EHR interoperability, how it affects patient care and safety, and the associated costs of wasted healthcare resources it incurs to the NHS.
We are looking for doctors to take part in this study and tell us their experiences of using EHRs in the NHS via a short 10-minute survey. Find out more and access the survey by clicking here
F1 doctors starting in August 2021 and doctors becoming F2 in August 2021 will be enrolled to the new Foundation elearning programme on 30 June 2021. Check your emails for this or notices on the elearning for healthcare Hub. The existing Foundation elearning programme, which aligns with the 2016 curriculum, will be retired on 4 August 2021 and all history of previous sessions completed will be kept in your history on the elearning for healthcare Hub and on your eportfolio.
Remember if you have not already used our elearning, the Foundation elearning programme is an official resource designed specifically to support you in completing the Foundation Curriculum and available free via Health Education England’s (HEE) elearning for healthcare (elfh) Hub. Topics cover the entire Foundation Curriculum and completing sessions early will help you get more out of your attachments in the Foundation years. Each of these sessions are mapped to the Foundation Curriculum and will provide evidence to the General Medical Council that you have completed the Curriculum. The Foundation elearning programme will help you cover parts of the Foundation Curriculum that you would otherwise not encounter. Your sessions will be recorded in your eportfolio.
You can sign on to the elearning with your login supplied by elearning for healthcare at any time during your foundation training:
HORUS and TURAS have direct links to elearning for healthcare sessions from the Foundation Curriculum and therefore accessible to all trainees, making it quick and easy to access the appropriate session linked to the curriculum.
SCRIPT – supporting safer prescribing practices
The SCRIPT programme is a collection of innovative elearning portfolios designed to encourage safe and effective prescribing and medicines management among healthcare professionals.
SCRIPT will enhance your knowledge and confidence in prescribing correctly, improving patient safety, therapeutics and medicines management. You will receive a certificate for each module that you complete, which can be used in your online learning portfolio. SCRIPT is easy to use. You can access the modules at a time which suits you and revisit them even after completion. SCRIPT registration for F1 foundation trainees will be available from 8 July 2021. You can learn more about the SCRIPT elearning programme by visiting the SCRIPT website.
Virtual Instructor Led Learning Faculty
Health Education England’s Technology Enhanced Learning (HEE TEL) team is working on the Virtual Instructor Led Learning (VILL) Faculty which aims to support the education community increase their confidence and capability as they are transitioning to designing, developing and delivering learning virtually.
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated and amplified the pace for digital transformation and delivering teaching online. VILL is therefore highly likely to become one of the predominant mechanisms for delivering learning within the health and care sector.
The insight gathered during the discovery phase highlighted that there is a whole spectrum of performance ability from people feeling overwhelmed and under-equipped, to early adopters who are stretching the boundaries of this medium. The VILL faculty aims to offer support to everyone regardless of their current ability and experience.
The VILL team can now offer live support to the education community over the next couple of months in three ways:
1. Driving excellence in Virtual Learning - Virtual Workshop
2. Virtual Learning Coaching - One-to-One or One-to-Team Virtual Coaching
3. Virtual Learning Community of Practice
Capacity on these events is limited so please sign up as soon as you can via the link below:
Posted June 2nd 2021 (4 years ago)
1. Hugh Platt Foundation Essay Prize 2021 – closing on 11 June
Our annual essay competition is an excellent opportunity for you to boost your CVs ahead of applying for specialty training. This year we’re inviting Foundation doctors to discuss testing strategies for managing COVID-19 for a chance to win £200 and have your essay published.
2. RCPath Book Club featuring The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks – 21 June
We're excited to announce that Jeri and David Lacks will be taking part in the next RCPath Book Club on Monday 21 June. Join us to find out how their grandmother, Henrietta Lacks, has contributed to scientific advancement through HeLa cells.
3. RCPath/BDIAP Foundation Taster Event 2021 – 23 June
The joint RCPath/BDIAP Foundation Taster Event 2021 is an exciting opportunity for you to explore pathology and see what the career has to offer. This free virtual programme will be delivered with a mixture of specialty-specific sound bite videos from a variety of consultants and trainees (sent to attendees a few days before the meeting), followed by a live virtual session held on Wednesday 23 June at 7pm GMT via Zoom (approximately 1.5 hours).
Attendees will have the opportunity to explore:
• What pathology actually is and why it is important.
• What the training involves.
• The variety of opportunities that are available for trainees to pursue e.g., teaching, molecular and digital pathology.
• Advice about the application process and how to be successful at the interview.
• How to pursue academic and research opportunities in pathology.
4. Get creative with our Art of Pathology Competition
We’re inviting entrants of all ages from the UK and abroad to interpret this year’s theme, ‘All Together Now’, using any artistic medium of choice. The winner from each of the three age categories will receive £50 and have their artwork published online and in the Bulletin.
5. Furness Prize for Science Communication
Have you organised or taken part in any public engagement or science communication activities this year? This prize recognises trainees and undergraduates who have consistently shown excellence in their science communication activities. Complete the self-nomination form by Friday 17 September for a chance to win £200. There is also space on the form for a referee to provide a supporting statement for your application.
Dear Doctors,
We are looking to recruit doctors from different stages of medical training who identify as coming from widening participation backgrounds to consider participating in our research.
We would like to invite you to take part in a focus group and/or a semi-structured interview as part of our research project, which seeks to explore the factors which have a bearing on the career destinations of doctors from widening participation backgrounds.
Traditionally the makeup of doctors studying medicine has not been representative of the wider population and some groups have been overrepresented and some groups under represented when accounting for ethnicity, gender, and social economic background. Widening participation refers to making access to higher education more accessible to everyone, in particular those groups who have not traditionally had the opportunity to study at university. We want to explore the factors affecting the career decisions of doctors who originally came from widening participation backgrounds, and how this affects the decisions you’ve made, relating to where you work (and in which career pathway).
If you are interested in participating you can find the link to the pre-registration form here where you can express your interest to take part, and tick to confirm you are giving your consent to proceed with the project. This form will collect some initial demographic information and should take no more than five minutes to complete.
Posted May 26th 2021 (4 years ago)
Dear Trainees,
Please see below details of an Ethics Teaching Day available to book onto through Maxcourse:
Ethics – understanding principles and putting them into clinical practice - 10th June
Interactive session in which you will have the opportunity to discuss cases but also understand theoretical background
Dear Trainees
The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare would like to invite anyone who has engaged in Sustainability in Quality Improvement (SusQI) education to take part in an interview. This will allow us to evaluate the SusQI framework and explore barriers and enablers to undertaking SusQI projects in the clinical workplace. This will also allow us to improve the toolkit and support translation to the clinical context.
Interviews will be arranged at a time convenient for you via zoom or MS Teams and should last no longer than 30 minutes.
How to take part
If you would like to take part in an interview please email sustainability fellow Dr Carlos Siganporia at
This research is part of the evaluation of the SusQI Education Project funded by Health Education England, The Health Foundation and Kings College London. The evaluation is being conducted in collaboration with the Medical Education Research Unit at Imperial College. If you would like to find out more about the project please visit
Kind regards,
The SusQI Education Project Team
Please see below a cross-sectional study/survey on how much exposure junior doctors receive in Oral/Maillofacial Surgery, during both medical school training and during the foundation programme.
Please see below a survey which would provide very important information to help with future curriculum planning within this speciality. Please see a link to the survey below, which is a google forms survey that should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete.
Posted May 24th 2021 (4 years ago)
The Application window opened on Monday 24th May 2021 and will close on Sunday 13th June 2021.
Application forms and guidance are available here during this period.
Posted May 18th 2021 (4 years ago)
Dear Trainees,
Please see below details of an Ethics Teaching Day available to book onto through Maxcourse:
Ethics – understanding principles and putting them into clinical practice - 10th June
Interactive session in which you will have the opportunity to discuss cases but also understand theoretical background
Closing Date - 31/7/21
First Prize- £500, Second Prize - £200: Winning essay to be published, subject to editorial approval, in the journal of the royal society of medicine
'What Lessons should we learn from the Covid- 19 Pandemic'
We are thrilled to announce the first ever virtual Belfast Eye Conference! Hosted by Queen’s University Belfast.
At Belfast Eye Conference, you will meet like-minded healthcare students, early-stage doctors and early career vision scientists from around the world who are equally fascinated by clinical ophthalmology and vision related research.
The conference will provide the stage for speakers who will give broad and varied perspectives on eye related disease. Consultant ophthalmologists will give clinical talks relating to their sub-specialty, and members of the multi-disciplinary team will discuss how they support eye health.
Vision science is a strong and active research field, particularly in Northern Ireland. We are excited to showcase cutting edge vision related research from scientists at Queen’s University Belfast.
Belfast Eye Conference will also provide a platform for delegates - you! - to showcase your vision related research, in oral and poster formats. You may have done a vision related case study or audit, summer studentship, intercalated project, special study module work or PhD. Whatever the level, submit an abstract today!
Most importantly, Belfast Eye Conference is free of charge to attend. The event will be held virtually on Sat 3rdJuly and Sun 4thJuly.
To register, see the programme, download an abstract submission form and see the deadline, please visit:
Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) worked in partnership with Health Education England to develop ‘Remote Consultation: An Immersive Technology Resource for COVID-19 Displaced or Shielding Trainees’.
This programme has been designed to support training doctors of all grades who are currently or have previously been shielding, displaced or non-patient facing as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.
About the elearning
Based on a remote consultation, this resource aims to assist trainees by increasing their confidence in consulting remotely, supporting their professional development and helping them to feel more connected to their workplace.
The elearning programme takes between 30 to 60 minutes to complete and includes an interactive elearning session based around a simulated remote consultation. This is followed by an opportunity to review the consultation through an immersive 3600 video, enabling the trainee to reflect on learning points and issues raised during the scenario.
After the 3600 video, there is a structured reflective section which encourages trainees to think about the clinical and social aspects of the consultation. Trainees are encouraged to identify a supervising clinician, usually their educational supervisor, to discuss their elearning experience after completing the programme.
A debrief guide for supervisors is available to download after completion of the programme and a certificate is available for trainees to download on completion of the programme.
More information
This elearning programme includes a 3600 video resource. The video can be viewed using a computer, smartphone or tablet. For the most immersive experience, virtual reality (VR) converter headsets (both high and low-tech options) are available. All HEE trainees who are currently shielding, will be contacted by their local HEE office regarding the provision of a cardboard headset.
Accessing the elearning
To learn more about the elearning programme, please visit the Remote Consultation: An Immersive Technology Resource for COVID-19 Shielding or Displaced Trainees programme page.
Future learning resources
In addition to the remote consultation elearning programme, future resources for trainees and educational supervisors are being developed for a new SuppoRTT catalogue in the Learning Hub.
The Learning Hub is a digital platform that provides easy access to a wide range of education and training resources for the health and care workforce. You can sign into the Learning Hub either using an elearning for healthcare username and password or by creating an account on the Learning Hub and using those details.
Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) partnered with the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare to develop elearning resources designed to support the healthcare workforce with knowledge and skills in delivering healthcare for financial, social and environmental sustainability.
NHS England has committed to reducing its direct emissions to 'net zero' carbon emissions by 2040, with most of the reduction by 2030. There are similar initiatives underway in Wales and Scotland.
About the elearning
This elearning programme includes 3 elearning sessions.
1. Building a Net Zero NHS describes the climate and ecological emergency, why it matters for health, and how healthcare contributes to it. It includes case studies of sustainable practices across all health professions.
2. Sustainable Dentistry and Measuring Carbon in Healthcare describes the relationship between climate change and health and the application of sustainability principles in the dental setting.
3. Environmentally Sustainable Anaesthetic Practice raises awareness of the environmental impact of healthcare and ways to use healthcare resources efficiently for healthcare professionals working within the operating theatre.
The sessions take approximately 30 minutes to complete. Certificates are available to download on completion of the sessions in each resource.
More information
The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare develops methods to reduce healthcare costs and carbon emissions, while improving care quality and staff wellbeing. Learn more by accessing the website.
To read the delivering a Net Zero NHS report, please visit the Greener NHS website.
Accessing the elearning
To register for this elearning module or for more information, please visit the programme page.
Posted May 12th 2021 (4 years ago)
Saturday 3rd & Sunday 4th July - Registration Fee - £60.00
A copy of the outline programme is attached and further details can be found on the meeting website -
Registration fee includes:
• Access to the virtual course on 3rd & 4th July to watch the presentations and put questions to the speakers
• Post-course access to the video content (pre-registered delegates only). The content will be available from approximately 2 weeks after the course until the end of October 2021.
• CPD certificate (provided by email to those who attend the course)
• Opportunity to self-certify for CPD for watching the course content later (one CPD credit per hour).
Welcome to your May 2021 update about the Foundation e-learning programme.
The Foundation e-learning programme has been developed specifically for Foundation doctors by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in partnership with Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare (HEE e-LfH) and is approved by UKFPO.
Do you need to complete parts of the curriculum on your e-portfolio which you do not cover in day-to-day practice? If so, why not try some of our free e-learning mapped directly to the Foundation Professional Capabilities (Training Outcomes) in the 2016 Foundation Curriculum.
The sessions in the e-LfH Foundation e-learning programme include:
Professional capability: 7
Works effectively as a team member:
• Good Handover Practice
• Primary, Secondary Care Interface
• Ward and Therapy Services
• Ward and Social Services
• Effective Referrals to Other Clinical Teams
• Team Working and Patient Safety
You can sign in to the e-learning with your login supplied by e-LfH at any time during your foundation training.
HORUS and TURAS link to e-LfH e-learning sessions from the FP Curriculum and are therefore accessible to all trainees, making it quicker and easy to access the appropriate session linked to the curriculum.
Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) worked in partnership with Health Education England, Specialist Pharmacy Service, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists, National Institute for Health Research Devices for Dignity MedTech Co-operative and clinical experts to develop a new e-learning session on Dysphagia and Medicines for carers and care home staff. There are also new assessments on existing sessions for carers and caterers in social care settings.
Dysphagia, which is difficulty chewing and/or swallowing food and drinks, has serious implications for a person’s health and wellbeing, with increased likelihood of chest infections, malnutrition, dehydration, choking incidents and hospitalisations. Patients with dysphagia may be unable to swallow their medicines safely.
About the Dysphagia elearning programme
The Dysphagia elearning programme has been designed to support knowledge and understanding of the management of dysphagia, specifically in the context of a care home environment. However, the sessions will also be useful to those supporting people with dysphagia in other environments, including hospital and community settings.
Care home workers, including managers, nurses, care workers, catering staff and the wider NHS team, including doctors, nurses, pharmacists, speech and language therapists, dietitians, and others working with patients with dysphagia will find this resource helpful.
About the elearning
The new session focuses on Dysphagia and Medicines. It describes how patients with swallowing difficulties may need changes to their medicines in order to take them safely, and the actions that carers and care home staff need to take.
The session includes sections on who to contact, what information to collect and describes the different ways patients may be advised to take medicines; including when and how to crush tablets or open capsules and when liquid medicines might be preferred. It includes advice on giving medicines with soft food or thickened fluids.
In response to feedback on existing sessions, dysphagia assessments have been added for health and care workers and for catering staff. The assessments aim to help learners to use evidence as part of achieving dysphagia competencies, as outlined in the Eating Drinking and Swallowing Competency Framework.
In addition to the new elearning session, existing sessions in the Dysphagia elearning programme includes:
• essentials
• food
• quality and safety
• training and resources
• workforce
The elearning resources are free for the NHS workforce, carers, catering staff and AHPs, and they have been designed to be easy to use.
To learn more about the new elearning sessions, assessments, or the existing sessions, please visit the Dysphagia programme page.
Dear Trainees,
Please see below volunteer opportunities in diagnostic imaging in Uganda which is part of a HEE pilot project which might appeal to trainees with experience in diagnostic imaging . There are opportunities for long and short term volunteering overseas and “virtual” UK based volunteering. The link to the website and more information can be found below .
Posted May 5th 2021 (4 years ago)
Applications for a Surgical Simulation and Non-Technical Fellow will open on Monday 10th May 2021.
Further information and the application form can be here.
Posted May 5th 2021 (4 years ago)
Late Notice Availability - 24th May, 09:00 - 17:30
Venue: Haynes Motor Museum, Sparkford, Yeovil BA22 7LH
Dear Trainees, 3 spots have opened up for Yeovil's Trauma & Orthopaedic Course, please see information below:
The day includes the following topics:
ATLS algorithm
Team Roles
Pelvic Binders
Secondary survey and temporary stabilisation
Open fractures
Ankle fractures – Basic patterns and initial management
Wrist fracture –Basic patterns and initial management
Types of plaster/splint/sling to know
Principles of fracture manipulation.
Joint Aspiration
Sawbone workshop – Insertion of lag screw, application of compression plate
If you're interested and would like to attend please email Sam Thomas at YDH at
Looking for a boost with your career development or someone to support you in your working life as a junior doctor? Find yourself a mentor or let us help you find one. A mentor is that one person who can guide you, help you, take you under their wing and nurture you throughout your career. A Professor Dumbledore to your Harry Potter. A Maya Angelou to your Oprah Winfrey. A Marc Andreessen to your Mark Zuckerberg
Health Education England (across the south west) have recently trained a number of Junior Doctor Mentors and they are waiting to hear from you.
Having a mentor can provide you with many advantages, they can:
Wouldn’t you benefit from developing a relationship with someone who can help you with your quest for excellence?
If the above has whetted your appetite and you would like to know more, please e-mail for an Expression of Interest Form which must be returned by no later than Friday 21st May
To foundation doctors preparing for Part B MRCS in the next 12 months, we are running a 10 station mock exam based on exact past questions from previous exams at Great Western Hospital, Swindon. Further revision materials will be provided on the evening. This will be the best possible preparation for the exam.
Venue: Great Western Hospital Swindon
Time: 5:45pm - 9pm
Date: Tuesday 8th June 2021
Course Fee: £20
If interested please email
Posted April 27th 2021 (4 years ago)
Acute Medicine for International Medical Graduates is a one-day online workshop that aims to support international medical graduates and junior doctors, new to acute care practice in the NHS, with skills to enable confident management of acute medical patients through the use of a wide range of clinical case scenarios and interactive content.
Our Spring/Summer workshops will take place on the 15th & 16th of May and the 10th & 11th of July 2021. It allows for easy and safe attendance from anywhere in the UK because they are online, which also has the added advantage for doctors from abroad starting placements in August. They may wish to attend the workshop before they arrive in the UK.
Experienced NHS consultants and medical educators have carefully curated the workshop, which focuses on supporting junior doctors and IMGs with applying clinical knowledge of acute medicine to the management of several acute cases including sepsis, acute coronary syndrome, acute asthma, diabetic ketoacidosis etc. We will also hone prescribing skills (intravenous fluids in AKI; fluids and insulin in DKA/HHS patients according to national guidelines) as well as rehearse skills in ECG and ABG interpretation.
Doctors can register for the workshop here:
Dear Trainees, Please see below 2 courses on Maxcourse:
Ethics - 4th May
Ethics – understanding principles and putting them into clinical practice - Interactive session in which you will have the opportunity to discuss cases but also understand theoretical background
Acute Medical Emergencies - 7th May
Assessment and initial management of common medical emergencies.
Dear Trainees, please see information below about the RCPath Book Club and some of their competitions:
Join Mary Roach, author of Gulp, and an expert panel to discuss the key themes and ideas explored in this book. This event will take place via Zoom webinar and will be recorded. A video will be available on our YouTube channel after the event. You don't need to have read the book to join in with this event. Find out more at
This year we’re encouraging Foundation doctors to explore COVID-19 testing strategies. Find out more and enter at
Grants of up to £1,000 are available for individuals or organisations who wish to develop pathology-related public engagement activities or events. The public engagement team are happy to answer questions and provide advice to any prospective grant applicants so get in touch at if you would like to discuss your application. Online/virtual event ideas are welcomed. Find out more on our grants scheme page.
Looking for a boost with your career development or someone to support you in your working life as a junior doctor? Find yourself a mentor or let us help you find one. A mentor is that one person who can guide you, help you, take you under their wing and nurture you throughout your career. A Professor Dumbledore to your Harry Potter. A Maya Angelou to your Oprah Winfrey. A Marc Andreessen to your Mark Zuckerberg”
Health Education England (across the south west) have recently trained a number of Junior Doctor Mentors and they are waiting to hear from you.
Having a mentor can provide you with many advantages, they can:
Wouldn’t you benefit from developing a relationship with someone who can help you with your quest for excellence?
If the above has whetted your appetite and you would like to know more, please e-mail for an Expression of Interest Form which must be returned by no later than Friday 30th April.
Dear All,
As part of our NBT stroke simulation programme we are offering stroke simulation training days which are available to anyone involved in acute stroke across the region.
The details are as follows:
Where? SimSpace, Learning and Research Building, Southmead Hospital
Who? Anyone! This is a multidisciplinary course so anyone from the nursing and medical team can attend. We will have Stroke ANPs and registrars to teach and support all of those attending.
What? The areas that we will look to cover will include: use of NIHSS, Thrombolysis, Thrombectomy, Haemorrhagic Stroke Management, BP Management, Post Thrombolysis Complications, Stroke Mimics and more!
How much? £79 to attend. Please note there are subsidised places available for those that would otherwise not be able to attend. Please contact us directly to discuss this.
To book a place, please email:
Queries? Please email:
Attendance certificates will be provided for all that attend.
Ella Sherman
Stroke SpR
Southmead Hospital
Dear trainees, please see the latest UKFPO Bulletin below:
When? -29th - 30th May 2021
This is an excellent opportunity to showcase your work and get involved in a free international Healthcare Leadership Academy and Medics Academy summit. This 2-day event, 'International Medical Education: Emerging Innovation In Global Education', aims to showcase, encourage and promote medical education innovation globally and locally. The event will be held on 29th-30th May 2021 from 9.30am to 4.30pm on both days.
The aims and overarching mission of the HLA Medics.Academy Summit 2021 are to:
We welcome submissions on a competitive basis for poster presentations and oral presentations (deadline the 1st May).
Dates: 28th April, 5th May, 12th May, 19th May, 26th May, 2nd June
Where? Online
Time? 18:30-19:30
Dear Trainees below are some links to the current teaching and online learning that the MDU have to offer.
Their foundation doctor seminars are delivered at a local hospital level so if any trainees are interested in those please contact your PGME. They are delivering these on a virtual basis currently but usually deliver them on a face to face basis.
Foundation doctor seminars - The MDU
They also offer a number of free e-learning modules on a range of topics. These are mixed in alongside their paid for courses, but it does state if they are free for members or if there is a cost attached.
Courses and e-learning - The MDU
Posted April 7th 2021 (4 years ago)
The British Society of Medical Dermatology (BSMD) is launching a new prize for U.K. Foundation Doctors for a patient education video on a topic related to Medical Dermatology. Prizes include a Medical Dermatology Textbook, as well as the opportunity for a credited video on the official BSMD YouTube channel for the winners.
The video must not exceed 5 minutes. A successful video entry would be accessible to an audience of patients or carers via our YouTube site, with information delivered in a patient-centred fashion. The video could be focussed on understanding the condition or on help with an aspect of treatment, with signposting for further information e.g. British Association of Dermatologists information website or patient information leaflets.
Deadline - 6th August
For more information, see
Dear colleagues,
We are writing to you to make you aware of an upcoming virtual conference called the “TMS International Junior Doctors’ Conference for Aspiring Surgeons”. This event is being held on Microsoft teams on Saturday, 26/06/2021, from 09:00 to 17:00.
The day will include talks from world-renowned speakers, audit/research presentations and prizes for selected presentation winners. Poster and oral presentation submission are open to medical students, FY and any doctor applying for Core Surgical Training (Submission deadline is on 25/04/2021). General conference attendance is open to all training grades.
For more information visit or e-mail us on
Dr Shaikh Sanjid Seraj (MBBS MMedEd)
NHS SHO Doctor & ARU Associate Lecturer
Aspiring Surgeons Conference Lead Organiser
Share your QI, education & innovation projects
Our independent national conference is now in its eighth year.
• Hear from patient safety and quality improvement experts
• Share your work in our poster competition
• Choose from a diverse range of workshops
National Poster Competition - deadline 9th April
The pandemic has necessitated new approaches to the provision of medical care in unprecedented circumstances. We invite you to share QI projects and projects that encompass learning during this time.
Who should apply? - junior doctors, nurses, midwives, consultants, AHPs, GPs, medical students and those working in care settings, among others.
Up to 100 posters. Successful entries receive:
• An invitation to give a live poster presentation*
• A discounted delegate rate of £159. Co-authors also qualify for the discounted rate.
• A national poster competition presentation certificate
• Opportunity to win a first or second prize in each themed group of 10 posters
* 2-minute oral presentation followed by judge-led Q&A
More competition details on our website here.
Posted March 31st 2021 (4 years ago)
Venue - Online
Date - Friday 2nd July 2021
Cost - Free
We are proud to announce this new and exciting Neurodevelopmental Psychiatry Conference, organised by the Southwest Learning Disability Faculty.
We are kindly hosted by the Severn Deanery, who will be providing registration services on the deanery website.
There will be a range of presentations from experienced speakers, all of whom aim to intrigue, interest, and inspire everyone who attends.
The fascinating range of topics will include:
• Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
• Autism Spectrum Disorder
• Forensic Intellectual Disability Psychiatry
• Dementia in Intellectual Disability
• Genetics Counselling
• Epilepsy
For Registration and more info please click here
Welcome to your February and March 2021 update about the Foundation e-learning programme.
The Foundation e-learning programme has been developed specifically for Foundation doctors by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in partnership with Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare (HEE e-LfH) and is approved by UKFPO.
Do you need to complete parts of the curriculum on your e-portfolio which you do not cover in day-to-day practice? If so, why not try some of our free e-learning mapped directly to the Foundation Professional Capabilities (Training Outcomes) in the 2016 Foundation Curriculum.
The sessions in the e-LfH Foundation e-learning programme:
Professional capability: 9
Recognises, assesses and initiates management of the acutely ill patient:
• Managing Low Urine Output
• Managing Sepsis
• Assessment and Initial Management
• Re-evaluation and Monitoring
• Arterial Blood Gas Sampling and Interpretation
• Patient with a Reduced Level of Consciousness
• Pain Management
• Oxygen Therapy
• NICE IV Fluid – Assessment
• NICE IV Fluid - Principles and Five Rs
• NICE IV Fluid – Properties
• NICE IV Fluid - More Complex Scenarios
• NICE IV Fluid - When It Goes Wrong
Professional Capability: 11
Obtains history, performs clinical examination, formulates differential diagnosis and management plan:
• Psychiatric Assessment and Mental State Examination
• Delirium (Acute Confusional States): Recognition and Causes
• Delirium (Acute Confusional States): Diagnosis and Management
• Pyschotic Disorders
• Mental Health Act
You can sign in to the e-learning with your login supplied by e-LfH at any time during your foundation training.
RiiSE21: A Virtual Event will take place on Saturday the 10th of April 2021.
RiiSE is an award winning project which aims to raise the profile of radiology and interventional radiology careers to medical students and junior doctors across the UK and beyond.
Our keynote talks this year will focus on topics including interventional oncology, professional identity in IR and global health radiology. This will be followed by a range of on-demand workshops available for delegates to access across the weekend - including free access to the CIRSE Academy course on vascular trauma management and tailor-made IR Juniors workshops on CV building and portfolio development.
Registration for RiiSE21 is FREE at where our full programme will be available. Donations to the Worldwide Radiology charity's Project Malawi initiative is encouraged in lieu of a registration fee - see our fundraising page at
Please spread the word to medical students and junior doctors in your locality.
We welcome applications for the F3 level clinical fellow posts in gastroenterology at Musgrove Park Hospital. The successful applicants will have the opportunity to be exposed to all aspects of gastroenterology including regular closely supervised outpatient clinics and some time on the acute gastroenterology ward. There is a significant amount of time set aside for non-clinical work, which can be tailored to the interests of the post holder. Our current clinical fellows have submitted numerous abstracts to national meetings. There is the opportunity to work on an NIHR funded project involving case finding in patients with previously undiagnosed liver disease supervised by Dr Jobson. There are numerous opportunities to do teaching for medical students and other staff groups.
For more information and to apply please see the job link on NHS Jobs here
Posted March 17th 2021 (4 years ago)
Foundation ARCP webinar
A webinar is being held for doctors in training on Thursday 25 March at 19.00, focusing in particular on Foundation ARCP guidance, processes and live Q&As.
The webinar will be led by Dr Mike Masding, Co-Chair UKFPO, Dr Fiona Cameron and Dr Clare van Hamel, who are both Foundation School Directors.
Questions can be submitted in advance of the webinar, which will be answered on the night.
Health Education England East of England, in conjunction with MDRS Careers Group, COPMeD, COPDenD, NIMDTA, HEIW and NHS Education for Scotland, are delighted to announce booking is now open for this year’s Virtual Careers Conference:
Date: Thursday 24 June 2021
Time: 10:00 – 15:30
Location: Virtual
What is it? This conference will provide delegates with practical advice and resources to support their own, and colleagues career progression as well as consider alternative routes. Furthermore, it will raise awareness of, and provide access to a range of professional development opportunities for a multi-professional audience.
The day will consist of:
• 2 Keynote Speeches
• 4 Workshop Slots
• Q&A Panel
Who is it for? The conference is open to students, trainees, and qualified professions from the following groups:
• Doctors
• Dentists
• Physician’s Associates
• Advanced Clinical Practitioners
• Medical and dental career support staff
How do I book? To register yourself a space, please click here.
You will be asked to register for one workshop within each of the 4 slots. Please ensure you only register for one workshop per slot.
Spaces are limited. If the event is fully booked, you will be taken to a waiting list. Please complete this with your details, and a member of the team will be in touch if any spaces become available.
Dear colleagues,
We are writing to you to make you aware of an upcoming virtual conference called the “TMS International Junior Doctors’ Conference for Aspiring Surgeons”. This event is being held on Microsoft teams on Saturday, 26/06/2021, from 09:00 to 17:00.
The day will include talks from world-renowned speakers, audit/research presentations and prizes for selected presentation winners. Poster and oral presentation submission are open to FY1s, FY2s and any doctor applying for Core Surgical Training (Submission deadline is on 25/04/2021). General conference attendance is open to all training grades.
For more information visit or e-mail us on
Best wishes,
Aspiring Surgeons Conference team
Our independent national conference is now in its eighth year.
Book now early bird rate- £199
• Hear from patient safety and quality improvement experts
• Share your work in our poster competition- Deadline 9th April
• Choose from a diverse range of workshops
Posted March 8th 2021 (4 years ago)
If you are considering a career as a Consultant in Public Health or would like information about Specialty Training then this is the event for you!
The South West Public Health Training Programme is hosting a Public Health as a Career Event.
The virtual event will take place on Tuesday 27th April 10am -1.30pm
The event is free to join (via MS Teams) and open to anyone who has an interest in a Public Health Specialty training. Attendees will hear from Consultants working in a variety of settings and Registrars who are currently training. At the end of this morning event, there will be an opportunity to ask any questions you may have.
If you are interested in attending, please select the link below to register to attend;
Please note the event will be recorded.
You can find information on applying to training in the South West on our website:
Part of the La Roche Posay and CeraVe Dermatology Live Learning Educational Webinars.
This talk will talk about how to optimise treatments for acne patients in a primary care setting. How to approach, manage and treat difficult acne. Also how to streamline isotretinoin referrals in post covid times. Finally, how to manage / prevent mask induced skin problems & to better understand how to treat and manage Acne and Dermatitis in primary care, especially during COVID.
If you are interested please register here as spaces are limited
Date: 17th March 2021
Time: 13:00-14:00
We are a group of foundation trainees at GWH and we are aware of the huge impact of covid on our working and personal lives. We would be so grateful if you could fill out our 8-minute survey letting us know about your experiences to enable us to investigate the extent of this impact - the anonymised results will be fed back to each trust to help guide improvement, and as an extra bonus you could win a £25 Amazon voucher. Thank you!
Posted February 24th 2021 (4 years ago)
A free half-day conference tailored for medical students, foundation doctors, and anyone considering a career in general practice.
Hear leaders of general practice discuss how they make change on a local, regional, and national scale in our panel, including RCGP President Amanda Howe, RCGP Northern Ireland Chair Laurence Dorman, and RCGP Scotland Executive Officer for Professional Development Sigi Joseph. Join interactive workshops and learn how you can influence general practice from day one.
Plus, gain direct career insight in our special near-peer networking sessions!
Share your QI, education & innovation projects
Our independent national conference is now in its eighth year.
• Hear from patient safety and quality improvement experts
• Share your work in our poster competition
• Choose from a diverse range of workshops
National Poster Competition - deadline 9th April
The pandemic has necessitated new approaches to the provision of medical care in unprecedented circumstances. We invite you to share QI projects and projects that encompass learning during this time.
Who should apply? - junior doctors, nurses, midwives, consultants, AHPs, GPs, medical students and those working in care settings, among others.
Up to 100 posters. Successful entries receive:
• An invitation to give a live poster presentation*
• A discounted delegate rate of £159. Co-authors also qualify for the discounted rate.
• A national poster competition presentation certificate
• Opportunity to win a first or second prize in each themed group of 10 posters
* 2-minute oral presentation followed by judge-led Q&A
More competition details on our website here.
We are delighted to announce that the following prizes are now open to entrants. Further information, regulations and entry forms can be accessed via our Prizes and Bursaries web page.
Psychiatric trainees training in the United Kingdom are invited to submit a poster and abstract on any aspect of neurodevelopmental psychiatry. These will be shared at the virtual Neurodevelopmental Psychiatry Special Interest Group conference on 23 April 2021 via the Programme and Abstracts Booklet. Entries will be pre-judged in advance of the meeting and winners will be invited to present their poster to a live audience at the conference, with a prize of £100 for the winner.
Deadline for submission of entry form and abstract: Friday 12 March 2021
Trainees, SAS and specialty doctors working in the south west are invited to submit a poster and abstract on any aspect of psychiatry, including Quality Improvement projects. These will be shared at the virtual Spring Biannual Meeting on 14 May 2021 via the Programme and Abstracts Booklet. Shortlisted entries will be invited to present their poster to a live audience at the conference, with a prize of £150 for the winner.
Deadline for submission of entry form and abstract: Thursday 25 March 2021
Foundation year doctors and medical students are invited to submit a poster and abstract on any aspect of psychiatry. These will be shared at the virtual Spring Biannual Meeting on 14 May
2021 via the Programme and Abstracts Booklet. Shortlisted entries will be invited to present their poster to a live audience at the conference, with a prize of £150 for the winner.
Deadline for submission of entry form and abstract: Thursday 25 March 2021
We offer up to 10 bursaries for south west medical students and foundation year doctors to present a poster at the South West Spring Biannual Meeting on 14 May 2021. All entrants (up to two per submission) will be guests of the Executive Committee and must register for the meeting but will not be charged a conference fee.
These competitions are an opportunity to share your experience of mental health services and psychiatry with colleagues of all levels around the region who will be attending the meeting, with the added bonus of possibly winning a prize!
Dear Foundation Doctors,
Calling all foundation doctors with an interest in a career in Obstetrics and Gynaecology!
Have you thought about joining us for the RCOG’s National Trainees Conference which will take place virtually on the 27th and 28th May 2021.
O&G trainees from Severn Deanery, in collaboration with the RCOG, have designed an exciting two-day programme with high-profile speakers, breakouts and a timetable that ensures wide coverage of the new core curriculum. Content will be recorded and made available for six months.
It is perfect for anyone considering a career in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
Programme highlights include:
Professor Marian Knight. Professor of Maternal and Child Population Health, National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit, University of Oxford
• AFFIRM study: Optimising perinatal health through randomised controlled trials – the good the bad and the ugly of using routinely collected data
Professor Jane Norman, Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Bristol.
Winner of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists' prestigious Eardley Holland Gold Medal in 2020.
• Tackling Racism in Medicine
Dr Christine Ekechi, RCOG Race and Equality Taskforce
• Better for Women strategy
Professor Dame Lesley Regan, Head of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, St Mary’s Hospital, London
• Response to The Okenden Report
Speaker tbc
• Something a little different: Animal O&G
Dr Michelle Barrows, Head of Veterinary Services and Conservation Medicine, Bristol Zoo
The virtual price is £195. Tickets can be booked here.
Posted February 17th 2021 (4 years ago)
Dear Trainees below are some links to the current teaching and online learning that the MDU have to offer.
Their foundation doctor seminars are delivered at a local hospital level so if any trainees are interested in those please contact your PGME. They are delivering these on a virtual basis currently but usually deliver them on a face to face basis.
Foundation doctor seminars - The MDU
They also offer a number of free e-learning modules on a range of topics. These are mixed in alongside their paid for courses, but it does state if they are free for members or if there is a cost attached.
Courses and e-learning - The MDU
Dear all
HEE South West collaborated with University of Plymouth to produce a resource for doctors appearing as witnesses at inquests. The resource is now available at
This resource will shortly be made available via our coroner’s inquest guidance available via the link below:-
Thanks for your interest, this opportunity is now closed to new applicants.
Dear F1's,
The Severn Faculty of the RCGP are seeking a F1 Foundation Doctors Representative, Please find below details and the Role Description for this.
It’s for a role on the Severn Faculty Board of RCGP and the board meets four times a year (usually June, September, November and February) on a Wednesday evening from 7pm (currently via zoom). Your attendance would also be encouraged at the annual AGM which is also on a Wednesday evening, usually in October or November.
Role Description: Foundation Doctors Representative (F1)
Term of Office: Annually
• Facilitate and encourage liaison between the faculty and the Foundation doctors.
• To help the faculty and events administrators to advertise faculty events.
• To help keep fellow Foundation doctors informed of developments in primary care.
• To ensure a Foundation doctors perspective is considered by local policy makers and administrators.
If any F1 is interested please email Foundation School Manager Maisie Shrubsall at
Posted February 11th 2021 (4 years ago)
Acute Medicine for International Medical Graduates is a one-day online workshop that aims to support international medical graduates and junior doctors, new to acute care practice in the NHS, with skills to enable confident management of acute medical patients through the use of a wide range of clinical case scenarios and interactive content.
Experienced NHS consultants and medical educators have carefully curated the workshop, which focuses on supporting junior doctors and IMGs with applying clinical knowledge of acute medicine to the management of several acute cases including sepsis, acute coronary syndrome, acute asthma, diabetic ketoacidosis etc. We will also hone prescribing skills (intravenous fluids in AKI; fluids and insulin in DKA/HHS patients according to national guidelines) as well as rehearse skills in ECG and ABG interpretation.
Our next workshops will be held on Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st February 2021. It allows for easy and safe attendance from anywhere in the UK because they are online.
The feedback from our 2020 workshops has been great. An FY2 doctor said – “It would have been so good to have this workshop as part of my induction week. Thank you so much for the patience and clarity with which the explanations were given.”
The workshops on February 20th and 21st will most likely be of relevance to current foundation doctors, new GP and IMT trainees (particularly IMGs) but may also be of interest to other IMGs with limited experience of acute medicine in the NHS.
A place on the workshop can be booked, and further details found at
Dear Trainees, As I’m sure you are aware there are significant rates of distress and depression experienced by many junior hospital doctors, exacerbated by the recent pandemic epidemic. A research team led by Dr Ruth Riley at Birmingham University is conducting a mixed methods study to investigate this further.
We’re currently recruiting Junior Doctors to participate in an online survey looking at working cultures, mental health, and suicidality.
This survey, alongside in-depth interviews, will identify any links between working conditions/cultures and poor mental health and suicidality. The findings will inform further research aiming to support Junior Doctors in the future.
The link to the survey is:
This study has HRA Approval. If you would like any further information on the study, our website is:
Dear all,
Following the success of our first session, the Oxford Foundation Surgical Society, in collaboration with the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh, are delighted to announce that we are running the Core Surgical Training Interview Preparation evening once more!
Oxford Foundation Surgical Society x RCSEd - Core Surgical Training Interview Preparation Evening - 15 February 2021 17:00 - 18:30h
The evening will include a series of informative talks providing more information on the updated 2021 interview process and tips on how to succeed in the clinical and management stations from previous successful applicants, including an example interview of a previous successful applicant by two consultant examiners.
This is the perfect opportunity for those who missed out on the first session to join us in this evening. PLUS, on top of the topics covered in our previous session, there will be additional information on interview etiquette and an example on how not to perform in an interview.
To sign up, please head to:
With the impact of many events around the world including COVID 19 there has been an increased focus on inequalities. This study is looking in particular at inequalities within medicine and training opportunities. I would like to humbly invite you to complete a short questionnaire on the topic of diversity and inclusion - with a focus on venepuncture in patients with dark skin tones.
The purpose of the study is to investigate the opportunity to practice and confidence of final year medical students and junior doctors in the foundation programme towards venepuncture in manikins and patients with dark skin tones.
The survey will take approximately 4 minutes to complete.
If you have any questions or feedback please feel free to contact me, Dr Paapa A-Odame -, Honorary Academic at the University of Bristol
Microsoft forms link to study below
Best Wishes to you all
Posted January 29th 2021 (4 years ago)
Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare (HEE e-LfH), in partnership with the National Guardian Office, has added a second session to the Freedom to Speak Up in the Health Sector in England e-learning programme.
The online training programme, which launched its first session in October 2020, is aimed at anyone who works in healthcare regardless of their contract terms.
The programme helps learners understand the vital role they can play and the support available to encourage a healthy speaking up culture which protects patient safety and enhances workers experience.
The latest session, Listen Up, which is aimed at managers at all levels, focuses on listening and the barriers to speaking up. It comprises the following topics:
• Fostering a speak up, listen up culture
• Supporting speaking up and listening well
• Perceptions of yourself and others and understanding conflicts of interest
• Welcoming feedback as a gift.
It complements the first session, Speak Up, which gives an overview of speaking up and why it matters for all workers.
The third session, Follow Up, is aimed at all senior leaders including executive board members (and equivalents), non-executive directors, and governors to help them understand their role in setting the tone for a good speaking up culture and how speaking up can promote organisational learning and improvement which will be available soon.
These modules will replace the current Freedom to Speak Up training.
For more information on the programme, including details on how to access, please visit the Freedom to Speak Up programme page.
Dear Doctor,
Below is an introductory message from Rhiannon Ions, explaining their role as representative for the South West at the National Trainee Engagement Forum:
Hello everyone,
I’m Rhiannon, a trainee in the South West. I’ve recently become involved with the National Trainee Engagement Forum set up by Health Education England.
The purpose of this forum is to establish a network where doctors in training are engaged and involved with medical education policy and reform. The aim of the forum is to connect a national network of trainees who are able to act as a sustained focus group for HEE. These meetings will also act as a forum where issues pertinent to trainees can also be discussed. Overall, the purpose is to improve trainee experience by involving junior doctors.
The forum is a link between HEE and local trainee representative groups. In the South West we have a Speciality Training Committee (STC) which meets on a 6 weekly basis and is chaired by Geoff Smith, our Postgraduate Dean. The meeting comprises representatives from each specialty across both Severn and Peninsula and is an opportunity for discussing issues that affect us as trainees. My role will be to attend the STC meetings and then act as a link between the South West and the national forum. This will involve communicating issues that affect us in the South West at a national level as well as disseminating information from HEE.
I wanted to introduce myself and to explain my role and to say that, although the NTEF advocates that trainees follow conventional pathways to raise issues i.e., via their supervisors, their STC reps etc, if there is an issue which you feel has not been addressed, or you don’t know who to approach then please get in touch directly with me.
I feel very fortunate to have been offered this position and I look forward to helping improve our experiences as trainees.
Anaesthetics CT2b/HEE Support Faculty Fellow
Your starter pack in Radiology!
Covering applied system based Radiological anatomy and pathology relevant to your clinical practice.
Date: 13th March 2021
Cost: £50
For more information and to Register, please visit
Posted January 20th 2021 (4 years ago)
Dear Trainees, please see below links to Regional Teaching Day virtual courses for Psychiatry: Fundamentals for the Foundation Doctor, and Human Factors
Psychiatry: Fundamentals for the Foundation Doctor - 27th January
Mental Health is everyone’s business – the essentials to help you in your ongoing career, whatever specialty you go into
Our aim is to bring you up to speed with topics that are of key importance to doctors whatever their specialty.
The day is highly interactive, structured around cases and with plenty of chances to practice your communication skills in simulated consultations.
Human Factors - 24th February, 9th March, 16th March and 1st April
Dear Trainees please see various Human Factors courses below available to book onto via Maxcourse - Introducing the principle of Human Factors and demonstrating how these are relevant to the medical practice of junior doctors. - 24th February (09:00-12:00) - 24th February (13:00-16:00) - 9th March - 16th March - 1st April
Medic Mentor are announcing our National Virtual Presentation Prize, open to all junior doctors in the UK.
Who are Medic Mentor?
What do you need to do?
What does it need to contain?
Who is the presentation aimed at?
For any further questions or queries please email
Dear Doctor,
As you know, HEE is running a series of webinars with trainees across the South West to update you on issues related to your training. The next event will be held on Tuesday 26th January 2021 from 17:00-17:45hrs. This will be your opportunity to hear from our Regional Postgraduate Dean and other members of the senior team within HEE South West, and to ask questions via a live Q&A. The outline agenda for the webinar is below:
• Update from the Dean (wellbeing, rotations, redeployment, academic training, OOP and ARCP)
• Returning to training
• Ongoing work to support trainees
• Discussion points from trainee reps
Please use the link below to access the live event:
You can access a recording of the previous event (held on 1st December 2020) via the link below:
National Patient Safety Online Poster Competition 2021
including: Quality Improvement (QI), Education and Innovation projects
Deadline 9th April 2021 - online entry form here:
The pandemic has necessitated new approaches to the provision of medical care in unprecedented circumstances. We invite you to share QI projects and projects that encompass learning during this time
We have up to 100 poster places at our online conference. Successful entries receive:
• An invitation to give a live poster presentation* at the online Bristol Patient Safety Conference on 16th June 2021
• A discounted delegate rate of £159. Co-authors will also qualify for the discounted rate.
• A national poster competition oral presentation certificate with names of presenter(s) and authors; attendance certificate, 4 hours of CPD
• There will be a first and second prize for each poster group of 10 posters
* 2-minute oral presentation followed by Q&A
Who should apply?: junior doctors, nurses, midwives, consultants, AHPs, GPs, medical students and those working in care settings among others
The Foundation e-learning programme has been developed specifically for Foundation doctors by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in partnership with Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare (HEE e-LfH) and is approved by UKFPO.
Do you need to complete parts of the curriculum on your e-portfolio which you do not cover in day-to-day practice? If so, why not try some of our free e-learning mapped directly to the Foundation Professional Capabilities (Training Outcomes) in the 2016 Foundation Curriculum.
The sessions in the e-LfH Foundation e-learning programme:
Professional Capability: 2
Delivers patient centred care and maintains trust sessions:
• Assessing Mental Capacity
• Planning Ahead Using the MCA
• Best Interests
• Restraint
• Deprivation of Liberty
• Patient Autonomy and Related Ethics
• Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults
• Confidentiality and Privacy
• Keeping the Patient at the Centre of Care
• Seeing the Whole Picture
• Family Dynamics Affecting Discharge
You can sign in to the e-learning with your login supplied by e-LfH at any time during your foundation training.
HORUS and TURAS link to e-LfH e-learning sessions from the FP Curriculum and are therefore accessible to all trainees, making it quicker and easy to access the appropriate session linked to the curriculum.
Posted January 13th 2021 (4 years ago)
Dear Trainees, please see below 2 descriptions of Clinical Teaching Fellows positions at Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, and their respective links on NHS jobs- Both closing dates are 5th February 2021
Clinical Teaching Fellow - Office Based
We would like to appoint 15 Clinical Teaching Fellows (CTF)-office based for the Academic Year beginning August 2021. These posts are aimed at post foundation year doctors who wish to spend time working in a medical educational role at The Academy in Swindon.
All appointees will spend 80% of their time working on the UG programme and 20% of their time undertaking supernumerary clinical work. The rotations are expected to reflect the candidates UG role.
For more information and to apply please click here
Ward Based Clinical Teaching Fellow
We would like to appoint for the Academic Year beginning August 2021. These posts are aimed at post foundation year doctors who wish to spend time working in a medical educational role at The Academy in Swindon, The WB-CTFs main role is to help the Academy Medical Dean (AMD), the Unit co coordinators / Tutors and other teachers. This will primarily consist of teaching in the clinical environment.
For more information and to apply please click here
Health Education England ran a national webinar on 16 December 2020 on the subject of Annual Reviews of Competency and Progression, followed by a question and answer session. A recording of the webinar has been uploaded to HEE’s YouTube channel
Frequently asked questions on the subject of ARCPs, including those that were asked at the webinar but were not able to be answered on the night due to time constraints, can be found on the HEE Specialty Training website.
Dr Geoff Smith, the HEE South West Postgraduate Dean, had originally planned to hold a local webinar on the topic of ARCPs in the New Year. Given the comprehensive nature of the national event in December, this will now be on a different topic. Details of the nature of this local webinar will be shared with you shortly, along with instructions on how to join it.
The OxFSS is collaborating with RCS Edinburgh for a free Core Surgical Training Interview Preparation evening on 20th January 2021 and we would love to invite CST applicants around the UK to attend the webinar. It will be held from 18:30-20:00
The evening will include a series of informative talks providing more information on the new 2021 interview format. There will also be an opportunity to sign up for 1:1 mock interviews with a CST, SpR or Consultant; with individualised feedback.
Click here to register for the event
Posted December 16th 2020 (4 years ago)
Health Education England would like to invite you to take part in a short survey to better understand how we might improve access to online educational resources about prescribing, therapeutics and medicines optimisation. The survey should take no longer than 15 minutes of your time. It asks about your current role and your experience of accessing online educational resources for prescribing, therapeutics and medicines optimisation; it invites your views on how we might improve access to these.
The survey closes on Sunday 17th January 2021 at 23:59.
To complete the survey, please click here
An FY1 at Southmead Hospital, Hayley Johnson, has recently written a piece on inequalities in healthcare which has been accepted for publication in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine.
Please see ‘If I were minister of health’ (themed on inequalities in healthcare) here
The Foundation e-learning programme has been developed specifically for Foundation doctors by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in partnership with Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare (HEE e-LfH) and is approved by UKFPO.
Do you need to complete parts of the curriculum on your e-portfolio which you do not cover in day-to-day practice? If so, why not try some of our free e-learning mapped directly to the Foundation Professional Capabilities (Training Outcomes) in the 2016 Foundation Curriculum.
The sessions in the e-LfH Foundation e-learning programme:
Professional Capability: 19
Makes patient safety a priority in clinical practice
Health (blood borne infection) and handling stress
An underperforming colleague – what to do
Introduction to patient safety
Raising concerns about patient safety
Team working and patient safety
Outcomes and patient experience
You can sign in to the e-learning with your login supplied by e-LfH at any time during your foundation training.
HORUS and TURAS link to e-LfH e-learning sessions from the FP Curriculum and are therefore accessible to all trainees, making it quicker and easy to access the appropriate session linked to the curriculum.
SCRIPT e-learning for safer prescribing
Created in 2010, the SCRIPT e-learning programme was developed by the University of Birmingham and OCB Media and commissioned by Health Education England.
The e-learning is designed to encourage safe and effective prescribing and optimal medicines management among healthcare professionals.
How effective is e-learning?
The European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (EACPT) Working Group on education recently conducted a review to identify and assess the effects of digital learning on learner-related and clinically relevant outcomes.
They concluded that "e-learning is the most-used type of digital learning for safe and effective prescribing education and is efficacious in teaching undergraduate and postgraduate prescribers the required knowledge, skills, and attitudes".
About the SCRIPT Medicine and Surgery portfolio for foundation trainee doctors
The SCRIPT Medicine and Surgery e-learning portfolio for foundation trainee doctors is a collection of 49 modules, delivered through a dedicated learning platform, that have been specifically designed to help improve the prescribing competency and safety of foundation doctors. The portfolio is freely available to all foundation schools in England.
A module usually takes approximately one hour to complete but does not have to be completed in one sitting. Content has been authored by a team of expert healthcare professionals and is reviewed and updated on a regular basis.
How do I access the programme?
Anyone with a or e-mail address can access SCRIPT Medicine and Surgery for free.
Where can I get support with the SCRIPT e-learning programme?
If you are new to e-learning, or have a question about the e-learning modules, Nicholas Blackwell will be running virtual live demos on the following dates from 10am to 11am:
Tuesday 15 December 2020, Tuesday 12 January 2021 & Tuesday 16 February 2021
During the sessions you will:
Have a tour of the SCRIPT user experience
Run through a summary of the different SCRIPT variants
View some example SCRIPT module content
Take a look at the trainee data analytics, management and reporting tool.
The virtual demos will be conducted over Microsoft Teams and joining instructions are available by contacting Nicholas.
Posted December 2nd 2020 (4 years ago)
Dear Trainees,
An FDAB rep has set up a "Telegram" (a mobile app) feed, which streamlines posts from the UKFPO, HEE and other stakeholders' social media accounts to ensure Foundation doctors are kept up to date.
Dear Trainees,
Please see below the latest link for the UKFPO bulletin
Join us and Dr Christine Rivers and Coach-Speaker-Author Rasheed Ogunlaru for inspiring and empowering masterclass and discussion.
An event targeted at people living with long term health conditions, mental health issues and disabilities* and are considering or already undertaking leadership roles. Influenced by Disability History Month (18 November to 18 December) we want to help you think about your own history and what this means for your leadership future.
Have you wanted to take a leadership role but wondered how your health would cope with the demands? Are you currently in a leadership role managing your own boundaries to keep your health conditions at bay and wondering how this will impact your career? Would you like to spend some time reflecting on how your personal lived experience gives you the tools to help us build a culture of inclusion? If you answered yes to any of these questions this event is for you.
This event will consider our culture of ableism and how we as individuals and collectively can help unpick it. We will consider some of the evidence, national strategies and our personal stories to start a conversation around how we create a healthier NHS.
* Are you wondering if your health conditions fit the inclusion criteria for this event? If it impacts the way you live and work, yes it does.
To book your place please click here:
A webinar on ARCPs is being held for doctors in training on Wednesday 16 December at 19:00. The webinar will provide feedback on the ARCP experience survey undertaken during the first wave of the pandemic, an update on latest guidance/processes and live Q&As.
The webinar will be led by Dr Phil Bright – West Midlands Head of School of Medicine, and Professor Jane Mamelok - North West Regional Postgraduate Dean, supported by Dr Vidushi Golash and Dr Raees Lunat - National Medical Director’s Clinical Fellows and a representative from the GMC.
Questions can be submitted in advance for answering on the webinar.
In addition HEE has released an update entitled ‘Enabling Programme at ARCP’ which will see the agreed more flexible arrangements and derogations for ARCPs being extended until at least September 2021. Please click here to access.
Registration for general delegates to attend the National Foundation Doctors Presentation Day on Friday 15th January 2021 is now open. If you would like to attend, please register here, where you can also find a draft programme of the day.
Thank you to those who submitted abstracts. We had a fantastic response, and the window for abstract submissions is now closed. Successful applicants have been contacted individually to register.
Please direct any queries to
Posted November 24th 2020 (4 years ago)
Please see below details of a Careers in Anaesthesia day organised by Anaesthetics registrars at Lister Hospital in Stevenage over zoom, on Tuesday 15th December. It is a free, day long course aiming to provide an insight into the application process and the variety of career options available in anaesthesia.
Dear Foundation trainees,
My name is Sophie and I am the Association of Surgeons in Training (ASiT) rep for the Severn Deanery.
ASiT’s aim is to support trainees within surgery by providing education courses at a reasonable price, attending meetings with regards to training as the voice of the trainee and also holds our annual conference every year. We support all trainees from medical school up to registrar level.
If your interested in a career in surgery or would like to find out more about ASiT please join me via zoom for a meet and greet session with myself on the
25/11/2020 at 19:00. In addition if there have been any issues with regards to training, this can include anything from exams, recruitment applications or
limited exposure within surgical specialities I want to know to enable me to feedback to ASiT as the voice of the deanery.
If you'd like to find out more about ASiT visit-
Please find zoom link for the meet and greet below:
Sophie Lewis is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: ASiT meet and greet
Time: Nov 25, 2020 07:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 822 5944 4259
Password: 090256
These sessions are free to attend and will elaborate on the training programmes and applications.
This session will take place at 6:30 pm via zoom on the following date:
Careers: Combined infection training
Gina Beckley
Meeting ID: 765 9963 7588
Password: careers
Each session is 20 minutes with up to 10 minutes for questions.
Feedback forms will be available on Survey Monkey immediately after the session.
We hope to see you there!
Pedram (IMT2), Courteney (Chief Reg ST5) & Pip (IMT2)
The NBT Doctors Careers Group
Dear QI educator,
Following the recent publication of the NHS Net Zero Report, it is clear that the health workforce needs to be equipped both to practise sustainably and to contribute to innovation for a zero carbon health service.
The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare(CSH) is running a two-year project (2019-21) in partnership with Health Education England, the Health Foundation and KCL to support the integration of sustainability into education on quality improvement. The approach is already being trialled in a handful of UK medical and nursing programmes (both undergraduate and postgraduate), where it is capturing the enthusiasm of educators and students, and is being shared with the GMC.
We would like to make you aware of the approach and the resources and support available through the project. We have a new dedicated website packed full of useful, free resources for running a sustainable QI project, as well as an educator pack with template teaching sessions:
Educator support:
In addition to the existing CSH online course on Sustainability in Quality Improvement, we have set up a Teaching Sustainable Quality Improvement online course for educators which we are running on 27th January 2021 and 31st March 2021. This two-part course comprises 4 hours of interactive self-study followed by a 4-hour online workshop, using the ‘SusQI’ framework to help health professions educators and students to integrate sustainability concepts into mainstream quality improvement teaching. The course is equally applicable to all health professions and to the undergraduate and postgraduate level.
Best wishes,
Frances Mortimer
Dr Frances Mortimer, Medical Director
Dear Trainees,
Please see below the latest UKFPO Bulletin
The Foundation e-learning programme has been developed specifically for Foundation doctors by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in partnership with Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare (HEE e-LfH) and is approved by UKFPO.
Do you need to complete parts of the curriculum on your e-portfolio which you do not cover in day-to-day practice? If so, why not try some of our free e-learning mapped directly to the Foundation Professional Capabilities (Training Outcomes) in the 2016 Foundation Curriculum.
The sessions in the e-LfH Foundation e-learning programme:
Professional Capability: 3
Behaves in accordance with ethical and legal requirements
Professional Capability: 19
Makes patient safety a priority in clinical practice
You can sign in to the e-learning with your login supplied by e-LfH at any time during your foundation training:
HORUS and TURAS link to e-LfH e-learning sessions from the FP Curriculum and are therefore accessible to all trainees, making it quicker and easy to access the appropriate session linked to the curriculum.
Posted November 18th 2020 (4 years ago)
If you have not done so already, please ensure you start your TAB as soon as possible – you should have submitted your self-assessment in October.
Please note the following:
Comprehensive information about the TAB process can be found on the Horus support site:
About the NETS
At Health Education England (HEE), our job is to support you to learn to deliver excellent care to patients by ensuring that you are supported to work in a safe clinical environment. We do this by working with employers, the GMC and health and care providers to ensure that key requirements, such as good induction programmes, clinical supervision and access to learning opportunities, are in place and available to all trainees.
The NETS is the only national survey open to all health and care trainees and students across all clinical learning environments. As you will know, the full GMC National Training Survey did not run this year due to the covid-19 pandemic, so NETS provides an opportunity for us to gather some information about your experiences in training.
You understand your learning environment better than anyone else.
You know the clinical learning environment in which you work and train better than anyone else and your feedback is important in identifying when things are working well and when they could be better. The NETS is an opportunity to say what you think about the quality of your clinical learning environment, including areas of good practice.
During the current COVID-19 pandemic, you may be undertaking a clinical placement or rotation during a pandemic surge. It is important that we understand the impact of the pandemic on your education and training to identify how we can support all students and trainees during this challenging time and beyond. Your feedback is vital in understanding the standards of care provided to patients.
The survey takes just 10 minutes and your experiences will help to make real changes to improve the student experience.
If you have not received an invite to complete the survey, please email so that you can receive a personalised link to a version of the survey that has been prepopulated with your training programme information.
For more information as well as help with specific queries, please see our website and FAQs -
Your Voice, Your Survey, Improving your training
Dear Trainee,
From 1 November 2020, the new arrangements for the payment of relocation and excess mileage expenses came into effect for doctors and dentists in training, and public health trainees. These have been developed through close coordination with the BMA and following discussion with the RJDC in Peninsula and Severn and apply to all trainees across the South West from the 1st November 2020.
This new framework includes several significant improvements on the previous guidance which include:
The policy outlining relocation and excess milage claims can be found on the Deanery website along with guidance on submitting claims. Expense application forms for some trusts in the region are available on the deanery website, and those currently missing will be uploaded in the coming days.
Claims for relocation or excess mileage expenses are coordinated by employing trusts; please address any questions you may have about the policy to your trust HR team.
For more information on the new arrangements, please visit
The coronavirus pandemic has led to significant changes in recruitment for core training in anaesthetics / ACCS. Interviews will be held online for the first time via Microsoft Teams. We are reflecting this by holding our traditional live courses via an online webinar. This has the added safety advantage of junior doctors being able to attend from the comfort of their own homes/hospitals rather than needing to travel across the UK.
Around the UK, junior doctors will undergo a competitive recruitment process for a limited number of UK Core Training posts in Anaesthetics / ACCS (commencing August 2021). For the first time this year, applicants will sit the MSRA (Multi-Specialty Recruitment Assessment) exam. The best performing candidates only will subsequently be invited to interview with the Royal College of Anaesthetists. This is usually the first postgraduate job interview in a junior doctor's career, and can be a daunting experience without the proper preparation.
The course on December 12th will most likely be of relevance to current foundation doctors (particularly FY2s), but may also be of interest to more senior trainees or fellows who are thinking of a change of career path.
Our main course offers everything you need to help you succeed in the national Anaesthetic Interview. We also take you through the MSRA with techniques and tips to excel.
A detailed, structured, step-by-step approach to scoring highly in both the MSRA and the Anaesthetic Interview, plus your own copy of the updated 2020 Course Handbook
A place on the course can be booked, and further details found at
Please note that this is not eligible for Study Leave Funding
Dear Trainees, Please see below a link to the FDAB Specialty Recruitment Webinar
Dear Trainees, please see below an Obs and Gynae Webinar - This one is about pre-eclampsia to be held on Saturday 21st November at 16:00
Dear F1/F2's,
We have set up a local steering group looking to bring you a series of Careers Development Sessions. Our initial focus will be on post-FY2 training programmes. These sessions will take place at 6:30 pm via zoom on the following dates
Date Topic Speaker Zoom Details
18/11/2020 Radiology Sophie Watson Meeting ID: 870 0156 5630 Password: careers
19/11/2020 General Practice Katey Warren Meeting ID: 712 5811 7171 Password: careers
24/11/2020 Time out of Training Pedram Modarres TBC
Each session is 20 minutes with 10 minutes for questions. Feedback forms will be available on Survey Monkey immediately after the session.
We hope to see you all there!
Kind regards, Pedram, Courteney & Pip (IMT2, Acute Med ST4 & IMT 2 at North Bristol Trust)
Posted November 11th 2020 (4 years ago)
Health Education England would like to invite you to take part in a short survey to better understand how we might improve access to online educational resources about prescribing, therapeutics and medicines optimisation.
The survey should take no longer than 15 minutes of your time. It asks about your current role and your experience of accessing online educational resources for prescribing, therapeutics and medicines optimisation; it invites your views on how we might improve access to these.
The survey closes on Tuesday 17 November 2020 at 23:59.
To complete the survey, please select here.
Dear F1/F2's,
We have set up a local steering group looking to bring you a series of Careers Development Sessions. Our initial focus will be on post-FY2 training programmes. These sessions will take place at 6:30 pm via zoom on the following dates
Date | Topic | Speaker | Zoom Details |
10/11/2020 | Core Surgical Training | Zoe Bakewell |
Meeting ID: 788 0291 5103 |
11/11/2020 | Internal Medicine Training | Pedram Modarres |
Meeting ID: 773 9527 9756 |
12/11/2020 | Paediatrics | Mary Fenton-Jones |
Meeting ID: 785 0656 3097 |
17/11/2020 | Obstetrics and Gynaecology | David Jones |
Meeting ID: 712 2571 9372 |
18/11/2020 | Radiology | Sophie Watson |
Meeting ID: 870 0156 5630 |
19/11/2020 | General Practice | Katey Warren |
Meeting ID: 712 5811 7171 |
24/11/2020 | Time out of Training | Pedram Modarres |
Each session is 20 minutes with 10 minutes for questions. Feedback forms will be available on Survey Monkey immediately after the session.
We hope to see you all there!
Kind regards,
Pedram, Courteney & Pip
(IMT2, Acute Med ST4 & IMT 2 at North Bristol Trust)
Dear Trainees please see below online courses available to F1/F2's so please keep checking Maxcourse as new courses are constantly being added.
Major Trauma -
This session focusses on trauma within the emergency department. Presenting features to look out for, how to approach a trauma call, it aims to help you gain confidence attending and assessing trauma calls as a junior member of the team.
Intensive Care: Sepsis, blood pressure support and renal replacement therapy -
Intensive Care: Sepsis, blood pressure support and renal replacement therapy. In this session we will also cover the lines we can use for monitoring and delivering medications on ICU.
Introduction to Anaesthetics -
Introduction to Anaesthetics. A case-based introduction to anaesthesia including the triad of anaesthesia, general versus regional anaesthesia and obstetrics.
Anaesthesia: A day in the life of the anaesthetist -
Anaesthesia: A day in the life of the anaesthetist: Why we like anaesthesia, a typical day as an anaesthetic trainee, a brief guide to core training and a Q&A session
Please see information below of a free core surgical interview training course that is being held on Microsoft teams on Saturday, 21/11/2020 from 09:00-16:00.
For Registration please email
Dear Doctor,
Applying for Core Anaesthetics/ACCS Anaesthetics Training? Feel like you need more preparation for the new MSRA & interview format and want to know how to boost your application, even if you think it's too late?
Introducing the 'Core Anaesthetics Training Interview Course', endorsed by the RCoA. This popular evening course is run by top-ranked trainees and is just the preparation and immediate feedback that you need, but in a low-pressure environment. The event will be run entirely virtually this year. It includes a mock-interview cycle, specific do's and don'ts for the day and how to excel at the MSRA, plus an invaluable talk from consultant anaesthetists experienced at
interviewing on the panel.
The course fee is £70 (£90 after 14th November) and this virtual event will be held on the evening (6pm start) of Monday 14th December 2020.
To book or for more information, please view the course website (, or email
We are excited to announce a series of free webinars to replace this year's face-to-face National Research Collaborative conference. Entitled 'Collaboration in a Health Crisis', we hope there's something for everyone in these 5 exciting webinars. The programme this year features very prominent and renowned speakers, and the webinars have been awarded CPD accreditation by the Royal College of Surgeons.
Granule: Tips and tricks for recruiting to randomised trials
Recruiting the trials is challenging, come to this innovative webinar and learn more about strategies for conveying equipoise, explaining randomisation and engaging with patient preference. Click the link to register and become better equipped to recruit to RCTs.
19th November 2020, 6.30-8pm (1.5 CPD points)
How to design efficient RCTs: Real world experience of real-world trials
Learn about pragmatic trials, integrated oral consent and trial statistics. The REaCT-RETT trial will be used as a working example of a pragmatic trial. Follow the link to register to learn more about the nuts-and-bolts of trial design.
1st December 2020, 6.30-8pm (1.5 CPD points)
Tomorrow's Leaders: Equipping the next generation of NIHR trial leaders
Hosted by the NIHR, this exciting two-part workshop is aimed at surgical trainees and early years consultants with an oncology interest. Click the link to find out more about sessions such as New Trainee Initiatives, Accessing CRN support and NCRI breakout sessions.
4th and 12th December 2020, 9am-12.15 (sign up directly on the NIHR form)
Ask the Editors: Maximise your chance of publishing and academic success
Register to hear from editors of the BJS and The Lancet about the tips and tricks for publishing successfully. Follow the link below to see our speakers and register.
23rd November 2020, 7pm (1 CPD point)
Research Red Tape: What can we learn from undertaking research in a pandemic?
COVID-19 has challenged and changed healthcare and research. Register for this webinar using the link below to hear first-hand experience of how research in a pandemic is completed.
10th December 2020, 6.30pm (1.5 CPD points)
Please see for more information
Posted November 4th 2020 (4 years ago)
The SCRIPT e-learning programme for medicine and surgery consists of 49 modules in seven categories for foundation trainee doctors, undergraduate medical students, doctors and non-medical prescribers, covering a range of therapeutic topics relating to prescribing and medicines safety in hospitals, including:
Principles of prescribing Managing the risks of prescribing Therapeutic groups Advanced prescribing Prescribing in medical emergencies Prescribing in special circumstances Clinical governance
Each module takes approximately 60 minutes to complete. All course materials have been authored by a team of expert healthcare professionals and are regularly reviewed and updated.
What are the benefits in using the SCRIPT e-learning programmes?
Safer prescribing
SCRIPT enhances knowledge and confidence in prescribing correctly, improving patient safety, therapeutics and medicines management.
Professional development
Certificates are made available on completion of a module, which can be used for online learning portfolios as evidence of continuing professional development.
Flexible learning
SCRIPT is easily accessible and intuitive to use, allowing users to complete modules at their convenience and refer back to modules at any time during their training.
Free to learners with an or email address.
How do I access the e-learning?
You can learn more about the SCRIPT e-learning programmes by visiting the SCRIPT website at:
Saturday 7th November
Registration is now open for this year's National Health Careers Conference and is now completely online!
Supported by leading speakers and organisations including Health Education England, General Medical Council, Royal Colleges and Universities.
Our aim has always remained the same; to showcase the diversity of roles available to doctors and healthcare professionals so you can develop and lead a fulfilling career.
We have a wide range of exciting keynote talks and workshop sessions lined up as well as an Energise lounge to prioritise your wellbeing, reflections disco and an interactive exhibition.
Features include:
Health Careers Live has also recently created the Health Careers Live Awards to celebrate the contribution of healthcare professionals and the wider community throughout 2020. The form for nominations is now live at
All successful nominations will receive a certificate of appreciation
Radiology Applications Masterclass
Session 1: Portfolio Preparation, 8th November 2020 at 6pm
Speakers: Dr Yiwang Xu & Dr Anum Parvez
Sign up at:
Dear Trainees,
Please see below the latest UKFPO Bulletin
Intensive Care: Assessment and management of ventilatory failure including high-flow nasal oxygen, non-invasive BiPAP/CPAP and invasive Ventilation on ICU
This is available for F1 and F2's on 23rd November from 18:30-19:30
Intensive Care: Sepsis, blood pressure support and renal replacement therapy
Intensive Care: Sepsis, blood pressure support and renal replacement therapy. In this session we will also cover the lines we can use for monitoring and delivering medications on ICU.
This is available for F1 and F2's on 30th November from 18:30-19:30
Posted October 27th 2020 (4 years ago)
Dear Trainees, Please see the below link for more information on the ACCS recruitment open evening.
If you are interested in a career in ACCS (including Emergency Medicine, Intensive Care, Acute Medicine and Anaesthetics) and/or training in Core Anaesthetics then you are warmly invited to attend this open evening.
A free, online course with a faculty of recently successful high-ranking trainees.
Register here to secure your place:
Date: Saturday 14th November at 09:30-12:30
All Foundation Doctors and Trainers are warmly invited to NFDPD 2021, a day of presentations by F1 and F2 doctors on Friday 15th January 2021.
If you are a current F1 or F2 doctor in a recognised Foundation Programme in the UK or Malta, you are invited to submit abstracts relating to work undertaken during your Foundation training. Work may be entered in the following categories:
SustainabilityEducationQuality ImprovementCase ReportsResearch
Successful abstracts will be presented as 10 minute oral or 3-minute poster (mini-oral) presentations. Open for applications from 1st October 2020 and close on Midnight 29th October
We are pleased to be able to offer some additional online teaching open to both F1s and F2s. The ‘foundation cases’ series has been set up to provide doctors as an alternative to face to face teaching during the pandemic and will be covering a variety of clinical topics in the coming weeks. Please see Maxcourse for more information
Posted October 21st 2020 (4 years ago)
Any pathology trainees who would like to submit an application for our science communication prize, which closes on Friday 23 October. Applicants will need to complete the self-nomination form, which includes space for a supporting statement from a referee. The award aims to recognise excellence in science communication and the winner will receive £200. More information is available at
Please see below a link for the various events for National Pathology Week, which is running from 2nd -8th November
Further information will be circulated as it becomes available.
Please check the HEE specialty training website:
and for GP
for further details and recruitment guidance.
All Foundation Doctors and Trainers are warmly invited to NFDPD 2021, a day of presentations by F1 and F2 doctors on Friday 15th January 2021.
If you are a current F1 or F2 doctor in a recognised Foundation Programme in the UK or Malta, you are invited to submit abstracts relating to work undertaken during your Foundation training. Work may be entered in the following categories:
Successful abstracts will be presented as 10 minute oral or 3-minute poster (mini-oral) presentations. Open for applications from 1st October 2020 and close on Midnight 29th October
Dear F1 and F2 Trainees,
This is a reminder to keep checking Maxcourse for available courses
Posted October 14th 2020 (4 years ago)
Applications for Round 1 2021 GP specialty training open on the 2 November – 1 December 2020. Please ‘like’ and follow the #Choose GPFacebook page to keep up to date with news and views. Please forward this information to any doctors who may be thinking about career options. The GP National Recruitment Office (GPNRO) website is the place to go for more information or we have a number of GPs and trainees who are able to help with local or general enquiries. Email Daryl to be put in touch.
Dear Trainees,
Please use the link below to look at and to register access for a BMJ Live Events. In Particular please have a look at the Sexual Health & HIV session at 10:15- 10:35 on Friday 16th October
This webinar is aimed at foundation doctors and medical students looking to apply for CT1/ST1 training posts in the UK. The talk will be given by doctors from a top London hospital.
We will be covering a breadth of topics - from practical information about applications, to creating an outstanding portfolio. Have pen and paper at the ready.
We would also like to practice basic interview skills, so please come prepared with answers to the following prompts:
This is on Tue 10th November from 18:00-19:30
All Foundation Doctors and Trainers are warmly invited to NFDPD 2021, a day of presentations by F1 and F2 doctors on Friday 15th January 2021.
If you are a current F1 or F2 doctor in a recognised Foundation Programme in the UK or Malta, you are invited to submit abstracts relating to work undertaken during your Foundation training. Work may be entered in the following categories:
Successful abstracts will be presented as 10 minute oral or 3-minute poster (mini-oral) presentations. Open for applications from 1st October 2020 and close on Midnight 29th October
Posted October 7th 2020 (4 years ago)
The Rouleaux Club (UK Vascular Trainees association) is running its annual national essay competition again this year with prizes for medical students AND junior doctors! All applicants will also receive complimentary registration to the Vascular Societies AGM in November and join the free vascular surgical skills course.
Details here:
ACCS open day will be held on the 4th November from 6-8pm
Please register online, it will be a Teams meeting so you'll need the app downloaded.
To register please visit here
Pipeline 2020 Virtual Anaesthesia Taster Day!
So no hands on sessions this year but plenty of information and opportunities to ask questions from Consultants, trainees and Training Programme Directors. We will be streaming 10 minute talks on the wide range of subspecialties available within Anaesthesia. We will also be having a live Q&A session with Consultants, Trainees and the Regions TPDs. Once registered, you can email your questions in advance or ‘real-time’ and we will do our best to answer them. No charge!
For more information and to register click here
Trainees in non-patient-facing roles and other vulnerable groups impacted by the Covid-19 Pandemic
Sethina will share her experience of shielding-by-proxy and the work she has done nationally to promote wellbeing for health professionals who have been shielding.
If you wish to attend and/or be informed of all future meetings please complete this short registration form by clicking the following link:
Once registered you will be sent a zoom link to the recurring forum
For further information or help please contact:
Dr Elizabeth Armstrong, or Dr Tim Davis,
Posted September 21st 2020 (4 years ago)
Are you applying for Radiology this year? Want to maximise your application? Then make sure to sign up for our online RadCast Clinical Radiology Application Course.
Designed by Clinical Radiologists, we have over 50 modules (5 hours of content in total) that walk you through each component of the application process. Whether it’s understanding about the role of A.I or the impact of COVID-19 on the specialty, we’ve developed the most comprehensive and complete Clinical Radiology application course out there.
Plus, it’s all online meaning it's available 24/7 and we are offering candidates an opportunity to boost their portfolio with our bespoke Clinical Radiology prizes. Finally, we are able to facilitate 1-to-1 interview sessions with radiologists to really personalise your preparation.
Last year, 100% of our trainees were successful in securing their Clinical Radiology national training number. Now it’s your turn.
If you’re interested, check out the flyer and go on our course website via
You can watch our free introductory video here:
Any questions, feel to get in touch via
All the best,
Muhammad, Uzoma and Jamie
RadCast Founders and Clinical Radiologists
(Please note this doesn't mean we're endorsing this course or agreeing funding)
Dear Trainee,
Please note the 2020 National Research Collaborative Meeting, which is being held virtually this year and is being hosted by SPARCS (Severn and Peninsula Audit and Research Collaborative for Surgeons) and STAR (Severn Trainee Anaesthetic Research).
As well as webinars, we will be holding virtual poster and presentation sessions as part of this meeting and wanted to advertise abstract submissions using this link
For more details regarding abstract submission please see our online guidance ( Importantly, the deadline for abstract submission has been extended to 5pm Friday 2nd October.
Interested in a career in anaesthetics or ICU?
Confused about career pathways?
Want to get a head start on your CV?
All are welcome to: A PEEP into ICM and anaesthetics - A teaching series debunking everything ICM and anaesthetics!
Available on Zoom, free to attend and certificates included on October 7th.
What’s included:
Guest speakers discussing their Anaesthetic/ICU careers, including Professor Jerry Nolan, Chair of the European Resuscitation Council Details of training pathways including pre hospital medicine, ICM and anaesthetics Tips on applying
To book a place, visit our facebook page @PEEPintoICM now!
CSH sustainable healthcare courses - online
Mon 5 Oct (1500-1900) - Introduction to Sustainable Healthcare
Thu 24 Sep (1000-1400) - Green Space and Health
Thu 15 Oct (0945-1415) - Sustainable Quality Improvement
The 22 Oct (1000-1400) - Carbon Footprinting for Healthcare
Wed 11 Nov (0900-1300) - Introduction to Sustainable Healthcare
Details at
Dear Trainees,
Please see a link below from the UKFPO website on a Curriculum and E-Portfolio Webinar,
Posted August 28th 2020 (4 years ago)
When: Friday 23rd October
Venue: Online
Price: Free
We are delighted to announce this years’ Psychiatry Autumn School for Foundation Doctors which will be held virtually on 23rd October 2020. The event is aimed at F1 and F2 doctors who are interested in applying for Core Psychiatry Training.
This one day event aims to educate about the subspecialties within psychiatry, inform of the wide variety of career options, and discuss the application process. In previous years the feedback of this event has been outstanding with 95% of delegates reporting that they would recommend the Autumn School to others.
If you are interested then please email to apply. Priority will be given to foundation doctors but medical students are welcome too.
Dear Doctor,
Applying for Core Anaesthetics Training? Feel like you need more preparation for the interview and want to know how to boost your
application, even if you think it's too late?
Introducing the 'Core Anaesthetics Training Interview Course', endorsed by the RCoA. This popular evening course is run by top-ranked trainees and is just the preparation and immediate feedback that you need, but in a low-pressure environment. It includes a mock-interview cycle, specific do's and don'ts for the day and how to gain last-minute points, plus an invaluable talk from consultant anaesthetists experienced at interviewing on the panel.
Obviously our number one priority is to keep attendees safe. We have been in frequent discussions with the RCoA, and will be able to hold the event across various floors at the venue (as will be the case for the FRCA examinations the week before) to maintain safe social distancing in line with government COVID-19 regulations.
The course fee is £70 (£90 after 14th November) and will be held on the
evening (6pm start) of Monday 14th December 2020 at the Royal College of
Anaesthetists, Churchill House, 35 Red Lion Square, London, WC1R 4SG.
To book or for more information, please view the course website
(, or email
Posted August 7th 2020 (5 years ago)
Established in 2010, the Neurology and Neurosurgery Interest Group (NANSIG) allows medical students and junior doctors to gain relevant insight and experience in Neurology and Neurosurgery. We manage over 1000 members internationally, providing educational material, mentoring facilities and seminars which facilitate student career development, including our annual careers day which regularly attract 3-digit numbers of delegates. We work with universities across the UK through our UK network of university representatives.
As the largest group of its kind, we are proud to work in partnership with the Society of British Neurosurgeons and the Association of British Neurologists in the UK.
This year we are trying to create a network of driven junior doctors across the UK - Our society offers a range of great opportunities including:
More information can be found on the attached brochure and our official website
Deanery Representative Role:
Deadline: 31st of August
We are excited to announce that the South West Division will be running the following prizes online, in conjunction with the Autumn Biannual Meeting on 13 November 2020.
These prizes are now open to entrants, and further information, regulations and entry forms can be found on prizes and bursaries webpage. -
Divisional Poster Prize
Dr Stephen Dinniss Foundation and Medical Students Poster Prize
Understanding the Application process and Developing your Portfolio 2020 / 2021
Online course to improve your self-assessment score for Anaesthetics / ACCS Core Training
Book to reserve your place at:
A practical course for junior orthopaedic trainees
This 2 day course will enable you to deal with Orthapedic Emergencies, trauma calls and much more
Venue and Date:
Fracture Clinic, Trafford General Hospital, Bower's Avenue
Manchester M41 5SL | September 19-20, 2020
Course Fee: £145 (Please note we will not be providing funding for this as a school)
Registration closes on 31st August 2020 - 12:00 hrs
Confirm your place today via
For queries, please email:
Posted July 23rd 2020 (5 years ago)
It was launched on 22nd July 2020 and will close on 12th August 2020.
The aim of the survey is to gain an overview of the trainees and trainers experiences during COVID.
Please use the following links for updated survey guides for:
Doctors in Training
Question Sets
All eligible doctors will be invited to take part in the survey via email.
If you have any questions regarding the survey please direct your queries to the SW Quality team at
The National Training Survey (NTS) is a core piece of work undertaken by the General Medical Council (GMC) each year to assess the quality of postgraduate medical education and training being provided across the United Kingdom (UK). The NTS is distributed to all known postgraduate trainees within the UK who are actively in a training post on the census date. From 2016 a Trainer Survey will run alongside the Trainee Survey. Detailed information can be found on the GMC website.
The NTS for trainees includes a set of core questions which looks at trainees' perception of training providers compliance with the GMC standards. In addition to the core questions, each of the Royal Colleges and Faculties have developed a set of specialty specific questions which survey the doctors perception of the quality of delivery of the relevant curricula.
Your survey responses will help us to quality manage the training programmes in the Peninsula by helping us develop an overall picture of postgraduate medical education and training. The survey results are analysed and triangulated to:
Previous GMC survey results can be accessed as follows:
Posted July 8th 2020 (5 years ago)
HEE South West are pleased to announce that the SAS Bursary scheme for July 2020 is now open.
The application window opened on Wednesday 8th July and will close on Friday 7th August 2020.
Application forms and guidance are available here during this period.
Posted July 8th 2020 (5 years ago)
Calling all Medical Undergraduates and Foundation Doctors.....The joint RCPath/BDIAP Foundation and Undergraduate Taster Event - pathology through a COVID lens is an exciting opportunity for you to explore pathology and see what the career has to offer! This virtual programme will be delivered with a mixture of specialty-specific sound bite videos from a variety of consultants and trainees, followed by a live virtual session held Tuesday, 21st July at 7pm via Zoom. And it is free to register!!!
Attendees will have the opportunity to explore;
Consultants and trainees will also showcase their specialty and how important it has been in the fight against COVID-19:
If you have been considering applying for specialist training in pathology and would like to know more about the different specialties, make sure you register for this event to explore the exciting opportunities that our pathology specialties have to offer you!
For questions about this event please contact the Events Department on
Online - Tuesday 28th July
This event is designed to provide you with tips and advice for your first year as a new doctor. As many of you will already be gaining valuable experience of working on the ward, we hope this event will provide some extra insight for your first year. The programme features three speakers with a personal knowledge of this important milestone in becoming a doctor.
18.30: Top tips for FY1s - Dr Christopher Holt, Foundation Year 2 Doctor, NHS Lothian
19.00: Managing the acutely unwell patient - Dr Danielle Jeffreys, Clinical Teaching Fellow & ST4 in Respiratory Medicine, Raigmore Hospital, Inverness
19.30: Transitioning from student to doctor: top tips for keeping a healthy work life balance - Dr Patrice Baptiste, Portfolio General Practitioner, London
20.15: Close
For more information and to book your place, please visit our Events Calendar.
The West of England AHSN are hosting a series of five online workshops from 29 July to 26 August. Free to attend for any role at any level, each 2-hour session is standalone so you can join individual sessions or the whole series. Register now.
The summer series will showcase the basic theory of Quality Improvement (QI) and help you apply your learning. Led by the AHSN’s Academy team alongside guest speakers. Topics include stakeholder mapping, liberating structures, driver diagrams and model for improvement.
Each workshop will be highly interactive, so you can gain hands-on practise in real world scenarios. The workshops will be beneficial to anyone regardless if you are working on a specific QI project. If you encounter challenges in your role (or outside work), and want to consider how these can be tackled, these sessions will help. Find out more and book here.
The West of England Academy offers a wide range of free resources to healthcare professionals and innovators across the region. To find out more, visit our website or email
Posted June 12th 2020 (5 years ago)
Dear trainees, please see the link below for different avenues of support we can offer during these unprecedented times
Dear trainees, please see below links to the HEE YouTube site, with a specific link on the second link with good insight into what a career in public health entails with various short animated videos.
Dear trainees, pleased see below a link to the latest UKFPO bulletin from 10th June.
Our annual Public Engagement Innovation Grant Scheme offers the chance to receive up to £1000 of funding towards pathology-themed activities aimed at non-specialist audiences. We welcome grant applications for in-person as well as online engagement ideas, such as via ‘virtual events’, webinars, podcasts, video etc. Find out more at and please do get in touch if you’d like to have a chat about your event idea or would like help finding pathologists for your event.
The essay subject for this year is ‘Tiny test, huge impact’. Entrants are invited to write an essay drawing on their experience of a patient encounter which illustrates the impact a pathology result can have on a patient and their family. A prize of £200 will be awarded to the winning entrant. Their essay will also be published on our website and in the College magazine, The Bulletin. For more information and to apply, visit:
Our annual Art of Pathology competition is open to people of all ages, within the UK and abroad. Hence, Foundation trainees, other members of staff and family members are all eligible to enter.
This year’s theme is ‘Pathology: at the heart of healthcare’. The role of pathology is immeasurably important in testing, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease – this has been especially evident during the COVID-19 pandemic. Artwork should be submitted to by 7 August 2020. For more information visit
Each year, RCPath’s science communication prize is awarded a pathology trainee or undergraduate who has shown excellence in their science communication activities throughout the year – activities may have been delivered in-person or online. The winner will receive a prize of £200 and be invited to receive their prize at the College’s New Fellows Ceremony in February 2021.
This year’s science communication prize will be opening at the end of June, so keep an eye on our social media channels and visit for more details.
Posted June 11th 2020 (5 years ago)
HEE South West are pleased to announce that the Bursary and PGCE Funding scheme for 2020 is now open.
The Application window opened on Wednesday 10th June and will close on Tuesday 7th July 2020.
Application forms and guidance are available here during this period.
Posted June 9th 2020 (5 years ago)
HEE South West is delighted to announce the opportunity to offer five sponsored spaces on the HLA MA ILM5 Certificate in Leadership and Management course commencing September 2020.
This is a fully online programme that can be completed self-paced. It is designed for trainees interested in leadership that leads to an ILM Level 5 qualification; with the option of gaining Membership of the Institute of Leadership and Management (MInstLM).
The HLA Application window will open on Tuesday 9th June 2020 and will close on Friday 3rd July 2020.
Application forms and guidance will be available here during this period.
Posted April 3rd 2020 (5 years ago)
Due to the current COVID-19 situation our bursary funding for 2020/2021 is being reviewed monthly.
This includes; our PgCert Ed and SAS bursaries. Further updates and information will be posted when available.
Posted March 20th 2020 (5 years ago)
Posted March 20th 2020 (5 years ago)
"Owing to the current situation regarding COVID 19 the fellowship recruitment will be suspended until further notice. This is to enable efforts to be redirected to the provision of clinical patient care."
Posted March 12th 2020 (5 years ago)
Poster, oral and prize presentations
Workshops include
Venue: Cardiff City Hall, June 25th, 2020.
For information, please visit our website:
Meeting registration opens 1st January 2020.
Early bird rate Open until 1st May 2020.
Abstract submission
1st January 2020–17th April 2020.
Abstract Submission Link:
Please be aware this wouldn't attract funding for trainees
The deadline for the 2020 HEAT (healthcare education and training) Awards is fast approaching but there is still time to nominate an inspiring colleague or team.
The awards, which are run by Health Education England, recognise and celebrate the very best in education, training, workforce planning and leadership across the NHS in England. They are supported by NHS England and NHS Improvement and NHS X.
There are 13 award categories including awards for Inspiring Return to Practice, Emerging Leader of the Year, Champion of Diversity, Inclusion and Widening Participation, and Delivering 21st Century Care Award.
Visit to find out more and to submit a nomination - deadline is 27 March.
Please see below an advert for a Clinical Teaching Fellow Job in Yeovil in Medical Education and ICU Critical Care, for those interested in these roles after Foundation Training.
Posted March 5th 2020 (5 years ago)
Apply online here:
Judges will be looking for examples of innovation, joint working and a clear focus on quality improvement including evidence of PDSA cycles, learning and changes made.
Poster presenter discounted delegate rate £159; co-authors welcome at discounted rate.
We have a great speaker line-up, including:
• Dr John Dean, Clinical Director for quality improvement and patient safety Royal College of Physicians (RCP) on “What Not To Do In Quality Improvement”
• Professor Russell Foster, Head of the Nuffield Laboratory of Ophthalmology, the founder and Director of the Sleep and Circadian Research Institute and Fellow of Brasenose College Oxford addressing the patient safety aspect of sleep: “Understanding Sleep: Biology to Health”
• Dr Megan Peng, Quality Improvement lead for The Royal College of Paediatrics (RCPCH) Diabetes Collaborative Paediatrics (RCPCH) Diabetes Collaborative
• Michele Golden, Deputy Director of Safety and Learning, NHS Resolution
• Professor Nick Rich, Professor in Operations Management, Swansea University
Workshops include
• How to make a success of your QI project, Nicola Davey, Quality Improvement Clinic
• Patient Safety Mini-Hackathon, Dr Nathan Riddell, Academic Foundation Trainee, South Wales
The conference will be held on 14 May 2020 at Engineers’ House, Clifton, Bristol 09:30 to 16:30
Are you an FY1 or FY2 doctor aspiring to become a pathologist?
This competition offers a unique opportunity to boost your CV ahead of applying for your specialty training. Essays should address the topic:
‘Tiny test, huge impact’ – write an essay drawing on your experience of a patient encounter which illustrates the impact a pathology result can have on a patient and their family.
A prize of £200 will be awarded to the winning entrant. Their essay will also be published on our website and in the College magazine, The Bulletin. For more information and to apply, please visit:
Essays should be submitted to by Friday 29 May.
Please see below an advert for a Clinical Teaching Fellow Job in Yeovil in Medical Education and Orthopaedics, for those interested in these roles after Foundation Training.
Posted March 3rd 2020 (5 years ago)
Health Education England South West is delighted to announce a 12 month training secondment opportunity to work with our senior staff for the following posts;
Leadership Fellows - 4 posts
Professional, Support & Wellbeing (PSW) Fellows - 1 post
Closing date for applications; Sunday 22nd March 2020
Further information about this exciting opportunity can be found on our websites;
Posted February 26th 2020 (5 years ago)
Dear Foundation Trainee,
We are inviting you to the Practical Introduction to Intensive Care Medicine Course at University College Hospital, London, on 25th July 2020. This is a 1-day training course aimed at foundation doctors/ CMTs/ ACCS trainees/ core anaesthetic trainees/ junior trust fellows who have an upcoming ICU rotation and/or has an interest in critical care and are novice to intensive care medicine.
Please find online booking here. Check with your TPD/Educational Supervisor re. funding from your study budget. Any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on
The course includes:
PLUS Lectures &Small Group Tutorials AND Breakfast, Lunch & Refreshments
When? 25th July
Where? Education Centre, UCLH London
Price?: £130
Online booking at:
Kind regards,
Dr Laszlo Agocs
Faculty, PIICM
Dear all F2 Trainees,
If you haven't yet booked onto both of the mandatory Regional Teaching days there are only limited opportunities now in order to do so.
The dates available are:
Human Factors: 14th April at Southmead, Bristol
Clinical Skills: 24th April at Bath
Please see the Maxcourse links below for both:
Human Factors:
Clinical Skills:
Posted February 19th 2020 (5 years ago)
The University of Bristol is hosting the Academic Foundation Programme Conference at the Wills Memorial building on 7th May 2020.
This conference is trainee-centred. It will be of interest to academically minded medical students, Foundation trainees. We also encourage any faculty or Senior colleagues who are involved in academic Foundation training to come to the AFP conference. We hope the event is of immediate practical assistance to any colleague following an academic career path and those who are advising them.
The conference includes themes of academic research, education and leadership training . There is a focus on trainees themselves and their experiences.
Registration is open for abstract submissions. Please visit the registration page below for further details.
TASME is a Special Interest Group of ASME specifically for trainees interested in Medical Education.
TASME hosts an annual Spring Conference which focuses on a medical education theme primarily aimed at medical trainees, junior allied health professionals and early career medical educators.
This year we will be hosting our conference 'Building Diversity in Medical Education' at the University of Leeds on 28th March 2020.
We have a host of exciting guest speakers and workshops, and for ASME members the early bird registration fee is just £50.
Date: 28th March 2020
Where: Leeds Medical School - Worsley Building
Price: £50 for ASME members, £60 for non members
To register & more information please email:
Welcome to your February 2020 update about the Foundation e-learning programme that has been developed specifically for Foundation doctors by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in partnership with Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare (HEE e-LfH) and is approved by UKFPO.
Do you need to complete parts of the curriculum on your e-portfolio which you do not cover in day-to-day practice? If so, why not try some of our free e-learning mapped directly to the Foundation Professional Capabilities (Training Outcomes) in the 2016 Foundation Curriculum.
The sessions in the e-LfH Foundation e-learning programme:
Professional Capability: 3 Behaves in accordance with ethical and legal requirements; the Mental Health Act protects the rights of vulnerable adults and children; a group of the e-learning sessions outline the responsibilities of the people who care for them.
You will find out how the GMC supports your career development, looking at the topics of registration, the Foundation Programme and your career development.
There are sessions which focus on the safeguarding of adults and children in primary and secondary care. Finally, the importance of protecting data is explored in sessions about information security and the Data Protection Act.
Confidentiality and Privacy
Mental Health Act
Infection Control: Diarrhoea in an Inpatient
Assessing Mental Capacity
Planning Ahead Using the MCA
Best Interests
HIV Testing
How to Avoid the GMC Disciplinary Committee
GMC Registration and Post Graduate Observation
Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults
01_02 Blood Transfusion and Consent Scenario
01_03 Mental Capacity Act and Death Certification
Completion of the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death Part 3
Data Security Awareness - Level 1
Safeguarding Adults - Level 2
Safeguarding Children - Level 1
Safeguarding Children - Level 2
You can sign in to the e-learning with your login supplied by e-LfH at the beginning of your foundation training:
Final call for abstracts - Bristol Patient Safety Conference National QI Poster Competition
Deadline 27th February 2020
Share your quality improvement and patient safety work in our National Poster Competition. Submit your entry online here: Junior doctors, nurses, midwives, medical students, AHPs, GPs, consultants and those working in care settings, among others, all encouraged to apply. Shortlisted poster places £159
Conference Date 14th May 2020 09:30 to 16:30
Venue: Engineers’ House, The Promenade, Clifton Down, BS8 3ND
CPD: 5 points applied for
Phone: 07954 691 855
Posted February 13th 2020 (5 years ago)
The Discover GP conferences 2020 are specifically tailored for medical students and foundation doctors to showcase the exciting, dynamic and rewarding career that is general practice.
The conference series will explore the role of GPs as changemakers in the 21st century through four key themes which are particularly pertinent to the world of general practice as it stands in 2020:
1. Social and health inequalities
2. Climate change and the environment
3. Social prescribing and alternate modes of care
4. Technology and the future of general practice
Join us in Bristol where we will focus on climate change and the environment through a varied programme of interactive skill-based sessions including consultation skills, practical guidance on career pathways and available opportunities, and interact with several high-profile GPs on topics spanning social prescribing, research in general practice, and the exciting opportunities in partnership. Meet GP trainees and newly-qualified GPs showcasing a wide variety of career possibilities and get direct insight into your next steps as a medical student or foundation doctor. You will come away inspired and empowered to make change.
• Tickets include lunch and travel (on an opt-in basis - please see for more details and to request. Travel requests will close on Weds 12th February).
Poster Competition
Submit an abstract for the annual Discover GP poster competition. Posters entered into the Bristol competition will also be entered into a national competition. Find out more and submit your abstract at by 30 January 2020.
This conference is offered at a discounted rate for student and foundation doctor members of RCGP. Membership is free of charge, apply now at
Travel is included with your ticket on an opt-in basis. However, it is vital that you complete the form at to request travel if you require it. Travel requests will close on Weds 12th February
The booking link is below:
Many NHS staff workers are feeling overworked and stress is becoming an epidemic within the NHS community, particularly within foundation doctors.
A final year medical student at the University of Sheffield has been running synchronised indoor cycling classes to the beat for medical students as a form of stress relief and they are incredibly popular. The aim is to use indoor cycling classes to create a UK wide stress relief tool for all NHS workers.
We are hoping to do some market research to see if this would be something people would be interested in. We would really appreciate your help on this journey to improve NHS staff wellbeing.
If you're interested please complete the following survey .
09.30 - 16.30 Dillington House Conference Centre, Nr Ilminster, TA19 9DX
Whether you are thinking about a career in general practice or not this Trust approved Taster experience day will help you be sure and be valuable whatever your future direction.
Dillington is a lovely mansion house venue only 10 miles from the M5 and the day is designed to be informative, useful and very enjoyable. The varied programme includes:
Please reserve a place by emailing Joanna Bojarska at:
This day is organised by Somerset Training Hub, Somerset LMC and SGPE
Posted February 5th 2020 (5 years ago)
Welcome to your January 2020 update about the Foundation e-learning programme that has been developed specifically for Foundation doctors by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in partnership with Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare (HEE e-LfH) and is approved by UKFPO.
Do you need to complete parts of the curriculum on your e-portfolio which you do not cover in day-to-day practice? If so, why not try some of our free e-learning mapped directly to the Foundation Professional Capabilities (Training Outcomes) in the 2016 Foundation Curriculum.
The sessions in the e-LfH Foundation e-learning programme:
Professional Capability: 1 – Acts professionally and Professional Capability: 2 – Delivers patient-centred care and maintains trust.
The e-learning sessions explore the relationship between doctors and their patients and how to deliver effective patient-centred care. ‘Handling Complaints’ provides essential information about common factors leading to complaints, how to minimise these, the procedures involved and what your responsibilities are as a foundation doctor. The Mental Capacity Act (MCA) protects the right of vulnerable people and this group of sessions cover topics such as assessing capacity, consent, patient autonomy and safeguarding. You will also consider the multidisciplinary team (MDT) approach to healthcare in the hospital and patient support after discharge.
Professional Capability: 1 Acts Professionally and Professional Capability
• Handling Complaints
Professional Capability: 2 Delivers patient-centred care and maintains trust Sessions:
• Assessing Mental Capacity
• Planning Ahead Using the MCA
• Best Interests
• Restraint
• Patient Autonomy and Related Ethics
• Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults
• Confidentiality and Privacy
• Keeping the Patient at the Centre of Care
• Seeing the Whole Picture
• Family Dynamics Affecting Discharge
• 01_02 Blood Transfusion and Consent Scenario
• 01_03 Mental Capacity Act and Death Certification
You can sign in to the e-learning with your login supplied by e-LfH at the beginning of your foundation training:
19th May 2020, Royal United Hospital
Medical Trainees - Have you:
Provisional Programme:
• Cardiology update
• Acute medicine update
• Neurology update
• Gastroenterology update
• Respiratory update
• Chaired panel discussion
• Practical aspects of returning to work
• A psychologists perspective• Medical simulation stations
Free of charge
If you have any queries or would like to attend please email:
Course Organisers: Abby Cannon & Zehra Mehdi
Posted January 29th 2020 (5 years ago)
The Discover GP conferences 2020 are specifically tailored for medical students and foundation doctors to showcase the exciting, dynamic and rewarding career that is general practice.
The conference series will explore the role of GPs as changemakers in the 21st century through four key themes which are particularly pertinent to the world of general practice as it stands in 2020:
1. Social and health inequalities
2. Climate change and the environment
3. Social prescribing and alternate modes of care
4. Technology and the future of general practice
Join us in Bristol where we will focus on climate change and the environment through a varied programme of interactive skill-based sessions including consultation skills, practical guidance on career pathways and available opportunities, and interact with several high-profile GPs on topics spanning social prescribing, research in general practice, and the exciting opportunities in partnership. Meet GP trainees and newly-qualified GPs showcasing a wide variety of career possibilities and get direct insight into your next steps as a medical student or foundation doctor. You will come away inspired and empowered to make change.
• Tickets include lunch and travel (on an opt-in basis - please see for more details and to request. Travel requests will close on Weds 12th February).
Poster Competition
Submit an abstract for the annual Discover GP poster competition. Posters entered into the Bristol competition will also be entered into a national competition. Find out more and submit your abstract at by 30 January 2020.
This conference is offered at a discounted rate for student and foundation doctor members of RCGP. Membership is free of charge, apply now at
Travel is included with your ticket on an opt-in basis. However, it is vital that you complete the form at to request travel if you require it. Travel requests will close on Weds 12th February
The booking link is below:
Attention those with psychiatry experience - exciting University of Bristol teaching opportunity in March!
We are running an exciting clinical day for Year 2 medical students and need enthusiastic co-facilitators to help out!
Minimal advance preparation is required, and all teaching materials will be prepared for you – we just need help facilitating small group sessions on the day. The students will be practicing history-taking, risk assessment and meeting with patients and carers. It has previously been a really enjoyable teaching day, but if you need further persuasion, we can also provide certificates of participation and do assessments of your teaching.
Some psychiatry knowledge/ background would be helpful, so currently we would like to hear from those who have done (or are currently doing) psychiatry jobs.
The date is Thursday 12th March and will be taking place across two sites in Bristol – Callington Road Hospital (Brislington) and Blackberry Hill Hospital (Fishponds) and will be a full day event.
If you are interested in taking part, please email by Friday 7th February, including your name, place of work and psychiatry experience.
Many thanks and give me a shout if you have any questions about it.
Dr Harriet Greenstone
Senior clinical Teaching Fellow in Psychiatry
Severn Foundation School runs a rich and varied F2 regional teaching programme between October and May which contributes to your core teaching hours and aspects of the foundation curriculum. As well as being a chance to network and catch up with foundation colleagues from around the patch, we hope you will find the Severn F2 Regional Teaching Programme fun, informative and useful.
All our F2s are expected to attend a minimum of four Regional Teaching Days consisting of:
1 Clinical Skills day (mandatory)
1 Human Factors session (mandatory)
2 other Regional Teaching days of your choice
You are of course welcome to attend more if you wish!
The Regional Teaching Programme uses days from your study leave allocation. Study Leave needs to be agreed and booked prior to booking onto courses. Please see the Foundation Study Leave policy Maxcourse
In order to book into regional Teaching sessions, you will need to register on Maxcourse.
Please ensure you fully complete your personal details including your F2 Trust, your address (this helps match you with others in your area who might wish to share lifts), and crucially, your profession (Foundation Year 2) as you will not be able to book onto courses otherwise.
Once you have registered, you will be able to book onto Regional Teaching sessions. A few points to note:
DO book study leave with your department in advance
DO spread your Regional Teaching sessions throughout the year
DO check the calendar on Maxcourse regularly, as not all courses are available yet
DO NOT book into multiple sessions of the same course – space is limited, and it is unfair to block places which others could take – this applies in particular to the mandatory Human Factors and Clinical Skills courses
DO NOT book yourself into more than one course on the same date – again, space is limited, and it is unfair to block places
DO NOT cancel at the last minute or fail to show up without good cause. If you realise you can’t attend a session you have booked, log into Maxcourse as soon as possible to cancel your place
Posted January 22nd 2020 (5 years ago)
Considering a career in surgery? Foundation doctors are invited to join us for the National Research and Innovation in Orthopaedics Conference 2020. A day packed full of insightful talks from eminent names in the field, and practical workshops in total hip replacement, DHS and external fixation.
Present your surgical research, audits, case reports and QIPs at this national conference and score points for CST applications. Abstract submission open now until 8th February.
A yearly conference for medical students & Foundation Doctors hosted by Bristol University Trauma & Orthopaedics society consisting of:
Date: Saturday 29th February
Location: Wills Memorial Building, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 1RJ
Abstract: Submission closes 8th February 2020
See or email for more information
The British Association of Day Surgery is hosting its 2020 Annual Conference on 25th-26th June at Cardiff City Hall. Abstract submission opened on 8th January so this is an ideal time to think about data analysis in time to prepare and submit abstracts.
Sessions include:
For more information please visit
Abstract submission link:
Medical students & FY's: Are you considering a career in Psychiatry? If so, come to our free 2 day event & find out more!
Accommodation bursaries available. 30 places available, first come first served.
For more information and how to apply please see or email us at
Posted January 16th 2020 (5 years ago)
Dear F2 Trainees, there are still available spaces for the Regional Teaching day of simulation that will include the acutely unwell patient, clinical skills and difficult conversations being held at Yeovil District Hospital.
Please follow this link for more information and to book onto it:
The latest UKFPO Bulletin can be viewed here
Share your quality improvement and patient safety work in our National Poster Competition
Deadline 27th February 2020: Junior doctors, nurses, midwives, medical students, AHPs, GPs, consultants and those working in care settings, among others, all encouraged to apply. Shortlisted poster places £159
Our Conference: This is an independent, conference in its seventh year. It provides a great opportunity for delegates to network, share learning and to see a wide range of QI projects presented in posters on the day.
Who should attend? Those with an interest in patient safety and quality improvement, including:
Consultants, Nursing Directors and their teams, Patient Safety, Quality, Risk and Compliance
Managers, Junior Doctors, Nurses and medical students.
Plenary topics include:
The importance of sleep for safety; Consent; What Not To Do In Quality Improvement; Delivering a
national QI Collaborative, Innovation and improved health outcomes
Workshops (two out of five):
A. Quality Improvement Skills and Techniques
B. Consent
C. End of life: planning for an emergency
D. Multi-agency approach to reducing frequent A&E visits
E. Hackathon – solve a patient safety problem collaboratively
Confirmed speakers include:
Date 14th May 2020
Time: 09:30 to 16:30
Venue: Engineers’ House, The Promenade, Clifton Down, BS8 3ND
Phone: 07954 691 855
For more information & to book your place which includes early bird tickets price of £189 (Standard price £229) please visit the website:
Posted January 8th 2020 (5 years ago)
Wading through the foundation training scheme wondering what might be on the other side? Wondering what it would look like if it included psychiatry?
Then look no further – this free evening conference will provide foundation trainee doctors with information on what psychiatry is really like as a speciality, its various subspecialities, and how to get into it.
Get a chance to contribute or observe interactions with professional actors depicting patients with psychiatric conditions, with live feedback from trained facilitators providing techniques in these interactions that are transferable to everyday clinical practice.
Watch doctors battle it out in a fiery debate on the use of references to mental illness in the recent Hollywood Blockbuster The Joker -gratuitous, or necessary? Acceptable for art, or socially damaging?
Enjoy a delicious hot meal in the mezzanine area whilst you browse the lively array of Maudsley related groups on offer from the Psychling Club and choir, to Gaming the Mind and Virtual Reality opportunities.
Conveniently located by the Denmark Hill Station, experience the innovative building at the heart of one of the most esteemed psychiatric training schemes – the Ortus.
Course overview
This course will be covering
At intervals, there will be the opportunity for participants to break away into a small group in which they can contribute to and/or observe the interview of professional actors depicting patients with a mental health condition. Live feedback will be given by trained facilitators on methods that are helpful in these interactions, which can be transferred to daily clinical practice.
The evening will also involve a debate, with psychiatric doctors acting as speakers, on a contemporary topical issue relevant to mental health, such as the impact of the association of the Joker with psychiatric illness in the latest blockbuster movie of that name.
There will, additionally, be an opportunity to network with like minded individuals and to interact with people involved in various activities pertinent to psychiatric trainees, such as the Film Club associated with the Maudsley.
When? 23rd January
Price? Free for Foundation Doctors
Where? Ortus Events & Conference Centre 82 – 96 Grove Lane. London SE5 8SN
For more information and to book please follow this link:
Welcome to your December 2019 update about the Foundation e-learning programme that has been developed specifically for Foundation doctors by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in partnership with Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare (HEE e-LfH) and is approved by UKFPO.
Do you need to complete parts of the curriculum on your e-portfolio which you do not cover in day-to-day practice? If so, why not try some of our free e-learning mapped directly to the Foundation Professional Capabilities (Training Outcomes) in the 2016 Foundation Curriculum.
The sessions in the Foundation e-learning programme - Professional Capability: 20 Contributes to quality improvement; the e-learning sessions look at audit and evidence-based practice. It outlines the study designs used in medical practice. You are provided with a guide to developing a structured research strategy which will help you find journal articles relevant to your clinical questions. How to evaluate a journal article is discussed using a linked example paper from the British Journal of Anaesthesia.
• Audit
• Evidence Based Medicine in Clinical Practice
• Common Study Designs in Clinical Research
• Explaining Evidence/Guidelines/Protocols to Patients
• Guidelines in Clinical Practice
• Searching the Literature and Locating Papers
• How to Review a Paper.
You can sign in to the e-learning here with your login supplied by e-LfH at the beginning of your foundation training:
Please see below 2 adverts for Clinical Teaching Fellow Jobs in Swindon for those interested in these roles after Foundation Training
Clinical teaching Fellows - Office Based -
Clinical Teaching Fellows - Ward Based Educational Guardians -
The Discover GP conferences 2020 are specifically tailored for foundation doctors and medical students to showcase the exciting, dynamic and rewarding career that is general practice.
The conference series will explore the role of GPs as change makers in the 21st century through four key themes which are particularly pertinent to the world of general practice as it stands in 2020:
Join us in Bristol where we will focus on climate change and the environment through a varied programme of interactive skill-based sessions including consultation skills, practical guidance on career pathways and available opportunities, and interact with several high-profile GP's on topics spanning social prescribing, research in general practice, and the exciting opportunities in partnership. Meet GP trainees and newly-qualified GP's showcasing a wide variety of career possibilities and get direct insight into your next steps as a foundation doctor or medical student. You will come away inspired and empowered to make change.
Click here for more details
Click here to book your place
Posted December 11th 2019 (5 years ago)
Radiology Recipes Presents Foundation Course in Clinical Radiology - Your essential starter pack for a flying career!
Please visit for more details and to register
COPMeD Careers Conference: Valuing our doctors in training
Workshops and talks to focus on:
If interested please register here:
Please click on the following link for the latest UKFPO bulletin:
Posted December 4th 2019 (5 years ago)
The National Association of Clinical Tutors (NACT) Through our courses, workshops and conferences, we provide opportunities for our members and others to improve their skills and knowledge in the field of PGME and there's a Foundation Programme event being held with details below:
Call for Papers
Deadline for abstracts is 5pm Monday 16th December 2019.
Any references quoted in the abstract should be listed at the end, using the Harvard reference style.
Papers will be presented as oral or poster presentations. Papers describing work in progress are eligible.
As it is a Sharing event, please note that authors must register for the meeting (27th March 2020) as delegates.
We look forward to receiving your Abstract Submission Form , by
5pm Monday 16th December 2019.
For further information, please contact the NACT UK office:
Tel: 01908 272898 email:
Please see website below for more information:
Please see the link below for UKFPO Operational and Foundation guides for trainees
Our essential starter pack for a flying career
09:00: Abdo-pelvic imaging, Dr Doug Pendse, University College London Hospital
09:45: Cardio-thoracic imaging, Dr Michelle Mak, Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospital
10:30: Break
11:00: A&E Cases, Dr Dylan Roi, St Mary’s Hospital
11:45: Interventional Radiology, Dr Riad Alchanan, King’s College Hospital
12:30: Lunch
13:15: Musculoskeletal Imaging, Dr Geoff Chow, Royal Free Hospital
14:00: Paediatric imaging, Dr Catriona Reid, Southampton University Hospital
14:45: Break
15:15: Nuclear Medicine, Dr Ki Yap, Northampton General Hospital
16:00: Neuroradiology, Dr Kish Mankad, Great Ormond Street Hospital
16:30: The Foundation Quiz, Dr Dylan Roi, St Mary’s Hospital
17:15: Close
National Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Poster Competition 2020
Posted November 15th 2019 (5 years ago)
Clinical radiology is an exciting, fast-paced and rewarding speciality, making it an excellent career choice. The application process can at first seem intimidating, especially with its reputation of being competitive. Our interview preparation course will equip you with all the information and skills you need to succeed. We offer small group teaching allowing personalised training and feedback, mock interviews, a course handbook with previous questions and model answers and a Q&A session with last year's number one ranked candidate.
You understand your learning experience better than anybody else. Health Education England want to know about your placement. What works well and what could be better, so improvements can be made to the clinical learning environment across the NHS.
NETS is now live.- Click here to complete NETS:
NETS is the only national survey of all healthcare learners across all clinical learning environments about their placements. It is different from other surveys because it gathers feedback from learners right across the NHS and beyond. By completing NETS you are helping to make improvements to the quality of education and training –helping you to deliver exceptional patient care.
NETS is for all healthcare learners that are currently on placement. You can find out more about NETS here:
Posted November 6th 2019 (5 years ago)
Welcome to your November 2019 update about the Foundation e-learning programme that has been developed specifically for Foundation doctors by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in partnership with Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare (HEE e-LfH) and is approved by UKFPO.
Do you need to complete parts of the curriculum on your e-portfolio which you do not cover in day-to-day practice? If so, why not try some of our free e-learning mapped directly to the Foundation Professional Capabilities (Training Outcomes) in the 2016 Foundation Curriculum.
The sessions in the Foundation e-learning programme: Professional Capability: 19 Makes patient safety a priority in clinical practice; the drive for quality in the NHS has patient safety at its heart. The e-learning sessions concentrate on safe practice and what to do when things go wrong. It begins with an interactive case study where you diagnose and treat a patient, then evaluate your management plan. Moving on, you examine safe personal working practices when treating patients. You look at the management of febrile illnesses, infection control and disease notification. The focus then shifts to the importance of maintaining your own health, both physical and mental. Finally, you will look at the building blocks that support quality and safety in the NHS, including how to raise concerns about patient safety, team working, clinical governance, patient outcome and experience.
You can sign in to the e-learning with your login supplied by e-LfH at the beginning of your foundation training:
Health Education England (HEE) e-Learning for Healthcare (e-LfH) has recently revised and updated its popular e-learning course to help Foundation doctors make informed career choices and effective applications for future career steps. The revision has been in response to user feedback and incorporates new values and skills exercises as well as a comprehensive case study following a Foundation doctor’s career planning journey.
This course was the first in a number of bespoke career planning courses developed for healthcare professionals within the HEE e-LfH career planning programme, and has been widely used by Foundation trainees. If you are a doctor who has completed the previous version of this course, there is no need to complete the revised version as the content is very similar.
The course provides Foundation doctors with a deeper level of understanding of how to ensure future career planning is informed, realistic and robust. It is based around the following five sessions:
• Introduction which provides an overview to the course
• Self-awareness which includes reflecting on values, work preferences, skills interests, personality and career stressors
• Career exploration which includes consideration and research of career options available as well as developing effective networks
• Arriving at your decision which focuses on decision making types and methods as well as how to check the robustness of career decisions
• Next Steps which offers advice, information and examples on CV development, job applications and preparing for interviews as well as effective action planning.
For each session, learners have the opportunity to compile a distinctive, thorough personal portfolio of research, exercises and reflections contained in downloadable workbooks. The learning gained from both undertaking the sessions and completing workbook exercises can be particularly useful in supporting job applications and interviews.
Other courses available through the HEE e-LfH Career Planning programme include:
• Career Planning for Core Doctors (Internal Medicine, Surgery, Psychiatry)
• Career Planning for Pre-Registration/ Foundation pharmacists
• Supporting Career Conversations for Educators
• Career Planning for Health Care Scientists (coming soon).
For more information about these courses visit:
Applying for Core Anaesthetics Training? Feel like you need more preparation for the interview and want to know how to boost your application, even if you think it's too late?
Introducing the 'Core Anaesthetics Training Interview Course', endorsed by the RCoA. This popular evening course is run by top-ranked trainees and is just the preparation and immediate feedback that you need, but in a low-pressure environment. It includes a mock-interview cycle, specific do's and don'ts for the day and how to gain last-minute points, plus an invaluable talk from consultant anaesthetists experienced at interviewing on the panel.
Immediate verbal and written feedback
Talks about the services and careers advice the
RCoA can offer you from Day 1
The course fee is £70 (£90 after 8th November) and will be held on the evening (6pm start) of Monday 9th December 2019 at the Royal College of Anaesthetists, Churchill House, 35 Red Lion Square, London, WC1R 4SG.
To book or for more information, please view the course website (, or email
Posted October 30th 2019 (5 years ago)
Date: Friday 8th November
Location: Beaumanor Hall
Beaumanor Dr, Woodhouse, Loughborough LE12 8TX
Time: 9am
This is a whole day event open to Medical Students and FT‘s and CT2 and CT3‘s that will include:
Seminars on:
Talks on:
This is a chance to discover the diverse nature of this exciting specialty and understand the unique relationship between mental and physical health.
Come and find out everything you ever wanted to know about Psychiatry and have not been able to ask!
Lunch and refreshments will be provided
To register for a FREE place contact
An ideal course for Foundation Doctors and Clinical Fellows looking to pursue a career in anaesthetics.
Hands on anaesthetic skills and simulation, including advanced airway management plus interview preparation and practise.
Practical airway management
Anaesthetic based simulation scenarios
How to perform an RSI
Introduction to the anaesthetic machine
Interview tips
Date: 21st November 2019
Price: £95
Location: The Clinical Simulation Space,
The Learning & Research Centre,
Southmead Hospital, Bristol
Please email to book a place & to request an application form
Posted October 23rd 2019 (5 years ago)
A one-day interview course specifically designed for radiology registrars and FY1-2 or speciality level trainees applying for radiology trainee posts. Educational aim: To provide preparation for interviews and to update participants about recent NHS changes and management issues facing future trainees.
Find out more information and register at
An ideal course for Foundation Doctors and Clinical Fellows looking to pursue a career in anaesthetics.
Hands on anaesthetic skills and simulation, including advanced airway management plus interview preparation and practise.
Date: 21st November 2019
Price: £95
Location: The Clinical Simulation Space,
The Learning & Research Centre,
Southmead Hospital, Bristol
Please email to book a place & to request an application form
Posted October 17th 2019 (5 years ago)
Dear all,
As part of the evaluation of Improving Surgical Training (IST), the evaluators are keen to get in touch with other specialties, professions or doctors at a different level of training than core surgery. The evaluators have developed the following survey for trainees that are currently in or have been in a surgical rotation within foundation. Not only do they wish to explore the impact of IST but they are also interested in the attractiveness of IST for those in foundation as a future training pathway.
Please can you complete the survey by 24th November 2019.
The Royal College of Pathologists (RCPath) is hosting a Discover Pathology Careers event for undergraduate students studying medical, veterinary and other science related subjects on Saturday 9 November, from 12.00-17.30. This event will take place at RCPath, located at 6 Alie Street, London E1 8QT.
This unique event will showcase a variety of exciting career opportunities available in pathology, interactive talks from speakers working in diverse pathology roles, and students will also have the chance to meet trainee pathologists and find out about their career path.
Free refreshments will be provided throughout the day including lunch on arrival. The event is free, although a £10 deposit is required and will be refunded to those who attend the event.
Find out more and book online:
Updates in Elderly Medicine for FY, CMT & GPVTS Doctors, & Specialist Nurses
G4J is a one-day conference, designed for Foundation Doctors and Core Medical and GP Trainees. It aims to deliver relevant and useful clinical updates in all the main sub-specialties of Geriatric Medicine, in order to improve the standard of care for older patients.
Including the following sessions:
Why G4J?
Saturday 23rd November 2019
ECT Venues Manchester
Registration only £55
For more info and registration details:
Posted October 9th 2019 (5 years ago)
Dear all F1’s,
The UKFP are seeking 1000 F1s to participate a trial of the new Situational Judgement Test (SJT), of which we need 75 volunteers from Severn Foundation School.
This is an opportunity for those interested in Medical Education and Leadership to input into the development of a national assessment for entry to foundation training. By taking part in the trial SJT, you will be showing you have an interest in the future of healthcare in the UK, and those who follow in your footsteps.
• You can register between 27th September – 20th October
• You will be able to book your test from 11th -29th November
• The trial tests will take place between the 20th and 31st January (excluding 29th).
Instead of just another test sitting in the medical school exam hall, future doctors will be taking a computer-based Situational Judgement Test (SJT) in a Pearson VUE test centre, or in the comfort of their home with an online proctor. To make the digitisation of the SJT a reality, we need F1 doctors to assess if the test works and truly reflects the attitudes and behaviours, we look for in our future foundation doctors.
Please follow this link to register:
The National Foundation Doctors Presentation Day will be taking place on Friday 10th January 2020.
You are invited to submit abstracts relating to research, clinical case reports, education, sustainability or quality improvement work undertaken during your Foundation Programme training.
The abstract should not be more than 200 words in length (excluding references)
Please use the following headings:
Key messages
Any references quoted in the abstract should be listed at the end, using the Vancouver reference style.
Abstract submissions will be presented as oral or poster presentations. Applications describing work in progress are eligible.
Deadline for abstracts is 12:00 Midnight Thursday 31st October 2019. Late submissions will not be accepted.
Multiple applications will be accepted up to a maximum of three abstracts per presenting author.
Presentation Type
Successful applicants will be invited to register from Wednesday 13th November.
Click here to open the abstract submission form
Good luck!
HEE East Midlands School of Psychiatry are hosting a FREE Careers Fair on Friday 8th November 2019 at 9am at Beaumanor Hall, Woodhouse, Loughborough LE12 8TX
This is a whole day event open to Medical Students and FT‘s and CT2 and CT3‘s that will include:
Seminars on:
Talks on:
This is a chance to discover the diverse nature of this exciting specialty and understand the unique relationship between mental and physical health.
Come and find out everything you ever wanted to know about Psychiatry and have not been able to ask!
Lunch and refreshments will be provided
To register for a FREE place contact
Posted October 2nd 2019 (5 years ago)
Following on the growing success of this event, NES is delighted to confirm that it will be hosting the 10th National Scottish Medical Education Conference as a two day event at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre on 30 April - 1 May 2020.
Building upon the success of previous parallel sessions / workshops, we are inviting submissions from anyone who has an idea or topic which they would like to be considered for the programme.
We will confirm those to be included in the final programme in the week commencing Monday 16 December 2019 to enable more detailed organisation prior to the conference.
To access the flyer and submission form please follow this link:
Please complete the submission form and return to no later than midnight, Sunday 24 November 2019.
Are you considering a career as a clinical academic but want to experience life as a researcher before you decide?
Applications from suitably qualified medical, veterinary & dental graduates are invited for six month biomedical/health research “primer” projects to be undertaken at the Universities of Bristol, Cardiff & Exeter *. These are supported by a Welcome Trust ‘Institutional Strategic Support Fund’. The projects will commence in 2020 and the funding will cover clinical salary and associated project costs.
This opportunity is aimed at clinically qualified medical, veterinary and dental trainees who are at an early stage of their career, but who can demonstrate a capability and a drive to undertake a period of research with a view to developing a career in academic medicine. Successful candidates will undertake a biomedical "primer" project at either the University of Bristol, Cardiff or Exeter with a view to preparing them for a PhD fellowship application.
Further information, eligibility criteria and an application form are available from the participating institutions:
University of Bristol, Elizabeth Blackwell Institute:
University of Exeter
The closing date for applications is 23.59 on Thursday 14 November 2019.
If you have any queries, please see the relevant institutions website for contact details.
Please see the below link below which is a free winter training programme for medical students and early starter foundation doctors across QEH Birmingham, Imperial and King's. The focus is on biomedical engineering.
Please see the below website for more information
Posted September 25th 2019 (5 years ago)
Dear F2s
If you are interested in a career in ACCS (including Emergency Medicine, Intensive Care, Acute Medicine and Anaesthetics) and/or training in Core Anaesthetics then you are warmly invited to attend this open evening:-
Date: Wednesday 13th November 2019
Venue: HEE SW, Park House, 1200 Parkway, Bristol, BS34 8YU
Time: 5 pm for 5.15 pm start – 7 pm
The evening is an excellent opportunity to learn about the training routes available to you and help you prepare for submitting applications and attending interviews.
The evening is an informal affair with opportunity to ask lots of questions.
If you are considering applying for ACCS or Core Anaesthetics, now or in the future, we’d love to see you.
There is no cost to attend please just register using the form under the Events tab on the website.
The Association of Palliative Medicine Juniors’ Conference 2019 is welcoming abstract submissions for the oral and poster presentations. All accepted entries will be presented at the APMJ Conference 2019.
Please submit abstract entries to with the information below. (All abstracts have a maximum word count of 300 words)
Please include a contact email and if you wish to be considered for oral presentation
The APMJ consists of medical students and pre-specialty doctors who have an interest in Palliative Medicine. For another year running, we have an exciting range of speakers giving interesting talks in the field, and some interactive workshops taking place across the day. There is also an opportunity to present a poster or oral presentation, in addition to a medical student competition.
When? Saturday 16th November 2019
Where? Cambridge University
Ticket sales open until the 9th November 2019
Early Bird Tickets (until 6th October 2019): APM Members: £30
Non-APM Members: £32
Call for Abstracts from delegates for oral or poster presentation.
For the submission form, please email us at:
Word Count: Maximum 300 words
We are accepting abstract submissions until 30th September 2019
Highlights include
Posted September 19th 2019 (5 years ago)
The National Foundation Doctors Presentation Day will be taking place on Friday 10th January 2020.
You are invited to submit abstracts relating to research, clinical case reports, education, sustainability or quality improvement work undertaken during your Foundation Programme training.
The abstract should not be more than 200 words in length (excluding references)
Please use the following headings:
Key messages
Any references quoted in the abstract should be listed at the end, using the Vancouver reference style.
Abstract submissions will be presented as oral or poster presentations. Applications describing work in progress are eligible.
Deadline for abstracts is 12:00 Midnight Thursday 31st October 2019. Late submissions will not be accepted.
Multiple applications will be accepted up to a maximum of three abstracts per presenting author.
Presentation Type
Successful applicants will be invited to register from Wednesday 13th November.
Click here to open the abstract submission form
Good luck!
**Limited number of places remaining**
Mersey School of Radiology will be running the “How to Get Into Radiology’ Radiology Application Preparation Course at the Liverpool Medical Institute on Friday 1st November 2019. The course is aimed at junior doctors pursuing a career in Clinical Radiology. The intensive one-day course will maximise your chances of gaining an ST1 post using targeted lectures, one-to-one CV workshops, interview preparation stations and top tips from successful radiology applicants from the 2019 cohort.
Attached is the course flyer and provisional timetable for the day.
New for 2019, we will be running a poster competition with prizes available. There are two categories which are titled 'My Radiology Journey' and 'A radiology-based audit'. This is an excellent opportunity to gain experience in producing educational posters for display and to boost your CV! Please see the abstract submission guidance attached.
Our website address is where registration is available now. Early registration is advisable as places are limited. Please also feel free to get in touch with any questions at
We hope this may be of interest to you all. Please do not hesitate to get in contact for any further information regarding the course.
Kind regards
Dr David Garbera and Dr Mohamed Chunara ST5, North West School of Radiology (Mersey)
On Behalf of the HTGIR 2019 Course Committee
Find out more about a career in Acute Medicine at our takeAIM national conference
Saturday 2nd November
Hilton Doubletree, Bristol City Centre
Tickets £75 (£35 undergraduates/AHP's)
Topics include:
Registration now open at:
takeAIM Bristol is also a great opportunity to present a poster at a national conference. Upload your abstract now at:
See you there!
Mind the Bleep is a free FY1 Doctor Wikipedia project to any doctors/professionals that would be interested in writing (or reading) articles for first year doctors. The aim is to provide support & information to FY1s because as we all know the jump can be incredibly difficult!
Mind the Bleep is a Wikipedia-like site for FY1s that's been developed in the last 2 months with great success:
If you're interested you can join the group or email directly
Posted September 11th 2019 (5 years ago)
Dear Colleagues
I would like to invite you to participate in SATiRe: Staff Attitudes Towards clinical Research in the NHS.
This NIHR adopted research study is being undertaken at all trusts across the West of England and aims to:
The first page asks you to provide your consent to participate and the second some demographics regarding your location, role and seniority. Please note no identifiable data will be collected.
The survey will take about 8-10 minutes to complete and will greatly help us understand attitudes and perceptions towards research across the region.
The Society for Endocrinology and YDEF are pleased to invite you to the third National Endocrinology and Diabetes Taster Day on Saturday 28th September at Newcastle Centre for Life. For those who have yet to choose their specialty, this one day event offers the chance to hear first-hand why this might be the career for you!
The day will feature:
· Interactive breakout sessions with experts in the specialty
· First-hand accounts from patients of the impact their treatment has had on their lives
· Hints and tips on how to navigate the application process and craft your CV
· The chance to meet Specialist Registrars and Consultants practicing in the region at our social event afterwards
Sign up here today to secure your place!
Hi Everyone,
The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) is holding a 'Careers in Paediatrics' day on 19th October at the Royal Gwent Hospital in Newport.
This day is aimed at medical students and foundation doctors who are interested in a career in paediatrics and want to find out a bit more.
The day will involve discussion on the training pathway, tips for the application process, workshops covering interview skills, practical skills and prescribing skills.
The day is free to attend. Lunch is included and there is free parking on site.
If you want to attend please sign up on the RCPCH website. Link below:
Look forward to seeing lots of you there!
Led by Professor Mervyn Singer, Professor of Intensive Care Medicine, University College London
Courses designed for healthcare professionals working in Intensive Care, Anaesthetics, Emergency Medicine, General Medicine
or any other speciality where a medical emergency may be encountered
Topics to include:
Saturday 9th & Sunday 10th November
The UCH Education Centre, 1st Floor West, 250 Euston Road, London
Register online for these CPD approved courses at
Dear F2s
If you are interested in a career in ACCS (including Emergency Medicine, Intensive Care, Acute Medicine and Anaesthetics) and/or training in Core Anaesthetics then you are warmly invited to attend this open evening:-
Date: Wednesday 13th November 2019
Venue: HEE SW, Park House, 1200 Parkway, Bristol, BS34 8YU
Time: 5 pm for 5.15 pm start – 7 pm
The evening is an excellent opportunity to learn about the training routes available to you and help you prepare for submitting applications and attending interviews.
The evening is an informal affair with opportunity to ask lots of questions.
If you are considering applying for ACCS or Core Anaesthetics, now or in the future, we’d love to see you.
There is no cost to attend please just register using the form under the Events tab on the website.
Posted August 21st 2019 (5 years ago)
Are you a Foundation Year or Core Medical Training Doctor?
Would you be interested in a career in sexual health and HIV?
Please join us for a day of talks aimed to give trainees an overview of the specialty, particularly for those who have not had any sexual health or HIV placements.
Monday 7th October 2019 HEE London & South East Stewart House, Russell Square, London 0930-1630 (approx.) Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
Registration and admission is free. Places are limited – please apply for study leave and click here to register.
For any queries please contact:
Alison Barbour
Consultant HIV & Sexual Health
Croydon University Hospital
Nick Groom of Oxford Brookes & the College of Paramedics has organised a Moulage course as below:
The course is three days run by Paul Savage who has tremendous experience of moulage and most notable work is with the ATACC course. We have made arrangements to organise this course for £330 per person for all three days compared to £180 per day! And will cover medical and traumatic injuries for both urgent and emergency patientss
The course is planned to be run at Oxford Brookes University, Marston Road,Oxford and the dates we have planned currently are the 18th to 20th December 2019.
There are a number of spaces still free, if interested please email Nick ( with expression of interest and for more details.
Severn Foundation School runs a rich and varied F2 regional teaching programme between October and May which contributes to your core teaching hours and aspects of the foundation curriculum. As well as being a chance to network and catch up with foundation colleagues from around the patch, we hope you will find the Severn F2 Regional Teaching Programme fun, informative and useful.
All our F2s are expected to attend a minimum of four Regional Teaching Days consisting of:
1 Clinical Skills day (mandatory)
1 Human Factors session (mandatory)
2 other Regional Teaching days of your choice
You are of course welcome to attend more if you wish!
The Regional Teaching Programme uses days from your study leave allocation. Study Leave needs to be agreed and booked prior to booking onto courses. Please see the Foundation Study Leave policy Maxcourse
In order to book into regional Teaching sessions, you will need to register on Maxcourse.
Please ensure you fully complete your personal details including your F2 Trust, your address (this helps match you with others in your area who might wish to share lifts), and crucially, your profession (Foundation Year 2) as you will not be able to book onto courses otherwise.
Once you have registered, you will be able to book onto Regional Teaching sessions. A few points to note:
Posted August 15th 2019 (5 years ago)
The National Foundation Doctors Presentation Day will be taking place on Friday 10th January 2020.
You are invited to submit abstracts relating to research, clinical case reports, education, sustainability or quality improvement work undertaken during your Foundation Programme training.
The abstract should not be more than 200 words in length (excluding references)
Please use the following headings:
Any references quoted in the abstract should be listed at the end, using the Vancouver reference style.
Abstract submissions will be presented as oral or poster presentations. Applications describing work in progress are eligible.
Deadline for abstracts is 12:00 Midnight Thursday 31st October 2019. Late submissions will not be accepted.
Multiple applications will be accepted up to a maximum of three abstracts per presenting author.
Oral Presentations
Oral presentations will be 10 minutes exactly, 8 minutes to present and 2 minutes for questions. Please note that a maximum of 20 abstracts will be accepted for oral presentations, but all submissions will be considered for posters.
Poster Presentations
You will be given 3 minutes to talk through your poster to the judges.
Posters should be printed as A2 size only, if you bring a poster bigger than the required size you may not be able to present on the day.
All abstracts submitted will be considered for both oral and poster presentations.
Successful applicants will be invited to register from Wednesday 13th November.
Click here to open the abstract submission form
Good luck!
Posted August 14th 2019 (5 years ago)
This FREE event will give you a valuable insight into the specialty, with a packed programme of tutorials, workshops and networking opportunities.
The event will be held at the Vassell Centre, Gill Avenue, Bristol, BS16 2QQ on the 10th October.
To book please email: (deadline for applications 20 September 2019)
This event has been made possible by the kind support of the Royal College of Psychiatry and the Severn Deanery.
The UKFPO Bulletin has also been published and can be found here:
Updates in Elderly Medicine for FY, CMT & GPVTS Doctors, & Specialist Nurses
G4J is a one-day conference, designed for Foundation Doctors and Core Medical and GP Trainees. It aims to deliver relevant and useful clinical updates in all the main sub-specialties of Geriatric Medicine, in order to improve the standard of care for older patients.
Including the following sessions:
Why G4J?
Saturday 23rd November 2019
ECT Venues Manchester
Registration only £55
For more info and registration details:
SCRIPT is an eLearning programme to improve safety and competency among healthcare professionals around prescribing, therapeutics and medicines management. HEE is providing this tool to all trainees in their F1 year to support them in their prescribing practice. To access the SCRIPT eLearning modules, you will need to register here:
Severn Foundation School runs a rich and varied F2 regional teaching programme between October and May which contributes to your core teaching hours and aspects of the foundation curriculum. As well as being a chance to network and catch up with foundation colleagues from around the patch, we hope you will find the Severn F2 Regional Teaching Programme fun, informative and useful.
All our F2s are expected to attend a minimum of four Regional Teaching Days consisting of:
1 Clinical Skills day (mandatory)
1 Human Factors session (mandatory)
2 other Regional Teaching days of your choice
You are of course welcome to attend more if you wish!
The Regional Teaching Programme uses days from your study leave allocation. Study Leave needs to be agreed and booked prior to booking onto courses. Please see the Foundation Study Leave policy Maxcourse
In order to book into regional Teaching sessions, you will need to register on Maxcourse.
Please ensure you fully complete your personal details including your F2 Trust, your address (this helps match you with others in your area who might wish to share lifts), and crucially, your profession (Foundation Year 2) as you will not be able to book onto courses otherwise.
Once you have registered, you will be able to book onto Regional Teaching sessions. A few points to note:
Posted August 7th 2019 (6 years ago)
Are you interested in Anaesthetics?
Thinking of applying for ACCS or Core Training?
Want to boost your portfolio and your skills?
Then come attend our Yorkshire Anaesthetic Skills Introduction Course (YASIC) at Pinderfields General Hospital this October for a full day of clinical skills, interview advice and portfolio tips!
Our experienced and enthusiastic faculty of anaesthetists and ODPs will give you practical hands-on experience through the full ABCD approach - from airway management through the anaesthetic machine to central lines and epidurals, this is your chance to learn exciting new skills and gain something different to talk about in your interview!
Please see the flyer information below for full details. Places are limited and on first-come, first-served basis.
For further details and to book your place, email
The Yorkshire Anaesthetics Skills Introduction Course is aimed at Foundation Doctors considering Anaesthesia as a career—come join us for a day of:
The South West Division of the Royal College of Psychiatrists are pleased to offer the following prizes to trainees and consultants. More information, regulations and entry forms can be accessed at:
These competitions are your opportunity to share your experience of mental health services and psychiatry with colleagues of all levels around the region attending the meeting with the added bonus of possibly winning a prize!
Dear Foundation Doctors, Mersey School of Radiology will be running the “How to Get Into Radiology’ Radiology Application Preparation Course at the Liverpool Medical Institute on Friday 1st November 2019. The course is aimed at junior doctors pursuing a career in Clinical Radiology. The intensive one-day course will maximise your chances of gaining an ST1 post using targeted lectures, one-to-one CV workshops, interview preparation stations and top tips from successful radiology applicants from the 2019 cohort.
New for 2019, we will be running a poster competition with prizes available. There are two categories which are titled 'My Radiology Journey' and 'A radiology-based audit'. This is an excellent opportunity to gain experience in producing educational posters for display and to boost your CV! Please see the abstract submission guidance attached.
Our website address is where registration is available now. Early registration is advisable as places are limited. Please also feel free to get in touch with any questions at
We hope this may be of interest to you all. Please do not hesitate to get in contact for any further information regarding the course.
Kind regards
Dr David Garbera and Dr Mohamed Chunara ST4, North West School of Radiology (Mersey)
On Behalf of the HTGIR 2018 Course Committee.
Abstract Guidance
New for 2019, this year’s preparation course will include a poster competition for delegates. There are two categories available for submission:
Prizes for first, second and third place will be awarded in each category.
Abstracts in both categories should be no longer than 250 words.
Please email your completed abstract to with the subject line ‘Abstract Submission’. Please clearly state in which of the categories you wish for your abstract to be considered. Delegates may submit one abstract in each category if they wish.
Please ensure you have a registered place on the course before submitting an abstract.
The poster-judging panel will be announced in due course.
The deadline for all abstract submissions is 5pm on 30/09/2019.
Good luck!
Are you a medical student or foundation year doctor and considering a career in anaesthesia? The Royal College of Anaesthetists is holding a half-day information session for those who want to find out more about the specialty. This day will focus on the general aspects of a career in anaesthesia, providing an insight into life as a trainee and consultant anaesthetist. There will be opportunities to ask questions throughout the day.
Sessions will include
Booking information can be found at:
Posted August 6th 2019 (6 years ago)
We are pleased to announce that the 2019/20 Innovation Fund will be opening on Wednesday 7th August 2019.
Posted July 31st 2019 (6 years ago)
SCRIPT is an eLearning programme to improve safety and competency among healthcare professionals around prescribing, therapeutics and medicines management. HEE is providing this tool to all trainees in their F1 year to support them in their prescribing practice. To access the SCRIPT eLearning modules, you will need to register here:
Severn Foundation School runs a rich and varied F2 regional teaching programme between October and May which contributes to your core teaching hours and aspects of the foundation curriculum. As well as being a chance to network and catch up with foundation colleagues from around the patch, we hope you will find the Severn F2 Regional Teaching Programme fun, informative and useful.
All our F2s are expected to attend a minimum of four Regional Teaching Days consisting of:
You are of course welcome to attend more if you wish!
The Regional Teaching Programme uses days from your study leave allocation. Study Leave needs to be agreed and booked prior to booking onto courses. Please see the Foundation Study Leave policy Maxcourse
In order to book into regional Teaching sessions, you will need to register on Maxcourse.
Please ensure you fully complete your personal details including your F2 Trust, your address (this helps match you with others in your area who might wish to share lifts), and crucially, your profession (Foundation Year 2) as you will not be able to book onto courses otherwise.
Once you have registered, you will be able to book onto Regional Teaching sessions. A few points to note:
Health Education England, Global Engagement is offering some Speciality Trainees an unparalleled opportunity to expand their professional and personal horizons and make a real difference in rural South Africa and Uganda. For GP, this is part of a four year Global Health Fellowship Training Programme and will lead to a "Completion of Global Health Training Certificate".
This programme is available with GP Speciality Training in all English and Welsh Deaneries and for ACCS, Paediatrics and General Medical Speciality Training in many Deaneries. It is supported by Health Education England Global Engagement and Africa Health Placements. It includes a 12 month paid out of programme rural Medical Officer post (OOPE) in South Africa (equivalent to £35K in ZAR) or in Uganda (with a local salary) AHP charge Global Health Fellows a fee for their services.
Joining the Global Health Fellowship Team will advance your career. The generalist nature of medical services required in South African and Ugandan rural hospitals allows Global Health Fellows to develop proficiency in a wide range of medical disciplines including Clinical Skills, Leadership, Decision Making and Resilience and return to the UK armed with a confidence that comes from working in a resource poor setting.
You will be offered the opportunity to apply for a Global Health Fellowship after you have secured your GP, ACCS, Paediatric or CMT placement in the location of your choice. No formal interview will be required but you will be asked to meet with your local Global Health Lead. Some GHF posts, depending on location, may be competitive. Successful appointments will be decided using national ranking.
See our flyer for more information.
Severn Faculty RCGP (Royal College of General Practitioners) is looking for an interested foundation doctor to take a role on the faculty board. Please see below the role description. The board meets four times a year (usually February, June, September and November) on a Wednesday evening from 6pm (with a buffet) and the meetings start at 7pm. Your attendance would also be encouraged at the annual AGM which is also held on a Wednesday evening, usually in October/November – this year it will be held on 6 November 2019. The next meeting is set for 18 September 2019. This is a voluntary role. These meetings are usually held at Engineers House, Clifton Bristol.
Role Description: Foundation Doctors Representative
Term of Office: Annually
Please contact if you are interested or require any further information.
The HEE South West Simulation Network is holding a regional Simulation, Innovation and Patient Safety Conference on 17th October at Exeter Rougemont Hotel, EX4 3SP and Invitations are cordially extended to all health care professionals and users of health care.
This free of charge celebratory event will share learning and best practice from eminent experts in Simulation, Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL), Patient Safety and Multi-professional team working. We cordially invite you to submit abstracts and the best exemplars of simulation and innovations in health care will be selected for either an oral or a poster presentation. Honorarium will be awarded for the best presentations.
Dr Bryn Baxendale, Consultant Anaesthetist and Chair of Simulation Working Group, Royal College of Anaesthetist & Chair of Simulation Advisory and Development Committee, HEE will share his expertise on 'Adaptive simulation: meeting the needs of the future workforce'
As well, Sukie Shinn Project Manager for the National Simulation-Based Education (SBE) Strategy and National TEL Programme from HEE will share her strategic overview and vision of simulation-based education (SBE)’.
There will be workshops on In situ-Simulation, Experiencing A Simbulance, Virtual Reality, Moulage, TEL and Human Factors.
Six CPDs will be awarded for attendance.
For more information please see the poster of the day or website information
Please submit your 250 word abstract by Monday 19th August, – Abstract Submission.
Successful candidates will be informed by 3rd September and all successful applicants will be expected to attend the event.
Please note registration for the conference will open week commencing 29th July; additional information will be sent when registration opens
Further questions can be directed to Dr Dan Freshwater-Turner or Prof Wai-Yee Tse, co-leads of the HEESW Simulation Network via
Posted July 29th 2019 (6 years ago)
Layth Tameem, trainee in the Bristol School of Anaesthesia, was awarded first prize at the HEE 2019 HEAT Awards on 18th July 2019. He won first prize in the Inspiring Trainee/Student educator award. It was very well deserved and “the school of Anaesthesia” are very proud of him!
Posted July 24th 2019 (6 years ago)
This is your weekly information bulletin for the Severn Foundation School. The content of these bulletins will be local and national courses and information relevant to foundation trainees which will vary from week to week. If you would like to contribute to the bulletin please contact
Whatever your plans following completion of the Foundation Programme, you need to be aware of your professional responsibilities regarding your GMC registration and licence to practise.
This paper explains how GMC registration and licencing works, and what you need to do on an annual basis for your eventual revalidation in 3-4 years’ time. Whether you are going on to specialty training, taking a gap year abroad, working as a clinical fellow or just doing a few locum shifts, this applies to you.
Please take the time to read this document. It will help you to ensure you manage your GMC registration and licence correctly, and engage with the appropriate appraisal and revalidation processes going forward.
If you have any queries, please get in touch with our Revalidation team.
All trainees starting F2 in August 2019 need to register on Maxcourse in order to book in to Regional teaching. To find out what Regional Teaching courses are available to you, please click here to access our MaxCourse Regional Teaching Booking System.
Date: Wednesday 11 September 2019
Venue: RCEM Octavia House, London
This event is for prospective applicants with an interest in the Acute Care Common Stem – join RCEM’s ACCS Careers Day to find out more information about careers in emergency medicine, critical care, intensive care and anaesthesia and to receive guidance on applications for training in these specialties.
Event objectives:
Please click here to register.
The Foundation e-learning programme has been developed by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in partnership with Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare (HEE e-LfH) and is approved by UKFPO.
Do you need to complete parts of the curriculum on your e-portfolio which you do not cover in day-to-day practice? If so, try some of our free e-learning mapped directly to the Foundation Professional Capabilities (Training Outcomes) in the 2016 Foundation Curriculum.
The e-LfH sessions in Foundation e-Learning Programme –
Professional capability: 11 Obtains history, performs clinical examination, formulates differential diagnosis and management plan; begins with a case study to illustrate the issues and demonstrate the skills required in taking a patient’s medication history and prescribing on admission to hospital. It covers history taking and examination in difficult circumstances. You will then look at outpatient consultation, the management of febrile illnesses and working in a multidisciplinary team to organise a patient’s safe discharge.
The e-LfH sessions in Foundation e-Learning Programme –
Professional capability: 12 Requests relevant investigations and acts upon results; you discover when it is appropriate (or not) to do an investigation and what you need to consider before ordering investigations. The interpretation and practical application of investigation results is also explored.
To access the e-learning on the e-LfH Hub use your login supplied by e-LfH at the beginning of your foundation training:
The increasing prevalence of allergy has created new career opportunities in this rapidly expanding and changing discipline.
The British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology (BSACI) is the UK’s leading organisation for healthcare professionals caring for patients with Allergy.
To increase awareness and interest in Allergy as a specialty; BSACI is offering 30 scholarships for Core Medical/Internal Medicine trainees to attend the 2019 BSACI Annual Conference
Details of the award: -
To find out more and to apply, please visit our website
Email: Telephone number: 0207 501 3910
Doctors for the NHS are offering a prize of £500 for the best essay with the title:
“ Where have all the doctors gone – and why?”
First prize £500; second prize £200
Winning essay to be published in the BMJ, subject to editorial approval
Doctors for the NHS was founded in 1976. It is the only professional medical organisation whose sole purpose is to fight for the NHS and the public it serves.
Membership is open to all doctors who share these commitments. Why not join us?
Find out more about us at
Join us for a fascinating series of presentations on the cutting edge neuroscience that is helping to shape our understanding of mental health conditions. This one-day event is aimed at all psychiatrists and others with an interest in neuroscience.
Wednesday 18th September 2019
University of Bristol, School of Chemistry
Only £10 including refreshments and lunch
Register now:
Posted June 21st 2019 (6 years ago)
We are pleased to announce that the 2019 SAS Bursary scheme will be opening on Tuesday 25th June 2019.
Posted June 3rd 2019 (6 years ago)
We are pleased to announce that the 2019 Bursary and PGCE funding scheme will be opening on Wednesday 5th June 2019.
Posted May 16th 2019 (6 years ago)
This is your weekly information bulletin for the Severn Foundation School. The content of these bulletins will be local and national courses and information relevant to foundation trainees which will vary from week to week. If you would like to contribute to the bulletin please contact
All F2 trainees must do a minimum of 4 Regional Teaching Days, 2 of which have to be both Clinical Skills and Human Factors. To find out what other Regional Teaching courses are available to you, please click here to access our MaxCourse Regional Teaching Booking System.
Have you or your team been involved in a Quality Improvement project that you want to share?
This year's Quality Improvement Forum will showcase work from all junior doctors from the Deanery and an opportunity to share and celebrate outstanding practice. Come and meet other quality champions and share your work. The top 6 abstracts will be shortlisted, with the 3 best oral or poster presentations announced on the day for prizes. Refreshments will be provided and certificates given to all presenters.
You are all invited to submit abstracts for the annual Quality Improvement Forum on the 24th July 2019.
The deadline for abstract submissions is 28th June 2019, by 23:59.
In order to preview numbers for presenters/facilities/refreshments please complete a short doodle survey to let us know if you would be interested.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Adrian Tsui, Tom Barrow
UHBristol QI Fellows
Saturday 22nd June 2019
This half day seminar will guide you through the application process for surgical core training posts. The seminar will cover what to expect and how to prepare through a combination of lectures and workshops focusing on portfolios, management and clinical stations.
Why attend
To register on the course please follow this link -
I hope that this is of assistance and that you will be able to join us for what is set to be an thought-provoking and instructive day.
Do not hesitate to get in touch with me if you have any queries
Best Regards
Rebecca Speirs
To increase awareness and interest in Allergy as a specialty; BSACI is offering 30 scholarships for late Foundation Year 1 and Foundation year 2 doctors/ Core Medical / Internal Medicine trainees to attend the BSACI Annual Conference in Harrogate 3-5th October 2019.
Information about the meeting and scholarships can be found at the Abstracts/Awards & Fellowships section
Details of the award:
1. Open to all late Foundation Year 1 and Foundation year 2 doctors, Core Medical and Internal Medicine trainees with an interest in or considering a career in Allergy.
2. Up to £550 to cover conference fees, hotel accommodation and travel expenses.
3. The application involves supplying a 300-word statement detailing why the applicant would benefit from this scholarship with a supporting letter from their current supervisor.
4. Abstract submission for the conference is encouraged but is not a requirement. Abstract submission for the conference is encouraged but is not a requirement.
5. Trainees who have submitted or are planning to submit an abstract will be given priority for scholarships. This should be detailed in the 300-word statement.
6. Deadline for submissions is Monday 29th July 2019
If you or any of your colleagues have any questions or require any further information please get in touch by emailing us at or by calling our office on 0207 501 3914.
Best wishes,
The next regional palliative care forum of the year is taking place on Tuesday 14th May, 6-7:30pm in LT2 of Education Centre, Bristol Royal Infirmary.
We have talks on “Preparing for the End Stage: Living with Renal Disease” by renal registrar Dr Barnaby Hole and “Advanced Care Planning” by palliative care consultant Dr Miranda Flory.
Refreshments and certificates will be provided. Please sign up here: to help plan catering.
Any questions please feel free to email
Best wishes
The Severn Trainee Anaesthetic Research Group (STAR) are pleased to announce the finalised programme for the STAR 2nd Annual Research Congress. Open to trainees of all grades, this will be an exciting day of talks from national experts at the forefront of anaesthetic research. The day also allows sign off of the mandatory research section of Annex G.
Date: 14th June 2019
Venue: North Bristol NHS Trust
Cost: FREE! (Lunch included)
Confirm your free place at:
Programme Highlights:
Research updates: NAP 7, Updates in CPR, Awareness in Anaesthesia, PQIP, FLO-ELA, Major Trauma Research Network
Career guidance: Developing a research career, How to get published, RAFT and trainee research networks
Also featuring STAR Project Pitch 2019
Do you have a great idea for a research or QI project? Want to see it carried out on a regional scale? Submit your proposal to - DEADLINE 1st June. The top 3 proposals will be invited to present at the Congress, with the winning proposal chosen as our next big project.
The newly launched RCPath Foundation Taster Scheme is an exciting opportunity for foundation doctors to explore pathology and see what the career has to offer. It combines a clinical taster day in your region with an event to be held in our fantastic new RCPath College building, sponsored by the BDIAP. The event will take place on Saturday 29th June at the Royal College of Pathologists new facilities at 6 Alie Street, London E1 8QT.
Come and meet consultants and trainees from each of the major specialties and talk to them about the work they do, what the training involves and the variety of opportunities that are available for trainees to pursue. You will receive advice about the application process and how to be successful at interview, as well as how to pursue academic and research opportunities in pathology. You will also be able to put the pathology specialties to the test: can they help you to diagnose what is wrong with the mystery unconscious patient in the park?! Also make the most of the chance to submit a pathology-related poster to give you another line on your application and a potential prize of £100 from the ACP. At the event you will be given support to organise your own clinical taster day in a specialty of interest to you. If you have been considering applying for specialist training in pathology and would like to know more about the different subspecialties of pathology, make sure you register for this event to explore the exciting opportunities that our specialty has to offer you!
Registrations for the RCPath Foundation Taster Event are now open. Further information including booking details for the event can be found at Foundation Taster Event and I have also attached the programme.
This is an exciting event with limited spaces so we appreciate you circulating this information in your networks.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me at any time.
The UKFPO Bulletin has been published onto our website and can be found in the news section via the link below:
Kind regards,
Please note that the publicising of courses, conferences and events in this bulletin does not imply endorsement by the Severn Foundation School.
Posted April 17th 2019 (6 years ago)
This is your weekly information bulletin for the Severn Foundation School. The content of these bulletins will be local and national courses and information relevant to foundation trainees which will vary from week to week. If you would like to contribute to the bulletin please contact
All F2 trainees must do a minimum of 4 Regional Teaching Days, 2 of which have to be both Clinical Skills and Human Factors. To find out what other Regional Teaching courses are available to you, please click here to access our MaxCourse Regional Teaching Booking System.
Dear F2s,
Many of you will now be putting in place your plans for life after the foundation programme. We are aware that many F2s decide to take a break from training but although we hear anecdotally why F2s take time out, we thought it would be useful to actually ask you and to find out what we can do to support your career decisions.
So, if you are not entering specialty or GP training in August, it would be very helpful if you could take a few minutes to complete the short survey below. All answers are anonymous.
If you do have a training place for August 2019, congratulations.
Thank you and very best wishes wherever life takes you,
Kind regards,
Heather Samuel
Careers Manager
UKAPS is an organisation affiliated to the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) to help to aid the sharing of ideas and opportunities with keen future paediatricians across the UK – amongst both foundation doctors and medical students. Our vision is to help foundation doctors find opportunities for taster weeks, courses, networking, exam-preparation, career planning, and more. We organise an annual autumn conference, regular newsletter, and are developing a number of national, RCPCH endorsed prize opportunities.
For more information, please visit our website and sign up to our mailing list!
We hope to hear from you soon!
Jess Laidlaw, Roshni Mansfield, Evangelia Myttarakis, and Charlotte King
(UKAPS FY reps and UKAPS president 2018-19)
Edinburgh International Conference Centre
150 Morrison Street
The Exchange
The UKFPO will be hosting the annual Foundation Doctors Academic Conference on Friday 17th May 2019
The conference will be;
- complementary and trainee-centered
- of interest to academically minded Medical Students, Foundation Trainees and any faculty or more Senior Colleagues who are involved in Academic Foundation Training
Themes will include;
- research
- education
- leadership
- management
Abstract Submission
23rd May 2019, 9:30am - 17:30pm
RCPsych, 21 Prescot Street, London, United Kingdom, E1 8BB
Interested in a career in psychiatry?
Want to learn more about the future of mental health and the various career paths and opportunities available?
Keen to network with peers, specialty trainees and Consultants?
If the answer to any of the above questions is yes then come along and attend the 2019 Foundation Trainee Conference!
Broad range of talks/workshops including:
• Sub-specialty speed dating session – General Adult, CAMHS, Forensic, Eating Disorders, Intellectual Disability, Old Age, Psychotherapy
• Academic psychiatry
• Neuroscience
• Applying to core training
• Opportunities in leadership and education
• Clinical simulation
Book online for just £40
We are excited to announce the launch of our 1 day conference entitled "Women Empowering Women" being held at City Hospital on 22nd May 2019.
Please find attached the Conference programme, workshop details and faculty.
This day is to empower and inspire the future generation of female physicians. We will show them 'You can be what you see!!”
We aim to get junior doctors into high acuity specialties as well as a diverse range of other medical specialties. We also aim to demonstrate and share that the experience of the Medical SpR role is one of the highlights of a physician's career! We aim to get female SpRs and Consultants into influential roles and leadership positions within management, research and academia, teaching and education, to name a few.
We have multiple workshops ranging from leadership and management to becoming a Med SpR to LTFT working and having babies to self-care.
We are honoured to have Dr Henrietta Bowden Jones OBE President of the Medical Women's Federation and Dr Emma Vaux who is RCP Senior Censor and Vice President in Education and Training speaking as well as an amazing regional female faculty!
Please spread the word - having a diverse medical workforce is evidenced to improve patient outcomes and we need to embrace and support our female physicians to strive high!
To register for the event please email
I just wanted to write to let you know of an exciting event we have coming up, Cambridge Trauma Futures being held on 25th & 26th April 2019.
Cambridge Trauma Futures 2019 is a two-day multi-professional educational event held in Cambridge, UK. CTF 2019 is a new approach to trauma conferences, reflecting the unique interaction between trauma systems and clinical medicine in the care of our patients. The conference has three objectives: to use world class trauma care within both the East of England Major Trauma Network and the wider clinical community to develop skills and understanding, to encourage networking, collaboration and innovation to improve the care of trauma patients and to learn from excellence outside of medicine.
This course would count towards your one aspirational course for your F2 year.
To Book:
Free one day course to support doctors returning to clinical training from time away.
Including Hot Topics, Sims in Emergencies, Anaesthetics and Paediatrics, LTFT, KIT Days, Practical skills and supportive mentoring
Suitable for all trainees from Foundation to ST8, consultants and SAS Doctors following time away for:
Parental leave
Ill health
Non-clinical work
Fellowship or research
Any other reason
18 October 2019
Redwood Education Centre,
Gloucester Royal Hospital
To book your place
Saturday 1st June 2019
British Association of Dermatologists, London
This masterclass is tailored to the needs of foundation doctors irrespective of future specialisation, preparing the foundation doctor to manage patients with skin disease safely and effectively, supporting them for both hospital and community rotations.
If you would like to attend the joining instructions can be found in the link below:
I would like to invite you to the annual Southwest ENT Academic meeting on Friday 14th June 2019 at the postgraduate centre in Royal United Hospital, Bath.
The meeting was setup in 2005 to provide an unintimidating atmosphere for surgical trainees, junior doctors to present their audit/research work. There will be an opportunity to present your work either as an oral or a poster presentation with a chance to win £250 worth of Thieme ENT books as well as cash prize for each level (medical students, foundation trainees and surgical trainees). Thanks to our sponsors we will be able to provide the meeting for free and with lunch included.
Please submit your abstracts by 30th April and do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.
Please visit the website for more information:
Mr Ramkishan Balakumar
Specialty Registrar in ENT, Severn Deanery,
President of SWEAM 2018
The UKFPO Bulletin has been published onto our website and can be found in the news section via the link below:
Kind regards,
Please note that the publicising of courses, conferences and events in this bulletin does not imply endorsement by the Severn Foundation School.
Posted March 27th 2019 (6 years ago)
This is your weekly information bulletin for the Severn Foundation School. The content of these bulletins will be local and national courses and information relevant to foundation trainees which will vary from week to week. If you would like to contribute to the bulletin please contact
All F2 trainees must do a minimum of 4 Regional Teaching Days, 2 of which have to be both Clinical Skills and Human Factors. To find out what other Regional Teaching courses are available to you, please click here to access our MaxCourse Regional Teaching Booking System.
Radiological Imaging and Intervention Symposium Edinburgh (RiiSE) is a project which aims to raise the profile of careers in radiology and interventional radiology (IR). Now in its second year, it is the foremost event of its kind in the UK.
For more information, please click here to access the website. You will find the programme and registration details available here.
The UKFPO Bulletin has been published onto our website and can be found in the news section via the link below:
Kind regards,
Please note that the publicising of courses, conferences and events in this bulletin does not imply endorsement by the Severn Foundation School.
Posted March 20th 2019 (6 years ago)
This is your weekly information bulletin for the Severn Foundation School. The content of these bulletins will be local and national courses and information relevant to foundation trainees which will vary from week to week. If you would like to contribute to the bulletin please contact
All F2 trainees must do a minimum of 4 Regional Teaching Days, 2 of which have to be both Clinical Skills and Human Factors. To find out what other Regional Teaching courses are available to you, please click here to access our MaxCourse Regional Teaching Booking System.
Following the traumatic death of an anaesthetic trainee who was returning home after a night shift, the Fatigue Group supported by the Association of Anaesthetists, RCoA and FICM have surveyed UK trainees about shift working and fatigue. With a 60% response rate, the survey highlights a wide variation in access to rest facilities, commuting distances and concerning effects of fatigue on trainees. Fatigue self-assessment and fatigue risk management are not familiar steps in routine daily practice. This is due in part to a lack of awareness about the causes and effects of fatigue and limited education opportunities. It is also due to working culture where openness about fatigue and tiredness is not encouraged and collective responsibility for staff wellbeing is poorly developed. Using the results from the survey, the Fatigue Group have developed resources designed to enhance individuals’ knowledge and understanding and to support the culture change required within departments and organisations. To reduce variation in practice and to better manage expectations, standards have been defined for rest facilities and rest culture at work and individual responsibilities both within and outside of the workplace. These provide a platform to support local audit and quality improvement activity. Work continues with on-line education materials available on the Association of Anaesthetists fatigue webpage and the FICM website, which also contains links to articles of interest on the subject. Please find a copy of the standards and accompanying explanatory notes enclosed. If you have any questions please contact if you are in anaesthesia or contact if you are in critical care.
For more information, please click here.
The UKFPO Bulletin has been published onto our website and can be found in the news section via the link below:
Kind regards,
Please note that the publicising of courses, conferences and events in this bulletin does not imply endorsement by the Severn Foundation School.
Posted February 21st 2019 (6 years ago)
This is your weekly information bulletin for the Severn Foundation School. The content of these bulletins will be local and national courses and information relevant to foundation trainees which will vary from week to week. If you would like to contribute to the bulletin please contact
All F2 trainees must do a minimum of 4 Regional Teaching Days, 2 of which have to be both Clinical Skills and Human Factors. To find out what other Regional Teaching courses are available to you, please click here to access our MaxCourse Regional Teaching Booking System.
We encourage you to book onto this exciting, new course; Foundation Teaching Skills - Train the Trainers #CPRinSchools. This training day will provide participants with basic level knowledge and skills in designing and delivering short skills acquisition training sessions. It will give you the ability to provide short skill based teaching sessions to colleagues and other healthcare professionals, it also provides an understanding of how to deliver CPR training so that Foundation level postgraduate medical trainees can deliver training sessions on this technique to non healthcare participants.
This course will count towards one of your four compulsory regional teaching days.
The Medico-Legal Training Day is a new course which has recently been added to the F2 Regional Teaching Programme. The day is being run by executives from Irwin Mitchell LLP and will be an introduction into medico-legal issues including consent, record keeping and rehabilitation signposting.
The session will be followed by a free lunch offering you the opportunity to raise further questions and issues directly with the speakers, and to network with your colleagues.
Location: Musgrove Park Academy, Taunton - Somerset
Date & Time: Thursday 28 February 2019, 09:30 to 13:00
Free lunch included!
To book onto the course, please click here to access our MaxCourse Regional Teaching Booking System.
I work with Professor Mervyn Singer, Professor of Intensive Care Medicine, University College London helping in the organisation of his Medical Emergencies Courses for Trainee and Junior Doctors.
These CPD-approved, 2-day courses and are aimed at anyone working towards a career in Intensive Care, Emergency Medicine, Anaesthetics, Surgery and any other speciality where they may need to deal with a medical emergency.
Saturday 1st & Sunday 2nd June 2019
The UCH Education Centre, 1st Floor West, 250 Euston Road, London NW1 2PG
To view the outline programme, please click here
Online registrations now open – click here to register
Registration Fee: £295
Registration fees for the course also includes a PDF copy of the presentations given during the course.
Best wishes
School of Health Sciences Health Services Research Summer School
Bangor University, 8th-12th July 2019
Growing excellence in healthcare research is a fundamental priority to ensure that patients benefit from improvements, and care is based on the best available evidence.
Who’s it for?
Postgraduate research students/early career researchers who wish to access expert support in healthcare research and methodology
Current Masters level/ PhD student or healthcare practitioners who wish to develop additional research skills and gain new insights into subject-specific research and methodology
Full details are available on the Summer School Website
Book online here. Website and online booking here.
Gordon Museum, Guys Hospital, London - 13th April 2019
The Alcock Society Annual Conference 2019 welcomes abstracts for Poster and Podium presentations on any topics related to Clinical Anatomy and Clinical Surgery. Deadline 13TH MARCH 2019.
We are pleased to announce that Professor Harold Ellis CBE, author of the renowned Clinical Anatomy textbook will be speaking on his life in anatomy. We will also be Joined by Professor Farah Bhatti FRCS - who is chair of the RCS Women in Surgery committee for what promises to be an interesting day of talks and presentations
Professor Susan Standring - editor in chief of Gray's Anatomy, will be assessing and choosing our prize winners!
To submit abstracts and purchase tickets - please visit
Follow us @TASanatomy
any further info - please email
The UKFPO Bulletin has been published onto our website and can be found in the news section via the link below:
Kind regards,
Please note that the publicising of courses, conferences and events in this bulletin does not imply endorsement by the Severn Foundation School.
Posted February 13th 2019 (6 years ago)
This is your weekly information bulletin for the Severn Foundation School. The content of these bulletins will be local and national courses and information relevant to foundation trainees which will vary from week to week. If you would like to contribute to the bulletin please contact
All F2 trainees must do a minimum of 4 Regional Teaching Days, 2 of which have to be both Clinical Skills and Human Factors. To find out what other Regional Teaching courses are available to you, please click here to access our MaxCourse Regional Teaching Booking System.
We encourage you to book onto this exciting, new course; Foundation Teaching Skills - Train the Trainers #CPRinSchools. This training day will provide participants with basic level knowledge and skills in designing and delivering short skills acquisition training sessions. It will give you the ability to provide short skill based teaching sessions to colleagues and other healthcare professionals, it also provides an understanding of how to deliver CPR training so that Foundation level postgraduate medical trainees can deliver training sessions on this technique to non healthcare participants.
This course will count towards one of your four compulsory regional teaching days.
The first day is 15th February at Redwood Education Centre, Gloucestershire - don't miss out!!
The Medico-Legal Training Day is a new course which has recently been added to the F2 Regional Teaching Programme. The day is being run by executives from Irwin Mitchell LLP and will be an introduction into medico-legal issues including consent, record keeping and rehabilitation signposting.
The session will be followed by a free lunch offering you the opportunity to raise further questions and issues directly with the speakers, and to network with your colleagues.
Location: Musgrove Park Academy, Taunton - Somerset
Date & Time: Thursday 28 February 2019, 09:30 to 13:00
Free lunch included!
To book onto the course, please click here to access our MaxCourse Regional Teaching Booking System.
Applications for a Summer 2020 start are invited from exceptional medical, veterinary & dental graduates to undertake 3-year PhD training at the universities of Bristol, Cardiff and Exeter.
The scheme, supported by the Wellcome Trust, is aimed at exceptionally motivated clinically qualified trainees who can demonstrate the capability and drive to undertake a period of research with a view to developing a long-term career as a clinical academic.
Applicants must be fully-qualified medical doctors, vets or dentists and must have a qualification that allows them to practice clinically in the UK.
This prestigious programme, funded by the Wellcome Trust, offers medical, dental and veterinary graduates the opportunity to undertake interdisciplinary PhD training in the Universities of Bristol, Cardiff and Exeter.
Successful candidates will be awarded a grant from the Wellcome Trust which will cover a clinical salary and tuition fees, as well as a generous consumables, training and travel budget.
Funding offered:
• A clinical salary
• University tuition fees at the home rate
• Associated project costs
• A contribution towards travel expenses for conferences or project-related travel
• Some carer support costs where necessary, subject to approval
• A contribution towards core and specialist training costs
Why GW4-CAT?
• choice of joining one of over 50 world-leading research groups in population health, cardiovascular science, neuroscience, mental health, infection, immunity & repair, cancer or molecular cell biology
• access to a wide range of core and specialist training modules to support your ambitions
• exceptional individualised clinical mentoring
• Competitive funding
For further information and to apply visit our website.
This is a one-day educational course for GP's / trainees that will take place on Tuesday, 23rd of April in London. I am pleased to announce that this will be on Dermatology & Rheumatology. You can find and download the A4 poster here.
This is the 12th in a series of courses on a variety of topics and our Dermatology & Rheumatology courses have been particularly successful every year. All our speakers are nationally known experts in their fields and work at UCL Partners Teaching Hospitals.
Feedback to our previous courses has been excellent so far. As I have mentioned, the poster is available to download here. Full details and booking options can be found here.
52nd Medical Emergencies Course for Trainee Doctors
Saturday 1st & Sunday 2nd June 2019
The UCH Education Centre, 1st Floor West, 250 Euston Road, London NW1 2PG
To view the outline programme, please click here
Online registrations now open – click here to register
Registration Fee: £295
Registration fees for the course also includes a PDF copy of the presentations given during the course.
The UKFPO Bulletin has been published onto our website and can be found in the news section via the link below:
Kind regards,
Please note that the publicising of courses, conferences and events in this bulletin does not imply endorsement by the Severn Foundation School.
Posted February 7th 2019 (6 years ago)
Posted February 6th 2019 (6 years ago)
This is your weekly information bulletin for the Severn Foundation School. The content of these bulletins will be local and national courses and information relevant to foundation trainees which will vary from week to week. If you would like to contribute to the bulletin please contact
All F2 trainees must do a minimum of 4 Regional Teaching Days, 2 of which have to be both Clinical Skills and Human Factors. To find out what other Regional Teaching courses are available to you, please click here to access our MaxCourse Regional Teaching Booking System.
We encourage you to book onto this exciting, new course; Foundation Teaching Skills - Train the Trainers #CPRinSchools. This training day will provide participants with basic level knowledge and skills in designing and delivering short skills acquisition training sessions. It will give you the ability to provide short skill based teaching sessions to colleagues and other healthcare professionals, it also provides an understanding of how to deliver CPR training so that Foundation level postgraduate medical trainees can deliver training sessions on this technique to non healthcare participants.
This course will count towards one of your four compulsory regional teaching days.
The first day is 15th February at Redwood Education Centre, Gloucestershire - don't miss out!!
The Medico-Legal Training Day is a new course which has recently been added to the F2 Regional Teaching Programme. The day is being run by executives from Irwin Mitchell LLP and will be an introduction into medico-legal issues including consent, record keeping and rehabilitation signposting.
The session will be followed by a free lunch offering you the opportunity to raise further questions and issues directly with the speakers, and to network with your colleagues.
Location: Musgrove Park Academy, Taunton - Somerset
Date & Time: Thursday 28 February 2019, 09:30 to 13:00
Free lunch included!
To book onto the course, please click here to access our MaxCourse Regional Teaching Booking System.
Developed by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in partnership with Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare (HEE e-LfH) and approved by UKFPO – Foundation is a free e-learning programme for Foundation doctors.
Do you need to complete parts of the curriculum on your e-portfolio which you do not cover in day-to-day practice? If so try some of our free e-learning mapped directly to the Foundation Professional Capabilities (Training Outcomes) in the 2016 Foundation Curriculum.
The Mental Health Act protects the rights of vulnerable adults and children; a group of the e-learning sessions outline the responsibilities of the people who care for them.
You will find out how the GMC supports your career development, looking at the topics of registration, the Foundation Programme and your career development.
There are sessions which focus on the safeguarding of adults and children in primary and secondary care.
Finally, the importance of protecting data is explored in sessions about information security and the Data Protection Act.
Confidentiality and Privacy
Mental Health Act
Mental Capacity
Mental Capacity Assessment
Capacity and Difficult Consent
Use of Restraint
HIV Testing
How to avoid the GMC Disciplinary Committee
Infection Control: Diarrhoea in an Inpatient
Completion of the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death Part 3
Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults
GMC Registration and Post Graduate Observation
Safeguarding Adults: Level 2
Safeguarding Children: Level 1 Safeguarding for All Staff Working in a Healthcare Setting
Safeguarding Children: Level 2 Part A - Recognition
Safeguarding Children: Level 2 Part B - Response in Secondary Care
Safeguarding Children: Level 2 Part C - Record in Secondary Care
Safeguarding Children: Level 2 Part B - Response in Primary Care
Safeguarding Children: Level 2 Part C - Record in Primary Care
Information Security
An Introduction to the Data Protection Act.
You can sign in to the e-Learning with your login supplied by e-LfH at the beginning of your foundation training:
The Internal Medicine Training (IMT) programme is a new training model that is replacing core medical training. It is designed to equip doctors with the skills and confidence to lead on the care of patients in general medical wards and acute care settings.
IMT recruitment
Round 2 opens: 10am, Tuesday 26 February 2019
Round 2 closes: 4pm, Thursday 14 March 2019
IMT is a three year programme which includes experience in intensive care medicine, geriatric medicine and medical specialty outpatients. It will:
• Provide more people training in Internal Medicine
• Ensure improved access to outpatient experience
• Better prepare trainees as they progress to the medical registrar role
For further information about the training model visit the JRCPTB website
For further information about the recruitment process visit the IMT recruitment website
The UKFPO Bulletin has been published onto our website and can be found in the news section via the link below:
Kind regards,
Please note that the publicising of courses, conferences and events in this bulletin does not imply endorsement by the Severn Foundation School.
Posted January 30th 2019 (6 years ago)
This is your weekly information bulletin for the Severn Foundation School. The content of these bulletins will be local and national courses and information relevant to foundation trainees which will vary from week to week. If you would like to contribute to the bulletin please contact
All F2 trainees must do a minimum of 4 Regional Teaching Days, 2 of which have to be both Clinical Skills and Human Factors. To find out what other Regional Teaching courses are available to you, please click here to access our MaxCourse Regional Teaching Booking System.
We encourage you to book onto this exciting, new course; Foundation Teaching Skills - Train the Trainers #CPRinSchools. This training day will provide participants with basic level knowledge and skills in designing and delivering short skills acquisition training sessions. It will give you the ability to provide short skill based teaching sessions to colleagues and other healthcare professionals, it also provides an understanding of how to deliver CPR training so that Foundation level postgraduate medical trainees can deliver training sessions on this technique to non healthcare participants.
This course will count towards one of your four compulsory regional teaching days.
The Medico-Legal Training Day is a new course which has recently been added to the F2 Regional Teaching Programme. The day is being run by executives from Irwin Mitchell LLP and will be an introduction into medico-legal issues including consent, record keeping and rehabilitation signposting.
The session will be followed by a free lunch offering you the opportunity to raise further questions and issues directly with the speakers, and to network with your colleagues.
Location: Musgrove Park Academy, Taunton - Somerset
Date & Time: Thursday 28 February 2019, 09:30 to 13:00
Free lunch included!
To book onto the course, please click here to access our MaxCourse Regional Teaching Booking System.
If you are a current F2, please find below the link to a survey which has been developed by trainees within Severn, and which aims to find out the views of current trainees about the transition from F1-2. The purpose of this survey is to find out if/where there are gaps in support, and how trainees can be better supported during this transition.
The survey is confidential, and your response is very important as it will help shape the additional resources which can be put in place to help foundation doctors; so please answer honestly. There is also an option to leave your email address at the end - this would solely be used to contact you if you are happy to participate in a focus group about this topic.
Thank you for your response, and your help in supporting foundation doctors.
The UKFPO Bulletin has been published onto our website and can be found in the news section via the link below:
Kind regards,
Please note that the publicising of courses, conferences and events in this bulletin does not imply endorsement by the Severn Foundation School.
Posted January 30th 2019 (6 years ago)
Posted January 29th 2019 (6 years ago)
The School of Surgery is pleased to announce the appointment of Louise Merker as the new Simulation and Non Technical Skills Trainee Fellow for the year from April 2019.
Posted January 25th 2019 (6 years ago)
Posted January 23rd 2019 (6 years ago)
This is your weekly information bulletin for the Severn Foundation School. The content of these bulletins will be local and national courses and information relevant to foundation trainees which will vary from week to week. If you would like to contribute to the bulletin please contact
All F2 trainees must do a minimum of 4 Regional Teaching Days, 2 of which have to be both Clinical Skills and Human Factors. To find out what other Regional Teaching courses are available to you, please click here to access our MaxCourse Regional Teaching Booking System.
We encourage you to book onto this exciting, new course; Foundation Teaching Skills - Train the Trainers #CPRinSchools. This training day will provide participants with basic level knowledge and skills in designing and delivering short skills acquisition training sessions. It will give you the ability to provide short skill based teaching sessions to colleagues and other healthcare professionals, it also provides an understanding of how to deliver CPR training so that Foundation level postgraduate medical trainees can deliver training sessions on this technique to non healthcare participants.
This course will count towards one of your four compulsory regional teaching days.
National Quality Improvement & Patient Safety Poster Competition is open now - Deadline for entries 10th March 2019
Judges will be looking for examples of innovation, joint working and proven outcomes. If your entry is shortlisted you will be invited to present your poster at the conference on 15th May 2019 and will qualify for a discounted delegate rate of £159. Having shown a poster elsewhere is not a barrier to entry.
Submit your entry online here by 10th March 2019:
Conference Date: 15th May 2019 09.30 - 16.30
Venue: Engineer’s House, The Promenade, Clifton Down, Bristol, BS8 3NB
Website can be found here.
2019 Programme to be announced shortly.Confirmed speakers include:
Dr John Dean, Clinical Director for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety, Royal College of Physicians
Dr Jenny Vaughan, Consultant Neurologist, NW London Hospitals NHS Trust
Louise Hall, Programme Manager QI Evaluation, SWAHSN
Ann Remmers, Clinical Director Maternity, WEAHSN
Peter Gray, Service Improvement Lead, RCHT
Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare sessions in Foundation e-Learning Project: Professional Capability: 20 Contributes to quality improvement
Developed by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in partnership with Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare (HEE e-LfH) and approved by UKFPO – Foundation is a free e-learning programme for Foundation doctors.
Do you need to complete parts of the curriculum on your e-portfolio which you do not cover in day-to-day practice? If so, try some of our free e-learning mapped directly to the Foundation Professional Capabilities (Training Outcomes) in the 2016 Foundation Curriculum.
The e-learning sessions in Professional Capability: 20 “Contributes to quality improvement”, look at audit and evidence based practice. It outlines the study designs used in medical practice. You are provided with a guide to developing a structured research strategy which will help you find journal articles relevant to your clinical questions. How to evaluate a journal article is discussed using a linked example paper from the British Journal of Anaesthesia.Sessions:
Evidence Based Medicine in Clinical Practice
Common Study Designs in Clinical Research
Explaining Evidence/Guidelines/Protocols to Patients
Guidelines in Clinical Practice
Searching the Literature and Locating Papers
How to Review a Paper
Sign in to the e-learning with your login supplied by e-LfH at the beginning of your foundation training.
If you are a current F2, please find below the link to a survey which has been developed by trainees within Severn, and which aims to find out the views of current trainees about the transition from F1-2. The purpose of this survey is to find out if/where there are gaps in support, and how trainees can be better supported during this transition.
The survey is confidential, and your response is very important as it will help shape the additional resources which can be put in place to help foundation doctors; so please answer honestly. There is also an option to leave your email address at the end - this would solely be used to contact you if you are happy to participate in a focus group about this topic.
Thank you for your response, and your help in supporting foundation doctors.
Cardiff, Wales • 9 March 2019 09:45 AM - 05:15 PM
It will showcase the exciting, dynamic and rewarding career that is general practice. Join the University of Cardiff GP Society in exploring the wonderful diversity associated with the profession, learn more about becoming a GP and discuss the career with a variety of high profile GPs.
Students & FYs can expect a varied programme of workshops and talks with plenty of opportunity to hear from, meet and network with GP trainees and qualified GPs including GPs with special interest.
Keynote speakers include Professor Kamila Hawthorne with workshops spanning a range of topics from lifestyle medicine to health inequalities alongside interactive sessions. Find out more in the agenda and speaker tabs above.
This day-long conference will be hosted by the University of Cardiff GP Society, welcoming foundation doctors and medical students from the region – including Bristol, Cardiff, Exeter, Plymouth and Swansea universities. Lunch and refreshments will be provided as well as FREE transport included for students and FYs travelling from Bristol, Exeter, Plymouth and Swansea.
Please click here to book onto the conference.
Dear Colleagues,
Working together with the Royal College and School of Surgery, we are pleased to inform you that we will have the MRCS part A at our hospital here in Exeter for the very first time from April 2019. The closing date for registration for April diet is 8th Feb 2019. The link to register for the exam can be found here.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any query.
Many thanks,
Eng Ong
Mr Eng Kwee Ong
Consultant Urologist, Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust & Royal Devon & Exeter Foundation Trust
Training Programme Director for Peninsula Core Surgical Training
The UKFPO Bulletin has been published onto our website and can be found in the news section via the link below:
Kind regards,
Please note that the publicising of courses, conferences and events in this bulletin does not imply endorsement by the Severn Foundation School.
Posted January 10th 2019 (6 years ago)
Please email to receive the Innovation project document.
ALL applications MUST be received by Monday 21st January 2019.
Posted January 10th 2019 (6 years ago)
Applications for the PGCE funding, January intake at Plymouth University are now CLOSED.
Posted January 9th 2019 (6 years ago)
This is your weekly information bulletin for the Severn Foundation School. The content of these bulletins will be local and national courses and information relevant to foundation trainees which will vary from week to week. If you would like to contribute to the bulletin please contact
A gentle reminder for current F1s that the deadline for applying for F2 swaps, IFSTs, F2 abroad and Time out is Sunday 13th January 2019. Further information can be found on our website.
The application window for Stand-alone F2 posts is also now open, please see the UKFPO website for more information.
Health Education England is currently leading a review of the medical Foundation Training Programme in England and this is now nearing its conclusion, with the publication of a range of recommendations due in March. We are very keen to let doctors in training have early sight of these proposals and listen to your views on them, prior to a larger meeting of stakeholders.
We have therefore organised a meeting, from 1-4pm on Wednesday 16 January in central London (venue tbc) and would be delighted if you can attend.
Light refreshments will be provided and we will be happy to provide confirmation of your attendance as part of your CPD.
To register for the meeting, please email the MERP team
We very much hope to see you in January and if you have any queries please contact Chris Watt
If you are a current F2, please find below the link to a survey which has been developed by trainees within Severn, and which aims to find out the views of current trainees about the transition from F1-2. The purpose of this survey is to find out if/where there are gaps in support, and how trainees can be better supported during this transition.
The survey is confidential, and your response is very important as it will help shape the additional resources which can be put in place to help foundation doctors; so please answer honestly. There is also an option to leave your email address at the end - this would solely be used to contact you if you are happy to participate in a focus group about this topic.
Thank you for your response, and your help in supporting foundation doctors.
The aim of the course is to improve your knowledge and ability to confidently manage the common general surgical presentations you are likely to encounter as a foundation year doctor.
Date: Thursday January 31, 2019
Location: St Mary’s Hospital Surgical Innovation Centre, London
Cost: £25 Lunch & Refreshments provided
Reserve your place
Do you have an audit you would like to present nationally?
We are excited to invite you to participate in the upcoming National Surgical Audit Forum to be held in Oxford on the 19th of January 2019.
This will be a day of audit presentations, surgical talks and workshops. Prizes and certificates available for presentations.
Click Here for Abstract Submission Form
Click Here for Registration Form
Date: 19 January 2019 08:00-16:00
Location: Lecture Theatre 1, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford
Cost: £20 Lunch & Refreshments provided
The UKFPO Bulletin has been published onto our website and can be found in the news section via the link below:
Kind regards,
Please note that the publicising of courses, conferences and events in this bulletin does not imply endorsement by the Severn Foundation School.
Posted November 6th 2018 (6 years ago)
Applications for the PGCE funding, January 2019 intake at Plymouth University are now OPEN.
The PGCE Application window opened on Tuesday 6th November 2018 and will close on Tuesday 20th November 2018.
The funding available at this time is ONLY for Plymouth University.
Posted November 2nd 2018 (6 years ago)
The National Foundation Doctors' Presentation Day is a free, annual event hosted by the Severn Foundation School and supported by the UKFPO. It displays work completed by Foundation Doctors from across the UK and Malta as oral and poster presentations under the categories; Quality Improvement, Education, Sustainability, Research/Original Work, and Case Reports.
The presentation day will take place at Mercure Bristol Holland House Hotel & Spa, Redcliffe Hill, BS1 6SQ on 11th January 2019. Applications to present, open on Wednesday 15th August 2018 and will close on Friday 16th November 2018.
Multiple applications will be accepted up to a maximum of three abstracts per presenting author. Oral presentations will be 10 minutes exactly, 8 minutes to present and 2 minutes for questions. Trainees presenting posters will be given 2 minutes to verbally summarise their work for the judges. Posters should be printed as A2 size only, if trainees bring a poster bigger than the required size, they may not be able to present on the day.
All abstracts submitted will be considered for both oral and poster presentations.
Once a trainee has submitted their abstract, it will go through a shortlisting process to determine whether it has been accepted for presentation. If the submission is successful, we will inform the authors of the time and the category in which they will be presenting. Presenters will be judged and scored and a prize will be given to the winner of each category.
Key Stakeholders will be attending on the day who include Foundation School Directors and Foundation Programme Directors from across the country. Additionally, delegates, speakers and judges attend from a variety of organisations such as the UKFPO, GMC, HEE, MDU, MPS, NICE, BMA, HQIP and NCEPOD as well as the Royal Colleges.
If you have any further queries with regards to the event, please email the Severn Foundation School on SEVFoundation.SW@hee.nhs.ukor call on 01454 252 669.
Posted August 3rd 2018 (7 years ago)
The National Foundation Doctors' Presentation Day is a free, annual event hosted by the Severn Foundation School and supported by the UKFPO. It displays work completed by Foundation Doctors from across the UK and Malta as oral and poster presentations under the categories; Quality Improvement, Education, Sustainability, Research/Original Work, and Case Reports.
The presentation day will take place at Mercure Bristol Holland House Hotel & Spa, Redcliffe Hill, BS1 6SQ on 11th January 2019. Applications to present, open on Wednesday 15th August 2018 and will close on Friday 16th November 2018. The link to the application form can be found here.
Multiple applications will be accepted up to a maximum of three abstracts per presenting author. Oral presentations will be 10 minutes exactly, 8 minutes to present and 2 minutes for questions. Trainees presenting posters will be given 2 minutes to verbally summarise their work for the judges. Posters should be printed as A2 size only, if trainees bring a poster bigger than the required size, they may not be able to present on the day.
All abstracts submitted will be considered for both oral and poster presentations.
Once a trainee has submitted their abstract, it will go through a shortlisting process to determine whether it has been accepted for presentation. If the submission is successful, we will inform the authors of the time and the category in which they will be presenting. Presenters will be judged and scored and a prize will be given to the winner of each category.
Key Stakeholders will be attending on the day who include Foundation School Directors and Foundation Programme Directors from across the country. Additionally, delegates, speakers and judges attend from a variety of organisations such as the UKFPO, GMC, HEE, MDU, MPS, NICE, BMA, HQIP and NCEPOD as well as the Royal Colleges.
If you have any further queries with regards to the event, please email the Severn Foundation School on or call on 01454 252 669.
Posted July 23rd 2018 (7 years ago)
The application window for our Bursary and PGCE funding 2018/2019 is now CLOSED.
Posted June 27th 2018 (7 years ago)
Posted June 19th 2018 (7 years ago)
Guidance and application forms for the 2018/2019 Bursary and PGCE Funding will be available from Wednesday 27th June 2018.
Posted February 27th 2018 (7 years ago)
*Help the RCPsych Psychiatric Trainees’ Committee (PTC) make a difference by completing this survey*
Current demands within the NHS can be both physically and mentally exhausting. We know that moderate sleep deprivation can lead to impairments in cognitive and motor performance equivalent to legally defined levels of alcohol intoxication. We also appreciate that in psychiatry, where trainees regularly drive whilst on-call during unsociable hours, this is a significant concern.
Staying safe – a trainee-led review into fatigue in psychiatry is led by the Royal College of Psychiatrists Psychiatric Trainees’ Committee (PTC) and we need your help by completing this survey to build the evidence to make improvements in our training and the working conditions in your local area.
We don’t want psychiatric trainees to suffer the same fate as our anaesthetic colleagues where 57% of trainees have reported having had an accident or a near-miss driving home after a night shift. We also don’t want the same concerns about the availability of breaks and rest facilities. We want to understand and improve working conditions within psychiatry and we need your help to do this.
The survey is designed to capture information that impacts on your level of fatigue and which affects your wellbeing whilst on-call.
We will publish our findings in the summer and we’d be very grateful if you could complete our survey before 5pm Monday 12 March.
Help make a difference by completing this survey.
Best Wishes,
The Psychiatric Trainees’ Committee
Posted October 4th 2017 (7 years ago)
Each year the University of Bristol run a series of MMIs (Multiple Mini Interviews), interviewing 80 candidates per day - with two sessions of 20 in the morning and two session of 20 in the afternoon. There are two parallel streams being interviewed synchronously, with 10 stations in each stream, at 6 minutes per station (5 minutes for the task/question and 1 minute change over). There is one interviewer at each station asking a question or acting out a scenario and each has a score sheet and guidance on scoring. MMIs are the final stage of the admissions process and offers are made based on candidate's performance at MMIs.
We are looking for colleagues from across the NHS to act as assessors at the MMIs, I am afraid that there is no payment as such for your time, but we, and the GMC, recognise the important role that medical student selection plays in shaping the future health service so, all asessors will receive a certificate of contribution, evidence which may be useful in appraisal, revalidation and job planning.
I am happy to be able to confirm that this cycle's Medical MMIs will again be held in the Anson Room, Richmond Building, Queens Road (Student's Union) on the following dates -
Tues 21st, Weds 22nd, Thurs 23rd November
Tues 5th, Weds 6th, Thurs 7th December
Tues 13th, Weds 14th, Thurs 15th February
Tues 20th, Weds 21st, Thurs 22nd February
Tues 13th, Weds 14th, Thurs 15th March
There are refreshments and a briefing upon arrival and a lunch voucher is provided for the Balloon Bar on the ground floor.
I am looking for assessors that are available for either a half day (full morning - 09:00-12:20 or full afternoon - 12:20-15:40) or the whole day - 09:00-15:40.
If you would like to take part in this please email
Published on behalf of Jo Bennett, University of Bristol
Posted July 5th 2017 (8 years ago)
In 2018 the RCP will be celebrating its 500 year anniversary. As well as celebrating the history of the College, the RCP is also looking to the future. We are therefore pleased to announce that we will be appointing a Quincentennial Lecturer in each region to give a lecture at the regional Update in medicine 2018. Applications are now open to give the Quincentennial Lecture at the 'Update in medicine – South West' in 2018. The successful lecturers will receive a plaque from the RCP president recognising their achievement, and will be invited to the 2018 Harveian lecture and dinner. If you are a medical trainee at CMT or ST3–7 level, you are invited to apply by submitting an abstract relating to the subject of your proposed lecture. Your lecture should be based on your work in one of the following areas:
If you are a consultant physician please consider encouraging trainees to apply. The lecture must be designed to be of educational value to a general medical audience and should include an evidence-based overview of the clinical topic. For full details and to apply, please read and complete the attached abstract submission form. Please also see attached the assessment guidelines. More information is available on the Quincentennial Lecturer scheme for trainee physicians website. |
Posted March 16th 2017 (8 years ago)
Health Education England – working across the South West (HEE-SW) is delighted to announce a training secondment opportunity to work with our senior staff on quality improvement and this post also will fund a postgraduate qualification PgCert in Health Services Improvement with Exeter University. The knowledge and skills acquired through this post will also provide leadership experience to a successful doctor in training. It is anticipated that at the end of the tenure, the QI fellows will be equipped to promote and disseminate learning in QI, with aims of improving patient safety, experience and efficiency in NHS.
Five posts (drawn from core/ higher speciality and GP VTS training programmes) are available on a 12 month full time fixed term contract from August 2017 or LTFT with negotiation. The start date will be dependent on successful negotiations with the employer, but an anticipated date would be around August 2017. The trainee will then return to the training programme, assuming satisfactory ARCP progression.
The successful candidates, who will be working within the geographical area of Health Education England - working across the South West training programmes, will spend 2 days (0.4 WTE) (funded by HEE-SW) on QI, lead on a quality improvement project and gain a Postgraduate Certificate in Health Services Improvement with Exeter University. The remaining sessions (0.6 WTE) will be spent working in their existing clinical specialty and participating in the contractually agreed out-of-hours with their employer.
The knowledge and skills acquired through this post will provide leadership experience to a successful doctor in training. It is anticipated that at the end of the 12 months tenure, the QI fellows will be equipped to promote and disseminate learning in QI, with aims of improving patient safety, experience and efficiency in the NHS.
Further information can be obtained from Dr Wai Tse, Associate Dean (Tel: 01752-676134).
Posted March 13th 2017 (8 years ago)
Learn more about paediatric and adult allergy during our one day event, organised by Dr Siân Ludman from Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust and Dr Lucy Leeman from the Peninsula Clinical Immunology and Allergy Service (Eden Unit) at Derriford Hospital. Update your knowledge, share your experiences and expertise in this cutting edge event which combines expert talks from regionally and nationally renowned allergy experts, highly interactive workshops, discussions, poster presentations and ample opportunities to network and forge new connections. By taking a pragmatic approach to common problems faced in community practice, the event will introduce you to a panel of local and national specialists in the field.
For a full programme for the day (including speakers, workshop themes and facilitators) visit
For general enquiries; email or call 01392 722964
Topics will include:
All delegates will have an opportunity to attend the following workshops:
CPD points applied through the Royal College of Physicians.
Doctors £90
Doctors in training £70
Nurses and Allied Health Professionals £50
Students £30
Posted March 2nd 2017 (8 years ago)
The United Hospitals Bristol in partnership with Health Education England (Severn Postgraduate Medical Education Office) is delighted to announce an opportunity to work with our senior staff on a variety of educational topics that will provide leadership experience to a successful doctor in training, whilst also continuing your training on the remaining days.
The successful candidate will hold a major leadership role in establishing and developing the mortality review process in UHB. This role would lead to the development of a mortality review group and the development of a system to efficiently review mortality.
The successful applicant will also be expected to complete a funded postgraduate Certificate in Education or management/leadership qualification.
Full details can be found on our Vacancies page.
Note: The successful applicant must be a trainee currently working, or about to undertake a rotational year of work, within UHB.
Posted November 21st 2016 (8 years ago)
A very successful symposium, attended by 63 GPs and GP trainees, entitled, ‘Management of Oral & Dental Disease for Non-Dental Professionals’ was held on Wednesday, 12th October at Future Inns Hotel in Bristol. This was a joint initiative between the GP and Dental Schools and included lectures on diagnosis and management of toothache, oral health promotion and dental trauma in childhood, oral ulceration, ‘signposting’ patients to dental care, medical conditions that impact on dental care and periodontal disease and relationship to general health. The feedback was extremely positive, with the almost all the delegates responding that a dental day for general medical practitioners should be run regularly. We are hoping to run a similar event in 2017, in the South of the region, to include not only GPs but also community pharmacists and A&E staff.
Posted November 21st 2016 (8 years ago)
A system-wide approach is needed to change the perception of the learning environment in medical schools to encourage more students to choose a career in general practice says a new report commissioned by Health Education England and the Medical Schools Council. Professor Val Wass OBE was commissioned to investigate how general practice is taught in medical schools and make recommendations to HEE and other key partners. Val was supported by a task force which included the British Medical Association, junior doctors, the Royal College of General Practitioners and the Society for Academic Primary Care. The resulting report ‘By choice – not by chance’ looks at students’ experiences whilst at medical school and shines the spotlight on the need to tackle long held views about general practice which is often perceived as a less valued career. Change is key to making sure we have the GP workforce required to meet service and patient demands for the future. You can read the report and its recommendations on Health Education England’s website.
Posted October 17th 2016 (8 years ago)
Monday 28th November 2016 at 7pm, Education Centre BRI
DERMSOC introductory event.
‘Highlights’ by Dr Cameron Kennedy
Some cases and themes to demonstrate why he has enjoyed his career as a dermatologist
Tuesday 13th December 2016 at 7pm, Education Centre BRI
Interesting cases with minced pies!
An opportunity to discuss interesting cases - open to all. Please submit a brief description of the case you’d like to present or discuss to: by Sunday 27th November 2016. A great opportunity for those looking to build their CV’s or discuss a complex case.
Thursday 18th January 2017 at 7pm
Education Centre BRI
Suturing even and introduction to skin surgery techniques
Saturday 18th March 2017 all day
OSCE practice for 4th year medical students at Dolphin House, BRI
Future events TBC.
Please email if you want to register your interest to attend and we can keep you updated with further information on the events.
Posted October 17th 2016 (8 years ago)
Posted October 17th 2016 (8 years ago)
Posted October 17th 2016 (8 years ago)
The RCGP has produced a new resource designed to support post-CCT GPs: RCGP Mythbusters – Addressing common misunderstandings about appraisal and revalidation. We are grateful to the wide range of stakeholders who engaged with us extensively in the development of this document.
The Mythbusters is intended to be a living document which evolves and grows with the revalidation and appraisal needs of GPs, so we want to encourage feedback on anything we may have missed or areas that need further clarification. All feedback will be welcomed via
Posted September 19th 2016 (8 years ago)
The full day runs from 09:00 - 15:50 - morning session 09:00-12:20, afternoon session 12:20-15:50. Lunch break from 12:10-12:40 (lunch and refreshments provided).
Posted September 15th 2016 (8 years ago)
Full details and booking options can be found on the website.
Posted August 30th 2016 (8 years ago)
Please visit to register, places are limited so sign up soon!
Posted June 14th 2016 (9 years ago)
The FMLM is running a pair of Leadership Development days in Birmingham on 5 July and London on 27 July. The days are for GPs transitioning into new leadership roles whether at board, locality or practice level.
This day is designed to support you in developing the necessary leadership skills, knowledge and behaviours to flourish in a range of clinical leadership roles, both within and outside of your practice in federations, CCGs and elsewhere.
CCGs or GP federations might want to support colleagues to attend to support CPs in new leadership roles within their organisations and enabling succession planning.
Have you recently taken on a new leadership role or are you supporting colleagues transitioning into new leadership roles?
Perhaps you want to explore a portfolio career involving clinical leadership?
Join us and Register now for only £245* in:
*FMLM membership discount are also available
Birmingham on 5 July or London on 27 July
The programme will cover:
• The transition to a new leadership role
• Fearless conversations
• Developing personal and team resilience
• Overcoming learned helplessness: Leading innovation and change
• Leadership in action: An inspirational personal career story from a GP focusing on the challenges of transitioning to a new leadership role
• How to get the job
• Coaching and mentoring (optional opportunity for speed coaching)
• Developing personal and team resilience
Faculty of Medical Leadership and Managements.
FMLM team
Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management
Posted June 14th 2016 (9 years ago)
From behalf of School of Primary Care:
We have been working with our Dental colleagues in Health Education working across the South West to provide a course entitled Management of Oral & Dental Disease for the Non-Dental Professionals. This course has been set for the 12th of October 2016 from 09:00 – 17:00 at the Future Inns Hotel, Bristol.
This course is free of charge for GP Trainees and Trainers however registration is essential. To find out more about this course and to register please click the following link
Before you are able to book onto the course you will need to register onto the system by clicking the new user link.
Places are limited so please do register soon if you would like to attend.
Posted June 6th 2016 (9 years ago)
Dear all
We are pleased to announce trainee applications are now open for the 2016 Bursary and PGCE funding. Details can be found on the links below
Posted May 16th 2016 (9 years ago)
Dear Trainees
I have just heard that the Primary Care School has registered a 100% completion rate for