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Posted October 11th 2022 (2 years ago)

Innovation Fund 2022/23

We are pleased to announce that the 2022/23 Innovation Fund is now open.

Guidance and application forms are available here.

The closing date for Innovation applications is 4pm on Sunday 23rd October 2022.

Posted May 5th 2021 (4 years ago)

Surgical Simulation and Non-Technical Fellow

Applications for a Surgical Simulation and Non-Technical Fellow will open on Monday 10th May 2021.

Further information and the application form can be here.

Posted October 4th 2017 (7 years ago)

MMI Assessors needed!

Each year the University of Bristol run a series of MMIs (Multiple Mini Interviews), interviewing 80 candidates per day - with two sessions of 20 in the morning and two session of 20 in the afternoon. There are two parallel streams being interviewed synchronously, with 10 stations in each stream, at 6 minutes per station (5 minutes for the task/question and 1 minute change over). There is one interviewer at each station asking a question or acting out a scenario and each has a score sheet and guidance on scoring. MMIs are the final stage of the admissions process and offers are made based on candidate's performance at MMIs. 


We are looking for colleagues from across the NHS to act as assessors at the MMIs, I am afraid that there is no payment as such for your time, but we, and the GMC, recognise the important role that medical student selection plays in shaping the future health service so, all asessors will receive a certificate of contribution, evidence which may be useful in appraisal, revalidation and job planning.


I am happy to be able to confirm that this cycle's Medical MMIs will again be held in the Anson Room, Richmond Building, Queens Road (Student's Union) on the following dates -  


Tues 21st, Weds 22nd, Thurs 23rd  November


Tues 5th, Weds 6th, Thurs 7th December 


Tues 13th, Weds 14th, Thurs 15th February 


Tues 20th, Weds 21st, Thurs 22nd February  


Tues 13th, Weds 14th, Thurs 15th March 


There are refreshments and a briefing upon arrival and a lunch voucher is provided for the Balloon Bar on the ground floor.


I am looking for assessors that are available for either a half day (full morning - 09:00-12:20  or full afternoon - 12:20-15:40) or the whole day - 09:00-15:40. 


If you would like to take part in this please email jo.bennett@bristol.ac.uk


Published on behalf of Jo Bennett, University of Bristol

Posted March 2nd 2017 (8 years ago)

Exciting Severn Opportunity with UHB

The United Hospitals Bristol in partnership with Health Education England (Severn Postgraduate Medical Education Office) is delighted to announce an opportunity to work with our senior staff on a variety of educational topics that will provide leadership experience to a successful doctor in training, whilst also continuing your training on the remaining days.

The successful candidate will hold a major leadership role in establishing and developing the mortality review process in UHB. This role would lead to the development of a mortality review group and the development of a system to efficiently review mortality.

The successful applicant will also be expected to complete a funded postgraduate Certificate in Education or management/leadership qualification.

Full details can be found on our Vacancies page.

Note: The successful applicant must be a trainee currently working, or about to undertake a rotational year of work, within UHB.

Posted September 19th 2016 (9 years ago)

MMI's and Training Days

MMI’s and Training days 

There is a training session on Monday 10th October 14:00-15:30, in the Great Hall, Wills Memorial Building.

The MMI's are being held on the following dates in the Anson Room, Student's Union. 

  • Tues 22nd, Weds 23rd, Thurs 24th  November
  • Tues 6th, Thurs 8th  December
  • Mon 23rd, Tues 24th, Weds 25th January
  • Tues 14th, Weds 15th, Thurs 16th March


 The full day runs from 09:00 - 15:50 - morning session 09:00-12:20, afternoon session 12:20-15:50. Lunch break from 12:10-12:40 (lunch and refreshments provided). 

Contact: jo.bennett@bristol.ac.uk

Posted August 30th 2016 (9 years ago)

Geriatrics Conference

Geriatrics for Juniors 2016 - Saturday October 8th – Nottingham Conference Centre

Geriatrics for Juniors is a one-day conference, designed for Foundation Doctors, Core Medical and GP Trainees.

It aims to deliver relevant and useful clinical updates in all the main sub-specialties of Geriatric Medicine, in order to improve the standard of care for older patients.

  • A full day of relevant and interesting educational sessions related to Geriatric Medicine.
  • Practical and useful updates for your day-to-day practice on the hospital medical wards.
  • Sessions on career choices, CV building, applying to specialty, and the truth about life as a registrar.
  • A certificate of attendance for your e-portfolio.
  • There will also be a ‘World Cafe’ of informal discussions regarding career options, applying to specialty, and tips for improving your clinical practice within the various sub-specialty fields.
  • CotE Champions Poster Competition
  • We are hosting a poster competition for audits and quality improvement projects performed by junior doctors which have improved the care of elderly patients (aeme.org.uk/g4j16-posters). Winners will be invited to display their posters at this national conference and the very best will be crowned our 'CotE Champions'.

Please visit aeme.org.uk/g4j16 to register, places are limited so sign up soon!

Posted June 14th 2016 (9 years ago)

The FMLM is running a pair of Leadership Development days: GP Transitions: Leadership development day

The FMLM is running a pair of Leadership Development days in Birmingham on 5 July and London on 27 July. The days are for GPs transitioning into new leadership roles whether at board, locality or practice level.

This day is designed to support you in developing the necessary leadership skills, knowledge and behaviours to flourish in a range of clinical leadership roles, both within and outside of your practice in federations, CCGs and elsewhere.
CCGs or GP federations might want to support colleagues to attend to support CPs in new leadership roles within their organisations and enabling succession planning.
Have you recently taken on a new leadership role or are you supporting colleagues transitioning into new leadership roles?


Perhaps you want to explore a portfolio career involving clinical leadership?

Join us and Register now for only £245* in:
*FMLM membership discount are also available
Birmingham on 5 July or London on 27 July
The programme will cover:
• The transition to a new leadership role
• Fearless conversations
• Developing personal and team resilience
• Overcoming learned helplessness: Leading innovation and change
• Leadership in action: An inspirational personal career story from a GP focusing on the challenges of transitioning to a new leadership role
• How to get the job
• Coaching and mentoring (optional opportunity for speed coaching)
• Developing personal and team resilience

Faculty of Medical Leadership and Managements. 

FMLM team

Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management



Posted June 14th 2016 (9 years ago)

Management of Oral & Dental Disease for the Non-Dental Professionals

From behalf of School of Primary Care: 

We have been working with our Dental colleagues in Health Education working across the South West to provide a course entitled Management of Oral & Dental Disease for the Non-Dental Professionals. This course has been set for the 12th of October 2016 from 09:00 – 17:00 at the Future Inns Hotel, Bristol. 

This course is free of charge for GP Trainees and Trainers however registration is essential. To find out more about this course and to register please click the following link

Before you are able to book onto the course you will need to register onto the system by clicking the new user link

Places are limited so please do register soon if you would like to attend.


Posted May 16th 2016 (9 years ago)

Completion of GMC Survey

Dear Trainees

I have just heard that the Primary Care School has registered a 100% completion rate for the GMC trainee survey this year. And what’s more this also applies across the whole of Severn PGME - all 2078 trainees across the various specialities in Severn have completed the survey this year!

Thank you for the time and thought you have put into this task - the survey provides valuable information in allowing us to understand what problems you experience with your posts and helps us work with your supervisors to improve them.


Simon Newton, Head of School of Primary Care (Severn)

Posted May 9th 2016 (9 years ago)

Call for nominations for the GP Trainee Excellence Awards 2016

All Supervisors, Educators, Trainees and colleagues are warmly invited to nominate ST3/4 trainees for this year's Excellence Awards. Please do help to ensure that the full breadth of achievements within and alongside GP training are recognised.

Just complete the nomination form and send it to Pauline.harper@southwest.hee.nhs.uk by Friday 17th June 2016.

See the Awards pages on the website for full information, but the following awards are available this year:
• Academic/ Research Excellence Award (£200), supported by Avon LMC
• Clinical Excellence Award (£200), supported by Wesleyan
• Community Contribution Excellence Award (£200), supported by East Somerset Trainers' Group
• Green Practice Excellence Award (£200), supported by Dr Tim Ballard
• Leadership Excellence Award, supported by Frome Medical Practice
• Learning and Development [Education] Excellence Award, supported by the MDU
• Excellence Award for Medical Work outside GP Training, supported by BMA
• Excellence Award for Global Health, supported by Severn Faculty RCGP
• Excellence Award for Personal Achievement outside medicine, supported by Swindon Trainers' Group
Plus the GPST Programme (Patch) Awards (£100 each), sponsored by Brisdoc, and the Robin While Prize (£500) for the GP Trainee of the year.

Posted May 9th 2016 (9 years ago)

RCGP: Planned Trainee ePortfolio works

As part of a programme of works, there will be a 4 hour service outage to the Trainee ePortfolio during the weekend of the 28th and 29th of May.

This is to allow us undertake changes to the firewalls.

This work is scheduled to start at 12 midnight on Saturday 28th May until 4am on the 29th (i.e. a 4 hour window).

A support system will be in place to ensure that the TeP comes back up correctly following the outage.

Given the timings we hope this will cause minimal disruption. 

Posted April 25th 2016 (9 years ago)

Reminder to Trainees and Trainers about OOH work and EWTR

When organising OOH shifts trainees are reminded about the European Working Time Regulations and need to be compliant with these. The main features are:

• a maximum average of 48 hours working time each week, measured over a reference period of 26 weeks for doctors
• a minimum of 11 hours continuous rest in 24 hours
• a minimum of 24 hours continuous rest in 7 days (or 48 hrs in 14 days)
• a minimum of a 20 minute break in work periods of over 6 hours
• for night workers, an average of no more than 8 hours work in 24 over the reference period.

More details can be found on NHS Employers page

It is the responsibility of trainees to let their practices know if they need to adjust their daytime practice working hours to be compliant eg if finishing an OOH shift at 11pm should not start work the following day until 10am. However trainees still need to do their usual 40 hour working week so if starting late will need to make up the time elsewhere in the week or at a later date. Hours worked can be averaged over a several month time period. This can be done in a number of ways and how trainees and practices choose to do this will be up to individuals to organise. Trainees need to remember that practices usually need at least a months notice and ideally 6 weeks or more to re-organise surgeries as most will have surgeries open for booking at least a month in advance so re-organising surgeries at short notice is very time consuming. If it is not possible or trainees do not wish to organise a late start then an evening OOH shift could be finished at 10pm as an alternative. If trainees plan to work an overnight shift these should only be booked for a Friday or Saturday night unless the trainee has arranged to take the following day off and if working on a Friday night they should ensure an adequate break between daytime work and starting an overnight shift.


Posted April 5th 2016 (9 years ago)

Health Education England 5th Annual SAS Doctors Conference

The Health Education England (Severn & Peninsula Postgraduate Medical Education) is holding its 5th Annual SAS Doctors’ Conference at Plymouth on 10-11 May 2016. Programme links below:

Peninsula deanery

Severn deanery

1. With 27 speakers/ facilitators delivering 12 Plenary and 24 parallel sessions/ workshops, we are confident the delegates will find it worth their time.

The two morning Plenary sessions on Wednesday 11 may 2016 are very relevant to all doctors so we have reserved 100 places for medical students, Foundation Year Doctors, GPs and Consultants to attend the following talks only:
a. Generation & Beyond, by Dr Jeremy Langton, Vice President of the Royal College of Anaesthetists (on doctors expected to work beyond 65 years of age); at 09.45-10.15.
b. History and the future of Medical Education in the UK, by Prof Val Wass, Emeritus Professor of Medical Education, Faculty of Health at Keele University; at 10.15-10.45 with a QA session 10.45-11.15.

c. Registration will be free, on a first come first served basis.

d. To register, please send an emailwith your Name, Job Title, and Trust Name

Posted April 5th 2016 (9 years ago)

GP Careers Champions

We are seeking to recruit enthusiastic GPs and senior GPSTs to be “GP Careers Champions” within the Severn Deanery. Thanks to the 100+ GPs who have already signed up - we are now looking to expand numbers as the project becomes more widely advertised.
The scheme is part of a national drive to boost GP recruitment and showcase what a fantastic career General Practice is.

Champions will:
• Be matched to a medical student or junior doctor who has expressed an interest in General Practice as a career and who would like to know more.
• Offer mentorship in a method convenient to both parties – this could be in the form of a taster day, or discussion via email, phone, skype or face-to-face.
Time commitment to the scheme can be flexible and be easily manageable around other work commitments.
As a Champion you will receive a certificate from the deanery acknowledging your participation and role in the scheme. The scheme fulfils the GMC good medical practice guidance on mentoring and provides an opportunity to take on an educational role.
If you are enthusiastic about your career, friendly, approachable and would like to get involved please complete the link below to register your interest.

If you would like further information or a copy of our FAQs, please contact here.


Posted March 21st 2016 (9 years ago)

The MDU GP Trainee Excellence Awards and Graduation

Health Education England, Severn School of Primary Care & Severn Faculty RCGP

The MDU GP Trainee Excellence Awards and Graduation

Wednesday 20th July 2016, from 2.00pm

Bristol Pavilion (Gloucestershire Cricket Club)

You are warmly invited to attend this joint annual event, which forms an important date in the GP Trainee, Severn School of Primary Care and RCGP Severn Faculty calendar. We particularly look forward to hearing about the GP trainees’ many and varied activities, and celebrating the ST3/4s’ completion of training in Severn at this annual ‘Graduation’ ceremony. Our guest speaker this year is Dr Phil Hammond who is a well-known doctor, comedian and campaigner. His Michael Lennard Lecture promises to be entertaining and stimulating.

Do come and celebrate GP training in Severn, and book your place using https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/PQQKWVS

The MDU GP Trainee Excellence Awards

We are delighted that the MDU continues to be our main sponsor. Full information about the Excellence Awards, GPST Programme Awards the Robin While Prize, including the nomination and selection process/criteria, is available on the Trainee pages of the http://primarycare.severndeanery.nhs.uk/training/trainees/awards/gp-trainee-excellence-awards-and-graduation-2016/

Posted March 4th 2016 (9 years ago)

GP Retainer Scheme

We are seeking to re-launch the Retainer Scheme for GPs in the Swindon CCG area and we are inviting applications from doctors who are interested in joining the scheme.

Applicants would be applying to work 2-4 sessions per week in a practice within the Swindon CCG area. We have identified practices across the Swindon area that have expressed an interest in hosting a doctor on the scheme.

Doctors will be employed by the practice and the salary will be negotiable with the employing practice.

The Retainer Scheme is designed for GPs who are registered on the Performers List and are able to work but have additional constraints on their availability and may need extra support in the workplace. This includes parents of young children, or children with illnesses or disabilities, doctors who themselves have illness or disability, or those who are carers for other family members. Also in this group are doctors whose co-parents travel or work abroad for a large proportion of time. Doctors on the Retainer Scheme are not allowed to do more than 6 sessions per week of medical work in total, and only a maximum of 4 of these can be in the host practice.

Application form available from jacqueline.pullin@southwest.hee.nhs.uk.

Please return to jacqueline.pullin@southwest.hee.nhs.uk by Friday, 25 March 2016.

Applicants should be available to start work within 3-6 months.

Posted March 1st 2016 (9 years ago)

2016 update of the RCGP Curriculum

The RCGP reviews the GP curriculum each year and makes changes where appropriate in response to user feedback and to ensure the content is kept up-to-date.

We are not planning any significant changes in 2016, but we have submitted a number of minor changes to GMC through their ‘administrative change process’. Changes which can been submitted through this process are limited to specific types, including corrections, clarifications, updating resources and changes resulting from national initiatives mandated by GMC.

The changes we submitted have been approved by GMC for immediate implementation. All trainees in GP specialty training programmes should now follow the 2016 version of the curriculum, which is available on the RCGP website (curriculum statements page, and the online curriculum) and through the Trainee ePortfolio.

Most of the changes are very minor, such as typograhical corrections, amendments in response to changes in curriculum terminology, amendments to improve understanding, and updating information about resources.

End-of-Life Care module

The GMC asked us to review the curriculum in the light of the review of the Liverpool Care Pathway by the Leadership Alliance on the Care of Dying People (LACDP). As a result of this review we have made some changes to the End-of-Life Care module.

These changes place increased emphasis on providing individualised care, focused on the needs and wishes of dying people and their families. They do not add any additional requirements to training or assessments, but clarify and re-emphasise certain aspects.

You can see these changes in the track-change version, which shows the main amendments to the module:

Module 3.09 End-of-Life Care (track change) [PDF].

Information about the changes, along with the revised version of the curriculum, have been posted on the RCGP website

Posted March 1st 2016 (9 years ago)


 Hot Topics GP Update Course

Tuesday 26th April 2016

NB Medical is delighted to be working with Swindon GP Education Trust to run a Hot Topics GP Update course on Tuesday 26th April 2016.

NOW AVAILABLE TO BOOK ONLINE THOUGH NB MEDICAL http://www.nbmedical.com/gp-course-access

You will need to input the suitable code (please see the below)


For 15 years NB Medical Education has been the market leader in running GP Update courses in the UK and Ireland, with over 10,000 GP’s attending our courses per year. We are passionate about primary care, and committed to helping busy primary care professionals practice evidence-based medicine in an easy, time efficient way.

Our teaching is focused on the patient, the problems they bring us and how best we can help them.

The "Hot Topics" course consists of a series of short ‘TED-style’ engaging presentations blending evidence and cases, followed by discussion which may have an impact on your practice. The course comes with a number of extra resources to give it incredible ‘added value’

  • A fully referenced book with recent summaries of the evidence for approximately 150 clinical Hot Topics commonly seen in primary care. Most of our delegates use this every day, like they use the BNF. All of the material is up to date and the material is completely 100% independent from any external influence.
  • 12 months access to the on-line electronic version of the book which is instantly searchable. All the original references and resources for GPs (e.g. links to on-line clinical calculators) and patients (e.g. patient information leaflets) are hyperlinked and just one click away.
  • NEW A CPD tracker with which you can track your CPD, including external CPD and your work with the book. At the end of the year with just one click it will collate all of this into a single pdf summary for your appraisal

Continuing Professional Development with NB Medical

Each delegate will be presented with a certificate of attendance awarding 6 CPD credits for attending the day. The

"Hot Topics" course is accredited by the Royal College of General Practitioners. On accrediting the course the RCGP assessor commented that:-

The Hot Topics GP update course is an excellent course with outstanding feedback from participants. The course is clearly designed with busy GPs in mind. The KISS summaries and Guide are an innovative idea to reinforce the course content and learning materials. It is good to note an emphasis on leadership, teaching, audit and commissioning in addition to relevant clinical topics.’

Course details and venue

Date: Tuesday 26th April 2016

Venue: Swindon Town Football Club, County Ground, County Road, Swindon, SN1 2ED

Registration: 8:30am – 9:30am

Lecture: 9:30am – 5:00pm

Course fees:  

GP Full Day - SET Member £180

GP Trainee Full Day – SET Member £135

GP Full Day – Non SET Member £195

GP Trainee Full Day – Non SET Member £135


Non set members: SWDN-82797

Set Members: SWDM-82796

Posted March 1st 2016 (9 years ago)

University of Bristol GPSoc National Conference


Saturday 12th March 2016. 09:15 – 16:00. Wills Memorial Building, Bristol.

Tickets £7.50 to include a series of talks, workshops and a panel discussion from 14 inspiring speakers as well as mid-morning refreshments and lunch. Available to buy online

Poster abstract applications open until midnight on Sunday 28th February. Posters will be displayed over lunchtime and judged by several of our speakers along with the GPSoc Committee. Prize available for the winner and certificates for all participants. Submit your abstracts here

The Programme

09:15-09:30 = Registration in Coutt’s Lecture Theare

09:30-09:40 = Welcome (in Coutts Lecture Theatre)

09:40-11:00 = Portfolio Career Panel (Speakers involved sit on the stage and each talk in turn for approximately 15 minutes followed by Q&A)

Panel lists

- Dr Jess Buchan (Primary Care Teaching Fellow, Year 4 Primary Care unit lead & GP Partner in Long Ashton, Bristol.): Experiences of undergraduate teaching and working abroad for a year as a GP in New Zealand

- Dr Laura Jarvis (RAF GP): General practice in the Armed Forces

- Dr Elaine Lunts (CCG paediatric advisor and sexual health commissioning work. GP partner in Bristol):Developing a specialist interest -paediatrics and sexual healthin the context of primary care

- Dr Shaba Nabi (Pulse columnist, Bristol GP Partner, GP Trainer, GP Appraiser, CVD Clinical Lead for Bristol CCG, LMC committee representative and mum of 3): Medial journalism, GP training and appraising and involvement with the LMC and CCG

11:00– 11:20 = Dr Simon Watkins (Undergraduate GP teacher and GP partner at The Tolsey Surgery in Wiltshire): Comparison of salaried and partner GPs and experiences of rural general practice

11:20 – 11:50 = 1st workshop (3 workshops running simultaneously in 3 separate rooms)

- Dr Anna Harrison (Severn Deanery GPST4): The GP training programme and development of a student/trainee mentor scheme as part of GPST4 leadership year

- Zoe Bush (5th year UoB medical student): ‘From Medical Student to Doctor' – applying for Foundation jobs, elective planning & presenting a poster at a national conference.

- Professor Chris Salisbury (Chair of the RCGP Scientific Foundation Board, Head of Bristol Centre for Academic Primary Care, British Journal of General Practice editorial board & part-time Bristol GP): ‘The Future of General Practice’ - drawing on areas of research including new forms of consulting

11:50 – 12:15 = Break (refreshments provided) – Room 3.23.

12:15 – 12:45 = 2nd workshop (repeat of morning workshops. See speakers above. Delegates will choose 2/3 of the workshops to attend over the course of the morning).

12:45 – 13:05 = Dr James Seddon (GPST3): Development of a general practice intercalated BSc at Bristol (including Q&A and chance for more feedback during poster presentations over lunch. N.B Dr Seddon may be on paternity leave. If so, a colleague will stand in or GPSoc committee will give short talk on iBSc plans using information given by Dr Seddon)

13:05 – 14:00 = Lunch and student poster presentations - Room 3.23. Posters will be displayed in the refreshments & reception room for delegates to read. Pre-Clinical student reflective pieces and student extra-curricular material will also be displayed.

Dr Andrew Blythe (Director of Assessments and Feedback, UoB Faculty of Health Sciences)will be talking to students about the new Primary Care textbook ‘Essential Primary Care’ co-authored by himself and Dr Jess Buchan (one of our morning panellists) at a stall in the refreshments & reception room.

Afternoon Talks - Coutt’s lecture theatre

14:00 – 14:30 = Professor Sarah Purdy (Associate Dean of the University of Bristol Faculty of Health Sciences, leader of Bristol Health Partners Avoidable Admissions Health Integration Team, RCGP Fellow & Bristol GP): ‘How do we avoid hospital admissions?’ (including overview of own pathway into academic general practice/advice on how to get there)

14:30 – 14:50 = Dr Rhiannon Field (F1 and 2015 RCGP Severn Faculty Elective Bursary winner): Elective presentation and elective planning advice

14:50 – 15:05 = Angus Thorne (Medical Sciences BSc Student – attached to St Leonard’s Research Practice with Sir Denis Pereira Gray): ‘Continuity of Care’

Keynote Address – Coutt’s lecture theatre

15:05 – 15:45 = Sir Denis Pereira Gray (Previous Chairman of the Academy of Royal Colleges, previous RCGP President, Founder of the Exeter University Postgraduate general practice department, Professor, author and GP for 38 years at St Leonard's Research Practice in Exeter): ‘Why choose a career in general practice?’ Advice on working in academic general practice, experiences of clinical medicine and reflection on the current challenges facing general practice.

15:45 – 16:00 = GPSoc Committee: Poster presentation results and close.

Venue Information

Wills Memorial Building, Queens Rd, Bristol BS8 1RJ

The event will take place on the 3rd floor. We will be using Coutt’s Lecture Theatre (3.31), lecture theatre 3.32 and seminar room 3.33 (all 3rd floor).

N.B all small talks held in Coutt’s Lecture Theatre (3.31). Workshops spread over 3.31, 3.32 and 3.33. Refreshments, lunch & poster displays will be held in room 3.23.

Posted February 16th 2016 (9 years ago)

GGPET 10th Edward Jenner Lecture & AGM

For the attention of APDs / Education Trust Core Group Members / TPDs colleagues. 

Dr Phil Hammond, a GP, journalist, broadcaster, campaigner and comedian, speaking on 'Dr Phil's NHS Revolution'

It will be held on Tuesday 8th March 2016 with hot supper from 18.30 for 19.30 start at the Hatherley Manor Hotel, Down Hatherley Lane, Gloucester, GL2 9QA http://www.hatherleymanor.com/location/.

There is parking available on site. Please join us for what promises to be an entertaining talk and all are welcome to stay for our AGM.

Please click the following link http://www.ggpet.org.uk/courses.php to book on line or e-mail Rachel.Gadsden@glos.nhs.uk or julie.nevin@glos.nhs.uk directly to book your place.


Posted February 3rd 2016 (9 years ago)

2016 Teaching workshop for GPs in training Teaching Year 3 medical students in General Practice You can choose from 3 dates and venues

This teaching opportunity and the workshop have approval and support from the Deanery

The Centre for Academic Primary Care is pleased to offer GPs in training an opportunity to develop their teaching skills. Our free half day workshop is intended for GP STs who would like to teach students in their GP practice for 4 sessions in the academic year 2016-17.

It will prepare you for teaching 3rd year medical students in your practice and provide you with hands on experience for some of the teaching competencies in the RCGP curriculum. Also, good revision for your CSA exam and something else to add to your CV?

This year you can choose from three workshop dates. Each workshop will cover the same topics
- Overview of Year 3 medical student teaching
- Planning a teaching session
- Top tips for good teaching
- Effective feedback giving

The workshops – choose one only
2nd June 1.30-5pm Deanery Hse, Vantage Park, Bristol
8th June 9.30-1.00pm Academy, Yeovil District Hospital, Yeovil
14th June 9.30-1.00pm Downsview Hse, Great Western Hospital Swindon

The facilitators
Bristol – Barbara Laue, Swindon – Kate Digby, Yeovil – Andy Eaton and Laurence Huntley

To book, please email phc-teaching@bristol.ac.uk not Pauline Harper

In your email, please state the following
- That you would like to teach a group of students in your practice in 2016-17
- That you have your GP Trainer’s permission
- Name, address and contact details for your training practice and GP Trainer
- Which workshop you would like to attend

You need to let us know by 11th May 2016

For more information please email  phc-teaching@bristol.ac.uk

Posted February 3rd 2016 (9 years ago)

UWE Open Evening to showcase new Physician Associate Studies Programme.

The Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences at the University of the West of England are hosting an open evening to showcase our new Physician Associate Studies Programme. Physician Associates are a new healthcare professional who, while not a doctor, works to the medical model, with the attitudes, skills and knowledge base to deliver holistic care and treatment within the general medical and/or general practice team under defined levels of supervision.  This new programme will be part of the Allied Health Professions Department and will incorporate a primary care focus. The open evening will involve numerous speakers, who will review this emerging professional group and the potential for this role in the Primary Care setting. The evening will also include demonstrations of the teaching facilitates here at UWE, including the simulation wards, Virtual Environment in Radiotherapy suite, X-ray room, Radiotherapy Planning suite and Paediatric Suite. The evening will be an excellent opportunity to network with colleagues in Primary Care across the region. 

The welcome reception will take place on Wednesday 24th February 2016 from 18:00-20:00 at our Glenside Campus.

RSVP to jessica.coggins@uwe.ac.uk by Wednesday 10th February. Please state any dietary or access requirements in your response.


Janice St. John-Matthews MSc, PgC(TLHE), FHEA, MInstLM
Project Lead: Physician Associate Studies Programme
CPD Lead: Allied Health Professions
Senior Lecturer: Diagnostic Imaging

Room 1K03, DAHP,
Faculty of Health & Applied Sciences
University of the West of England
Glenside Campus
Bristol BS16 1DD
Tel +44(0)117 3288843

Posted February 2nd 2016 (9 years ago)

Junior International Committee

JIC is a subcommittee of the RCGP International Programme Board (IPB), formed in 2009. It has 16 volunteer AiT and First5 doctors as its core committee and a network of interested doctors who are kept in touch via social media and meetings. The aim of the JIC is to facilitate international educational opportunities, foster international partnerships and promote a global approach to primary care.
The JIC is also the UK branch of the Vasco da Gama Movement (VdGM). This is the WONCA Europe working group for new and future general practitioners. All UK based AiT and First5 GPs are automatically members of the VdGM and can access their activities.
There are many opportunities for young GPs to be involved with global health both in the UK and farther afield. Whether volunteering abroad or taking an 'Out of Programme Experience' (OOPE), coordinating international primary care research or completing a Hippokrates exchange with a practice abroad, the JIC is here to facilitate opportunity in the international community of family medicine.


The JIC core committee is made up of five working groups:

The exchange group co-ordinates observational clinical placements for outgoing UK junior doctors and incoming junior doctors from around the world. We arrange European two week Hippokrates and fully funded Erasmus exchanges, FM360 exchanges (beyond Europe exchanges) and global conference exchanges. This year a reciprocal ongoing exchange with Japanese junior doctors was organised for the third year running. The UK is the most popular place in Europe to undertake exchange and we have a huge network of regional co-ordinators and GP hosts who help to facilitate this programme.
exchangejic@gmail.com, leonardoexchange@gmail.com


The Research group facilitates pan European research via the European research forum, helps to co-ordinate the VdGM junior researcher award and presents relevant international publications and research at domestic and international conferences. They are currently working on developing an audit and research toolkit for junior doctors undertaking out of programme experiences.


The Beyond Europe group helps to develop new partnerships and sustain existing collaborations with our networks beyond Europe to support clinical, teaching and quality improvement work including Uganda and Japan. This group is also piloting a ‘twinning’ project which links a practice in the UK to a primary care hub in a lower/middle income country (London and Ghana) to develop long term information, knowledge and exchange collaboration.


The Education and Training group aims to improve the recognition of time spent abroad as a valuable training experience and opportunity for reciprocal learning. They have been instrumental in creating the first ST4 global health post in the UK, implementing global health competencies in the UK curriculum and working towards institutional approval of study leave for exchanges.


The Image group co-ordinates the efforts of the JIC and promotes our work and affiliated opportunities. They lead JIC's contribution to the RCGP Annual Conference, the RCGP Global Health Conference and international Wonca conferences as well as maintaining the JIC website and communicating with our national and international networks through social media.




We are a passionate group believing strongly in the importance of primary care, the ethics of global health and power of voluntary collective action. If you would like to get involved, or wish to find out more, do get in touch.

Website: http://www.rcgp.org.uk/rcgp-near-you/rcgp-international/junior-international-committee.aspx
Email: chairjic@rcgp.org.uk
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/283366895074748/?bookmark_t=group
Twitter: jic@rcgpjic
Googlegroup: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/junior-rcgp-international-committee


Posted January 25th 2016 (9 years ago)

General practice 2016 photo challenge

Health Education England (HEE) is responsible for planning and supporting the development of the future workforce. We would like you to help us illustrate general practice - who works in the team, the patients that visit your surgery and the role in the community.

We are running a photo challenge open to anyone who works in primary care. We would like to create a book of photographs – an otherwise unseen snapshot of life in 2016 about your working life, capturing the realities, rewards and emotions of a typical day.

Please get involved with the challenge and for more information please visit the website



Posted January 25th 2016 (9 years ago)

Calling Trainees: Survey for GP trainees

We are a team of general practice and public health doctors who are conducting a study on perceptions around waterpipe tobacco smoking amongst general practitioners and general practice trainees in the United Kingdom (UK). Waterpipe tobacco smoking is also known as: shisha, hookah, narghile and hubble-bubble. This work is an initial scoping survey where in the future we would like to further expand on the topic with clinician interviews.

We would be very grateful if you would spare a few minutes to complete this short and anonymous questionnaire.

The questionnaire link can be viewed by clicking here

Thank you for your time

Posted January 18th 2016 (9 years ago)

Free Event: GP Appraisers and Trainers

Improving Cancer Outcomes using Significant Event Analysis & QI: Free Train-the-Trainer Learning Event.

GP Trainers are invited to this RCGP Macmillan Cancer Support event in Gloucestershire on 28th January 6.30-9.30pm, held in Gloucestershire CCG offices.

The free event will train appraisers, trainers and cancer leads in the effective use of Cancer SEAs to improve cancer outcomes (focusing on early diagnosis).

The focus will be on improving outcomes for Patients through: 

  • Free essential training and support on SEAs and Quality Improvement and to support your work locally. 
  • New Insight into Local Early Diagnosis barriers
  • Targeted Training and Quality Improvements. 


Each participant will receive a certificate for attending this RCGP event. 

For more information please contact  or visit the website 


Posted January 11th 2016 (9 years ago)

ES and CS Conferences organised for 2016

For the attention of all ESs and CSc 

Two ES and CS conferences have been organised to take place during 2016.

The conferences will both be held at Eastwood Park Conference Centre.
Address: Falfield, Wotton Under Edge GL12 8DA

Should you wish to attend, please click on the links below to register your attendance.

Spring 2016 Conference – 9th March 2016 FULLY BOOKED 
Autumn 2016 Conference – 2nd November 2016


Posted January 11th 2016 (9 years ago)

ST2+ GP trainees help required: Over The Wall camps for children with health challenges

More than two decades ago, Paul Newman had a vision: imagine if children living with serious illnesses had the chance to simply be children. To just have fun. So he started a camp where kids could, in his words, “raise a little hell.” Today, Paul’s legacy lives on in SeriousFun Children’s Network.

Over The Wall is part of this network; a UK charity who provides residential camps for children with serious illnesses, and their siblings in Scotland, the Midlands and Dorset. We give children one glorious week of experiences that are memorable, exciting, fun and empowering, in a safe environment.

To do this, we rely on doctors (ST2 and above in Paediatrics, GP or A&E with paediatric experience) like you to give up a week of your time, skills and experience and join our 'Beach Patrol' (medical team). In return, we can give you a week of fun, friendship and achievement, memories that will stay with you forever and people who will inspire you.

Visit our website to find out more and apply

Posted January 11th 2016 (9 years ago)

Editor, RCGP InnovAiT Journal. Closing Date: 22 February 2016

The RCGP wishes to appoint a GP to the post of Executive Editor of InnovAiT, the RCGP's monthly journal for GPs in training. The Editor will lead the journal, undertake editorial responsibility for the content of each issue, manage the editorial development and critical success of the publication, oversee the work of the editorial board and ensure that the editorial integrity of the publication is maintained and consistent with College standards.

The ideal candidate will have clinical experience as a GP, previous editing and writing experience, be knowledgeable of developments in GP training, general practice and medical education for primary care, and have the capacity to lead a journal and work with different stakeholders.

This role will likely take up 2–3 days per week and will be remunerated accordingly. Candidates who are able to commit to this amount of time are encouraged to apply. Expressions of interest and applications (covering letter and CV) should be sent to: helen.farrelly@rcgp.org.uk by the closing date.

Posted January 5th 2016 (9 years ago)

King's Fund GP Trainee Survey

Background to project:

There are numerous reports of a crisis in general practice but there’s no national data to explain what’s actually going on: How many more consultations are being done each week? Have the patients got more complicated?

The truth is, there's really no way of knowing at the moment. Despite the seemingly vast amounts of data that individual GP practices collect, there hasn’t been a systematic national data collection that can tell us about the number of consultations, who undertakes them or the nature of those consultations since 2008.

At The King’s Fund we’re running a project that will collect up-to-date and detailed evidence about the changes in activity in general practice in the past five years. We’re doing a combination of quantitative and qualitative research, including large-scale data analysis, fieldwork in four practices around the country and surveys.

We’re particularly keen to hear the views of GP trainees. Not only are you the next generation of GPs, but your experience of working across a number of practices will give you lots of insight into the issues we’re looking at.

For more information please contact the lead researcher Beccy Baird, Fellow in Health Policy, The King’s Fund or visit the Related blog 

 GPs we need YOUR help

GP's we would appreciate if you could complete the survey by clicking here


Thanks all,

Researchers on behalf of The Kings Fund 

Posted January 5th 2016 (9 years ago)

LAST CHANCE TO APPLY: Applications are now invited for the National Medical Director's Clinical Fellow Scheme 2016/2017

The National Medical Director’s Clinical Fellow Scheme provides doctors in training with the opportunity to spend one year working with senior leaders in national healthcare organisations including NHS England, Health Education England, Care Quality Commission and BUPA. The aim of the scheme is to help develop their skills in leadership, management, strategy, project management and health policy.

Please see below of someones experience: 

"I am a GP ST3 seconded from the end of my training and am three months into this valuable year. The way things are going in our NHS I really believe that GPs - of all the specialties - need all the exposure to leadership and management experience they can get. No matter what you end up doing after the year, you will take a huge amount from this immersive experience, and meet some extraordinary people. The scheme provides doctors in training with the unique opportunity to spend one year working with the most senior executives in leading national healthcare-affiliated organisations to develop their skills in:

- Leadership
- Management
- Strategy
- Project Management
- Health Policy

Fellows are immersed at the centre of organisations such as NHS England, Health Education England, CQC, Bupa and medical royal colleges. I am seconded to the CQC which has been fascinating, as you can imagine! I am doing collaborative work on a national scale such
as with The King's Fund and NICE, in addition to writing for journals,and doing interesting internal work. Posts are based in London and the North of England. The scheme is sponsored by Professor Sir Bruce Keogh, NHS England's National Medical Director and managed by the Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management (FMLM)."

Applications are open until 5pm on Wednesday 20th January 2016.

For more information please click here 


Posted December 21st 2015 (9 years ago)

New Hot Topics course for Trainees



  • 16th March 2016
  • Venue: London, TBC
  • A 1 day course designed especially for trainees and delivered by NB Medical Hot Topics. In addition to clinical Hot Topics for GPs the course will include Keep it Simple guidance on statistics, examination techniques and other topics relevant to GP Training.

Full details to follow.

For more information please contact 


Posted December 18th 2015 (9 years ago)

EVENT INVITATION: Professor Steve Peters - Optimising, Morale, Psychology, Wellbeing and Performance - 22nd January 2016

Professor Steve Peters will be talking about the work his organisation in West Cheshire are doing.

The event is free to NHS colleagues as we want to share the outcomes as part of our work as an NHS England Vanguard area.

They're targeting senior leaders, HR Directors and those involved in education and training.

The event will include an introductory talk from Professor Peters, workshops from his team of specialist mentors and a presentation from NHS West Cheshire on our results so far.

Aim is to help clinicians and managers to build morale and confidence, become more resilient and achieve better psychological well-being. Unless we focus on the well-being of our staff I don’t believe our vision of creating a better NHS is deliverable.


Details of the event:

Daresbury Park Hotel

Daresbury Park,



Date: Friday 22nd January 2016

Time: 9:30-1pm

Cost: Free 


For more information and to book tickets please click here. 

Posted December 18th 2015 (9 years ago)

Opportunity to become a GP Careers Champion in Severn

Recruiting enthusiastic GPs

We are seeking to recruit enthusiastic GPs and senior GPSTs to be “GP Careers Champions” within the South West Deanery.

The scheme is part of a national drive to boost GP recruitment and showcase what a fantastic career General Practice is.

Champions will:
• Be matched to a medical student or junior doctor who has expressed an interest in General Practice as a career and who would like to know more.
• Offer mentorship in a method convenient to both parties – this could be in the form of a taster day, or discussion via email, phone, skype or face-to-face.

Time commitment to the scheme can be flexible and be easily manageable around other work commitments.

As a Champion you will receive a certificate from the deanery acknowledging your participation and role in the scheme. The scheme fulfils the GMC good medical practice guidance on mentoring and provides an opportunity to take on an educational role.

If you are enthusiastic about your career, friendly, approachable and would like to get involved please complete the survey to register your interest.


If you would like further information or a copy of our FAQs, please contact  or click here.

Posted December 18th 2015 (9 years ago)

National Medical Director’s Clinical Fellow Scheme 2016/17: applications open

The National Medical Director’s Clinical Fellow Scheme provides doctors in training with the opportunity to spend one year working with senior leaders in national healthcare organisations including NHS England, Health Education England, Care Quality Commission and BUPA. The aim of the scheme is to help develop their skills in leadership, management, strategy, project management and health policy. The scheme is sponsored by Professor Sir Bruce Keogh, and managed by the Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management (FMLM). The deadline for applications is Wednesday 20 January 2016.

Posted December 7th 2015 (9 years ago)

RCGP Bright Ideas

The Clinical Innovation and Research Centre at RCGP has recently launched the Bright Ideas Portal, where we can highlight examples of innovative work that is going on in GP practices. We want this work to be recognised, celebrated and shared, in the hope that GPs will both be inspired to take up practices which have been successful elsewhere and encouraged to come up with their own innovations.

Each month three Bright Ideas will be highlighted on our web page and also promoted in our Clinical News bulletin, which goes out monthly to RCGP members. In addition to this a Bright Idea will feature in our new member magazine, GP Frontline, to promote the innovation to our members and to hopefully inspire more GPs out there. The Bright Idea which was featured in the most recent edition of GP Frontline, Shared medical appointments, has already led to reports of increasing interest both from RCGP members and 13 CCGs.

We are asking that GPs or other members of the practice team send us a short piece of writing (up to 1000 words) setting out the practice’s experiences in adopting your Bright Idea and the benefits and learning that were the result. Images and links to webpages and journal articles which provide more background information are also encouraged. We also ask that you promote this as much as possible to your networks in order to raise awareness of the innovations on the page.

If you have any examples of innovations or queries regarding the programme then please email.


Posted November 30th 2015 (9 years ago)

Opportunity to become a PLAB Part 2 Panel member

Do you know someone who might be interested?

GMC currently recruiting PLAB Part 1 and Part 2 panel members.
The PLAB test, which is in two parts, is the main route by which international medical graduates demonstrate they have the necessary skills and knowledge to practise medicine in the UK. There is a panel responsible for each part.

If you are interested, or know of someone who may be interested in becoming a PLAB Part 1 or Part 2 panel member, please click here for a full job specification and online application form.
GMC are looking for members in the following specialties for the Part 1 Panel.

  • Emergency Medicine
  • Obstetrics & Gynaecology
  • Geriatric Medicine
  • We are looking for members in the following specialties for the Part 2 Panel.
  • General Practice
  • Surgery
  • General Internal Medicine
  • Emergency Medicine
  • Paediatrics

Completed applications will need to be submitted by 14 December 2015. Interviews will be held on 4, 11, 12 and 18 February 2016.

Posted November 10th 2015 (9 years ago)

EC and CS Conferences organised for 2016

For the attention of all ECs and CSc 

Two ES and CS conferences have been organised to take place during 2016.

The conferences will both be held at Eastwood Park Conference Centre.
Address: Falfield, Wotton Under Edge GL12 8DA

Should you wish to attend, please click on the links below to register your attendance.

Spring 2016 Conference – 9th March 2016
Autumn 2016 Conference – 2nd November 2016



Posted November 10th 2015 (9 years ago)

UK Medical Education Database

The Medical Schools Council, the General Medical Council and other key interest groups are piloting a UK Medical Education Database (UKMED) which, for the first time, brings together undergraduate and postgraduate medical education data. It provides a platform for collating data on the performance of UK medical students and trainee doctors across their education and future career. These data have not been linked before and no single organisation can currently link all data on their own.

The project allows researchers to submit proposals and, subject to meeting acceptance criteria, gain access to specific data for analysis. By linking data such as assessment results, UKMED aims to highlight the paths of doctors through school, university and their career. This creates a unique environment in which new research can be undertaken in a broad range of areas to inform the development of medical education and assessment, and the future medical workforce with the ultimate aim of improving patient care. The scope of the research that can be undertaken through UKMED is potentially broad ranging from analyses of selection tests in predicting future performance, to studying how socioeconomic background might affect an applicant’s progression through their career.

Applications for access to UKMED data for research purposes are welcome, with the deadline for submission on 11 January 2016 12:00 noon GMT. The project is a pilot which will be evaluated in mid-2016.

Please share this message within your organisation and research networks. For more information, please visit the UKMED website

Kind regards

The UKMED Team

Posted October 6th 2015 (9 years ago)

Opportunity for an Educational Supervisor

The National GP Recruitment Office needs a case writer to develop questions for the Situational Judgment Test and the Clinical Problem Solving aspects of the GP recruitment process.

John Scanlon the current Severn case writer is stepping down. He writes:

'I joined this group when Bill Irish sent an ad looking for writers.

The commitment is 3 days a year ( 2+1) for meetings in a nice hotel and the time spent writing. The days pay £400 each + travel (additional supplement for the 2 day residential). There is a kitty of £2000 to pay for the individual time spent writing, again £400 a day which is reasonable.The group are really a great bunch.

The cases are written to a specific formula for the NRO and include SJTs and CPS items.

Helen Rochester is rep for Devon/Cornwall and I did discuss this with Phil Grimmer because I think it is too nice a niche to leave unfilled.'

I would be happy to speak/email anyone interested’

Please contact the GP School if you are interested.

Posted September 8th 2015 (10 years ago)

GP Recruitment Campaign

At Health Education England (HEE), we are seeking to recruit qualified GPs to become our GP ambassadors who can help support our exciting new marketing campaign ‘There’s nothing general about general practice’.

Our campaign will promote the benefit of choosing to train in general practice as a specialty and is designed to increase the number of doctors applying to GP specialty training programmes and being part of the changing and modern primary care workforce.The campaign run by our communications agency Grayling, is due launch in September 2015. It will be aimed at encouraging current foundation programme doctors to think more seriously about the role of general practitioner as a key player in the modern primary care team and to consider selecting general practice as their specialty and future career.

What is an Ambassador?

We would like our ambassadors to be enthusiastic, hands-on individuals who have completed their GP specialty training. We would like you to be the voice and face of the campaign. Key attributes include how you:

  • Find working in general practice a challenging, rewarding and fulfilling profession
  • Are a confident spokesperson who is comfortable speaking to national or regional journalists (training wil be given!)
  • Are an active user of social media, including Twitter and Facebook

As an ambassador for our national campaign you would be expected to:

  • Provide time to speak to an individual or group
  • Help us promote the campaign through your peers, colleagues and friends by word of mouth and social media
  • Write short articles and blogs highlighting what you enjoy and gives you a buzz about general practice
  • Particiapte in media activity including short interviews

What we need from you is energy and passion to tell other people what it’s like.  Even if you’ve never done anything like this before we’d really like to hear from you.

What you get from us is a chance to tell your story.  Our expert team will provide you with training and support throughout the campaign until applications close in November 2015.

Contact us now

If you think you’re up to the challenge, would enjoy the experience and want to register your interest, please get in touch by emailing the team at HEE@Grayling.com

We’re always happy to hear your thoughts and ideas and answer your questions about the campaign or role. 

Posted July 16th 2015 (10 years ago)

Selection Methodology workshop

More places are available for this event!

Register on:  http://www.severndeanery.nhs.uk/events 

Posted December 5th 2014 (10 years ago)

Recruitment to Specialty Training

Health Education England has produced a short guide to recruitment to specialty training for those applying to CT1/ST1 posts starting from August 2015, which can be viewed here.

For more information on the application process, please view the National Applicant Handbook 2015, available at www.specialtytraining.nhs.uk.

Careers advice and information can be found at www.medicalcareers.nhs.uk.


Apply via Oriel

To apply, applicants must register and apply at www.oriel.nhs.uk by the application closing date. Please register using an email address that you can access at all times.



Posted August 12th 2014 (11 years ago)

Changes to ST4-5 Training 21st August

Training for ST4-5 now relocated to Deanery House on 21st August topic, Neonatal Innovation with Dr Steve Jones

Posted November 27th 2013 (11 years ago)

Ophthalmology ST3 Interviews - Change of Date

Please note that the interview date for ST3 Ophthalmology has been changed. 

The new interview date is now Thursday 8th May. For further details please see our ST3 Ophthalmology information.

Posted November 18th 2013 (11 years ago)

GP Recruitment 2014

Level: ST1

Vacancies: 154

Duration: 3 Years

Apply from: 12 November 2013

Closing date: 5 December 2013

Applications are invited for August 2014 GP Recruitment for Severn Postgraduate Medical Education and opens at 10.00am on Tuesday 12th November 2013. Applications must be submitted by 17.00 on Thursday 5th December 2013.

The GP National Recruitment Office (NRO) are co-ordinating this national recruitment process and applications will be via the NRO website

Please refer to the person specification to check that you meet the essential eligibility criteria prior to submitting an application. This can be found on the GP NRO website

Please note, the vacancy details are indicative and may change during the course of the recruitment process.

Please click here for further information.

Posted November 12th 2013 (11 years ago)

2014 Round 1 Medical Specialty Recruitment application windows now live.

Please visit our vacancy pages for more information here.

Posted October 11th 2013 (11 years ago)

Academic Clinical Fellowships

Applications are invited from second-year general practice specialty trainees (in ST2 year) who wish to undertake clinical academic training.

Funding is now available to enable trainees to extend their training by a year, allowing part-time attachment to a university department during the ST3 and ST4 years. Further information can be found here.

Posted September 11th 2013 (12 years ago)

National Recruitment in Ophthalmology

The full timetable for ST1 recruitment has been set and is availalbe under vacancies on the website.  ST3 recruitment will take place in the national round 2 with interviews in April 2014

Posted September 11th 2013 (12 years ago)

NIHR ACF 2014 Recruitment Specialties announced.

Severn will be recruiting to Haematology, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Renal Medicine, Neurology, Emergency Medicine and General Practice. More details will be following soon.

Posted August 9th 2013 (12 years ago)

Cycling on the job

With the great British summer we are having, what better way to get around than by bike? It is sustainable, healthy and economical. Dr Annie Elkins, our ST3 sustainability scholar in 2011/12 would agree. 

Did you know GP trainees employed by Gloucester Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (the host employer) can claim 10p per mile for cycling to undertake GP home visits and other work-related activity?   As with usual expenses, claims need to be:


  • Fully itemised i.e. Including to and from details, total mileage, and dates of claim
  • Made within 3 months of the activity
  • For work-related activity only
  • Signed off by an authorised approver 

Don’t have a bike?  You may be able to apply for one on the cycle to work scheme.  Gloucester Hospitals are members of the cycle to work scheme.  Now that GP trainees are employed by them you can sign up to get a bike! There is no waiting period to be able to apply; however you need to have a contract which has at least 12 months remaining to cover the contract term. 

All staff of Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust who have a permanent contract of employment with the Trust, or a fixed term/temporary contract which is due to last at least 12 months from the date of joining the scheme are eligible.  In addition, staff must be earning enough to ensure that the salary sacrifice does not take their hourly rate of pay below the National Minimum Wage (it may be possible to avoid this happening by extending the ‘hire period’ from 12 months to 18 or 24 months).  The Trust will check all this when you apply to join the scheme. 

If you leave the employment of the Trust during the 12 month hire period, the outstanding repayment will not be through salary sacrifice, and you will not benefit from savings in tax, National Insurance etc. 

Sound like something you want to consider?  Contact Richard Giles for more information.

Posted July 26th 2013 (12 years ago)

New Vacancies- Cosmetic/Trauma/Lasers

New vacancies have been added for:

  • Reconstructive Trauma Surgery
  • Reconstructive Cosmetic Surgery
  • Therapeutic Use of Lasers
Please visit the Recruitmetn page for more information.

Posted July 16th 2013 (12 years ago)

ST3 Recruitment – 2013 Round 2

Below is the confirmed timeline for round 2 of ST3 recruitment in 2013 for RCP coordinated specialties.





ST3 job advertisements released

Wednesday 7 August

Monday 13 August

Applications open (9am, UK time)

Wednesday 21 August

Friday 24 August

Closing date for applications (1pm, UK time)

Wednesday 4 September

Monday 10 September

Interview period

Monday 16 September – Wednesday 2 October

Tuesday 18 September – Friday 5 October

First offers deadline

Friday 4 October

Wednesday 10 October

Holding deadline

Monday 7 October

Tuesday 16 October

Upgrading deadline

Tuesday 8 October


Posted May 1st 2013 (12 years ago)

Applications for ST4 Paediatrics within the Severn Deanery has now opened.

For more information please visit the Severn Deanery website.

Posted April 16th 2013 (12 years ago)

The Severn Deanery’s parent organisation has now changed to Health Education England.

As a consequence the email addresses for all Severn staff members has now changed to <name>.<surname>@southwest.hee.nhs.uk  

Posted April 12th 2013 (12 years ago)

Future Orthopaedic Surgeons (FOS)

Competition for Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery training posts remains fierce and it is important that those who wish to pursue a career in orthopaedics are aware of ways to maximise their chances of selection and demonstrate commitment to the specialty at an early stage.

Future Orthopaedic Surgeons (FOS) is the only national Trauma and Orthopaedic society for medical students and junior doctors. The FOS website and annual events offer careers advice and opportunities for prizes and publications to make your CV as competitive as possible prior to CT1 and ST3 applications.

Latest Orthopaedic News: Hear about Important Updates First Education Area including: Orthopaedic Principles, Examination & Anatomy Updates on latest Orthopaedic Prizes, Events & Courses Electives Area featuring Electives Database and Elective Reports Advice on Getting in to Orthopaedic Specialty Training Latest Orthopaedic Journal Updates and Insider Tips on Publications CT and ST3 Application Guides: Practice Interview Questions & Important Articles Early Bird Invitation and Discounts for FOSC Events eCertificate of Membership for your portfolio

Full membership of FOS is £40/year and is discounted to £30/year for medical students.

For Foundation Doctors interested in applying for T&O posts FOS offers the latest news on applications, Core Training Interview questions, MRCS questions, ACF post listings and advice on how to maximise your chances of selection.

You can also keep up to date and follow us at our Facebook page or on Twitter.

Please see FOS information on our website: http://www.futureorthopaedicsurgeons.com/

Alexander Aquilina BSc MBChB FOS Foundation Year Representative

Posted April 12th 2013 (12 years ago)

Application Process

The online application portal will open on 12 April 2013 at 12.00 noon (UK local time) and will close on 10 May 2013 at 12.00 noon (UK local time).

Trainees are advised that they have all documents which need Deanery signatures completed in good time to ensure they meet the closing deadline date

Posted April 2nd 2013 (12 years ago)

Undergraduate Clinical Teaching Fellow Posts in Swindon - Closed for applications

Dear F2 Trainees

Swindon is currently recruiting for 4 Clinical Educational Fellows (CEF) for the Academic Year beginning August 2013. These are 1 year posts in the first instance but they can be extended for a further 12 months by mutual agreement, subject to satisfactory appraisal and performance in the role.

Please see supporting documents for more information on these posts:

Clinical Education Fellow

CEF Job Description

Clinical Education Fellow - Sim

Person Specification Sim Fellow

CF Simulation JDV3

If you are interested in discussing the posts, please contact one of the current CEF’s Dr Amy Hawkins, Dr Mirella Masiello or Dr Victoria Taylor. If you would like to apply please send a brief CV and a personal statement to Kevin Jones of no more than 600 words setting out why you want the post . An initial meeting or telephone conversation can be arranged with Kevin Jones prior to the closing date: 19 April 2013. Interviews will take place on 3 May 2013 at the Academy in Swindon.

Posted March 26th 2013 (12 years ago)

ST4 Advanced Psychiatry Recruitment-August 2013 intake. Candidates now being called for interview.

Posted March 6th 2013 (12 years ago)

Sub-Specialty Training in Head and Neck Surgical Oncology - Extension of Closing Date

The closing date for applications to Advanced Sub-Specialty Training in Head and Neck Surgical Oncology has been extended from Friday 15th March to Monday 18th March 2013 at 10am.

Posted February 20th 2013 (12 years ago)

ST4 Applications for Emergency Medicine Opens on Monday 25th February 2013.

Applications for ST4 Emergency Medicine Open on the 25th of February. The Yorkshire and Humber Deanery will be running the recruitment process nationally. The Severn Deanery has declared 11 posts available and interested parties should use the following link to find further information and to apply:


Posted February 7th 2013 (12 years ago)

Maternal and Fetal Medicine (1 post) and Reproductive Medicine (1 post) sub specialty training opens on 11th February 2013

Please visit our Sub-Specialty Training posts section for further details on posts available.

Posted February 7th 2013 (12 years ago)

Training Interface Group Fellowships in Cleft Lip and Palate Surgery – Applications Now Open.

The window to submit applications for Advanced Sub-Specialty Training in Cleft Lip and Palate Surgery is now open.  Please click here to access the advert and to apply.  Applications close on the 20th March 2013 at 10am.


Posted January 23rd 2013 (12 years ago)

ST4 Advanced Psychiatry for 2013 opens on 23th January 2013.

Please visit our Recruitment/Specialty Recruitment section for further details on posts available.

Posted January 18th 2013 (12 years ago)

ACCS Anaesthetics/Anaesthetics Interviews Cancelled

Due to the adverse weather conditions the ACCS Anaesthetics and Anaesthetic CT1 interviews have been cancelled. All candidates are instructed not to travel to the Deanery. Deanery staff will be in touch with all affected candidates with information about rearrangements. We thank you for your understanding.

Posted January 9th 2013 (12 years ago)

Academic Clinical Fellow Offers.

Academic Clinical Fellow in Paediatrics and Forensic Psychiatry offers will be made form 14th January 2013.

Posted January 9th 2013 (12 years ago)

National Recruitment in Ophthalmology invitations.

Invitations to interview will be issued form the 16th of January 2013.

Posted December 5th 2012 (12 years ago)

UK Offers System

With regards to recruitment 2013, UK Offers System loggings will be expected to be issued on 18th and 19th December 2012.

Posted December 5th 2012 (12 years ago)

2013 Round 1 Recruitment Application Window Closes this week.

Specialty Training in Ophthalmology Longlisting takes place from the 10th December 2012.

Posted November 22nd 2012 (12 years ago)

You Can Now Follow Us on Twitter!

You can now follow Severn Deanery Latest Vacancies and Recruitment News on this website.          




Posted November 22nd 2012 (12 years ago)

The Timetable for Round 1 ST3 2013 Recruitment to the RCP Co-ordinated Specialties:

The timetable for Round 1 ST3 2013 Recruitment to the RCP Co-ordinated Specialties is now confirmed as follows:

Positions advertised by Friday 15th February 2013
Applications open Thursday 28th February 2013
Applications close Wednesday 20th March 2013
National Long-listing and short-listing (where applicable) Thursday 21st –  Thursday 28th March 2013
Interviews Monday 8th April to Thursday 9th May 2013
Offers holding deadline Thursday 31st May 2013
National Clearing  Monday 3rd June 2013 onwards

For further Information regarding ST3 Medicine Recruitment please click on the following link; here





Posted November 22nd 2012 (12 years ago)

2013 National Recruitment in Ophthalmology Application Window Opens Tomorrow.

National Recruitment in Ophthalmology - Specialty Training Level 1 (ST1) and Level 3 (ST3) - Applications will be submitted via the Intrepid Pathway recruitment portal.

Posted November 19th 2012 (12 years ago)

NIHR ACFs 2013 currently being shortlisted.

Invite to interview date to be comfirmed.

Posted November 7th 2012 (12 years ago)

2013 Round 1 Recruitment Application Window Opens on Monday 12th November 2012.

Posted November 5th 2012 (12 years ago)

GP Specialty Training Posts – Applications open 12th November 2012

There are 135 GP ST1 posts available in the School of Primary Care, Severn Deanery from August 2013. This includes 3 GP ACF posts in Bristol.

The person specification can be found on the GP NRO website.

Applications can be made on the GP NRO website. Applications open at 9.00am on Monday 12th November 2012 and close at NOON on Friday 7th December 2012.

Further information about GP training at the Severn Deanery is available here. There is also further information about the GP National Recruitment Process on the GP NRO website.

Clare Whittle | GP Recruitment and Selection Manager (maternity cover)

Posted November 5th 2012 (12 years ago)

GP Academic Clinical Fellowship Posts – Applications open 12th November 2012

There are 3 academic posts available in the School of Primary Care, Severn Deanery from August 2013 (ST1 intake). One post is NIHR funded and the other two are locally funded.

The person specification for entry is common to all Deaneries in England.

Applications for these highly competitive posts are made by completing both the standard GP training application and the additional academic training form on the GP National Recruitment Office (NRO) website. Applicants must demonstrate suitability for a clinical GP training programme in order to be considered for an academic programme. Those making an unsuccessful application for academic training will still be considered for a standard GP specialty training programme.

Applications open at 9.00am on Monday 12th November 2012 and close at NOON on Friday 7th December 2012.

Further information is available here and also on the Severn Deanery Clinical Academic Training website and on the GP NRO website.

 Clare Whittle | GP Recruitment and Selection Manager (maternity cover)

Posted October 24th 2012 (12 years ago)

Academic Clinical Fellow Post - Severn Deanery - applications now open

This is an NIHR funded Academic Clinical Fellow post due to start August 2013 as part of the South West Public Health Specialty Training Programme. The post is linked to the University of Bristol.

The closing date for applications is on 12th November 2012.

To find out more information and to apply please visit the Severn Deanery web-site.

Posted October 24th 2012 (12 years ago)

Academic Clinical Fellow Post - Peninsula Deanery - applications now open

This is an NIHR funded Academic Clinical Fellow post due to start August 2013 as part of the South West Public Health Specialty Training Programme.

The closing date for applications is 09:00 hours on 12th November 2012.

To find out more information and to apply please visit Peninsula Deanery web-site.

Posted October 23rd 2012 (12 years ago)

ST3 Medicine Recruitment R2

The holding period has now ended. We are currently recycling any remaining posts for offer.

Posted October 4th 2012 (12 years ago)

2013 Academic Clinical Recruitment

The Severn Deanery will be recruiting to academic posts within the following specialties:

Emergency Medicine (CT1), Forencis Psychiatry (ST4), General Psychiatry (ST1 or 2), Anaesthetics (ST3), Ophthalmology (ST3), Paediatrics (ST1, 2 or 3), Public Health (ST1)

The full details will be available on the Deanery website from the 15th of October. The closing date for applications will be the 12th of November and the interviews will be held from the 27th of November onwards.

Posted October 1st 2012 (12 years ago)

Round 2 Offers for Diabetes and Endocrinology

Round 2 interviews for Diabetes and Endocrinology have now finished. We will be making offers from Wednesday 3rd October 2012.

Posted September 25th 2012 (13 years ago)

Sub-Specialty Training Fellow in Maternal and Fetal Medicine.

The Severn Deanery is currently advertising for a Sub-Specialty Training Fellow in Maternal and Fetal Medicine (Obstetrics and Gynaecology) in Bristol. The closing date is 26th October 2012, with interviews locally on 29th November 2012. Please visit our vacancy pages for more information here.

Posted September 24th 2012 (13 years ago)

Rheumatology Posts for R2.

Rheumatology posts for R2 will be offered from Wednesday the 26th September 2012.

Posted September 14th 2012 (13 years ago)

ST3 Round 2 Medicine - Konetic system problem

We have received reports this afternoon of an issue within the Konetic system that has rejected all of the applicants for ST3 round 2.

The Royal College are aware of this issue and are working with Konetic as we speak to rectify this problem.  RCP are confident that this will be resolved by 3pm this afternoon.

We would ask in the meantime that you do not anything to change your application.

Posted September 11th 2012 (13 years ago)

CT1 Core and ST4 Advanced Psychiatry Specialties post now open

The advertisement for CT1 Core Psychiatry and ST4 Advanced Psychiatry specialties for February 2013 intake is now placed by the Royal College of Psychiatrists. The College application window opens today 20th September 2012 and closes on 10th October 2012. Please visit our vacancy pages for more information here.

Posted September 10th 2012 (13 years ago)

National Recruitment in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery applications

Applications are now being accepted for ST3 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Round 2.

The window for receiving applications will close on the 5th October 2012 at 10:00.

Please see the following link for more information and applicant guidance here.

Posted September 6th 2012 (13 years ago)

National Recruitment in Medicine applications closing on Monday 10th September 2012 at 1pm

Interviews taking place on Tuesday 18th September and Tuesday 9th October 2012.

Further information can be found here




Posted August 23rd 2012 (13 years ago)

National Recruitment in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

We will be running a second round of recruitment for OMFS. The details will be published on the Deanery website and NHS Jobs on the 7th of September with a closing date of the 5th of October. The interviews will be held on the 9th of November in Bristol and candidates will be invited to interview from the 18th of October.

Posted August 14th 2012 (13 years ago)

National Round 2 Recruitment in Medicine

We are now accepting applications for the Round 2 National Recruitment process in Clinical Oncology, Dermatology, Endocrinology and Diabetes, Rehabilitation Medicine and Rheumatology.

Please use this link to access further information regarding the application process.

Posted August 14th 2012 (13 years ago)

OMFS ST3 Round 2

The advertisement and application window for ST3 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery will open on Friday 7th September 2012.

Posted July 26th 2012 (13 years ago)

Training Interface Group Fellowships

The application window for Reconstructive Cosmetic Surgery, Reconstructive Trauma Surgery, Therapeutic Use of Lasers and Skin Cancer will now open on Friday 3rd August.


Posted July 5th 2012 (13 years ago)

Round 2 Royal College of Physicians ST3 Recruitment (Summer-Autumn 2012)

A second round of ST3 recruitment will be held in the summer of 2012, the timeline for R2 recruitment co-ordinated by the RCP is set as follows, however this is subject to change.

Timeline for 2012 ST3 Recruitment - Round 2

Vacancies Advertised - Friday 10 August 2012

Applications open - Friday 24 August 2012 (9.00am, UK time)

Applications close - Monday 10 September 2012 (1.00pm, UK time)

Interviews Held*  - Tuesday 18 September - Tuesday 9 October 2012

Offers Sent Out - deanery/UoA-specific first iteration of offers no later than Thursday 11 October 2012

Offer-holding Deadline - Tuesday 16 October 2012

National Clearing - tbc (likely mid-late October 2012)

Post Start Date - from late 2012 up to 31 March 2013

For further information regarding ST3 Recruitment in Round 2 2012 please click here

Posted July 5th 2012 (13 years ago)

Autumn Recruitment in Psychiatry

The Severn Deanery will be taking part in the Autumn Recruitment round in conjunction with the Royal College of Psychiatrists to fill vacant postgraduate training posts for the February 2013 intake.The current training programmes which have confirmed their intentions to participate are:

Core Psychiatry CT1

ST4 Psychiatry of Learning Disabilities

ST4 Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Other specialties may notify of their intentions to participate at a later date so please keep checking the Severn Deanery’s website for further information.

The recruitment timetable has been out lined below. Applications are to be made through the Royal College of Psychiatry’s Konetic application portal. Further information can be found on their website

Stage - February Intake CT1 & ST4

Vacancy numbers - Submitted to College by 5 September 2012

Advertisement - 12 September–10 October 2012

Application - 20 September–10 October 2012

Anti-plagiarism checks - 11 October 2012

Longlisting - 12–19 October 2012

Shortlisting - 22 October–2 November 2012

Interview invites - Immediately after shortlisting but not later than 6 November 2012

Interviews - 20 November–7 December 2012

Initial offers - Immediately after interviews but not later than 14 December 2012

Holding - No holding

Clearing - 17-21 December 2012

Posted June 28th 2012 (13 years ago)

Training Interface Group Recruitment Update

Recruitment for Advanced Training Fellowship posts for 2012 and 2013 will begin on Friday 27th July 2012 for the following specialties: Reconstructive Cosmetic Surgery, Trauma Surgery, Therapeutic use of Lasers and Skin Cancer.

Full details of the fellowships will be placed on the Severn Deanery website and NHS jobs.

Posted June 12th 2012 (13 years ago)

Specialty Recruitment

A second round of recruitment for positions starting in February 2013 will shortly commence. Full details of the vacancies will appear on the Deanery website and NHS Jobs. For the most up to date information regarding eligibility criteria and applicant guidance please refer to the MMC Website (http://www.mmc.nhs.uk/)

Posted May 17th 2012 (13 years ago)

Coming Soon

The timetable for 2013 Specialty recruitment will be released soon.

Posted May 11th 2012 (13 years ago)

Lecturer/Academic Training Fellow in Public Health

Applications are invited for the above post/s. The closing date will be 25th May 2012 and the interview will take place on 12th June 2012. The start date will be August 2012.

This post is appropriate for those who have completed Part A with 12-18 months service experience in public health. Experience of research and teaching in fields relevant to public health would be an advantage, as would evidence of the ability to complete research projects, including the publication of scientific papers and reports. This post is open to applicants from clinical and non-clinical backgrounds.

The academic base throughout will be the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, University of the West of England. The post will be for up to three years pro rata and is not suitable for StRs who are one year or less from their CCT date, pro rata for part-time StRs. The post is split 70:30 between the University and the local Public Health service base.

To apply please visit our vacancies page.

Posted April 12th 2012 (13 years ago)

New NHS South of England website

The new NHS South of England website has now been launched and can be found at www.southofengland.nhs.uk.

Visit the site to find out more about what’s happening in our part of the NHS.

Posted March 14th 2012 (13 years ago)

Rehabilitation Medicine ST3

Rehabilitation Medicine ST3 Recruitment

 The Severn Deanery are managing the Rehabilitation Medicine Recruitment Process for 2012 and all applications will be handled via the RCP national application model.

 Please click here for further details.

Posted March 2nd 2012 (13 years ago)

National Recruitment in Advanced Psychiatric Training (ST4)

Please note national recruitment in Advanced Psychiatric training (ST4) for August 2012 opened on 17 February 2012 and closes on 8 March 2012. Please visit our Recruitment section for available posts and interview dates.

Posted February 23rd 2012 (13 years ago)

Applicant Feedback

The Severn Deanery will be providing feedback to Ophthalmology candidates by the end of this week, feedback to candidates for other specialties will be completed within the next few weeks.

Posted February 7th 2012 (13 years ago)

Applications for Recruitment into CT2 and Higher Specialty Training posts open soon.

Opening and closing dates may vary according to specialty, please check specific specialty vacancy pages in our Recruitment Section for further details.

Posted December 8th 2011 (13 years ago)

Applications for many specialties are fast approaching

Please ensure that you have checked the specialty training closing date, applications for many specialties are fast approaching.

Note late applications will not be accepted.

Posted December 7th 2011 (13 years ago)

Academic Clinical Fellow for General Surgery

The Academic Clinical Fellow for General Surgery will be advertised in mid February 2012 by the KSS Deanery as part of the national recruitment for ST3 General Surgery.

The ACF will undergo training in research methodology in randomised clinical trials (RCTs) in surgery and undertake research projects with the supervision of Professor Blazeby, within the University of Bristol. They will also achieve the following objectives:

(a) Present research at national, international and regional conferences

(b) Submit papers for publication in peer reviewed journals

(c) Develop teaching skills

(d) Obtain an NIHR research fellowship or equivalent to enable initiation of doctoral studies

Posted November 30th 2011 (13 years ago)

Stroke Post

The Severn Deanery is recruiting for sub specialty posts in Stroke Medicine. Currently there are 2 positions available, with the possibility of a further 2 posts becoming available depending on funding. The vacancy numbers could therefore increase. Applications are invited from existing holders of a National Training Number or equivalent for a year’s training in Stroke Medicine.

The posts available form part of the Department of Health initiative to increase the number of Stroke Physicians in the UK in response to the National Stroke Strategy.  A year of tailored and supervised training in stroke medicine, which is usually taken as an additional year within an existing SpR/StR programme in one of the major medical specialties, will lead to subspecialty accreditation in Stroke Medicine and would be particularly suitable for doctors with SpR/ST3+ experience and career intentions in General or Acute Medicine, Medicine for the Elderly or Neurology.

For more information please view the vacancy Stroke Medicine Training Fellowship.

Posted November 28th 2011 (13 years ago)

National Ophthalmology Recruitment

Vacancies are available for August 2012 and February 2013. Vacancies for February 2013 are available in East Midlands.

Posted November 25th 2011 (13 years ago)

Specialty Training 2012

Applications can now be submitted.  Please check individual closing dates as they do vary.

Posted November 22nd 2011 (13 years ago)

GP Applications for August 2012 intake now open!

Applications are now open for the August 2012 intake for GPs including academic clinical fellowships.

For further information please see the “How to Apply” section of the School of Primary Care website.

Applications can be made via the NRO website.

Closing date for applications is Friday 9th December 2011 at noon.

Contact: Clare Whittle, Recruitment and Selection Manager, School of Primary Care.

Posted November 21st 2011 (13 years ago)

Recruitment into Specialty Training for 2012 Opens for Applications (for most specialties) on 25 November 2011

Closing dates may vary, please check the specialty vacancy page in our recruitment section for further details.

Posted November 21st 2011 (13 years ago)

Stroke Fellowship Posts

The Severn Deanery is recruiting for sub specialty posts in Stroke Medicine. Currently there are 2 positions available, with the possibility of a further 2 posts becoming available depending on funding. The vacancy numbers could therefore increase. Applications are invited from existing holders of a National Training Number or equivalent for a year’s training in Stroke Medicine.

The posts available form part of the Department of Health initiative to increase the number of Stroke Physicians in the UK in response to the National Stroke Strategy. A year of tailored and supervised training in stroke medicine, which is usually taken as an additional year within an existing SpR/StR programme in one of the major medical specialties, will lead to subspecialty accreditation in Stroke Medicine and would be particularly suitable for doctors with SpR/ST3+ experience and career intentions in General or Acute Medicine, Medicine for the Elderly or Neurology.

For more information please click here



Posted October 12th 2011 (13 years ago)

Academic Clinical Fellow (ACF) Recruitment for 2012 opens

Recruitment for NIHR ACF posts for 2012 will begin on 17th October 2011 for the following specialties:

Public Health Medicine (2) (ST1)
Core Psychiatry (ST1/2)
Anaesthetics (ST3)
Diabetes/endocrinology (ST1-3)
Renal medicine (ST3/4)
Paediatrics (ST1-4)
Trauma & Orthopaedics (ST3)
*General Practice (2) (ST1)
*General surgery (ST3)

Closing date for applications will be 14th November 2011.  Shortlisting and interviews will take place between December 2011 and January 2012.  All offers will be made by 27th January 2012.

Please visit www.severndeanery.nhs.uk or http://primarycare.severndeanery.org./recruitment (for the 2 GP posts only) for further information regarding the posts and the full applicaiton process.  

 *The general surgery post will be recruited through the national pilot, and the GP posts through the general VTS round in early 2012.




Posted September 29th 2011 (14 years ago)

Advanced Training Posts in Reconstructive Cosmetic Surgery and Therapeutic Use of Lasers

Applications are now open for advanced training fellowships in Reconstructive Cosmetic Surgery and Therapeutic Use of Lasers.

Please see the Severn Deanery recruitment page for further details.

Closing date for applications is 13th October 2011 at 9am.

Posted September 26th 2011 (14 years ago)

National Recruitment to Advanced Training Posts in Reconstructive Cosmetic Surgery

The Severn Deanery supports the Joint Committee on Surgical Training and the Training Interface Group in Reconstructive Cosmetic Surgery with recruitment to Advanced Training Fellowships. The forthcoming recruitment is currently under review and details will be published shortly.

If you would like to register your interest for this recruitment round please send an email to Severn.STSupport@southwest.nhs.uk and we will notify applicants when more information about the fellowships is available and the window for submission of applications.

Please note that the Deanery cannot be held liable if candidates miss the application window.

Posted September 21st 2011 (14 years ago)

National recruitment in Ophthalmology

The Severn Deanery will be co-ordinating national recruitment for 2012. 

Full details of the vacancies and application process will be available from the 11th of November 2011, along with access to register core information with Intrepid Pathway (on-line application portal).  The specialty application form will be available for completion from the 25th of November 2011 until the closing date of the 9th of December 2011.  Candidates will be required to submit one application and preference the Deaneries they would like to undertake training. 

Posted September 21st 2011 (14 years ago)

ST4 posts in Psychiatry - Autumn Recruitment

Autumn ST4 recruitment round in Psychiatry, for posts commencing February 2012, opened for applicants to apply via the Royal College portal https://trainingjobs.rcpsych.ac.uk/cacVacancies on 16 September 2011. Closing date 3 October 2011.  Further details, including interview dates are available in our Specialty Recruitment section http://www.severndeanery.nhs.uk/recruitment/vacancies/?category=Specialty+Recruitment 

Vacancies are in:

  • ST4 Old Age Psychiatry
  • ST4 Psychotherapy
  • ST4 Psychiatry of Learning Disabilities

Posted September 8th 2011 (14 years ago)

ST4 posts in Psychiatry - Autumn Recruitment

Autumn ST4 recruitment round in Psychiatry, for posts commencing February 2012, will be open for applicants to apply via the Royal College portal https://trainingjobs.rcpsych.ac.uk/cacVacancies from 16 September 2011. Closing date 3 October 2011.  Further details, including interview dates are available in our Specialty Recruitment section http://www.severndeanery.nhs.uk/recruitment/vacancies/?category=Specialty+Recruitment 

Vacancies are in:

  • ST4 Old Age Psychiatry
  • ST4 Psychotherapy
  • ST4 Psychiatry of Learning Disabilities


Posted August 15th 2011 (14 years ago)

Stroke Medicine Training Fellowship

Applications are now open for a one-year training fellowship in Stroke Medicine based at The Great Western Hospital, Swindon.

Please see the Severn Deanery recruitment page for further details.

Closing date for applications is 8th September 2011.

Posted August 11th 2011 (14 years ago)

ST4 in Psychiatry-Autumn Recruitment

Autumn ST4 recruitment round in Psychiatry, for posts commencing February 2012, will be open for applicants to apply via the Royal College portal from 16 September 2011. Closing date 3 October 2011.  Further details will be available soon on the Royal College website: http://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/training/nationalrecruitment.aspx

Vacancies will be in:

  • ST4 Old Age Psychiatry
  • ST4 Psychotherapy
  • ST4 Psychiatry of Learning Disabilities


Posted August 10th 2011 (14 years ago)

Applications open on 26th August for RCP co-ordinated ST3 medical specialties

The Severn Deanery will be recruiting to posts in Acute Medicine, Endocrinology and Diabetes, Cardiology and Renal Medicine.  Please see the Recruitment page for further information.  

Posted July 14th 2011 (14 years ago)

Autumn Recruitment 2011

Autumn Specialty Recruitment 2011

RCP co-ordinated ST3 medical specialties – advertisement period from 8 August 2011, with application window open from 26 August 2011.

Anaesthetics ST3 - advertisement period from 30 August 2011, closing date 28 September 2011.

Royal College of Psychiatry co-ordinated ST4 Psychiatry specialties – advertisement period from 3 September 2011, with application window open from 16 September 2011.

Posted July 13th 2011 (14 years ago)

Rheumatology Round 2 National Recruitment

Shortlisting for the second round of National Recruitment to Rheumatology is currently being undertaken.  Successful candidates will be invited to interview by no later than 4.30pm on Thursday 14th July 2011.

Posted July 6th 2011 (14 years ago)

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery National Recruitment - Autumn Recruitment Round Confirmed

It has been confirmed there will be a national Autumn recruitment round for OMFS ST3 - Applications will open on the 17th of September 2010

Posted July 6th 2011 (14 years ago)

Anaesthetics ST3

We will be shortly recruiting to Anaesthetic ST3 posts.  Applications open on the 28th of August and closes on the 27th of September 2010.  If you have an enquiry prior to the full details being available on the website please contact the Deanery via the messaging facility to the left.


Posted July 6th 2011 (14 years ago)

Demonstrator in Anatomy

The University of Bristol is currently recruiting for two Demonstrators in Anatomy.  The link below will provide full details

 Demonstrator in Anatomy (two posts) (ref. 15646)

Posted July 6th 2011 (14 years ago)

Autumn Recruitment

To be eligible to apply for the posts advertised on our website you will need to have achieved the appropriate experience by February or March 2011.  For full details please refer to the person specifications on our website.

If you have a question please contact the Recruitment Team: 01454 252610

Posted July 6th 2011 (14 years ago)

National Recruitment in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

National recruitment to OMFS will open on the 17th of September. 

There will be vacancies availalbe within:

  • Northern Deanery
  • North Western
  • West Midlands
  • London & KSS
  • East of England
  • Oxford


Posted July 6th 2011 (14 years ago)

Academic Clinical Fellow Vacancies

Recruitment will start on the 1st November 2010 and the closing date for applications will be 3rd December 2010.  Full details will appear on our website shortly and the advertisement will appear in NHS Jobs.  If you have any questions regarding the specialties that will be available please contact our Recruitment Team on 01454 252610.

Posted July 6th 2011 (14 years ago)

Academic Clinical Fellows-2011


Public Health Medicine

General Practice

Emergency Medicine

General Psychiatry


Renal Medicine




Recruitment for NIHR ACFs will begin 1st November 2010 and the closing date for applications will be 3rd December 2010.

Furthe details regarding academic training please visit  - http://academic.severndeanery.org/

Posted July 6th 2011 (14 years ago)

Recruitment for 2011

Applications open 3rd December and close 20th December.

Posted July 6th 2011 (14 years ago)

Advanced Training Post in Cleft Lip and Palate Surgery

Applications will open on Monday 18th October 2010, full details on www.severndeanery.nhs.uk.

Interviews on 7th January 2011.


Posted July 6th 2011 (14 years ago)

Emergency Medicine ST4 posts

3 posts within the Severn Deanery which are currently being recruited by the Yorkshire and Humber Deanery through national recruitment. If you wish to apply please check the Yorkshire and Humber Deanery website www.yorksandhumberdeanery.nhs.uk -the application process is currently open and will close on 12th November 2010.

Posted July 6th 2011 (14 years ago)

Public Health Specialty Training - Recruitment 2011

The South West offers fantastic opportunities to train as a specialist in public health, in one of the UK’s most popular regions to live and work in.  

Applications for the 2011 recruitment are expected to open from December 2010

Recruitment for public health is managed nationally with applicants making a single application with expressed preference for specific programmes and geographical zones. Assessment and selection is standardised across several centres in the UK. The public health specialty training programme selection process uses evidence based and validated selection methodology.

We recruit into the programme annually, in line with national guidance and requirements. Our programme is open to candidates from medical and non-medical backgrounds according to nationally agreed eligibility criteria. Queries regarding recruitment to the South West programme should be directed to the Programme Director, Dr Chris Hine, through the Programme Co-ordinator  beth.carpenter@bristol.nhs.uk

2011 Recruitment details

Recruitment into PH in England and Wales follows a nationally standardised process which is being administered through East Midlands deanery with input from the Severn Deanery.

National specialty training information for all specialties can be accessed through the MMC Specialty Training pages . Please be certain that you are reading the correct version of these pages as relevant to the 2010/11 round of appointments

Potential applicants are encouraged to read the guidance on immigration issues on the MMC Overseas Applicants pages.

Vacancies in the 2011 recruitment round will be advertised nationally (BMJ, HSJ) with applications expected to open in December 2010. Details will also be available on the Faculty of Public Health website http://www.fph.org.uk/. Interested applicants are advised to watch the FPH website for regularly updated details for the application round.

The expected start date for successful applicants is August 2011.

The anticipated outline of and timetable for the application process is given below

  • Advertisement: November 19th
  • Electronic applications will open for registration from November 19th
  • On line application systems open from 3rd December 2010. Applications close December 20th
  • Applicants successful at long listing (eligibility testing) will be invited to a full day assessment centre (written tests of numerical and critical reasoning and a situational judgement [scenario based] test) w/b 24th January 2011. Assessment centres will be held in a number (probably three) locations around the country.
  • Applicants will need to reach a minimum standard at the tests of numeracy and critical reasoning. Applicants passing this standard will then be ranked according to their scores.
  • Applicants at the top end of the ranking for written tests will be invited to a half day selection centre (face to face assessment) during the period 28th February – 2nd March

In 2011 a single national selection centre will be held in the West Midlands, probably in Birmingham. Every effort will be made to identify a location with good public transport facilities.


Applicants will make a single electronic application and will be required to state, in preference order, their deaneries, or where relevant sub programmes, of choice. Offers to applicants meeting the minimum required standards at interview will be made according to the final ranking scores in line with expressed preferences until all spaces are filled in all programmes. Applicants are advised to think carefully about preferencing. Final scores take account of written test scores as well as interview scores.


Posted July 6th 2011 (14 years ago)

ACF in Public Health

Details published Monday the 1st of November for the Academic Clinical Fellow in Public Health. 

Posted July 6th 2011 (14 years ago)

Quick Guide to Specialty Training

Modernising Medical Careers (MMC) have produced a quick guide to recruitment to Specialty Training, more details can be found on the Recruitment page.

Posted July 6th 2011 (14 years ago)

GP Specialty Training Programmes Now Open

Applications for GP specialty training programmes are now officially open!

Please visit the GP Recruitment website for further information.


Posted July 6th 2011 (14 years ago)

Ophthalmology Specialty training and ACF

If you wish to apply for both posts, you need to submit 2 independant applications for each. Interviews to be held on 20/01/2011.

Posted July 6th 2011 (14 years ago)

Important amendment to the plan for the method of issuing Round 1 offers in England

Please click here for more detailed information.


Posted July 6th 2011 (14 years ago)

Sending a Recruitment Inquiry?

When sending an email, via the contact field, please include which specialty you are inquiring about to help us deal with your question efficiently.

Posted July 6th 2011 (14 years ago)

GP Speciality Training Programmes

Only a few days left to apply for GP Speciality Training Programmes. Don’t miss out! Closing date for applications is Sunday 19th December 2010. No late applications will be accepted – please visit Severn School of Primary Care for further information.

Posted July 6th 2011 (14 years ago)

Neurosurgery- 2011 Applications

The application deadline for these posts has been extended to 24th December 2010 at 12pm. Yorkshire and Humberside Deanery are hosting these applications.

Posted July 6th 2011 (14 years ago)

Core Psychiatry CT1 2011

Please note that Core Psychiatry has now re-opened for applciations and will now close on 14th January 2011.   National recruitment interviews for Severn are now only to be held on Thursday 17th February 2011’


Posted July 6th 2011 (14 years ago)

Obstetrics and Gynaecology ST1 2011

National recruitment interviews for Severn are now only to be held on 14th and 15th January 2011.

Posted July 6th 2011 (14 years ago)

Round 2 Specialty Recruitment Opens 7th February 2011

 Please see below for details of Severn Deanery Vacancies.



Likely Number of Vacancies

Recruitment Lead

Applications Open

Applications Close

Acute Medicine



Royal College of Physicians

4 March 2011

23 March 2011




West Midlands Deanery

to be advised

to be advised




West Midlands Deanery

to be advised

to be advised

Cardiothoracic Surgery



Wessex Deanery

7 February 2011

7 March 2011

Clinical Neurophysiology



Yorkshire & Humber Deanery

to be advised

to be advised




North Western Deanery

to be advised

to be advised

Diabetes & Endocrinology



Royal College of Physicians

4 March 2011

23 March 2011 




Royal College of Physicians

4 March 2011

23 March 2011

Geriatric Medicine



Royal College of Physicians

4 March 2011

23 March 2011

Genito-Urinary Medicine



Royal College of Physicians

4 March 2011

23 March 2011




Royal College of Physicians

4 March 2011

23 March 2011




London Deanery

to be advised

to be advised

Medical Oncology



KSS Deanery

to be advised

to be advised




Royal College of Physicians

4 March 2011

23 March 2011

Occupational Medicine



Severn Deanery

4 March 2011

23 March 2011




Severn Deanery


Paediatric Cardiology



Severn Deanery

4 March 2011

23 March 2011

Palliative Medicine



Royal College of Physicians

4 March 2011

23 March 2011

Psychiatry - Forensic



Royal College of Psychiatrists

18 February 2011

7 March 2011 

Psychiatry - General Adult



Royal College of Psychiatrists

18 February 2011

7 March 2011

Psychiatry - Learning Disabilities



Royal College of Psychiatrists

18 February 2011

7 March 2011

Psychiatry - Old Age



Royal College of Psychiatrists

18 February 2011

7 March 2011

Rehabilitation Medicine



Severn Deanery

4 March 2011

23 March 2011

Renal Medicine



Royal College of Physicians

4 March 2011

23 March 2011

Renal Medicine



Severn Deanery

1 February 2011

22 February 2011

Respiratory Medicine



Royal College of Physicians

4 March 2011

23 March 2011




Severn Deanery

4 March 2011

23 March 2011

Trauma & Orthopaedics


 to be advised

Yorkshire & Humber Deanery

to be advised

to be advised


Posted July 6th 2011 (14 years ago)

Stand Alone F2 Recruitment 2011

Application Process opens: Monday, 7 February 2011

Application Process closes: Monday, 7 March 2011 (12 noon)

Interviews: Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Further details will be published on the Severn Foundation School website on Monday, 7 February 2011.


Posted July 6th 2011 (14 years ago)

ST4 National Application Window Opens in Psychiatry

From 18.02.2011 ST4 posts in General Adult Psychiatry, Old Age Psychiatry and Psychiatry of Learning Disabilities will be open to applicants to apply via the Royal College portal. Please visit the Severn Deanery Specialty Recruitment page for further information.

Posted July 6th 2011 (14 years ago)

Sport and Exercise Medicine and Metabolic Medicine Recruitment

East Midlands is the lead deanery for recruitment to the specialties of Sport and Exercise Medicine and Metabolic Medicine.

Applications for both specialties will close on 23 March at 12 noon.

Further information is available on the East Midlands Deanery website:

Sport and Exercise Medicine

Metabolic Medicine


Posted July 6th 2011 (14 years ago)

Psychiatry ST4 Recruitment Round

Autumn ST4 recruitment Round in Psychiatry, for posts commencing February 2012, will be open for applicants to apply via the Royal College portal from 16 September 2011. Further details will be available soon on the Royal College website: http://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/training/nationalrecruitment.aspx


Posted July 6th 2011 (14 years ago)

Coming Soon

ST3 Post in Neuropathology


Posted July 6th 2011 (14 years ago)

CT1 posts in Anaesthesia

There are two CT1 posts in Anaesthesia in the Severn Deanery which will now be part of National Recruitment round 2. Please apply directly to the lead deanery (you will need to do this even if you applied to the local advert) http://www.westmidlandsdeanery.nhs.uk/Recruitment2011/VacanciesandSpecialtyInformation/AnaestheticsCT1Round2RecruitmentInformation.aspx 

If you have any queries please contact Diane Lloyd or Robin Cooper  http://anaesthesia.severndeanery.org/who's_who in the first instance.

Posted July 6th 2011 (14 years ago)

Advanced Training Post in Reconstructive Trauma Surgery

Applications open on 10th June 2011 until 5pm on 27th June 2011.  Full details of the five posts available can be found here.

The interview date is currently to be agreed between the 18th and 20th July 2011.

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