New Starters' Information Page
Welcome to the NHS England Southwest information page for new Postgraduate Doctors in Training appointed to one of our training programmes.
On-boarding process.
Once you have accepted a training offer in the Southwest through the Oriel Recruitment system you will be contacted by one of the members of our specialty teams as detailed below.
12 weeks before starting you will then receive details of your placement and contact will then start between you and your new employer. (Please note that NHS England Southwest is not your employer)
NHS England Southwest Specialty Contact details
Speciality |
Programme Location |
Specialty Contact |
Specialty Contact email address |
Acute Care Common Stem (ACCS) |
Peninsula |
Acute Care Common Stem (ACCS) |
Severn |
Anaesthetic |
Peninsula and Severn |
Joseph Campbell and Lisa Nancholas |
Severn: Peninsula: |
Cardiothoracic Surgery |
Southwest |
Core Surgical Training |
Peninsula |
Core Surgical Training |
Severn |
Emergency Medicine |
Peninsula |
Emergency Medicine |
Severn |
General Surgery |
Peninsula and Severn |
Peninsula and Severn: |
General Practice (GP) |
Severn and Peninsula |
Richard Sloman |
Intensive Care Medicine |
Peninsula and Severn |
Peninsula and Severn |
Medicine - Core Internal Medicine Training, Acute Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Clinical Genetics, Clinical Oncology, Dermatology, Endocrinology and Diabetes, Gastroenterology (including Hepatology), General Internal Medicine (IM stage 2), Genito-urinary Medicine, Geriatric Medicine, Haematology, Immunology (South west) Neurology, Palliative Medicine, Respiratory Medicine (South west), Rheumatology, Stroke Medicine |
Peninsula |
Medicine - Acute Medicine, Cardiology, Endocrinology and Diabetes, Gastroenterology, General Internal Medicine, Geriatric Medicine, Renal Medicine, Rheumatology, |
Severn |
Medicine - Clinical Genetics, Clinical Oncology, Dermatology, Genito-urinary Medicine, Haematology, Internal Medicine, Neurology, Occupational Medicine, Palliative Medicine, Stroke Medicine, Medical Oncology, Medical Ophthalmology, Rehabilitation Medicine |
Severn |
Neurosurgery |
Southwest |
Obstetrics and Gynaecology |
Peninsula |
Obstetrics and Gynaecology |
Severn |
Ophthalmology |
Peninsula |
Ophthalmology |
Severn |
Oral and Maxillo Facial Surgery |
Peninsula and Severn |
Peninsula and Severn |
Otolaryngology |
Peninsula |
Otolaryngology |
Severn |
Paediatrics |
Peninsula and Severn |
Severn: Peninsula: |
Pathology – Chemical Pathology, Histopathology, Medical Microbiology, Infectious Disease, Paediatric and Perinatal Pathology, Diagnostic Neuropathology |
Severn |
Pathology – Chemical Pathology, Histopathology, Medical Microbiology, Infectious Disease. |
Peninsula |
Plastic Surgery |
Southwest |
Pubic Health |
Southwest |
Psychiatry - Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Core Psychiatry Training, Forensic Psychaitry, General Adult Psychiatry, Learning Disabilities Psychiatry, Medical Psychotherapy, Old Age Psychiatry |
Peninsula |
Psychiatry - Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Core Psychiatry Training, Forensic Psychiatry, General Adult Psychiatry, Learning Disabilities Psychiatry, Medical Psychotherapy, Old Age Psychiatry |
Severn |
Radiology |
Peninsula and Severn |
Severn: Peninsula: |
Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery |
Peninsula |
Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery |
Severn |
Urology |
Southwest |
Vascular Surgery |
Southwest |
Documents you must complete as soon as possible:
Document |
Description |
Link |
Form R |
All PGDIT starting on a Specialty and GP programme are required to complete a Form R part A and B through TIS Self Service (TSS) To access the link column provides the link to the TSS system along with a guide on how to use it and a contact address should any issues arise.
Please note when using TSS, PGDiTs are required to use the email address that was used for communication in Oriel. |
Access to TSS: TSS Guide: TSS support -
Conditions of Joining |
Completion required through TSS, please follow same process as above |
See above |
Important New Starters Information and links
Policy |
Description |
Link |
Professional Registration and Licence to Practice |
it will be a requirement of employment that you have professional registration and licence to practice with the GMC for the duration of your employment. |
Academics |
The duration of the Academic Clinical Fellowship is 3 years / Lectureship is 4 years. During this time, alongside clinical training, you will develop your academic skills and will be supported in preparing an application for a Research Training Fellowship (to undertake a higher research degree) or an application for a place on an educational programme (leading to a higher degree). If you leave academic programme to undertake a PhD Fellowship (OOPR), then the academic post will finish, and you will return to clinical training following completion of the PhD Fellowship. If other types of OOP are undertaken, during an academic programme then normally the academic programme will come to an end; however, this is at the discretion of the HEE local office and NIHR Academy. At the end of your Academic Clinical Fellowship / Lecturership or upon return of an out of programme fellowship you will return to the clinical training programme to complete your specialty training through to CCT. |
Please review the NIHR Integrated Academic Training (IAT) Programme guide for further information relating to ACF and ACL out of programme.
Peninsula programme Academics
Severn n programme Academics
International Medical Graduates |
Support is available for International Medical Graduates working or preparing to work in our region. |
Indemnity |
Speciality training indemnity cover is provided by PGDIT’s host Trust.
GP training indemnity cover is provided automatically through the joint NHSE/MDDUS indemnity programme. If a PGDiT does not wish to be enrolled with MDDUS they should contact immediately.
Please note that neither of these indemnities cover any work outside of the agreed training programme. For any work undertaken outside the training programme, PGDiT must ensure that they purchase additional cover. |
Less than full time working |
Postgraduate Doctors in Trainining (PGDiT) wishing to work Less Than Full Time are required to submit an application at least three months before your start date (where possible). Please visit our website for further information |
Supported Return to Training (SuppoRTT) |
Postgraduate Doctors in Training (PGDiT) who have been absent from training for more than 3 months prior to the commencement of their post, should contact the Supported Return to Training (SuppoRTT) team
SuppoRTT will put the PGDiT in contact with the SuppoRTT champion at the PGDiTs trust to be, to discuss potential support resources that may be useful. |
Relocation |
Financial assistance is available to PGDiT who may be required to move home because of accepting a place on the training programme |
Health and Safety |
All employers have a duty to protect their workers from harm. You will be advised by the employer of local policies and procedures intended to protect your health and safety. |
Disciplinary and grievance procedures |
The employer will have local policies and procedures for dealing with any disciplinary concerns or grievances. They will advise how to access these; not later than eight weeks after commencement of employment. |
Educational Supervisor and Clinical Supervisor |
The employer will confirm who the Educational Supervisors are on commencement in post. |
NHS&I Southwest Policies and Procedures |
Overseas Doctors in Training |
Details about sponsorship to support your Visa |
E-portfolio and College
Specialty |
Eportfolio |
College |
Important information |
Anaesthetic |
Psychiatry |
Obstetrics and Gynaecology (O&G) |
Paediatrics |
Surgery | |
Radiology |
Pathology |
Emergency Medicine |
Medicine |
Ophthalmology |
GP |
When accessing the GP eportfolio (Called Fourteen Fish), please review the following video GP portfolio intro video.
If you should have queries regarding using it, please contact the eportfolio team directly using this form - Eportfolio enquiry form
Please register as ‘Associate in Training/Trainee and set you Deanery as either Peninsula /Severn.
Please note that you will have to pay your registration in full and we would request that you do this at your earliest convenience. |